(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

oh no... Then if have boy in fir pig year how?? Good year or not? hehe.

I read somewhere that it is a good idea to go to the dentist at least once when you are preggie leh. Cos gum infections can cause premature labour.. But do tell your dentist you are preggie lor.


like that one.. Dr Chew got to wait long long one. Got once i also in the morning appointment til all the way til 6pm in the evening soemmore on a sat... he work OT cos that day he got 2 emergency c sections... hiaz if it is emergency, cannot blame him also. those cases got priority mah. Total last time i only paid less than $5K. I cannot remember whether the package i count in or not. but when you sign the package, keep the receipt. cos when you give birth can claim $450 for antenatal care. then think $1500 for hospital stay. Have you chosen your paediatrician?


ok!! nov 2 liao.. how? hehe

My B cup sized breasts became A- cup after i weaned my boy when he was almost 2. My nipples have also become very long (more than 1 cm) after breastfeeding. Another side effect is vaginal dryness...I can never have intercourse with my hubby without lubricant.
Now i'm 16 wks preg with no. 2. I would definitely want to bf my second bb but once i think of all these "permeanent" damages, I feel so depressed and scared....
Any mums with similar experience from breastfeeding?
Hi all,
just back from my checkup today..
haha.. blood test ok.. baby measure at 3.7cm now.. EDD adjust liao.. to earlier le...
baby gender gynae said abt 90% should be gal cos baby block the view.. keke
he said will be able to comfirm next mth 1 dec again
hi all..
my check up at 12 wk showed BB at 11cm. but still can't see gender coz BB kia ka (cross leg) and shake leg somemore *faint*

btw, for gynae visit, perhaps can try to ask for MC (if your Doc is fine with it).. my Doc gave me MC when i go for OSCARS and also agreed to gimme 1 when i go for Detailed scan next mth. This way no need to take leave.

for You Long Zi.. my opinion is that i find he is very commercialised now!! He uses computer software to churn out names. I agree his name is dammed COMMON! few of my fren's BB have names like Rou, Xuan, Ru, Hao or Yang or Ning..

btw, my hubby also yearn for a girl.. he wants the BB to be 'Daddy's girl' .. haiya.. world is changing!!
Hi mummies,
ya, think my HB also likes gals more.. hope doesnt disappoint him.. anyway my office got ppl guessing, some guess its gal, some guess it a boy.. mixture of both.. hehe.. :p

Hi fen,
are you sure your baby is 3.7cm? got type wrongly? mine is about 47.2mm when im 12 weeks leh.. you are around the same week as me one right? im now 16 weeks.. :p maybe me eat too much.. hehe.. :p

Hi cmy,
do you mean this one? (48 h ) cos line 24 is (24 y ) leh.. how do we know when to see 24 or when to see its 48?? teach us leh.. hehe.. :p

Hi Tracy,
ya i heard my friend say aft she stop BF, her breast actually went down by a size.. :p but i didnt ask about the nipple part though.. :p now my nipple has already enlarge til so ugly.. yucks!! hehe..
Wow most of your bb is so big now. Last week, I did my scan. My bb gal is only 10.5cm at my 17 week. My gal is really small huh.

Re: Names
Anyone has recommendation for bb's chinese character other than You Long Zi?
Hi J&R,
haha.. i think is the measurement of the head lei.. the full length i cant find the measurement lei.. keke..

i can onli see something like R15, G72, C04 what is dat actually ?
Hi J&R,
when is ur next appt ? will be having a full detailed scan liao rite? DR HO also ma?
what x will u be there ?
Me seeing DR Ho next mth DEC 1 in the morning
10.30am i tink
Hi J&R,
when is ur next appt ? will u be having a full detailed scan liao rite? DR HO also ma?
what x will u be there ?
Me seeing DR Ho next mth DEC 1 in the morning
10.30am i tink

When is your next appt? Hopefully your BH's wish will come true!

Congratulation! Guess next April, Dr Ho will deliver more gals. Most of us are expecting gals from Dr Ho's clinic. hee
Hi J&R,

http://news.phoenixtv.com/society/200610/1018_20_21240.shtml You may want to refer to this link last paragraph?
Actually next year is "". Then you can refer from the chat. It is at co.24.

