(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

oh, cher uses Goon for both day n nite. used to use huggies ultra but now M is too small for her n L is too big. Goon doesnt turn 'hard' wen wet but Ultra does.
a few of my frends using quinny ! i also like but cant afford
Some update from other mummies abt the Motherhood Fair..

Motherhood Fair-Milk powder only have FRISO and NAN ..

Nestle cereals a lot & quite cheap same as Mother & Baby fair last time.

Now they have HEINZ too but price difference not very much from kiddy palace or ntuc.

Diapers wise they have Pampers, Huggies, SEALERS, EQ...
Just bk from fair n some of my loot (my arm almost broke beneath the wt):

1. nan3 probiotics + bkpk @10 (Q start frm 2 pm today)
2. mothergoose vcd+cd+4bks+ puppet $20
3. 2big bibs @$6
4.7 vcds @$10-13
5. mag sub + freebies
6. heinz food - spent $8.70 but won $20 robinson voucher in their instant lucky draw
And of cos there were the usual freebies given away .

O, n had a big shock when i went past the dfoto studio booth. my family photo (taken recently) was blown big n sitting rite in frnt of their booth! i didnt even knw be4hand! and their brochures were all printed with a big photo of that same shot! my jaw really dropped...........

mrs chia

nice meeting u there!
wow! lucky stars is waving to u...congrat on ur instant draw

erm...tomr will walk to dfotu booth n check it out
thanks for all the support and congratulations. BUT, he only walked those few steps this morning and that was it for the day...so not counted as toddler yet lah...still my baby.

ya, they take your photo but copyright still theirs, if I'm not wrong. On the upside, it must've been a really nice shot (out of the thousands that they have) otherwise they wouldn't have used it!
This is something we don't have to worry about...hahaha...

Sandwich, Leo,
It didn't even occur to me that it'll be Father's day weekend! Are you all getting anything for the father ah? I don't remember getting anything for Mother's day...hmm...

you may already know lah, but M.poko at NTUC going at $22.75...that's considered cheaper already, right?

I've been "busy" today...forum move quite fast hor...
mrs lai, from what i've read so far, only those who fall under 'high risk pregnancy' shd wean off their bbies e.g. those whose 1st born is prematured, mothers above a certain age and since s/w doesn't fall into those categories, she does not need to wean off if she doesn't want to.

s/w, i heard about applying medicated oil before too! keke...

cai cai, actually i saw quite a few playpens... but didn't really take note of the price, MMR vaccination is compulsory before you enrol your child in school but its better to delay until your child talks coz its 'rumoured' to be the cause of autism.

my 'report' from motherhood fair

friso 3 - $115 for 6 tins
friso 4 - $105 for 6 tins
both w/ home delivery

magazine subscription premium gifts change everyday - for today
1 year subcription (Nestle Gold)
cannot remember for 2 years
3 years subscription (Toddler Chair)
for the goodie bag, main difference from last year is the $18 EZLink card ($3 deposit + $15 value)

i spotted 2 april mummies' face @ the dfoto booth! hehe... go check it out if you're going

heinz booth - organic food jar (170g) going for $2.50

nestle - gerber puff (2 for $10) as per last fair, porridge (2 for $10) other items on sale: food jar, fruit juice, nan pro, cereal - join the nestle club n get free movenpick ice cream.

huggies ultra - $12.90 (buy 2 packets and get hi5 dvd free) redemption with barcode starting 01 July is a tent

nepia diapers - $15 with 4 pcs FOC. join the club and each pack is $14 (Order 4 packs & get home delivery)
saw a few april mummies there also.

anyway, the nestle cereal (apple rice cereal) gg at $5 for 2 packs cos expiry date is in nov 08. the prune and cranberry one expire in mar 09 which is gg at $8 for pack of 2.

Nan 3 is gg at 25 per can.

Huggia Ultra (new version and not sold in supermarket yet according to the sa) $12.90.

Tried the Nepia pants size L and it leak when i bgt my boy to imm just now.
visited your blog and saw the pic of jayden playing with the mirror. kaizer loves to play with the mirror too, esp go close enough to kiss his own reflection. (hahaa mrs lai, he likes to kiss everyone)

if you want to find out whether your bb understands that it's him in the reflection, then you can try this little experiment. dab a lipstick (or anything with a stain) on his nose and let him stand in front of the mirror. if he attempts to rubs off the stain from the mirror, then he doesn't know that it's his own reflection that he sees. if he tries to rub his nose, then hooray, he understands that he's the one in front of the mirror! the school principal thought me this trick when she saw kaizer playing with the mirror in school. i might try it this weekend, but not with lipstick lah, cos don't own any lipstick.
RE: Dphotofolio at BB Fair

Moxi, so I'm not wrong. I have a copy of the brochure. I find your family very familiar and my hubby also said that cos I have seen you b4 during the mass gathering.

