(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

The Mrs Lai,
Oh, tat's nice. Did heard from Augleo that they are 4 others bbs born on 3 Apr. What time your gal was born? Jon was at 4.45pm

snoopy: my gal after yours, I think (cammot rem anymore) at 6 or 7pm??

There are a few babies also on 3rd Arpil, think if I am not wrong ah, Disney's kiddo also 3rd April.
Kate & Jon's Mummy,

Glad to hear that.. isnt it wonderful when u see them walk at that very moment!
U will have more to go... start chasing after them as they will start to climb up & down etc..

Agreed, the thread was so quiet today! Im so bored today... really monday blue!

Re: Picnic at West Coast Park
Count me in!

I find that their sales items all from old stocks & very limited sizes. Not all sales are good deal...
I havent really start shopping all, only some shops but everywhere is so crowded with ppl..
really not a good time to bring baby along..
Yes! it really caught me by surprise that he suddenly have the courage to walk himself...really a wonderful moment
Can imagine how I looked when I start chasing after him when he starts to run, like a crazy woman hahaha...
So far, i went Fox 2 times. Some items are 50% off + 15% if using Amex. A $13 tee cost like $5.50.

Since the forum so quiet, let me spam wif some pixs I took at Foto U last Sat ..

Jon's mummy: Lele born on 22Apr. It's a lovely coincident that they started walking on the same day! Actually, Lele's walking storie is not as dramatic as yours. He has been slow and steadily practicing his walking since his birthday. 2/3 steps for a week or so. Then 4/5 steps for another week. Then 7/8 weeks. Then walking more than that. Husband "complained" that Lele's not very excited about walking but I just reminded him that our son is slow and steady type of person. So he did not "suddenly" decide to walk but will actually hone his walking skill and perfect it. As as result, when he finally started walking, we were also not as surprised.p

Dlim: I can imagine how much chasing you must have done with Jayden, since he started walking at 10 mths! Now whenever Lele walks on his own, it is sooooo sloooow because he will walk 2 steps and then squat down to touch the pebbled floor/leave/twig/whatever he can find, stand up and walk another 2/3 steps before repeating the routine.
But then, perhaps I should enjoy this stage? Ha!

SprD: Ya, one day Jonas will surprise you by suddenly letting go of your hand and walk, then run! Unlike Lele's "non-dramatic" walking story...:p
**welcome** MILO

**congrats** to Lele n Jon!
can play "catching" le

Jon's mom,
there are 4 bb on 3Apr (1 gal + 3 boys)

nice pix, the most sporting family! (including the oldies) sure u all enjoy the session...esp. ur parents

CoolD, we target Friday oki?
u working?
indeed, Jon is quite dramatic - he also started taking a few steps at home everyday after his 1st b'day & increase as the day goes by. But he never attempt to walk outside by himself that's why it caught us by surprise that he decided its time! My mum had also commented that Jon's learning to walk is the slow & steady type cos whenever he don't feel secure, he will start looking for help - either furniture or our hands.

Thanks! & also for the info
Augleo & Cool_Daughter,

Are u talking about the Motherhood Exhibition at Singapore Expo next week? I might join all of u next Friday. Is that ok with both of u? I confirm with all of u nearer to the date, ok?
the forum may be quiet because many mummies cheong GSS. But this mummy here (me) is cheong-ing backlogged work...

won't be using a harness.

everyone's so smiley in the photo! Must have been real fun during the photo shoot.

be patient. Remember? Treasure every moment.
Yes .. it was quite fun but very tiring 2 hrs. Especially trying to get jboy to cooperate. But david is very nice & pro .. **thumbs up**

Friday I can't confirm, but I am trying to apply leave. See what my boss says first
Jon's Mummy,

Did u manage to video it down during that moment?


Even though he walked at 10mths but sometimes he also behave like lele,
walk half & will stop to pick up items he saw on the floor. He will only run
in the hse but not outside..


