(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

congrats in tbfg adeline. u did so well, try to cont if u can. i din do too well for my no. 1 too. but personally i do feel tat it is 'easier' for a 2nd tx mum. i gave my excess (previously) to ash n he like it too.. he said is sweet. but frozen ones he refused n said it tasted sour/not nice.

my boy, ash has hydrocele, swelling/water retention in his testicle.

dear mummies,
ash said tk u to all aunties

i suppose they hv a default template w different designs.. nurse told my hb, d surgeon said ash being a 3+ yrs old boy was very brave n did not cry at all truout d surgery so they presented him w a bravery award cert w his name printed on it.

wahahahaha..u sure will work bor?? i know a 15mths old ggal who can walk from front door and all over the house except the kitchen (the gateis thr)
Do try and error.. some babies like Barney, some like Hi5.. Ernest like Brainy Babies, Barney and Hi5..
Think it is a music thing that cost him to like it so much.. I prefer him to watch the Brainy Babies coz the show teaches him things like colours and matching.. But of coz nothing beats one to one session..

Very much want to do it too.. Anybody did it at Lasik Surgery Clinic? with Doc Marc Tay?? Feedback?
morning mummies,
finally had time to come in and post something. quite busy over the past few days cos of the high fever, bad bout of allergy, blah blah blah and preparations for school.

first two days of school: he actually enjoys running around and playing with the toys/babies there. but he has separation anxiety still, and will wail when he can't see a family member, esp me, around. today my husband sent him to school instead of me. i had to leave the house very very quietly so that he won't hear me this morning. didnt even get a chance to say goodbye to him. hopefully he'll get used to the centre within the next three days.

michellek and michele,
last thursday, my baby was weighing 8.5kg (3-10th percentile) and standing at 74cm (10th percentile). super small. after he refused solids for a few days cos he was sick, he dropped 200grams by the time we weighed him at A&E on sunday. so maybe he's 3rd percentile now?? he looks like a skeleton on his first day of school. posted some of the skeletal pics on his blog, you gals can go see.

so glad that ashrel is alright now. do you feed him zygtec (forgot how to spell it) on a regular basis? my pd recommended feeding it to kaizer everyday for the first three months of school. but we didnt follow the instruction, cos we wanted to see whether he would actually be ok w/out it. he actually had a 6 hour allergic reaction on monday, and a 3-4 hour allergic reaction yesterday. think he's allergic to the new environment, utensils etc, and not anything specific in his food/water. think after a week he would be ok w/out me having to feed zygtec.
K not that small so dun worry.

when he gets beta, he will gain some back.
u know what ? keira is 0.5cm taller than kaizer now.
btw, how is ur dad? hope is ok now!

yest, brot her go see GP, as she has running nose. was prescribed nasal drop, hope she will feel beta b4 friday is here.
morning mummies...

yesterday rec'd Zoo magazine, some riddles for u:
1. What kind of fish can perform tricks?
2. Where do fish keep their money?
3. What do u get if u put a pig and a karate teacher together?
4. What do u get if u put a cheetah and food together?
5. What do u call a sleeping bull?
sanrio: becuz ash got his brave mummy with him as well! tt's why he can be so brave! hope he gets better soon!

sandwich: eh my gal only 77 cm and considered as 50% percentile? ur boy shdn't be tt far off! but anyway in time to come, I'm sure he will tower over us! (i can't imagine a cheeky 21 yr old kaizer!)

leo: cheem and u just reminded me I haven't opened my mail box for more than 1 week!
Good that Ash likes the EBM…can help to clear stock and prevent them from expiring…..You must “Jia You” yah! Keep it going….. Mummy is so “wei da”.

Oh I see,…wow….KKH sure is a very pro-children hospital…..

Alamak…think my IQ quite low….dunnoe the answers to any of them…errr….got any clue? *blurzzz*
cai cai and vodka: mine was done with er .. asia medic dunno wat ... my package includes 2 free subsequent consultations and 2 free touch ups, so have to check with package you have. I'm v pleased with my results, cuz it was almost 6/6 with a slight astig of 25 and 50.
Let me try ..

