(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Mrs Chia,
what's the name of your P/T maid? Did she give you her I/C to copy when she arrived? Sounds a little like my ex one but then she wouldn't take a cab.

I wanted to buy a kitchen set for Jesse too...but HB said dun need... *sigh* I'd have fun with it! haha.

I did my pap in Jan this year cos my last one was Jan last year. I do annually lah.

Peeling Grapes
I read that some of you give grapes to your little ones. Do you peel it and if you do, how? Thanks!

Mrs Lai,
I was reading the TRU brochure and they have the masak masak things that you were looking for the other time...

Mrs Chia,

Since the part-time maid is ok, it will be better to keep the part-time maid coz it is 'illegal' for your mother-in-law's maid to come and help out for very little extra money under Singapore Government Law.

Moreover, if your mother-in-law's full-time maid one fine day touch wood quarrelled over whatever issue and go crazy and made a complaint to the MOM. U get it from them!!

To be on the safe side, keep the part time maid lah. Anyway, it is only a few hours per week
Sanrio/ Jesse
Aiya, you know I v impatient one. When she naughty, I won’t hesitate to ‘teach her a lesson’. Ya la, heart pain. But that’s only after that.
Last night, Gladys managed to sleep on her own bed till 8am this morning. Then I carried her to my bed and we both doze off again.

I don’t think it’ll affect the intimacy of couples la. When there’s a will, there’s a way. Haha, you know what I mean? Ok, this is a bit gross but it is sometimes quite exciting when we’re trying not to wake the bb.

Hey, thanks for sharing with me your experience! I don’t mind co-sleep with bb but usually I find I’ll wake up with backaches coz both my hb and bb took up a large area of my bed. But not that I’m complaining coz I understand what you meant about waking up with a lovely smile from a little angel! And I love to snuggle with her in bed! I don’t mind her in my bedroom but I hope she can sleep on her bed once again. She recently ‘bunk in’ with us as I find it more convenient taking care of her as she was unwell.

Mrs Chia/ Michele
We should treasure this co-sleeping moment coz in a dozen years, they’ll be shy to be seen with us, not to mention sleeping in the same room.

I am facing that same problem!! Aren’t they smart?! I hope she can adapt to sleeping on her bed once again!

I was woken up by a fart before. Right on my face!

Aiyo, your hb so sweet. I think Gladys will starved if my hb take care of her. He has nv prepared meals for her, nor me. So sad.
Hey, I like your J News.

Yes! But I think it’s really cute coz my dog probably thinks Gladys is a goddess. Always at her feet.

I’ve just replied your email. Paiseh, coz I don’t check very often.
Hi Jesse,
No she didn't give me her IC.. but then I thot I'll only ask for it once I confirm with my hubby.

Pisces Gal
Exactly!! that's what I keep saying to my hubby.. men!!

yes we shld treasure this co-sleeping.. agree with you.. moreover mine is baby boy.. once they hit certain age, won't even want their mummy to hug them! I have a friend who has 2 sons.. says she shld have hugged and cuddled them more cos now they are already taller than her.. one is in Sec 1, the other P6... says cannot hug anymoe.
gene , u are quite a sleepyhead hor . hahahaha, coz u alwys mentioned u and gladys like sleeping .... i can imagine the 2 of u dozing away

am still waiting to go your place to collect Ning's!! SF complaint that i never get Ning some new toys last weekend.. then, that day in vivo, toysrus, i showed him the kitchen set you got for me.. he said "wow! good".. i showed him also the fire engine set.. he said " wow! not bad huh!" hahaha
Mrs Chia
If you are continuing with the PT maid..c.an point out to her the places she missed cleaning..then she'll probably be more careful. Frankly speaking, I find my PT maid so-so only..also tend to miss cleaning some spots..but got used to her liao and not easy to find PT maid available to do jobs on weekend.

Hmmm...in that case, let's skip Sentosa and go ECP together one fine day...(although kinda far to go for for me :p)
Glad you like the news...haha...he's motor skill development so slow...I must share even if it's a little bit.

My HB is quite good in that way lah...but cooking still up to me...unless it's instant noodles!

Mrs Chia,
actually, I didn't know about the i/c thing. Just that the first time the p/t maid came, she just pass it to me and said for me to copy. I was like...errr...okay...
mrs lai,
that's sooooooo cute! next time when kaizer and vanessa meet, he can wear it to show her, haahaa!

sanrio and kelley,
sorry didnt contact either of you cos i didnt access the internet this morning. in the end, just met up with michele and jessesmom at marina square.

thanks for entertaining kaizer and letting him ransack your pretty bag at the restaurant just now.

mrs chia,
my part-time helper comes in during the weekdays afternoons when we are not at home. i'm not very particular abt cleanliness, so as long as the floor feels clean, i'll be happy! mine let us copy down her identification papers when she came too. i think it's an industry norm.
Hi sandwich,


1) U gave your part-time helper your house keys?

