(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


ooo urs is the one @ temasek life sciences...
there are 2 LVs near my workplace too...heee..
so thinking of putting my girl there...

J News - 5 June 2008


3 (count them) unsteady steps on his playmat towards his father this morning. That's it.
jon's mummy... world book fair until 8 June, level 4 convention center.

s/w, i'm just trying out to see if having a p/t cleaner works for me but u know what? she didn't turn up! she messaged me around the time she was supposed to arrive that she cannot make it. so disappointed... thought i'm going to have a clean house today. no, hubby is still away. will be back on this Sun.

jessemom, congrats!
oh dear, your p/t cleaner not very responsible huh? first time she's supposed to come?

yeah congrats on Jesse's first steps!
bbJon has been using Mammy Poko pull-ups for a while. So far, its the best compared to Huggies & Drypers; like their diaper, they can contain more fluid, but they are a bit bulky compared to the 2 mentioned.
spring: no no - Cassnova Kaizer HAHAHA

Cherry: my gal uses them. My sis says drypantz not too bad also but I am very happy with mamy poko so dun intend to change lor.

Mummies: know where in BPP or West Mall got sell crocs/ croclings?
Mrs Lai
Thanks! You’re so nice! Really appreciate.

I’ll be meeting 2 friends at Expo abt 2pm. Wanna meet me there? They both have Aug bb and both bf. Call me eh?

It’ll be very fast already. Before you realise, he’ll be running!
hi sandwich,
i breastfeed my gal for 14 months and she is literally 'addicted' on latching on. but ever since i went on a 5D business trip, my MIL manage to wean her off b/f totally. when i return initiatly, she will still try to snuggle ard my breast seeking comfort. but i was firm to not offer my breast, for once or twice, she decide to give up and take the btl of FM instead

maybe u can try to isolate urself for a while
Jessemum , congrats to lil Jess' milestone

he is a drop out of the crawlers' league . :p
s/w , u hv to really wean K off ur bf soon , how to rest ur body for 2nd baby
gene, don't think i have ur no. u haf mine?

caicai, why do you say that s/w have to wean off bfing? from what i've read from LLL and other bfing websites, its not a requirement to wean off 1st bb for a 2nd baby. are u a lactation specialist?
my bb girl is oso using mamy poko...had tried drypantz and huggies, still prefer mamy poko...cos more lasting but oso more costly...

congrats...jesse is walking, soon he will out of the crawlers league...
michele , no lah .
s/w did mentioned before she wants to wean off K before she tries for a 2nd baby . coz she wants to let her body rest .
caicai, oh i c! i thought u PD or OB mah... coz 1st u said K is skinny then u said s/w have to wean off bf... so i thought u expert then we know who to ask question next time lor

bbBelle tried pull-up pants - MP, huggies & drypantz. both mummy & bbBelle preferred MP. softer & easier to pull up.
vodka: my OB did say that should stop breastfeeding if want to try for another child. Of course for pro-breastfeeding, they would say it's not necessary to do so. So, even if OB or LS, they would have different opionions.
yo Beyond,
did u see Heinz booth?
do u know Nestle booth accept NETS?
besides the usual free magazine any other goodies?

too many Q hor ...haha!
Haha….why U not encouraging the little fella to walk? Or you mean that you are leaving things to natural course ya? Anyway, to graduate out of the League is a good milestone… but cannot consider Jesse as baby liaoz and I know you like to keep him at this stage rite. heheheh....
caicai and michele,
appreciate both of your kind intentions =)

hahaa, maybe you're more persistant than me. cos i've been for four overseas trips since he was born, but everytime after the trip, me and him are back to latching on again. haahaaa.

was speaking to some of my breastfeeding colleagues this morning. apparently one of them applied medicated oil on her nipples when trying to wean off her 2yr old plus girl off the breast. sounds damn extreme, but i didnt know medicated oil can be consumed. yucks.
Hi Augleo,

Yes, there is Heinz booth. Nestle booth accept only cash. Buy $30 they give one bagpack (for children type).

Hi Cool ID,
yes, long Q at Pampers. I'm not sure consider gd buy or not leh. Cos don't have mamy poko and Enfapro... so seems like nothing much for me to buy. I only bought some Nestle products.
s/w dun put medicated oil hor .
many yrs ago , i read an article abt an old woman who was not feeling well , she drank medicated oil , and she died fm poison .
dun do that to lil K
KSS, Milo, Mrs Lai and jon's mummy,
Thanks for sharing comments on MP pull ups. Tonight shall go diaper shopping. Because cannot seem to find Pampers Baby Dry anymore, dunno if it's because they are replacing with Pampers Baby Comfort (which isn't comfortable at all)
thks for sharing the booth info

Pampers bb comfort quality seems like drypers. i din try yet but 1 of my gal frez said it will leak + the plastic seal is noisy.
managed to buy some pamper dry from the last offer from GIANT @S$9.95/pkt
pull up pants
anyone using MP pull up for nite use? can tahan anot?

anyway, juz to share that Huggies pull up can only tahan 2hrs..after that will leak esp if BB is hyper active
of course won't try lah. sounds so dumb, hahaa.

cherryteq and augleo,
i bought a pack of pampers comfort to try too. but haven't opened it up yet. oh dear, quality like drypers doesn't sound good. drypers always leaks for me.

seasoned shopper mummies,
need to buy bb stuff for kaizer again to be used in school, haiz buying bb stuff is like never ending! any idea if the big departmental stores like robinson's, taka, seiyu etc having sale this wkend?
Augleo and sandwich,
Yes, Pampers comfort leaked 1 night for M, esp when he had alot of water the previous day, but other nights are okay.
The seal is very sticky and noisy. And because it's very plasticky (compared to Baby Dry which is more cloth like), M walks around with a squeaky sound. You can hear him from far!
And I thought Comfort is a direct replacement for Dry. So disappointed...
kikismom and augleo,
great. so shall go to orchard on saturday then! hope will be able to get good buys there!

most prob can make it but didnt commit my name to the list yet cos want to confirm closer to the date. next week's picnic can be to celebrate father's day! must get all the fathers who are attending to take a pic together =)

oh goodie, feed us with more J news when he adds more steps to his stride!
i was oso lookin for pampers dry, thot of tryin the comfort but heard fr Leo it's like drypers.. so i bot huggies dry instead.. i let jo tried drypantz pull up, so far not too bad.. of cos cant compared to mamy poko..

tks for info, i wanna buy nestle pdts too.
ya, i thot of Father's Day celebration too. is a picnic haha

if going will pass M size pull up (few pcs from M.poko) to K.

pamper comfort:
mayb is diff. from invidual needs ba

my gal frez shown me 1 pc of pamper comfort early May n tell me NOT tat good as compare to pamper dry.

i like Pampers pull-up best for its softness, thin n quality. i bought when CS has offer at abt $18+. cher uses it wen she is out.

cher uses Goon. i find it soft, thin n absorbent. n is value for $. so far no leakage.
