(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Anyone here experience insomnia during this stage of pregnancy? Been getting difficulty to sleep these few days and very worried whether my lack of sleep will affect my baby....

Hi page up,
haha.. just bear wif it for awhile i think all this will end soon.. onli a few weeks to go..
i also nv tell most of my colleague unless those close wan la.. but those aunties already start to suspect liao.. they said that they know.. anyway.. know know lor.. is nothing to hid from anymore.. nt to worry abt that..

me still ok feel like vomit after dinner but nt realli act like merlion till nw.. luckly for me i think..
anyway take care and motivate ourself as we go along..

Hi hopper,
me too.. cant reali sleep in the night maybe cos i need to wake up a few x to the toilet.. i tink should be ok de la.. dun worry
me too i get insomnia too. but partly becos my son wakes up in the middle of the night to toss and kick me i think. ggrrrrr......
Hi Hopper..
I think i'm beginning to get insomia too.... how many weeks pregnant are you? I'm 8 weeks plus...
Insomia not really as in can't get to sleep, but besides the usual frequent urination, i wake up very easily and quite a no. of times at night.. no matter how early i try to sleep, i still feel very tired the next morning.....to top it up, the nausea last throughout the whole day..
I have heard that some pregnant ladies get morning sickness throughout their pregnancy.. how common is that? I can't wait for the 12 weeks to pass so that I can really enjoy eating and not worried abt puking....
me also keep waking up to go toilet, then take quite awhile to get back to sleep.. my eating not consistent, sometimes can't eat sometimes ok, so when ok, I'll try to eat more.. do u gals feel bloated? Like keep burping then sometimes become nauseous.. sigh..
Hi Ixora

Bloatedness is quite common in pregnancy, in fact, both times the gynae had to go the vaginal ultrasound scan for me cos' he said the machine cannot scan the baby through all the air in my tummy. He said is common for 1st tri ... so no worries ... if it's affecting you, think you can try ginger tea? My appetite is also up and down, and the gynae suggested frequest small meals instead of full meals each time.

Nauseousness I think is ok ... for me I can feel nauseous from time to time, so now more prone to eating sour plums, drinking lime juice, eating all things sour etc.
Hi Ixora

Yah it's true that we will feel bloated.. i feel good when i burped.. at other times, i feel like vomitting but somehow the air seems to block the passageway.....
hi pine3 & Kai Ling,
Tks.. hope the discomfort will go away soon.. today I feel so much better, I finished a whole bowl of fish soup for lunch.. As for chicken rice, hvn't tried yet.. kekeke.. I find our bodies are really strange.. so much changes due to hormones.. I really feel like having a cup of teh-o now.. shall make some and take a few sips.. I keep telling myself abit won't matter, but scared all accumulate and harm my bb.. anyway, feel gd to be able to hear and share our feelings here.. tks mummies!!
Hi ixora

No worries, this is where i get the assurance and support too.

Different pple have different cravings during pregnancy. Like for me, oily stuff actually makes me feel more sick, so i think chicken rice is not for me...

i have heard books recommending that for those who regurgitate the food you eat, it's better to eat those unhealthy food that you can keep in your stomach rather than forcing down healthy food which you cannot retain in your body. This works at least for the first 3 mths.. i also dunno how true it is..

As for your teh-o, i also miss my regular coffee. and even though i know that coke also contains caffeine, i took a sip or two whenever my husband drinks it.. but what i dun understand is why we can consume caffeine? can anyone enlighten me?
hi Kai Ling,
Yup I can't take oily food too.. the thot of it make me sick as well..
Hmm.. i used to drink a cup of coffee b4 pregnant.. now I stopped althou gynae said it's fine with a cup per day.. I heard caffeine can interfere with iron absorption; baby maybe very small; early stage may increase risk of miscarriage.. etc.. think I shld go and buy a pregnancy book to read.. to get my facts right..
But my gynae told me she had a cup of coffee everyday, her child is healthy and fine.. mmm.. think moderation comes in again..

Btw, I experience some lower backache recently.. strange, no big tummy yet leh.. anyone has too?
icic... which means we can take coffee/tea after the first trimester?? yah i heard abt the miscarriage if we consume too much caffeine.... can we drink chinese tea then? i'm quite confused ....

i have slight backache when not long after i found out that i'm pregnant. i was quite puzzled too since my tummy hasn't even grown yet.But it did not last long, and i forgot abt it after that. Perhaps you can check with your gynae?
ixora & kailing, i also have lower back ache and it's bn 8 days!!! since my day at the zoo. aargh!! i wonder if it's pregnancy related.