Yes. Heard lots of ppls complained about You long Zi, in fact not himself to do it. I think is his son. One of my friend who choose the name frm him and a mth later her neighbour also gave birth and got the same name.
yours quite big also ma.. :p if you see mine, its in mm leh.. :p hehe..

Hi fen,
oic.. :p my next apptment is 11 nov..so i dun think i can get the 1 Dec slot.. too close leh.. heehhe..so your EDD has been adjusted to when?? me tried to book in weekends so that HB can go with me se bb.. hehe.. :p the 11nov apptmet is actually his 1st time to see bb.. hehe..

the doctor havent say when is the detailed scan leh.. maybe same as you, in later part of dec ba.. :p ya, me also Dr Ho from Mt A.
Hi J&R,
baby head use to be at the right side de.. but today scanning baby head at left side.. haha.. so funny de.. keke... 12 April lor.. think baby know dat my pay day la.. haha..
I think the nurse will tell u on next appt date ba.. by then u are almost 20 weeks liao.. have u taken ur blood test liao ma? my result for blood test was ok..
Hi Fen,
ya, taken..havent know result leh.. think also 11 nov then will know.. :p

the last time i scan, the bb's head is on the right side too.. dunno if bb has shifted also.. hehe..

did you start to read aloud for your baby? my friend say its good leh.. hehe.. :p so your bb will be taken care by your MIL??
No i nv read lei.. but i play games.. haha.. to train the baby brain lor.. keke.. baby most likely being taken care of by my MIL together wif the maid lor.. how much weight have u gain so far?
hw many bedded do u intend to stay?
Hi Fen,

maybe me choosing 2-4 bedded..dunno yet leh..

so good, u got MIL to take care for you.. :p i dun have a maid leh..

me so far gain 5kg, i think.. hehe.. :p
Hi J&R,
haha.. maid is my MIL hire de not me lei.. she also nv help me do house work lei.. i also do myself.. onli when my baby is born then most likely she will help me take care when i go to work lor..
Ya.. me also.. most likely opted for 4 bedded see can get upgrade to 2 beddeed without additional charges anot lor.. keke
Me gain abt 4 reaching 5 kg le
Hi Peggy17,
haha.. i guess so.. for those who are under Dr Ho care.. most of them are expecting a baby gal.. in fact i also hope dat i will get a gal for the no 1.. to take care of the younger wan.. but hubby and PIL seem to like boy more lei.. guess must have disappoint them le..
Hi fen,
think can upgrade but cannot downgrade lor.. :p should be no additional charges.. they will be more happy if you upgrade.. :p hehe..

fen, dun worry la.. usually they say say only.. when bb is out, they will love them too.. :p hehe..
Hi Fen,

Me too.. I prefer gal!

Initially when I first discover I'm pregnant. Hubby kept mentioning.. he has feeling this bb is a boy. Sound like he prefer boy. Thinking if this bb is boy. I will close my production plant cos dun wan to go thr the whole process again. Seem like I will have to close it later and have his wish comes true
Hi Fen,

Me too.. I prefer gal!

Initially when I first discover I'm pregnant. Hubby kept mentioning.. he has feeling this bb is a boy. Sound like he prefer boy. Thinking if this bb is boy. I will close my production plant cos dun wan to go thr the whole process again. Seem like I will have to close it later and have his wish comes true

I thk your bb's length is wrong, should be ard 10-11cm+. MIne was 11.3cm at 16th wks

I just found my confinement lady liao.. phew! As last can relax a bit..hehee

For me i will definitely go for one bedder again. I think when ur hubby bunks in with u, it really makes a difference lor. There is extra help and support and you can rest more. Besides that you can room in bb with u and there is more privacy. I think it is worth the $.
Hi ladies,
sorry to interrupt.. just wondering if I may join this thread? I'm expecting my first bb- expected DD is 19th April, likely to be a boy and my gynae is Jocelyn Wong at TMC.