My family photo was also at their booth. Alvin told me that he has created an album for my family to use as sample.
your recent travel pics look postcard-pretty. wow, you make a very good travel blogger, cos you make your readers want to visit the same places that you did too! plus caitlyn's tops and dresses are getting prettier by the day too!

no star la.. haha, i was eyeing the $50 taka voucher (2nd prize) so my $20 (4th) so so oni


hey, missed ur earlier post, jesse took his first steps today? thts cool ! my neck is getting longer each day .
u r rite i guess, the rights to the pic goes to the shop but i was just flabbergasted wehn i found myslf lookg at a photo that looked 'so familiar' =P

ic, was ur family wearing black on the brochure?on one of side photos? i oni saw the brochure n was just tellg my hb that u n ur boy look familiar but canx be sure.
Thanks for the compliments! I like photography and travel...maybe i should take up some photography courses! Then next time i can be the photographer for our gatherings!! hahaaha

How is Kaizer adapting in school? He looks so cute in his latest posts! Really getting v handsome! Too bad my cait is bigger than him...also can crush him like V and K! hahahaa!

Weaning Off..
I always thot that if the OB says to wean off b4 trying for 2nd one is becos bfeeding is a form of contraception..so more diff to concieve if still bf.
morning cindy!

so many gals crushing K har??

your handsome family pix has made it BIG!

$20 (4th prize) also mia hiam liao lah
i have a quinny...got it during the isetan sales
the quinny 'legs' can b attached to carseat and use as a stroller...i had being using tat...
good morning mummies...

michele...thks for the updates

i din know abt the m.poko promo. thks

must b nice family pix in order for them to display
Morning Mummies,

So many goodies to buy from motherhood fair but I can only go down on sat... Hopefully they
still have the goodies & free gifts!

I shall go to the Dphotofolio & take a look on the brochure cox I think I have not seen
you b4..
Is their offer good this time round?

Kaizer also doing that? Haha...they so cute right! The principal not bad ya, she even told u
abt the tricks. Seems like LV is very good... really have to consider next time. Ok, I shall
go home & test on Jayden this sat!! I will let u know the result & u share with me when u test
on Kaizer too....hahaa..
dlim/ sw
jboy also likes to play with the mirror. Than u ask him kiss jordan, he will kiss the mirror. He ask him kok kok jordan, he will kok his head lightly onto the mirror. Kinda amusing to watch sometimes :p

Moxi/ beyond
Later lunch time I am gg. Will make it a point to pass by Dphoto booth to view the SMF stars

Lele seems to enjoy his squeeking shoes at the playgrd. Was ur FIL shock someone actually knows lele? hehe.

my bb chloe oso likes to kiss n lick the mirror...i put on a little hat for her ...she can stare at the mirror for beri long and start kissing....LOL

i mayb going down on sat too ..lets hope still hv freebies
take a dphoto brochure for me can?
I kaypoh. :p

I bought two bags of 50 diapers since it's cheaper than normal but issit really considered cheap?
i want to ask u this yest bur forgotten, did you go to that link i posted few days back?
the national immunisation registery. that one if you go to the summary, they will tell you what vac is next.
You so lucky….can win vouchers in instant draw….I have NEVER win any lucky draw in my entire life….no luck person

Moxi / Beyond
You should walk to the Dphotofolio booth to demand for some modelling fees…heheheh! Got visitors’ at the fair spotted you and give you second look? “Min Xin” mama lei!
micK , i went to the link u posted previously , but hor when i input my sonny's bc no. and details , NOTHING came out . no records of his jabs leh . i scratched head . he has actually completed his 6 in 1 jabs since 6mths old , they take so long to update meh ???

Jon's mummy , share wif u my cousin experience on Quinny .
her car boot cannot accomodate her big quinny , in the end she has to give up her quinny . so before u buy , u must really check the dimensions
got click on the left 'Check Immunisation'?

for my son.. i think he did not hv DPT/DT - 3rd Dose in his schedule for 5mth. not sure if this is part of 5in1 jab anot..

need to check with PD. no wonder many months back got a letter fm HPB abt a jab which my son did not take.
if that is the case, it wld means that the place you went to, they din update.
i heard fm another mummy, some1 send a form asking u to fill so that it can be updated in the registry.
think they will chk when our kiddos starts pri 1.
i went to chk as well and only K's last one in early may not updated.
I have not been to the motherhood fair yet. The info was from other mummies. I will
be going down tmr.

Hope to meet u there tmr but then how to recognise u? Never meet u b4... haaaa

If u have problem with the update. Can try to call the person incharge who update the registry.
I can give give u the tel no. & fax no. tonight cox I didnt bring out with me. So what i did
was fax a copy of my boy's jab record & ask that guy to help me to update into the system.