I suffered from insomnia too...waking up at least 3 times to pee...why do we need to pee so often? the expanding uterus should not be pressing against our bladder at such early stage right??!!

Do you find that your stomach is esp bloated in the evening??? And we tend to burp and fart very often to release the discomfort huh...hee..
Hi ixora kailing and Valc,

Me too lower bad ache also pain too.. have been like dat since my 6 weeks..guess is bcos i lack of Calcium lor.. cos i nv like the taste of milk..
my tummy start to grow le.. maybe i can eat quite alot unlike u gals ba.. keke.. Can be a good or bad things also.. .. cos i will be fatter but nt u gals... keke

Hi all, i feel bad lei.. my in law cook tonic for me and yet i vomit it out lei.. nt dat i wanna vomit it out.. i already try my best to drink le.. as in my whole life i nv drink tonic before and i dun like the taste of it.. Wat should i do to overcome it.. i tink my in law will try again..
hi all..
me too also burp and fart alot after a meal. my tummy got air all the time.
at times, must force myself to vomit then can feel better.

tum tum getting bigger liao..

any recommendation for maternity shops? time to go shopping liao
Hi gals,
Thot I'm the only one with lower backache at this stage.. shall ask my gynae..

hi Stileto,
I also feel very bloated in the eve, and tend to burp and fart too.. sometimes can feel food 'swimming' in stomach.. may trigger nauseousness.. sigh.. btw, I dun really know what to eat to let bb has more hair..

Hi fen,
How many wks r u now? I heard it's better not to take tonic in first trimester cos bb's developing heart may not be able to take it.. But that's what I heard lah.. dunno true or not..
could it be that you walked to much that day at the zoo? there was one day where i simply stood for too long and after that i felt so tired and sick.

I'm already so tired of waking up once every night to pee considering that I could sleep through the nights previously, imagine you have to wake up 3 times!!! Also, I have been drinking lesser water than i used to cos it makes me feel even more bloated..

I do agreee with you that i tend to burp and fart more often to release the gases, and it actually makes me feel much better.. at least for a while... and at times when i almost vomitted, a burp saves the day!
Hi JL,
My fren was telling me she finds Spring maternity has nicer range of maternity wear but abit pricey..

I on the other hand, looking at those 'trendy' empire cut dresses from those normal fashion shops.. the stomach area is very roomy.. can wear for a few mths kind.. I like those dresses more than the typical maternity wear.. personal preference.. hee hee.. but I think I'll get a few stretchable pants for casual wear from maternity shops..
Hi Ixora15,
my in law say this tonic is for baby nt yet 3 mths de.. after dat will nt be drinking dis liao.. me nw in my 10 weeks le.. she worry Dat y she brew & let me drink as i gt spotting last week.. but i told her i bleed..
Hi Jl,
Maternity clothing can be found at kiddy palace also.. nt bad for so of them..
if u wan something more affordable u may like to go to bugis(Near OG) or People Park.. My in Law brought a few for me 2 pants and one top abt 70 plus onli.. nt bad design also..
HI ladies

I'm in my 10th week now. EDD: 10 Apr. First bb. Gynae: Dr Henry Cheng / MAH.

Like ixora15, I like those empire dresses from normal shops (eg. Southhaven, Ness, Espirit) which should last me up to max 4th mth (I'm quite plump). I believe we can also wear it during the few mths after delivery.

Recently I bought a very comfortable working pants from RED 2 for abt $36. Not the zip type. It jus has extra cloth at the waistline such that we can fold it down to create a pattern and to cover our tummy. Sorry I can't really describe it well
I bought it at Tampines Century Sq. You can also find the shops at HarbourFront, Jurong Pt, etc.
Hi mommies

Long time never login already, been busy lately.

