(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


the "vaginal muscle ache" I experience is the bone near the lower part of vaginal area or in front the anus (hahaha..sorry to sound so crude)It's not below bellybutton. i do feel occasionally too pulling pain on lower side of abdomen, i suppose this is normal due to expanding uterus


My bb is also about 11.9cm at 16 weeks+
I'm delivering at TMC too. Do we need hospital tour? What for?

Anyone signing up for prenatal courses yet at hospital? Anyone know the schedule at TMC?
Hi ladies,
When you go for the Detail Scan at 20wks at hospital, you'll join the scheduled hospital tour. Then, you can choose which 'class' you want loh...

Recently, I've dry & itchy nipple. Anybody experience the same? Any oil/cream to apply?
Hi Stileto,
I just called TMC abt their antenatal course - next one starts on week of 20th Nov- they hold courses on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur and Fri, (7-9pm) but I think the Wed course is full. If you're delivering at TMC, and has the FBI card, it's $151.20 for 5 sesssions and a doc's talk. Daddies can attend for free with mum2b. They have weekend classes as well but it costs more. And if you're delivering at another hospital, also costs more.

And the website says the best time to register is abt 20 weeks-- which is us, isn't it? By the time the course ends, it'd be early Jan.. and that's the time when CNY preps go crazy. So I think I will register for this round. BTW, the next round starts in Jan 2007.. and will run into CNY.

Thanks everyone for your contrib on wedding attendance-- will tell my dear hubby *wink* others MTB also go and not to be so pantang.

You can go to TMC website : http://www.thomsonmedical.com/PS_ante.htm

Lesson 1

Physical & Mental Preparation
Antenatal Exercise
Nutrition Before & After Delivery
Myths& Traditions
Coping with Pregnancy Discomfort
Back Care & Postures
Instructional Video
Q & A

Lesson 2

Pain Relief
Antenatal Exercise
Physiological Approach to Breathing Relaxation
Changes in Pregnancy Leading to Signs & Symptoms of Labour
Other Alternative Types of Pain Relief in Labour
Instructional Video
Q & A

Lesson 3

Antenatal Exercise
Physiological Approach to Breathing Relaxation
Learning to Cope in Labour
Mechanisms of Normal Childbirth
Husband's Role
Hospital Tour
Instructional Video
Q & A

Lesson 4
Practical Hands-on Baby Care
Hands-on Child Care
General Care
Skin Care
Diaper Care
Coping with a Fretting, Crying Baby
Coping with a Sleepy or Wakeful Baby
Coping with Colic
Instructional Video
Q & A
Lesson 5

Bottle Feeding
Sterilization of Feeding Equipment
Weaning (introducing solid food)
Learning to Enhance your Child's Physical & Mental Development
Q & A

Lesson 6
(Doctor's Talk)*
Husband's Role during Childbirth

Problems Associated with a Newborn

The Process of Labour

Living with the In-laws

How to Raise a Brighter Child

Post-natal Depression
I hv signed up for antenatal class too, but in SGH lah.. think no mummies here go to SGH.. anyway, mine oso starting in wk 20 which is recommended.. so those who r interested, better sign up soon at your hospital of choice.. our wk 20 is approaching..
Hi J&R,
Ya.. I do understand dat we will be at home everyday for the first mth but i tink all those stubborn fats dat is wif us for so long gt to remove asap or else very hard to slim down again lei.. as dis is my worries i hope to find someone dat can do for me everyday lor..keke
Hi jollysheep,
in fact i also experience dis before.. a few weeks back when i go to my gynae i complain to him.. he give me a cream to apply.. is better le..
Hi JL,
u can call up to them and let them know dat u will wan their service.. i dun tink need to pay first. onli after dat then must pay de.. dun tink need to sign up also..
Hi Blueroti, my last last visit to the gynae bb oso crossed leg & my funny guy colleague oso said must be girl girl but my last visit to the gynae, can see quite clearly that bb is a boy boy, so not true lah. In fact, my hb oso prefers girl more but for me, as long as healthy is gd enough
. And since u have stained discharge, remember not to walk too much & most impt, dun carry heavy stuff. Take care ya.