2) U trust her with your house keys?

3) How many times does she comes in per week?

4) How much do u pay her?
gacc/ jessem/ coold/ springd/ michk

i was super apprehnsv b4 gng =P . but glad that it was successful n everyone enjyed themslvs. the aptm/hotel i stayed in was in the city. it was cheap n gd! Only 'setbk' is tht it doesnt offer daily rm service. So if u r like my MIL, who gets into a tizzy if there aren't fresh sheets on the bed every other day , then u hv to request n pay for extra hse keeping. For me, i thot the aprtm was brilliant- it came with washer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, stove, etc etc, oya, n even a cot and high chair.
transport there is easy as the central area buses r all foc. Food wise, dont hinge ur hopes on the supermkts (coold: *wink*) cos i found hte pxs more expnsv for alm everythg. ranging frm bb food items to fruits. Wine is the oni exceptn so just drink yourslves silly whilst there =P
PICNIC on wkdy

any annual leave to clear?
dun mind travel to extreme EAST?

Date: 30 May (Friday)
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: P.Ris Park/Beach
hello all....

updates! updates!

yesterday bbA's doc in charge updated me that bbA might be able to go home in 1-2weeks time...

she's progressing well except suckling on bottles. she tends to forget abt breathing while suckling or forget abt swallowing while suckling.. doc said it's normal cos bb normally learns how to suck from 34weeks onwards.. her weight on 23 May is 1.9kg
I'm glad bbA is doing better and she can go home soon

Hehe...ya, the fear of the unknown (dun know how baby will adapt) puts me off too. Sounds like you stayed in a serviced apartment...may I have the name...for future reference. Haha. I always like to have ideas...
Mummies using Magic Mop - <font color="ff0000">HELP !! ,</font>

I went to two NTUC Fairprices but still cannot find the Magic Mop that all of u are talking about

Can some kind mummies show me a picture of how a real Magic Mop looks like? It will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance
good to hear that bbA is doing well!! hopefully she can get to go home really soon so that your other bbA can get to meet her!

picnic sounds super fun. i'm on leave on 30 may, but still considering whether i want to go or not, cos pasir ris is too far away.

gene and sanrio,
you gals going for the picnic? must find more westerners, so that we can try to go together.

pisces gal,
yup she has a set of my house keys. trust her with the keys. dun have valuables at home. she comes once a week if we're staying at home often. and then once every two weeks when we're mostly staying at my mum's place or on a holiday. we pay her $35 per visit. dunno how usually takes to finish cleaning the house, maybe 2-3 hours?
Hello mummies!

How is everyone? i have been away for almost 1.5 wks cos of work =( when i was back baby took awhile to recognise me when i walk in the door.

tmr taking bbO to My Gym at great world for his trial class. If he likes it then i will sign him up for the regular class.

i am staying in the west too, CCK to be exact. we can arrange to meet... maybe picnic at west coast park hahaa...
Jesse ^ my eye is getting better! Thanks a lot for your help. Went to attend macaron class today, if i am successful, will share some with you
hope by that time, my eye will not be swollen.

Jo - how are you? haven't seen you for a while
My gym has a class tom? what time? we are enrolled during mondays but i did not know there is a sunday class.

augleo - sorry was kinda busy with work so did not reply to you. I have a swollen eye, i am not sure when I can go out.
jmon *hugs* good that Baby A can go home soon! We want to see her soon too!!!!

Sandwich, happy belated birthday - sorry was kinda conked out this week.

Picnic at west coast park is a good idea! How about kent ridge or labador park too! think we have enuff westerners haha. But 30th I not in singapore, my turn to be in Bintan (I hope I still can go for the trip =()
Hi Mommas!

Sorry to intrude, but I'm wondering if anyone has any gal party stuffs from birthdaydirect to let go of? I'm keen to get them for my bub's birthday in late June. Could you please drop me an email if you've any? [email protected]

Thanks a bunch!
Caicai: What a pleasant surprise to see you yesterday! Did Zach enjoy himself? As you can see, Lele is happy to explore and roam around class in between activities... sometimes during activities when they are not fast enough.
My husband's verdict after lesson, "Lele wnjoyed himself very much!"
So I'm happie liao la.

<font color="0000ff">Oh Oh Oh...mummies... one good news to share...</font>
<font color="ff0000">LELE's WALKING NOW!!!</font> Heehee...
Mine is at $12/hr….more ex than market rate. But I cannot find anyone else available on weekend liaoz…

Very happy for you that bbA is progressing so well….your hard work in expressing BM definitely paid off! Jia You!!!