Wanted to ask if it's ok for mummy-to-be to attend a wedding? I'm not pantang but my hubby says I shouldn't attend. Or should I ask the couple if they mind? it wld be awkward if I ask. And I'd really like to go- it'll be at Rasa Sentosa beachfront.. so romantic!
Hi Grace,

I have attended 2 last month and coming another 2 in Dec. I have not heard before but we can't meh?
Hi Grace,

I attended 1 during my first pregnancy. Heard not good for pregnant women to attend especially less than 4 mths. Don't know how true is it .
peggy, is it because your appetite didnt increase? you got ask Dr Ho? he should advice you right?? :p

me also attended 1 during my preg..
Wow.. more bb gals r coming.. i'm getting very impatient abt my bb's gender liao.. haha..

hi Grace,
I attended 2 weddings already.. going to 2 more in Nov n Dec..

hi peggy17,
guess u r also the petite kind.. yup tell your gynae abt your same wt issue..
Hi Peggy17 and cmy,
thks for your quick replies.. hope it will be alright. Anyway when you were at the wedding, did you hear anyone commenting that preggie women shouldn't attend? did the wedding couple mind? I think I WIll go anyways ;-)
Hi Grace,

I only know you can't go when the bridegroom is picking up the bride. May crash that is not very gd for both parties.

Ya.. in fact not much appetite.

BTW, hey MTB when then we have craving huh? I dun seem to have this yet. Tot gd to be a queen haha esp middle of the nite ask hubby to buy food. kekeke very bad hor.

You wish for a gal too?
I'm not petite size. 1.65m tall. Gynae say it's okay, maybe will ask him again on my next visit.
Hi J&R,

I did yoga at lavida loft at red dot traffic centre. They have classes 5 times a week.

Wow, you ladies are fast, I haven't even start looking for confinement lady.. still have massage lady and PD on my list. The PD the hospital assigned me previously cannot make it lah, so I think I will look for one by myself.
Ladies who are delivering in Mt E, do you have any recommendation?
hi grace
i'm seeing Dr Khi.. so i may see u at the same clinic

i be attending a wedding on sun... nowadays.. ppl not that pantang.

i also hv not really gain weight.. my apetite still the same except that i get full very fast..
hi fen, JL

i juz went for my gynae visit today and did a scan but couldn't tell baby's gender coz he/she crossed his/her legs! i heard that if that's the case, then most prob is a girl!

btw, i'm still having slight stained discharge now and then. my gynae said probably coz' i've low lying placenta. he said there's nothing i can do to improve it but have to avoid squatting n walking around too much. so m kinda worried.
all mummies, anyone has a similar experience? any advice what to do? the implications?
Hi J&R,
i also feel dat way.. they will love them de no matter boy or gal.. keke.most likely i will get two different massage lady to do the massage for me.. me is charge at package at 7x for 650 and the other wan is $45 per session at lesat 5 seesion.. i will take a total of 5 session plus 7 session lor.. i dun wan to see myself so fat lei.. keke

hi peggy17,
Ya lor.. Nw dat i know dat is gal is also good
lor.. as long as baby is healthy boy or gal doesnt really matters alot anyway

Hi baby love,
i also think the measurement should be wrong.. nvm la.. can i just call and check tml? just to ensure dat baby is ok.. today waiting x very fast.. my appt 9.20. i reach there 9.10. leave the clinic before an hr.. keke

Hi cmy and grace,
Ya. my mum dun allow me to go to my friend wedding last mth before i am 4 mths.. nw after 4 mth she said ok liao.. i tink should be able to go lor.. jz ask ur parent & IL see if they agree anot lor

Hi BLueroti,
i dun experience dat but was told to avoid squat and walking around when during the 8 weekd i gt dischage.. nw ok liao.. u try to avoid walking too much lor..
hi mummies,

whole day attending course so cant log in & the thread today moved even faster than i think ;)

btw, i m still squatting at home cos i m using the common bath room toilet and my MIL stays in the master bedroom... found a bit difficult standing up le... hmm.. dunno how leh.. & my MIL does her 'big' business at the common toilet too cos she afraid if she does it in her room it will make her room smell... sigh!