Hi J&R, I'm a snake mummy! Heard that snake & piggy will clash too but no worries lah, sure got ways to 'pu jiu' one. In fact, my mummy go help me ask & a shifu said if mine is a boy boy will be closer to me, if not, girl girl, the name must have certain characters, then will be gd for both of us. But dun take all these things too seriously, take it with a pinch of salt can liao. :p
sorry i am a bit late, but Baby_love, happy to hear your result is fine. Hope mine is a gal too... is my birthday today and tat is what i wish for as hubby will love to have a princess.. hee!! But my next scan will be 23Nov..

We will likely feel the movement of the BB in week 20 onwards according to my gynae.

Anyone hv ezcema problem after prenancy? I have them all over my hand esp fingers. As i was on injection 2x a week and dupuston pill first 2month of my pregnancy it got really bad. Went skin centre and hubby stop all my jap and pills and it slowly recovered and dried up. But 2 weeks ago it came back again! skin centre doctor thinks is not due to pregnancy so cut a piece of the meat tissue for biosy test and i ended up wz 2 stitches on my right hand middle finger. Feeling so depress as dunno y is it so.... the ezcema on my hand is itchy and painful as it swell and hv water inside them. Anyone come across what i am going thru?? Sighzzzz realli dunno what happen!! hv to wait 2weeks for the result!!
purpose of hospital tour is to familarise with the place like delivery suite and the wards
so that we can decide which bedder to choose fm.

oh dear.. i intend to sign up for Ms Wong's Wed antenatal class next week. too bad is full! so disappointed. i heard she is very very popular. i wonder if her sat's 7-9pm class still got slot anot.

the nurse in charge also advise me to go on our 20th week. Though they hv another class early next yr, i may be too tired to attend oredi
Hi snowflakes,
ya thanks for the advice..is it general that if boy will be close to mummy if mummy is snakie? or yur mum use your 8-characters to calculate one?? hehe.. :p

btw have you al started to read stories for babies or listen to music?i heard my friend saying (not one but quite a few) say it really works.. mummies/daddies have to take turn to read stories liao.. hehe.e. :p

me dun intend to sign up any antenatal class though.. cos my hubby will be busy and wont be gog with me.. those classes ususally daddy accompany better..at least you wont feel that you are alone while others is with partners..moreover you tend to be abit more emotional during preg, thus you will feel worse. :p so my advice is it you got partner pei you, then go... hehee.. :p
hi blueroti,

i'm fr May 2007 MTB thread. me also on and off have some brown stain discharge. Me into week 14 now. During my NT scan, i was told that i have low placenta too. abit worried also lo....and will feel stress out every time u see stains when visit the toilet.

May i know how many weeks u into now? did ur gynae mention if the placenta move up, will the staining stop?
any recommendations on wat to wear to sleep or where to buy comfy clothes once our tummy grows bigger next mth

i am currently wearing my usual tees and shorts but guess i can't wear them for long..

I bot a pack of 3 boxer shorts (for men) in size XL fm Giant. But bcoz i din check properly.. turn out very small leh.. tight on my tighs area. strange leh.. maybe manufacturer's fault
Hi JL,
I am wearing boxers too. Bought for my hubby byford boxers from robinson and they are very comfy. Not tight at the thighs. Maybe you wanna try byford boxers. How many months are you now?
hi snowflakes

thanks very much for your concern!
and haha juz told my mom-in-law it's probably a girl coz' baby crossed her legs! n she was pretty happy coz' she has always wanted a daughter! she was very disappointed when she gave birth to my husband - her youngest son!
actually i dun mind if it's a girl/boy too.

hi cheezel

i should be about 4 months now. funny thing is i only started getting stained discharge after my 1st trimester. gynae said nothing i can do abt it except that i'm not supposed to squat or walk about too much. i've also heard from a fren that her fren who has low placenta had to be on bed rest when she was in her 6th month until she gave birth. so i'm not sure if the placenta will move up or not.


i'm wearing my husband's girodano cotton shorts now which is L size that he bot some time ago. it's the length of bermudas and made of cotton - very comfy! as for the top, m wearing my spaghetti top from marks n spencer some time ago and thankfully it's stretchable so i can still wear it. i juz bot another 1 at the recent sales - it's $15. u may want to chk out M&S.
hi J&R,

hopefully that if i keep squatting i will be having a smooth delivery :p

asked my MIL liao, she said if i cant squat anymore then i use the toilet in her room..