I just went to buy some maternity wear from Cloud 9. They have some pants or skirts with those very broad cloth-like elastic bands. It is very comfortable compared to those which you adjust the straps with the buttons. But the clothes there are rather expensive too, like Spring Maternity's pricing. If comfort is what you're looking for, maybe you can try out their pants/ skirts which those broad cloth like elastic bands.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cmy</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Hii HC</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garfield0407</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geyser</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dragon Gal</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CelC</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dlim</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Mary Yang</TD><TD>GLENEAGLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD>4-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy Ng</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy 17</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stileto</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine Lee Sammi</TD><TD>4-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michele Chua</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR YG Tan</TD><TD>RAFFLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fen</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow7</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Suresh Nair</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Love</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JL (Mindy)</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy (alcin)</TD><TD>10-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mum wannabe</TD><TD>10-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Henry Cheng</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Page Up</TD><TD>11-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR LS Lien</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fiona</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ixora15</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Yong T T</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggymum</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pine3</TD><TD>17-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kenneth E Lee</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela Lee</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR PS Lui</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kai Ling</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scoobydoo</TD><TD>21-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR YC Wong</TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD>21-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice</TD><TD>27-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
seems like we more or less all have similar symptoms... haha... i feel slightly better nowadays, since i'm almost into 11 weeks (i think) but still no appetite. i can eat a little bit more than before though.

hope we all pull through this trimester soon!
Hi Kai Ling &amp; Stileto

I am in my 11th wk, just came back from my gynae appt. I told her that I got insomnia lately and if it would harm the baby, she said no but she cannot prescribe medicine for the insomnia. So i guess have to relax and try not to think so much...must be positive :eek:) I also find myself need to pee very often...guess its normal...as for bloatedness, i oso got the feeling sometimes can't eat yet feel bloated?! I am hoping that my MS will go off soon and my appetite would return...till now still not much appetite..
Btw I still take a cup of coffee daily, cannot do without it...:p

Hi BabyLove
Can u help to update the chart? My EDD is 6 Apr 07. Thx!!
hopper, try to buy some spa relaxing cds and play them @ bedtime? when u're lying on the bed, let your mind focus on the music and don't think of anything else. works for me... usually i fall asleep before the cd even finish playing...
hi mummies,

can i join the thread? i m also a preggie for 9wks 3days. 1st BB, no MS &amp; EDD 17 Apr'07. got married in June'06 then end of Aug strike liao... so happy... hee...

went to see gynae on 3 Sept &amp; i was 7wk 6days measuring at 1.56cm then &amp; i cld see the BB's mouth or head moving..

nxt appt with KK on 27 Sept. cant wait to see how fast the BB can grow.

i also had spotting during my HK trip end of Aug.. but the gynae said its not bleeding, its actually the discharge but with some red colours.

the 'spotting' gave me heart-attack while i was in hk... thought i was really bleeding &amp; didnt really enjoy the shopping.

but lucky the BB still 'guai guai' after i came back from hk cos the bleeding stopped.

saw u gals mentioned abt drinking coffee/caffaine drinks.. hee, i take 1 cup of coffee every morning.

cant really stop though the gynae said no more coffee, but i m a heavy coffee drinker even b4 i got married, cant helped it, that's y now hv cut to 1 cup for BB's sake.

but sometimes i do take a few sips of coke cos of the gassy stomach... feel better after burped..

oh yeah, i happened to find out that Yu Ya Sang (at suntec) chicken essence (6/pack) selling at $9.90; bird nest with rock sugar (6/pack) at $29.90 but must purchase with coupons &amp; coupons can be get from Suntec Information counter.

the Yu Yan Sang outlet is located opposite the fast-food outlet at Carrefour (Suntec) ground floor. it's a small area with many small shops/stalls, so gotta search. but if u enter the small 'eating treats' area from other side, shld be no problem finding the Yu Yan Sang outlet.

the chicken essence is selling quite cheap &amp; we can drink now to make our bodies more strong, so that the BB will be strong too, though BB might not able to absord the nutritions now but its good to build stamina, something like tat
Hi jpmonster

welcome to the thread!

i also got married in june and found myself pregnant in august too! im now 9 weeks pregnant and EDD is 18 april 2007.
good to hear that too.. i m not young anymore, me and my hb wanted BB very much. so we didnt take any precautions loh...

but now a bit phobia cos just married, afraid no time for both of us then BB coming... sigh...

but good things are i eat like pig, sleep like pig. so tats y getting pig BB nxt yr :p
Hi fen,
din know got tonic for 1st trimester.. that's gd..
Me oso in wk 10.. can't wait to see how my bb progresses at nx visit..
Hi ladies,

I'm in now in wk 10. Yesterday I felt a brief quickening like movement at my lower ab. It felt exactly like the baby kicking when i was carrying my boy, but I thought it is too early to feel the baby movement. I wonder what could that be.

Hi jmonster,

Don't worry, if you manage to get some help, it is still possible for both you and your hb to spend some time together.