1. What kind of fish can perform tricks?
Clown fish
2. Where do fish keep their money?
3. What do u get if u put a pig and a karate teacher together?
Pork chop
4. What do u get if u put a cheetah and food together?
tis one really buay hiao
5. What do u call a sleeping bull?
Bull dozer

How how how .. what's my score? ;)
mrs lai, michellek and cherryteq,
thanks. just called and spoke to teacher. he cried for 10-15 minutes after his papa left, and then sat down on a high chair (gasp! he doesn't even do that at home) to eat his teddy puffs for breakfast. might call again later to check if he has taken his lunch.

1. clownfish
2. fishes don't keep their money. they buy toys with it. hence there are "fish"-er price toys, hahaa so corny...
3. porkchop
4. polka dots food
5. i would call it "a sleeping bull" loh, hahaa so corny again ...
aiyoh...those made 1 guess one...how to grade. later all know the answer le

where is Kelley...din "c" her yet.
she is very good in all these
Wah...I couldnt' get in all of yesterday afternoon till now! What happen ah?

Glad the surgery went well and he's recovering well. Hope for speedy recovery so he can play normally soon.

eh, if bf bbs more fussy (eaters) then that's a negative for me man...already when Jesse not so interested in food, I get impatient with him. And those who have seen him...you know the boy can eat. But the way prices are going...bm is definitely most cost-efficient.

wah...don't know how to drop feeds man. He will wake up at 6+ to complain hungry and NEED his milk feed. Then, very sian, but the bottle is part of his going to nap/sleep routine. How??? It's been a long time since he had been weighed and measured but at least check he was still 95% for ht & wt. But he doesn't seem to be growing anymore.

Let me know how your evaluation goes today, okay? At singlasik?

Mrs Lai,
wah...so high also can correct till nearly perfect...that's good news. Mine's considered mild-moderate. Hopefully they'll do a good job.

I'm only going end of Jul.

hopefully Kaizer will get used to the new environment soon...

Wah...I'm super tired today...eyes are perpetually half closed. So Leo, your questions too cheem liao...the only answer that jumped out was "pork chop". hehe. I only check my mailbox once a week, maybe I'll find out the answers on friday. :p
mummies going to zoo...

Grab a FREE DINO trail adventure book and travel back in time to unearth the truth abt dinosaurs and their descendents (book avaialble while stock last!)

23May to 22Jun (wknd only)
Time: 9.30am, 11am, 1pm, 2.30pm & 4pm

Close Encounters with Dinosaurs' Living Relatives (conducted tour)
Date: 8 n 22Jun
Time: 1.30pm
Booking needed, pls visit [email protected] or call 62693411

there are other events @Night Safari n Jurong birdpark too....let me know if u r interested the events
Good morning all!

Augleo, I try...
1. What kind of fish can perform tricks?
Clown Fish
2. Where do fish keep their money?
River Bank
3. What do u get if u put a pig and a karate teacher together?
Pork Chop
4. What do u get if u put a cheetah and food together?
5. What do u call a sleeping bull?
Bull dozing

Typing cheetos made me hungry
jesse: ya tt's why i so happy. somemore previously i have dry eyes, due to bad habits of wearing contact lenses for prolonged hours. After that, NO MORE!!! how I know? last time if i wake up in the middle of the nite, my eyes are so dry if i open them i'm in pain for the next 10 mins, tearing away. Now, dun have such incidents liao!
yeah .. 3.5/5. I passed I passed

Recently jboy has been waking up every nite ard 3am. And will be very restless for next 2-3 hrs, half sleep, half awake kind. Last nite was evening singing. Usually till abt 5-6am, he will go back to stable sleep.

Any babies experiencing the same?
joeyan: how's the hair ampoules ah? I getting the anti hair loss one cuz i am dropping so much that my shower gets clogged within 1 shower =(
Mrs Lai,
I'm very happy to hear that....makes me wanna go get it done today! haha. My eyes feels so dreadful today...*yawn*

Say, any mummies want to join me at Compasspoint tomorrow at 4pm - 6pm? I need to send car for servicing at the Shell across the st...
Gene: I went to asked my colleague - she got 4 cats, so she said she cannot take in anymore (old cats very bitchy she said) so she will ask another colleague.