hi mummies,
very sad leh as my bottoms getting bigger each day.. sigh.. still can wear my normal t-shirts/tops but all the normal shorts/skirts/pants cant be worn liao. ended up bought those 3pc for $10 kind of BIG size shorts from market. Hai... super Ah Soh le.. :p
Hi Jmonster,
same same la.. me also lor.. at home i try to wear those sleeping phjames lor.. no choice liao.. dun wan to spend so much money n buying on things dat can be wear onli for theses few mths..
i also squat alot lei.. my colleague and friend ask me better to stop what i am doing.. but i tink if i still can do it then jz do it lor.. keke..

recently i gt many pimples poping out around my face.. look so ugly.. dun noe hw to motivate myself.. sian
hi rainbow,

I'm not sure if there is a change in schedule since the last time I enquire abt Mt E antenatal class, but I was told that they only have classes on Wednesdays late afternoon. I ended up joining TMC's weekend classes. For hospital tour, I called up Mt E to arrange for 1 to 1 tour.
Hi, I'm Traz. EDD of my second child is 16 Apr 07. Last scan showed that I'm expecting another boy. I was so disappointed that tears immediately rolled down my cheeks when i sat up from the gynae's bed.
Going to stop at 2 kids and was hoping very hard for a girl this time. Symptoms all different from 1st preg...and had a very strong intuition that it's gonna be a girl.
So i really coundnt believe my gynae but she said she is 99% sure. Had a very depressed weekend...
IN fact i'm now still feeling very down and have been having nightmares. Hubby cant understand why the strong reaction. All frens ard me told me the bb's health is more impt.
I know i know...but i'm still feeling depressed. There seems to be no one who can share my feelings.
dun be too upset... sex of the bb is sometimes beyond our control... be it a boy or a gal, they are our bb... they will always be part of us, special to us... hate to say this, but being able to conceive is already a blessing... there are pple out there who hv tried for a long time n yet not successful... there are many many happy families wif either both boys or gals too... imagine the $$ u'll save cos di di can wear gor gor's clothes... n di di can play gor gor's toys (provided they are still in good conditions... hee hee)... n etc... so dun let your hormones get better of u ok??
traz, pple have told me that it's better to have 2 girls or 2 boys, cos they get along better. siblings from opp sex dun really relate as well to each other.

sweatcorn, i read from one of your postings that you've bn to bkk? can you tell me where are the plcs to shop for bb clothes? esp carters?

anyone with input on bkk, pls share too. i'm going this saturday. yeah!! one of my last holidays b4 i can't go anymore for a long long time. it's so hard to travel when you have a kid. imagine having 2. virtually impossible i imagine.
as of my last visit to gynae, bb measuring at 10.5cm. i thought it was abit small.
but gynae said is growing well. and no birdie detected between the legs. but gynae said not conclusive yet. my gynae said it's easier to guess if it's a boy cos of the birdie. wat is thought to be girl may turn out to be boy.
hi traz , i think u are suffering fm gender disappointment .
it is ok lah , u focus more on the +ve things . dun just zero in on the gender . More impt thing , u hv a bundle of joy , baby is healthy. u hv a complete family :D .since u cannot control the sex of the baby , just let it go. u will be a happier mummy if u can come to terms with it.

No doubt, Mrs Wong is really very gd, that's y her class is always full. One advantage of joining her class is, if u r having trouble breastfeeding while still in hospital, get her for help. Anyway, it's gd for 1st time parents to attend antenatal class to get urself mentally & physically prepared.


I understand how u feel. Preggie women tend to get very emotional wifout any specific reasons - thanks to the hormones change. Why not have a bedtime chat/talk wif ur hubby, tell him ur concerns, unhappiness n worries.

Having a boy o gal is beyond our control, it's all fated. Try to cheer up n look at the bright side else u might get depression even wifout knowing it. Take care ya !
Hi TRaz,
try to stay positive lor.. we cant control what we actually wan also.. we onli can accept it and love the kids cos is part of us anyway.
Hi wenethena,
have u receive it ? my hubby brother say he pass to u liao
Sweatcorn, ValC, Caicai
Thanx 4 ur encouraging words...i know i will love the bb..just have to go thru this "denial" stage first i suppose.
I went thru great lengths to try planning for a girl this time. Used the Sheattles method. Spents loads of $ to buy ovulation kit, take basal temp every morning for more than half a year, tried for 4 mths before finally got preg...
I'm experiencing some "2nd time mum"'s syndrome i think....tat i'm afraid i cant perform the same std for the 2nd child...tat i'll inevitably spend lesser time with the 1st born...etc..
I share a very close bond with my boy..breastfed him for 2 years..somehow with this pregnancy i'm always worried that our relationship will be affected...
Sigh..probably i think too much..
Hi Traz,

Can totally empathise with you. I have a gal and boy now. But still hoping for another gal this time round... i really miss the baby girls..