I haven't start taking any tonic yet though I have a few dozens of essence of chicken in my cupboard. Just don't have the appetite lor.

The only food I like nowadays is cranberry juice, have been gulping down litres every afternoon.

For birdnest, I still prefer home brew because can control the sweetness. For those bottle ones, even the so call sugar free still contains artificial sweetener which are more suitable for diabetics.

Re: Maternity wear.
I would recommend maternity house. Their price are quite reasonable (around $30 for tops or bottom) as their clothes are all by local designer. I know they have branches at raffles place mrt and parkway parade.
Hi pageup,

i wld like to ask if we can take chicken essence in the first trimester??
I have been wanting to take some since i feel tired and lethargic the whole day but am afraid that it may not be good.
ginger tea recipe - suddenly i felt like drinking ginger tea jus like those that is served in the spa b4 a relaxing massage. hehe

1 1/2 - 2 inch piece of fresh ginger
4 cups water
Honey (optional)
Peel and slice ginger
Place ginger and water into a small saucepan, bring to a slow boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes (light tea) or up to 15 minutes (medium tea)
Pour into a cup and add honey if desired
Hi Kai Ling,

It is ok to drink chicken essence as the ingredients are just chicken and water. Just try to avoid those added with herbs, especially Dang Gui. I read that Dang Gui is a "no no" for preggie mums.

Hi ValC

That receipe looks nice. Thanks for sharing. I also love those ginger tea serve at the spa.
I'm a spa addict. Both my husband and I spend most of our money on spa holidays.hehehe
hi Kai Ling,

ya i know the bottled birdnests are no good. but my hb just bought it loh. but he will be buying those for brew one maybe later when the BB is 4-5 mths old.

i also got the feeling that my stomach is cramping once awhile after the 8weeks. but i just leave it till i cant tahan then maybe i will go see doc. at the moment, i m craving for fresh squeeze orange juice... yummy.
pageup... read about your experience of feeling the movement. I think you are right. I have been feeling a bit of movement in the last 1 week (I'm at 11th week going to 12th now). Think already "seasoned" from the last round... so quite sensitive to the movement. Hope everything is ok for you and not plagued with terrible MS =)
hello all, i m new here. in my 10th wks. need to do the multi-blood test in my visit. result got to wait for 2wks? but heard from colleague she can get it within 3 days. that fast?
I din gain weight yet... is norm? easily hungry but not big portion. even is not preg. me oso easily get hungry. last check-up bb is 2.6cm.
Hi page up,

Why Dang Gui is a no-no? I just ate a plate of duck rice during lunch and I think their soup have Dang Gui, how?

I just saw my gynae on Monday, now I am in my 8 weeks.

I just want to find out usually by which week then we will be able to sign up a package with the gynae? Do they have a standard like after the 1st trimester?
hi odie,

it is still rather unbelievable. The baby limbs are still so small. But I have to admit, I like that feeling.hee hee.
I'm still having MS and loss of appetite, but it is still bearable.
Hope things are ok already since you are going into 2nd trimester.

Hi Augelo,

Most preggie mums only gain weight from 2nd trimester onwards. We are not expected to put on much weight during 1st trimester, some mummies even lost weight due to ms.

Hi violetmum,

danggui are known to have direct effect on our uterus, therefore the chinese sinseh don't recommend preggie mums to take this herb. Danggui are only commonly used to regulate menses cycles and for recuperation after child delivery.
I think the amount they use in those duck rice stall is very little lah, only enough to give flavor,so don't worry about it.

My gynae start the package after 12 weeks. He charges $500 for all the consultations and ultrascan from then till the baby is born
thks page up
my gynae will start collect $500 from me in my next consultations too. that $500 is not refundable. If consultations not within the appt. date will be chargable. additional medi will be charge too. are we having the same gynae? but dun think so coz mine is a Her.
Thanks page up.

$500 is very cheap if it includes all the checkups and ultrascan. My gynae already charged me almost $200 for my first visit. I hope she will charge lesser for subsequent visits.

oops, now i realised my last msg was to the wrong person.. not Kai Ling, should be page up :p

am super forgetful/blur after pregnant, is this normal?

always rush back from bus stop to home just to get my folic acid...

the package is only $500? not more expensive? all i thought is at least thousand plus..? cos i paid $170 during my 1st visit to KKH &amp; i dun think i will only be going there for few times loh..

when do we know it's time to get package?