for the attending wedding dinner, think shld be ok bah cos my BIL is having his dinner this Dec. i asked my mum as long as we dun go into the bride's & groom's room, it's fine.
gynae also mentioned my placenta is low too but she said not to worry...I don't have stained discharge however I do experience like "vaginal muscle ache" when getting up from chair (after seated for some time) or when waking from bed...I'm worry that it's due to low placenta too...do you/ladies have that kind of sensation???
hi Peggy17,
So long your gynae said it's ok, it shld be fine then..
As for gender, I wish for a boy actually.. cos my hb is the only son, lonely since young.. thot he cld play all the boyish stuff with our son.. but if it's a gal, it's fine too.. cos like what all mummies mentioned, boy or gal doesn't matter, so long it's normal & healthy..
I also get full easily so I still take smaller meal nowadays. Can see some mummies eat so well really envy...

Ixora15 & Fen,
After we had went thr the pressure from the Oscar & Amnio test, we have no preference on the gender now so long healthy.

If you have slight stained discharge, dun walk too much. Take care.

Any craving coming along? I dun seem to have it yet. Wonder when you will experience craving for specific food?
good news for you..that time my friend also use those squatting toilet and end up the baby very fast come out.. but i know its abit difficult when tummy gets bigger.. :p hehe.. but you will have a smooth delivery then.. :p

i also dun ahve cravings leh..but alot of food becomes my enemy though last time likes them alot.. hehe.. :p

hi fen,
oh, i sign up the Susi..think you have read her before under the massage lasy thread.. :p heard she is not bad lor.. $500 for 10 sessions plus 2 free masks.. hehe.. :p
Hi mummies,
any snake mummies around?? heard snake crash with piggy leh.. chiam.. and think next year snake "fan tai shui", need to go praying liao.. :p

Oscar test involves a detailed scan of the bb and a blood test from the mother. The combined results will give you an indication of whether you bb is at high/low risk of hving down syndrome. It is not necessary to do it if your gynae never advise u to do it.


I thk not necessary to call the clinic to check on the length. As long as Dr ho nvr say anything bb is doing fine. No worries ok.
Hi fen, peggy17 and stileto

thanks for your advice! i'm trying not to walk too much but sometimes no choice coz' of work.
and i get tired easily all over again, like in the 1st trimester.

sometimes i experience some sort of "pulling" in the area below my belly button, not sure if that's "vaginal muscle ache".

Hi cym and grace

i went for 2 weddings so far and have 2 more to go. i've asked my frens' to chk with their parents and parents-in-law if they mind me attending. so far ok. so dun worry too much.
i've not started finding pediatrician. any recommendation? pardon my ignorance, we will see pediatrician only after baby born right? and will gynae recommend?

re weddings.
think should be fine if bride and groom dont mind. i juz went up to KL to attend a fren's wedding. road trip somemore. but somehow after coming back over the weekend, my tummy seems to balloon quite a bit. some non-maternity clothes that i could wear last week, could not be worn now!! gota do more shopping again..
actually i intend to sign up from susi heard dat she is gd also but then heard dat her date for massage keep shifting lei.. then dun dare to take her.
Hi baby love,
thanks so much for all the infor.
me also have been walking alot.. but if u are nt comfortable liao better to rest for awhile then walk again ok.. dun tired urself ... i tink nw at 2nd trimster i feel dat i gt more energy to do things unlike the 1st trimster. whereby i onli like to sleep
hi fen,
actually i also see that in the thread.. but thinking since everyday i should be at home, then should be no problem lor.. hehe.. :p
Hi all,

Can I join this thread? I'm a first-time mum, EDD is 21 April 07. Just visited my gynae yesterday, and he said it's likely to be a boy
length about 10 cm now

I got a bit confused how many weeks I am into pregnancy now....Used to gauge every 15th as the "mark" but yday gynae said based on the length, I should be 16.5 weeks pregnant. He said the formula is:
baby length + 6.5 = no. of months

Anyway, has everyone decided which hospital to deliver? I'm gng for hospital tour next next week..coz by next visit must decide liao...

if based on yr Gynae's method then my no. of weeks not right leh. coz BB was 11cm @ 16w 1 d as indicated on the scan machine

btw, how do u sign up for hospital tour? i be delivering at TMC coz my Gynae's clinic is thr then she easier for her to run down to help me deliver