Michk, he finally helped me to update into the system! As I mentioned to u, i have an argument
with my previous PD!!
Jus came back from the fair .. not bad la, bot some Nestle stuffs (gerber puff & instant porridge) and Jordan toothbrush (yes, buy coz it's Jordan brand n has the word Jordan on it .. hehe) free magazine, free massage, free ice cream

It's kinda crowded tho' it's wkday afternoon. Could be more crowded on wkends.
Michele and myself were there at the fair. Didn’t see you. But when we walk pass the booth, we saw your nice family pix and the guy was saying you guys just pass also.
Hey, must ask for endorsement fee leh.

Nice meeting you there!

Sandwich/ Dlim
See this: http://gladyschia.blogspot.com/2007/12/gladys-kissing-herself.html

BB Fair
Lots of freebies. So if you like freebies, good.
I’ve got a free umbrella from HSBC, free ice cream from Nestle, free bag from Huggies, free mag from Motherhood, free diaper cream from Palmer’s, free vitamin at don’t-know-what, free neo print w bb at Rustic Nirvana, free milk powder dispenser from Friso.
I bought lots of wet wipes. 2 bottles of Gerber puffs. 1 sun block w sunglasses for bb. That’s abt all. Nothing much for me. Didn’t wanna lug those diapers home.
JL sale more on toiletries la. Men’s undies also cheap. Spent abt $60.
I was there from abt 2pm and left at almost 10pm coz had to wait for hb to fetch me. Had to feed bb mee-hun-kuay from the food court coz didn’t intent to stay so late.
Cant see the pict of gladys kissing the mirror... I want to take a look..

Oppss.. i got mix up with u & moxi!! Sry abt that...hee..
Hope to meet u there tmr but then how to recognise u? Never meet u b4...

Wow.. those mummies who went down bought so many things. I very tempted to go juz now during
lunch but it was too far!

i alm bot the same sunglasses! v cute hor? pink color with strap?? hehe .. thks for the complimt abt the photo.


i also bio that toothbrush .. find it nice cos of the hole in the middle for bb's fingers to grip . u v cute.. buy cos name is same as ur boy hehehe


i no minxin la. its the photographer's skill that is gd. Prolly no one realises the one in the pic is me .whahaha .
u shld go dip in tht instant drw, think the chances to win is v high. cos 2 other mummies also got win sthg.


my fren who was with me was super keen to sign up with the studio. but realise their price alm double frm wat i paid. The guy said no more the bp price taht i paid liao. btw, cn check wat the contact for the immunisatn person is?
bfeeding is a form of contraception??

kkh doc said u can get preggie if u r still bf. but it's best to stop bf if u r preggie.
The name is a plus point. But I also like the little hole where their little finger can grib. Plus, it's 2 for $5

Oh btw, you knw i so blur. Went to the other photo studio booth ( tink it's studio loft - same stretch as the Heinz booth) & keep trying to find your pic, tho' the booth was kinda crowded .. hehe. Than was tinking mayb they changed their display everyday. It was till I finally walk pass the dphoto booth than I realised it was a wrong studio .. hehe:p
Thanks..I will watch the youtube tonite..office block this site so couldnt log in..

How much u paid last time? Sure, will get the contact for u when im there tmr..

The tooth brush sounds very cute. Where is that tooth brush booth near to?
if I rmbr correctly, it's 2nd lane from the right side .. hehe, knw wat i mean anot :p anyway, the hall quite small la, easily can finish e hall. Juz look out for 'Jordan'
Haha...You look the same as the photos lar...just as good.

By the way, I wanted to tell you when we met last week..you slimmed from some time ago when we last met... "Chio" mummy lei!

Jordan toothbrush sold at major supermarkets or department stores? Or exclusive at the Fair only? heheheh....

thks for the cmpliments


v encouraging to hear that . i not at my ideal wt yet (pre-preg wt) so still trying very hard to lose more.


i paid $225 for 2hrs, 7 pc 8R + 1 frame+ all neg+ free costumes etc. but now i thik arnd $300+ to 400+

Cheap Formula
Don't know if everyone already know lah, but thought I should share... Whenever I'm at Serangoon Gardens, I'll pop into the Chinese Medical Hall there (next to Pow Sing Chicken Rice). I don't know the prices of all the formula but for Isomil 2 Advance, it's $30.80 (900g) tin. I don't know where else sells formula cheap so I usually get from NUTC for $32. I don't specially go there to buy formula lah but when I'm there I buy quite a few tins.

Diapers supposed to be cheaper there too but again, I don't know the price.

So anywhere else sell cheap formula or diapers?
John Little sale AGAIN
Date: 12 to 15June

up to 70% off storewide* + Additional 20% sales prices storewide*

** w/T n C apply.

1st time have 10% off all Elect. appliances.

There are 11 star buys:
2 brands of car seat
Carlson bb wipes (buy 2 n get 1 free)
