(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

coold, Mrs Lai,
how about increasing solids feed? My boy has been waking up earlier and earlier...really have to do something about it too...otherwise, I'll be cranky everyday! Shall try to give him bigger meals and more substantial snack.
Jesse: my gal already has 3 porridge meals a day, and that excludes the 5 milk feeds she gets a day leh! Somemore she also takes quite a fair bit of snacks in between (all her pigeon cookies, her teddy puffs, cheerios and honey graham cookies). I dunno how much more to increase!!!!
mrs lai
Van can really eat!!

my boy also wake up crying at 3am. so i juz shove bottle of water to him.. and he finiah abt 150 ml. maybe can try give water first
moxi n mummies,
tks. yup got quite a few vcds/dvds for him to watch. af watching 1, he wld b bored. kip askg me why he cant go playgrd etc.. wld let him play w computer, leapfrog, read books, his toys. but af a while oso bored. he missed his school n frds. jus now he almost wanted to jump down fr d sofa, phew.. i shouted 'no jumping' in tx.
n wen he is bored, his fav pasttime is eat. so kip pestering me, 'mummy i wan to eat tis n tat'.. v bo eng :p
no, i try not to feed ash long term zyrtec unless he is down w a bad allergy cum runny nose, then wld feed him zyrtec once a day till he gets well. i oso take zyrtec if i suddenly develop a bad allergy. pd/doc assured us tat zyrtec is very safe as now it doesnt even nid presciption, jus a pharmacist can dispense. but i wld prefer not to give medicine unless necessary loh.
sandwich n mummies,
cher is one of d 'smalest'. 8.4kg at 12mths+. but she eats quite well n takes regular meals. i suppose she dun snack much like mummy. we snack on fruits :p n oso cher's diet is non-fattening as i hvnt let her try diary :p my bm is probably oso 'non-fattening' as i m not a diary person. our main diet at hm is brown rice cos hb n ash love rice. i oso eat rice as bfg makes me hungry.
micK: well she started that 2 am feed 3 weeks ago and she lost 500g compared to 1 months ago. So I dunno wat's happening leh! Probably my gal is quite active and she's walking, so burning more "fats" and need more "food"? Mick: 10.9kg, ur gal also can crush Kaizer if she attempts to kiss him!

Sanrio: how long does he have to stay at home? by the way, I forgot, he's allergic to eggs, milk? so he can only eat cakes with no egg and diary products? Does that include Yoghurt?
sanrio: My gal rejected fresh milk. so the only product I give is yoghurt. She doesn't like cheese either.

SandwichL the Zyrtec, my PD says to give max of 2 weeks then stop. Cuz my gal had this running and thick mucus from her nose for 2 to 3 weeks. So after sinopret, the PD said my gal also got allergy to something cuz can see she has rashes on her face. We've stopped and so far so good.
Planning to win BIG at the casino with the other couple eh? I also have not done passport for my boy…. actually, I haven even submit for new IC for myself despite the reminder letters! :p

Mrs Lai
Maybe Vanessa got high metabolism rate….can eat a lot and dun put on much weight! Wow…that’s the type of gal that a lot of ladies will envy.
Spring: I wish ah - she's in the 90th percentile for weight and only 50th for height - she could end up short and dumpy like me!!!!!
BB Fair
I plan to go tomorrow. Anyone?

Mrs Lai
Ya, pls continue to ask ard for me. I went ard the block to find the mummy cat or other siblings but none to be found leh. Seems like she’s all alone. I also don’t understand why some people just enjoy torturing young animals. Someone try giving kitty a chocolate wafer. Hellow!! How the person expect a kitten to munch on a chocolate wafer??
But I also v stupid. I went Sheng Shiong and bought a big pack of Friskies dried food for kitty. But then I realise her mouth is so tiny. Then did some research on SPCA’s website and found that I should feed bb’s formula or condensed milk with a syringe.
Btw, my dog is a male leh. How to maternal leh? But then, he ‘potong’ already. Haha. I hate pets when they get to the horny stage. But then this mad dog of mine is really sweet towards my bb and this new kitty!
My mum will be back this weekend and the dog will go back to her place then. I’m sure she won’t agree to take in the kitty. Then how?

Where to get huh?
my doc. advise dat solid still remains during dnr. No gd to give solid b4 bedtime as their little tummy will be working hard digesting & may disrupt the sleep.

Btw, jboy is taking 1 full bowl of porridge for dnr .. its like same portion i will eat :p

Like I say, dun lose BIG i oredi very thankful. I usually dun hv such gambling luck. Everytime go genting also muz pay a little. Dunno when than can claim back dividend :p
micK: but ur gal no kiss Kaizer yet mah. If she's on top and he's at the bottom may get crushed! I was telling tt to sandwich, cuz last time K kissed my V mah, somemore almost on top of her. My V still so silly, just stare at him.

Gene: er let ur mummy see how ur dog sayang the kitty, she might change her mind. I let u know if anyone wants on my side lor.
like that I don't know liao...J eats maybe 20% of what I eat...very little? I can try to cook a little bit more but he'll naturally stop when he's done and then there'll be a little bit left!
BB Fair,

Just now I went to Expo for lunch and saw the BB Fair exhibition hall. The hall was small as compared to those previous BB fair which I have went. The hall was divided into half and the other half is for JL sales.