My mom want to use the harness cox she said Jayden very notti & active.
If she didnt keep an eye on him, he will be no where from her sight! haaa..
I dun mind she use as long as Jayden can get use to it. Over in spore,
its not so common but for overseas, u can see mummy using this everywhere.
U plan to use it?

What time u going down to the Expo next fri?


I like the 2 photos where Jordon wear the sunglass, he look so stylo wor.. And the other
one with his name on the mat look so cute!!
beach boyz :p Actually we took jboy wif individual letters forming his name oso, but not ez making him cooperate. haha.

yes .. lotsa fun. David really put in effort make ebody luff, including my cool papa. Juz nice this week is National Family week so tis foto shoot was quite meaningful to my family
Cool D: Jordan's quite photogenic leh...and all of you together looks like a very happy family! Must use your pics to persuade my hub to go for a studio shoot. He feels photo shoots are waste of time

Dlim: You mean, they will STILL stop to pick up things after they become seasoned walkers? I thought it is just a passing phase... I dun reallie mind him picking up small things and exploring but just that when he starts doing that, I have to be vigilant that he doesn't pop the things into his mouth. And I must make sure his hands dun go into his mouth.

<font color="0000ff">Harness</font>: When I was preggie, I saw an angmoh woman who was preggie (4mths) and with 2 active toddler children (2-3years old) on harness. Contrary to popular belief, the children dun look "tortured". In fact they were quite oblivious to the leashes and were busy running all over the place, as far as the leashes let them!

The mother looked very at ease as she kept an eye on them and did her shopping. The minute she saw them in places they shouldn't be, she would call out to them. They were really active, I tell you!

Mother would call to one to get off the chair she was climbing, while the other would run off to another corner.

I'm beginning to think baby harness is not a bad idea if it will keep my sanity and prevent endless chases after the little one...
Jon's Mummy,
Yup u can take anytime now.. must treasure that moment..

U very creative.. anyway, the photos turn out to be very nice!

Yes, my boy still try to pick things up on the floor. So must really be careful.
Once, he try to pick up a cigarette butt from the lift, lucky we managed to stop him.

Last sat, I brought him to the Jacobs Ballas,he was so curious with the leaves on the floor
I let him pick up cox its quite safe as long as he didnt put it into his mouth.
Dlim: Jayden the little explorer. CUTE!
I've never been to Jacob Ballas children's garden... Is there a place for water play? Is there also a place for changing and cleaning them afterwards?
actually my bro was initially quite resistent till i tell him it's for 'quan jia fu' mah. Than he oso initially lao tu want us wear formal. In the end, he see the pix he oso felt dat the casual ones are nice

Actually I wun mind using if it serves the purpose. It really depend on how active jboy will be. Use harness better than screaming non-stop like a mad woman rite :p
Dlim &amp; Kate,
Oh, so is normal that they will want to bent &amp; pickup things? Jon is also bending to pick up his toys at home but we are so worried he will fall forward.
Yes, there is a mini water play ground something like vivo type. They close at 6:30pm
so u can be there ard 5pm, u can finish the whole place in less than half an hr..

There is a toilet where u can clean him up. I forgot to bring his swim wear &amp; end up,
he has to be topless except with his pampers on..haaa
Mrs Lai / Cherryteq
Yupz Yupz….letting things develop naturally…in fact have also given up (aiya… juz let it be ba!) on training him in simple things like holding his milk bottle or drinking from the straw. :p

Hehe…actually knowing how to walk is a very natural thing for all humans…dun think there will be any dramatic stories when baby 1st start walking ba… :p

heheh...so cute...naked except for diapers...sure STANDS out from other kids there.

Woah...Fashion show for Jboy at the studio! heheheh... Cool Dude!!

Re: Harness
Think it’s alrite if your kid is super active…the ones I saw are quite cute looking…like animal shaped bags with a long tail.
Jon't mummy: yup, seems it's normal
Dun worrie, BBJon should be able to keep his balance while bending forward.