Way to go Lele!

Re: Picnic at Park
Heheh… I dun mind joining a picnic on a weekend at a park in the west area too. :p

How many hours does your part-time maid work per week on Saturday afternoon? U pay her on every visit? Will u be around everytime she cleans your place?
thank you mummies... bbA also cant wait to see her mummy's frens

i will be seeing gynae this afternoon and hopefully the report of y i popped so early will be out soon... and after that will be off for shopping :p

as in photo, did not take pic in KKH. BUT.... will update here soon right after she's home so stay tune!

kor kor have not seen her yet so dont know how he would response to his little sis..hope he wont be so jealous LOLzzz

me resting well at home but was very tired for past few days cos keep shopping. i hv to shop cos i m going back to work in 2 weeks time (9 June is the day) &amp; i wont have much time to shop cos need to handover job b4 i go to another Dept where the office near to Tanglin Mall...

for pumping, well, more or less got used to it liao.. now everytime can pump 120ml from both sides. but sometimes will oversleep and cant wake up at night to pump :p

oh ya, bbA was weighted at 1.94kg yesterday... 2kg is on the way liao
Hi mommies,
Have been busy so din chat with u all

Just a small update for bbJon - he has starts walking on 17 May! He suddenly let go of my hand &amp; starts walking himself that evening! Last weekend, he even attempt to walk very fast, wanted to run after my nephew - bit like 'bu tao wang' (in chinese) hahaha
How did the macaroons turn out? I'm glad you're getting better. It usually takes a week.


probably everyone recovering from their weekend. haha. As for me, I'm trying to finish reading my novel.
jesse - ok but i did it with a friend, tonight, i am doing it all alone so we'll see ;) yah i can still feel the swollen part.... cant wait to go out. oh baby S walks like a junior drunken master... still fnding balance probably.

mrs lai - has your piano arrived yet?? tnx for the sms. did you buy a lot? my hubby went in the afternoon, he said never to repeat it, better to go in am like you did.
Min: I agree that the forum is indeed quite quiet today... maybe most mummies took the Monday off to go SHOPPING! Me haven't even got the chance. Maybe that will be the 1st to-do on my SAHM list? keke...

Jon's mummy: Congrats to BBJon's big milestone! Lele also started walking lots on 17May leh... We were at downtown east celebrating his dad's birthday. When was BBJon born?

Ya lor, I think children just starting to walk are really heart-tuggers... They look so cute walking, with legs far apart and knees hardly bent as they trot! When Lele started walking around in BK in Downtowneast, one male tourist couldn't resist carrying Lele up onto his lap. Luckily Lele also ni qing wo yuan... HAHA...

Jessemum/SprD: Thanks:p Jesse and Jonas will surprise you one day!
Disney: I only aimed to get my baby's food (pigeon stuff) and along the way I picked up a high chair for my gal, some dresses for my friends' gals, a 7L tiger vacuum pot and a toaster. I think my damage was well over $600 but ah well, it would prob cost me more when I want to get it during the non sales time!

I finally managed to get the rice/ porridge toppigs. Last time i went they didn't have it. Also tried the instant porridge and figured out which are the ones my gal likes, so I topped up on those. The packing is just nice for 1 feed, and I can give her some junk food after that! But I aviod those where got porridge and side dish together. Just 2 X of the same porridge. I didn't get the bigger packs cuz the size of the smaller ones are just nice for her now. Makes me too lazy to cook for her these days :p

The piano is still on the way .... waiting till my neck v long already.

I set up my gal's kitchen set yesterday, but I realise it's a danger when she almost toppled the entire thing on her cuz she used it to pull herself up on it. So i used strings to tie to the play pen as a precaution lor. Then her cupboards, I keep her books there hehehehe, good for storing her barang!
It's for 4 hrs each time and we are at home.

yes yes....keep telling myself to be patient with my boy's not-so-fast developments..:p

Actually I noticed in the bus this morning, it's quite empty. Think many people on leave coz it's school holidays start! But the shopping malls over the weekends are SUPER crowded.
Spring: just to share, my nephew initially also refused to walk. But he finally dared to, within 1 week, he was RUNNING around already! When they finally get around to it, they normally pick it up quite fast so your boy will SURPRISE you!
PT Maid: my PT maid used to come on sunday mornings, $45 for 4 hours. Her rate is OK, give the rates she charges expats. Somemore she is in demand, I managed to get her by taking over my friend slot (just so zun my gf left for OZ 2 weeks after I got married to fulfil her PRship). I wanted her to do my mum's place also, but cannot, so in the end, she got her SIL to do at my mum's house.

$10 per hour is not exp, given that the market rate is actually about $12 per hour or more now.