I will be 16 weeks next week, wonder if i can tell the gender. I kept telling myself that if it is a boy i will be just as happy. But when i went for the Oscar few weeks back, the lady scanning for me said seems like something extra between the legs, my first reaction was dissapointment. I feel so bad for feeling this way, but i was dissapointed.

But when i went for my gyane check up subsequently, she said cannot see anything leh, i am still hoping it will be a gal.Think we will get over it eventually and enjoy the rest of our preganany.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

You take care too. Don'tbe so bothered with what other people say, you'll have to pyscho yourself to get out of feeling this way.
traz, me too i always worry abt how i'm going to manage my 18mth son when the bb comes. cos i had a hard time with him when he was born. and now i have to manage a newborn and him as well. i'm afraid that i wun have as much time to spend with him.

my husband was in denial too cos he wanted a boy. he feels he doesn't know how to relate to a girl. but now he seems ok lah.
hi traz,
think cos u hv planned so much for a gal, the disappointment plus preggie hormones juz add up i guess.. yup dun think too much.. agree with sweatcorn actually, it's already a blessing to be able to conceive.. my cousin is married for 8 yrs, went thru so many tests and medication.. still no news yet.. she's already in late 30s.. not giving up..
hope u will cheer up soon..
hi traz,

Parenthood is a very long journey. It starts from the day our baby is born and unfortunately, it doesn't stop when he/she is independent, it will last till the day we die.
I agree that we mummies always think too much. but, things don't always go according to our plan, so try to take things easy and not to give yourself too much of these unneccessary stress..
The best will be to adopt what the chinese says ֮֮(ji lai zhi, ze an zhi) attitude, this might make you feel better.

Hi ladies,

anyone of you got good recommendation of PD who do Mt E? I don't want to rely on the hospital to recommend me because the one they recommend me last time wasn't good and she charged too much
Hi traz,
i truly understand how u feel as i went thru similar experience.
My eldest child is boy, and i'm someone who adores little gals alot and always dream to hv one myself where i can passdown my barbie collection and my hobbies like baking, crafting to her. When i found out my 2nd one is a boy again, tho little disappointed, but its just a moment of tots. Now when i look at him, he is such a good boy and most of all, "mummy's boy" as he is very close to my heart and take care of me tis round when i pregnant. At such tender age, he's very caring and it's heart-warming to hv such a loving son. Hence, whether boy or gal, so long u spend great moments with them, they will be great children.
This round i got a boy again and accepted it as every bb is God's gift and it's a blessing to hv a child, more so when this round my pregnancy was so tough in initial mths.
When i went for Amnio test after bad triple test result, my mind only tells me, gender no longer matters so long bb is healthy and this pregnancy can sail thru smoothly.
I will still try for another child, but even if 4th round, it still turn out boy, i take it as fate and i will be just as happy...boy or gal.

I'm not sure abt the weeks, my scan result does not say anything about it...The only thing printed is:
5.0 R12 G45 C8 A3

Really dunno what it means, haha...maybe ask gynae the next time round

As for the hospital tour, I'm still undecided between Gleneagles or TMC. Gleneagles is nearer from my place, so maybe it's much more convenient esp. bcos I'm planning to have normal delivery. But having been to TMC few times to visit friends, found that it's a really pleasant place. That's why I'm signing up for hospital tour, apparently Gleneagles has it 2x/week (must register) but TMC has it Mon-Sat 11 am and 2 pm, juz need to come 10 mins earlier.