Dlim: Thanks for the info. I might bring Lele one of these days. He has 2 swimsuits but haven't even used them yet...

Cool_D: My husband more stubborn la. I showed him pictures of the studio pics some mummies posted here and said to him, "look! How nice the pictures are!" and he said,"not natural one"


I said,"quan jia fu ma." and he said "then dun need to take at studio what."

My suggestion is, juz go ahead &amp; book than drag him there:p lele so handsome, studio shoot sure very nice. In the end, ur hb wun regret going.

actually fashion show for all of us ..hehe :p We took abt 250pix in total.
Mrs Chia
Boys are more sensitive in this sense. Like my nephew, he just refused to play with Gladys when we’re out with the men. But at home, he don’t mind taking care of her or chat with me. He’s only Pri 2 leh.

Eh, ya lor. We’re both sleepy heads! But she can’t beat me la.

In fact, Gladys just started her first steps over the weekend! On Fri night, I was out with hb so didn’t get to catch her ‘first’. Then my maid was like bragging to me. These few days, she sort of practiced a bit but quite chicken coz after 4-5 steps, she’ll stand still and sit down.

Not fair! East again!!

Glad bbA is catching up! You take care too.

Sandwich/ Sanrio/ Jo/ Mrs Lai/ Dlim
We shall organise something in the west. Picnic at West Coast Park?

Yes, I will use a bb harness when Gladys gets out of hand. In fact, I already bought one. Some say very cruel to use. But I think it’s better than having a lost child. Mine is the type of animal shaped bag ones, with a long tail we can hold on to.

Wah, Jordon so cool eh? Especially the one with sunglasses one. So cute!

gd news tht lele has started trotting arnd! Re Harness, i won't mind buying one if she turns out to be hyper active type aft she learns to walk . My old bones cant take too much running arnd aft her wahahaa . When will u become sahm? Dont forget to jio me along for kopi n jalan jalan.


i like the one where ur boy is wearing his beach shorts! v macho.
very nice photos! Jordan's so cooperative and cute!

I love Jayden at the water...he's like so cool about it! Jesse's a scardy-cat, he hates water.

Congratulations! You've got yourself a toddler!! Mine's still very very occasionally standing without assistance...the moment he realises it, he will quickly hold onto something or sit down. But it's okay for me lah, his crawling and climbing is already quite "dangerous".

Jon's mummy,
I believe it's at botanical gardens.
I was away at kl for work. tired... I signed up for the 10 sessions at My Gym =) so will be bringing bbO there every Sunday at 11.30. Wan to change class so we can meet? weekdays are a no-no for me cos i have work. Sigh...

Ok if got west coast park picnic sure jio u hehe.. anyother mummies interested in west coast park picnic?
actually, i got one that u have last xmas from my gf
next time when we comes and they are walking we used them 2gether ok?

i so love the pix of J in beach wear! like so cool dude!
Hi jo - i might pop up on a few sundays in case i cannot make it on a monday hehhee. baby mickey has a few classmates on mondays that he is used to play with. will let you know.

Jon's mom - my baby mickey was born apr 3, 2007 at 1:26 pm, yup a lot of apr 3 babies but only one rose amongst the bees, mrs lai's baby!

jessemom- still a bit swollen, not sure if i can make it this week will let u know by wed; made some parisan macarons (vanilla favor) for u. need people to taste my latest creation hahaha ;) see ya.
my hb also not interested in studio photo shoots. So I can only drool over everyone else's nice photos...