She said the kitty prob about 2 weeks, cuz they can open their eyes only after 10 days. U got hear any mummy cat meowing for the kitty? the mummy will usually looked for her babies, unless met with an unfortunate accident =(

i just think who ever did it to the kitty is so damn sick. The person ought to be ill treated the same way he/ she did to the kitty. BAD Karma will befall on that person!!!!!!
Gene: I also forgot to say, she say kittens need to with their mothers for at least 6 weeks for survival. Perhaps your dog is taking over that maternal row, and it may help to ensure the kitty tides over the crucial period.
no lah...jus to bring some fun to the thread

in facts all the Q hv correct answers le

who will gimme all the right answers lei?
coold: my gal has been waking up for the past 3 weeks at 2am every nite, asking for milk. She will go and wake up the maid by touching her face, then sign for her milk (she finishes 240ml :p and she has her 240ml before she sleeps). she will then fall back asleep maybe about 4 to 5am.

Once she overshot and woke up at 4am. She woke my maid up by smacking her and signed for her milk furiously.

we tried giving her a feed at 1am when she's asleep so she woke wake up, but to no avail. she refuses to take it tt way =(
common answer = teething?
when our child din sleep well it mean we dun sleep well too

me plan to go EXPO on Friday ard 12pm...u wanna to join?
not sure michele's timing.

visited ur blog, ur K seems enjoy his stay @Learning vision. seeing from those pix there are some adults, they are parents or the teachers?
Okay lah, Leo...I'll do what I do best...COPY!!!

1. What kind of fish can perform tricks?
Clown Fish
2. Where do fish keep their money?
River Bank
3. What do u get if u put a pig and a karate teacher together?
Pork Chop
4. What do u get if u put a cheetah and food together?
5. What do u call a sleeping bull?
Bull dozer

Credit to all who answer before me. :p
I hardly go to fairs one...don't like crowds. What's this motherhood/baby fair like? Ppl go because there are good bargains issit? See lah, told you I don't go liao...the last time I went to one cos my bro organise, just show face, say "hi" to him and then left. haha.
Thank you thank you...how did you think I pass all my exams :p hahaha when in school I hardly did my h/w one...but I know who does...and that's the important thing. :p Don't tell Jesse hor...hehe.
mrs Lai
I do not think it's hunger related as jboy has been w/o mid nite feed since he was a few mths old. Initially we thought he's either too cold or too hot, but we tried to tune the temp, still the same. Somemore his hour kinda fix. We are worried if this goes on, his body clock FIX this timing & he will wake up every nite 3am .. OMG !!

Btw, there has been constant reports on cats abuse. These pple are really sicko and only know how to bully the weak. Go and bully the tigers & lions la hor if dare. THESE SICKOS SHOULD BE HANGED !!!!
teething ah .. Ok, tonite b4 sleep I try put dentinox. Ya, super tired. I was so tired yday I slept at 10pm, immediately after jboy sleeps. Usually i spend 1hr personal time after he sleeps :p
Claps Claps.....that's like "Work Smart"?

You going Genting with hubby only next week? Or Jboy comes along this time?

Mrs Lai
Vanessa likes milk alot ya.....growth spurt? How I WISH my boy like milk......
Mrs Lai,
I haven't started the ampoules yet but I tried the mask. I did not follow the instructions exactly cos I was too lazy to use the hot towel so i left it on like conditioner for about 10 mins then wash off, and it feels like conditioner hahaha.....
Ya, next wk, 14 June. Going wif hubby & fren (1 more couple). Jboy staying behind wif my IL :p

Btw, i still haven done jboy's passport. hehe.
coold: the thing is, she used to sleep thru, only for the past 3 weeks. And she won't sign for milk unless she's really hungry - so we concluded growth spurt ... but hor .... cannot be growth spurt for so long!!!! think will need to talk to the PD again soon. We increased her last feed but she refuse to finish it (only want 240ml) so dunno wat to do also.

Jo: hmmm ogie ... hopefully the ampoules come soon ... otherwise I'm going to be bald.
Mrs Lai,
Choy! Won't go bald lah, just super thin hair. My colleague was so stressed the last time she had a bald patch, the size of a 50cent coin. Nothing a little science couldn't cure though, she went to a GP who gave her a jab and hair started growing soon.

bald spot
I had a cousin, when he was 5, don't know what he was stress about but he had two big, round bald spots (golf ball size) at the back of this head! Dr says it was stress! haha. He recovered...nicely.