JL and Stiletto,

My bb's smaller compared to yours (10 cm) but guess should be fine...Btw, I gained about 6 kg now, and gynae said overweight - should be about 2 kg for first 20 weeks of pregnancy, this worries me a bit...Ladies, any similar experience?
hi happyjean,
i also gain alot of weight abt 4-5kg.. but gynae so far nv say anything. guess should be ok la. my last sacn also nv state baby measurement. but i do see measurement like R15, G72, C04 dun understand what isizz actually..
Hi Traz

my mom-in-law was also very sad when she gave birth to my husband - her 2nd son. she wanted a girl so she said she was quite upset when she realised it's a boy after her delivery. that's why she's hoping i'll have a baby girl.

as for my husband, he wants a boy for practical reasons - he said if it's a girl, next time he'll have to stay up worrying and waiting for her, or pick her up if she's out till very late etc. etc. he said if it's a guy, he doesn't have to worry at all! haha

so you see, there're pros in having a boy afterall! so dun fret too much. am sure your 2nd boy'll be as cute as your 1st!

Glad to know that i'm not alone...

From my first visit (abt 5 weeks preg then), gynae already said that recommended weight gain is:
0-20 weeks: 2 kg
21 wks - delivery: another 10 kg
so total 12 kg only, he actually said it every time i saw him

Oh ya ladies,

My friend advised to get a calcium supplement from gynae abt this time. Her experience with her 1st son was that she didnt take any calcium during pregnancy, and the boy has quite bad teeth. She changed gynae on her 2nd pregnancy, got calcium tablet, and her girl has very strong and healthy teeth.

I just visited my gynae last thurs, he wasnt about to prescribe calcium (I've already taken 3 types of vitamins now - obimin, folic acid and fish oil) but I asked for it. Told him that I dont really drink milk regularly (take Anmum like 2x/ week only when I feel like) and he gave me calcium tablet to chew.

That's all I can share now

Any mum has gone on full scan? I'll be having mine on 29th Nov, anyone knows what to expect? Had blood test the last visit, but will only find out abt the result on next visit...
hello all,
me @18th wk, gain 1.5kg.
gotta change my clothing size in next few days liao. tummy shown, existing clothings make me discomfort.
but not sure if its true leh.. some ppl balloon in the very early stage and later stage will be slower, while otehrs might be vice versa..

actually not too sure lor.. my concern is just baby's health.. hehe.. :p
my trip to bkk was years back leh... tt time we oni went to siam square cos chattuchak mkt oni opens during weekends then... sorry can't be of much help...
any1 hv booked CL?
is that true that we hv to give 2 red pkt to CL? 1 before she starts work n 1 when it end.
true? how much we need to give?
full scan shd be Detailed scan i guess.

fm there u be able to see BB hv how many fingers and toes.. which is detailed scan of BB. and also see if got cleft lip or DS or other abnormality
Hi HappyJean,

Your info comes in very handy cos I only put on less than 1kg and kept wondering why I'm so abnormal but cos Gynae didnt mention anything abt my weight so I juz ignored. heehee But think I still need to put on more.
hi Augelo,
thot since the CL will be paid, still muz gv angpao? like that quite good $$ hor?
btw, i oso get very uncomfy with existing clothes.. but maternity wear seem too big.. now in-betw, quite frustrating.. get headache of wat to wear everyday.. do hv the same feeling?

hi JL,
tks for the info on detailed scan.. i'm oso waitin to go a detailed scan on 24th.. i rem u told me can drink coffee in moderation.. i juz took some.. cos very sleepy.. kekeke.. my bb muz be thinkin this mummy very not disciplined.. drink coffee, take cold drinks, eat junk food/fastfood.. super unhealthly!!!!

Are you gals going for the antenatal class @ MtA? You know how much? Useful?

BTW, I also have breakout but just one side of my cheek. Went to see a skin doc @ Tampines and now is improving at least under control.

If ur concern is caffine, why not get the decaffe ones. I used to drink decaff coffees during my past pregnancies. This time round, i kind of dislike coffee. But i developed a craving for spring rolls, esp anything that is deep-fired ! Gosh, all those extra calories !
ixora, yes...headache of what to wear...esp. now...limited existing clothing can hide my tummy. ha! almost every wks the same. hahahaha! bought a maternity short skirt, will wear it tomr. but the top length must long enuff to cover.

i m also drinking decaffe coffee since the pregnancy started.. i think it's good for me cos i m used to be a heavy drinker, but now whenever i smell the coffee aroma from kopi diam, i feel giddy. so in a way it helps me to cut down my consumptions

btw, mummies, now BB's brain is developing, so try to take more fish oil/gingko nuts/walnuts.


My gynae's advice is can drink coffee 1 cup a day. I will take 1-2 slips from my hb when he drink it during breakfast everyday. So dun worry.