Re: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
It's part of Botanic Gardens. But I think the activities are for older toddlers/kids. Except for the water play area. I got bored walking around there because there wasn't much suitable for M to explore. Or maybe it's the killer weather...
SprD: Yup, taking the first steps is quite a netural progression, but the drama lies in a child actually walking unassisted for many steps. Some children very drama one, like BBJon lor. He suddenly let go of mummy's hand and walk (then run!) le. I think BBJoanie's walk storie's also drama. She suddenly started walking many steps.
Tell u my hub's friend's babie walk storie. Super drama...
One day on a usual work day, he returned home after work. When he opened the door, his father said to him,
"Look at your daughter!"
Just then the daughter came walking out from the bedroom. She was so proud of her newfound skill that she would walk a few steps, stop, grin and say,"deh!" and then walk a few more steps, grin and say, "deh!" agein, repeating the process till she reached her daddie's arms!

Hee hee...
Spring: I went back to ask about when my nephew started walking, he was 17 months old! So enjoy while you can, else you be running after your kid like a mad woman!

Picnic: Botanica Gardens is nice also and if get bored with JBG, there's a mini lake nearby where the kiddos can feed the swans/ fish/ tortises. The map of what they have inside the JBG is at: http://www.sbg.org.sg/bukittimahcore/images/map.jpg

In fact, if EVERYONE is in the mood, we also can have breakfast (picnic) at botanic gardens, it's actually v nice. The main garden have a Cafe Les Amis (i think) the food is good but exp :p I go there once a month!

I not familiar with West Coast Park although I brought my dog there for his training classes, so I don't mind either. Near to the Macs side ah?
Gene/ Moxi/ Jesse/ Michk
Thanx for the compliments on jboy .. cool leh
(buay paiseh mummy:p)

Some mummies having a picnic at Pasir Ris on Fri .. U interested?
Okie dokie hope to chat with you one of these Sundays.

Mrs Lai,
Les Amis food is really yummy... but with all the kids I think picnic will be more fun hehe... maybe end up having a food fight =X

Westies Picnic @ West Coast Park, please sign up here. Date to be confirmed:

1. jo
2. Dlim
3. Mrs Lai
There is another ang mo baby also naked but with his pampers on. So I let Jayden joined in &amp; play with them..

Jon's Mummy,
Here's the link - http://www.sbg.org.sg/bukittimahcore/ChildrenGarden.asp

Gene/Sandwich/Sanrio/ Jo/ Mrs Lai/Springdance
Sure... shall we fix a date on one of the wkend? How abt 31 May (Sat) or 7 Jun (sat)?
Anyone has any suggestion?

Actually Jayden quite scare of water last time but ever since we brought him for swimming,
he begin to love it..

Mrs Lai,
Yes, west coast park is right at the Macdonald there.
gene, mrs lai, sandwich, jo, dlim, sanrio,
my initial intention was to find more mummies who live in the west to go to this friday's pasir ris park picnic together! not really to organize another west side picnic on the same day, hahaaa!

i think the east mummies are a bit easier to rally, cos mostly sahm, right? hmm, but since there's so much interest, we should have our own west side picnic, hahaa but not on friday lah, maybe on a weekend cos mostly working mummies here.
cool_d: Hmm... will consider your proposal:p

Gene/Moxi: Thanks for your opinions about baby harness. Gene, Congrats to Glady's first steps! u got a harness ready liao ah? That's fast... But Gladys might not even need it. I haven't bought mine, but will if Lele turned out to be quite active and I think I can't handle.
Some people think it's cruel.
Perhaps because they liken a harness to a dog leash. They might have the mental image of users tugging at the harness to signal their charges to return if they roam too far away or to mve along if they get too slow.

But who would use a harness like that??? In my opinion, a harness's purpose is to ensure that a child is in sight constantly and not get lost in the crowd. It also gives assurance to the user that they have a sense of control.

Moxi: I will officially become a SAHM... this THURSDAY!!! Where do you stay? Sure let's meet up for some chat and chill!

MK: wah, you fast hand fast leg leh. Already got the harness ready!

Cherryteq: maybe we can try coolD's suggestions. Go ahead and book first. Then they boh bian, have to go! Keke...