I will be going tomorrow during lunch time.
Yo Beyond,
updates us more, tks

hv checked EXPO web, JL sale wasn't post on their website. JL sale starts on Friday?

The JL Sales started today and will end on sunday. But this JL sales also different from those previous JL fair. This one also small scale.... For Beauty, wellness and fitness. Nothing much to see.
beyond , if u are going to the baby fair , can help me keep a lookout for playpens ? i want to buy a cheapo one to keep at my own house . thanks :p
school principal just emailed me some pics of my boy taken this morning. think his eyes look a bit puffed out from crying, but otherwise, i think he looks quite ok for his first day of school w/out his family.


Perched on a highchair for breakfast (gasp!)


Dragging his doggie around the school
wow, the principal so nice to mailed you, must have ease your mind a bit

this is the LV @ NUS or The Biopolis ??
sorry cant remb.
s/w , kaizer is so handsome . though abit skinny . but dun worry, he has the goodness from ur breastmilk . he will surely enjoy his school coz he is so sociable
there are two LVs in NUS. mine's the one at temasek life sciences laboratory.

jesse and cherryteq,
the principal takes a lot of pics of the children to be plastered over the wall. part of their job in profiling and publicizing the school. i think a lot of learning vision centres do so too, cos their website is full of pics(as compared to two other infant care centres that i was initially considering). the principal's quite a hip person herself. definately dresses a lot better than the parents + she carries a really nice coach bag, while most of us parents are carrying oversized baby bags, hahaa.

thanks! will tell that to my mum, she'll be happy to hear that!
Learning Vision like not bad leh. There's one on the 3rd floor of my office building. My ex-work place, that is. Many of my colleagues put their kids there.
you can also carry a nice coach bb bag

i agree with cai2, kaizer is such a sociable kiddo, he will not have problem adapting.
i dun have any nice coach bag loh. have to carry oversized bb bags, cos have to squeeze in a fridge-to-go, bottles of EBM and kaizer's barang barang, along with the things i have to bring to work. also have to bring his bathing towel to and from school everyday, cos everyday have to change. that's like super heavy. a nice coach bag will just explode with the load.

thanks! my mum will love you to bits for saying so!
din know LV principle will send photos to you. next time i can consider LV also

actually my D's weight is almost same as K. he is only 8.8 kg (50th percentile) and 74cm nia
hi mummies,

my bb girl still wakes up 2 or 3 am for her nite feeds...

mrs lai,
van drinks alot milk ...240..mine oni 180ml...LOL mine small eater....

i tried giving water leh...by 4am...she still wan her milk...but she takes ard 120ml...
Mrs Lai
Your height consider average lar….I am shorter than you hor!! And my boy never gone past 50th percentile. :p

Juz play play abit have some fun at the casinos lor…I intend to do so at Macau end of this month. =)

Well, the fact that Kaizer is good looking should not only make you mum happy and also you & your DH proud rite?

And I think it’s really a BIG plus point that your boy is so friendly & sociable…character of mummy I believe.
s/w , u hvnt stop bfing ? tot u want to give ur body a break aredi...
min , if u wan LV , need to chop seats , else u will be disappointed . coz long waiting list

of cos i hope it works la .. when my girl start running arnd, i let u knw wahahah


thts a really nice gesture frm the principal . u shld be more fang xin now
gene: I asked them to ask friends liao. One of them helps out with an animal shelter so see he got any kang tao or not lor ... trying trying! for that little poor kitty ...
the bb fair starts tomorrow? gene, i dun mind going... but the p/t maid is coming in the morning so i think i can only make it around 2pm?

and depending on the situation, i may go again on sat! haha.... i'm not called a shopaholic for nothing!

C is 75cm so that makes her how many percentile? keke... my bb grows only vertically... horizontally never grow!

s/w, so glad that kaizer is adapting well there!

I went to the World Book Fair @ Suntec and managed to get a few books @ great price e.g. Baby Einstein book $6 less 30%. Worthwhile to take a look if you wanna expand your home library for bb!

very very hard to stop breastfeeding. sighz. kaizer has stopped sucking his thumb, since he got sick last week. cos when he was sick, i was avail to breastfeed him all day long, for many many days. so he realized that he doesn't need to use his thumb to self-pacify. he can just cry for me, and i'll be there to pacify him. what to do? he didnt eat at all, so if he cries for milk, of course i had to offer him. now he's super clingy and demanding when he sees me ard. my husband sent him to school this morning instead of me. hiyah, body has no time to rest if i want to try for a second bb in july/august.

full day infant care at LV, temasek life sciences lab.

p/t maid means you're not getting a f/t one anymore? is your husband back from his reservist already?

hehee, thanks!!

yah can consider esp if you're thinking of enrolling dillion when he's above 18mths. any centres near your workplace/home? there's like three LVs near my workplace, so quite a few of my colleagues send their kids there too.
