(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Gene, Mrs Lai,
i m oso looking for a 'reliable' maid agency. mine not so urgent but i tot i shd start sourcing for 1 now. nid 1 next yr jan 09 wen we take ash out of cc.

Mrs Lai,
i heard fr my frd she paid $1900.. is levy $170 now? how much is d salary?

i love to read. and i LOVE LOVE LOVE jodi picoult. i've read 13 of her 15 books!!!! which are the ones that you've read? i'm waiting to read the last one when i get my hands on it. do you want nineteen minutes? i have two copies at home, my husband got the second copy for me not knowing that i've finished it already.

my second fav author after jodi picoult is kazuo ishiguro. i also read very random stuff that i find in my office library/second hand bookshop. i dun buy books cos i can usually finish them in a week, so not worth buying. the only novels i have are the two copies of nineteen minutes, hahaa.

what type of novels interest you? those that catch my attention are usually those that have won a book prize or anything with a decent cover. just finished a strange book "astonishing splashes of colour" last week. started reading this soapy book "alicia's gift" yesterday.

i try to squeeze in close to two hours of reading time on weekdays when i travel on the bus to and from work. dunno how you manage to read as a sahm though, hahaa you must be squeezing in your reading time in between jesse's nap times.
Mummies with active baby
Same here. Glynnis has been running all over the place. But she don't like to be restricted. If i put on the harness for her, i think she will scream. And my hubby is totally against the idea of using a harness.

My manager keeps pushing back my resignation. I tried to tender in April, she tell me to hold till June. Now tell me to stay till 1st week of July. Envy you...

Weekend picnic i wanna join as well.
Jesse: I am kind of excited.. but I guess my work stress is covering it ALL!!!.. haiz.

Moxi: by right I am only at 33 weeks.. I m still scared.. got pain last 9 with medication some more!! Haiz.. oh.. ya.. until she sits on it.. if nt she will not know!!

Gene: u can try value employment at seragoon.. my maid came from there.. as intro by aprilmum, traz maid came from there too.. only thing is their agent fee is slightly higher than others.. but they are quite ok..

Cherrteq: she is not reali independent yet.. cos I still sing n pat her.. but she also like weaning off her paci by herself.. it’s so nice to see bb angelic face when they sleep but she also hits me with her bolster or leg loh.. cos she sleep very “chu lu”

coelho wrote one of my favorite books of all tm . The alchemist. i like tht better than zahir/ prigrimage. Haven't bot / read any new books recently so can't offer u any . unless its cookbooks ...wahahah... cn ask my hb . he has a mega library of them . Thats a nice shot of Jesse ! is tht a pen he's holding?


ur chinese must be v gd to be able to read kungfu books.


thks for the lead. will look out for it


no GSS shopping for u .. mustn't walk too much
n no spicy food too
hehe...you live near kate, right? pass to her ask her pass to me. :p We're meeting for the picnic on Fri. See what you have first lah...

I live at Rivervale

I just finished 19 minutes. What else do you have? I've actually only started reading her books. I've read nineteen minutes, Tenth Circle, My Sister's Keeper, Salem Falls, The Pact, Keeping Faith. I think that's all...but my memory a little fuzzy on all books. It's not something I store in my brain, I just enjoy for the moment and then forget about it, somewhat like food.

There was a time I used to read a lot of crime fiction like James Patterson (read most already) & Mo Hayder, Agatha Christie (haha), Conan Doyle, etc.

Then of course, I love trashy stuff like the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon (it's really just an escape for me). I would read the series again if I had the first book! It's so dang that I don't. And then I read random stuff like Austen, Coelho, Mitch Albom...the Bible. haha.

Physically, I like thick books. haha. Then I feel it's worth my money. hehe...though I wish "the other boleyn girl" was available when I was buying. Currently I'm into historical fiction...but I think there isn't much of a market here...can't seem to find it.

I didn't read my first novel until I was 16 cos before then reading was very difficult for me (now they call it a learning disability). I think I still read quite slowly but at least I think it's fun. It's also ironic how I actually prefer writing to talking...

Yes, I squeeze all my reading when Jesse takes his naps or like right now, when Jesse's in bed and my HB isn't home from work yet. I actually love this time of the day when I have "alone" time and peace and quiet.

forget about work lah (like I have any right to say that!). I regret not savoring the last few days before Jesse's birth. I guess I did everything I could but I always wish I had done more. Can't wait to hear your happy news

Someone gave me the alchemist, she wanted my opinion on the book...we were into some philosophical discussion at that time and she wanted to use that book to prove a point. Can you believe that I don't even remember much of that book anymore...other than, it was about a boy in a desert (or some place like that). haha. (I still remember the lines to dirty dancing though!)

I have quite a few cookbooks too...but I stopped cooking.

He was holding a highlighter. The notes and highlighter were actually at the bedside table. (Another one of the things I do when he's knocked out.) I don't think he's ever seen me read the notes or use a highlighter. I was in another room and when I came back that's how I found him! I thought it was really funny that he would sit there (that's where I usually am) and "read" and "highlight" like that. How does he know these things?? I told my HB, maybe it's because that's what I did a lot of when I was pregnant and even throughout my middle-of-the-night contractions! (I was in the living room then) I'm such a nerd.
Woah...that was a crazy long post. Sorry!

actually once you hit 37 weeks, you can start walking liao...it really helps with delivery.
Mummies, why don't we compromise and organise a mass picnic session at Jacob Ballas? after that we have another session at the west and east mummies are welcome to join. This saturday is no good for me but next week will be good... Cos godma not around no need to go gym on saturday wahahaha so happy

My godma signed up 35 sessions for me with a PT and i have to go to the gym at the PT's place every tue & sat, and thurs will be at her place. Sigh... i better loose weight or i dread to think what crazy things she'll do to me.
Jesse, Moxi and Sandwich: I usually read Terry Pratchett books. Occasionally, I will itch and buy Enid Blyton books. Love them so much!

I stop reading thrasy (those romance ones) long time ago, but once in a blue mood, if I am at the second hand bookshop I will flip and see if there's any interesting ones.

Typically I will finish a book within 2 to 3 hours, if I am uninterrupted. I do re-read the books several times, because after a while, I would have forgotten the plot and this time round, I would slowly read to savour the book, and unearth gems that I never noticed in the initial reading.

Jesse: cookbooks forms about 50% of my library :p
i can understand abt your going crazy part on looking after your son

i work p/t oredi go half crazy when i spend whole day with him. think i am finding myself a nag coz keep repeating all the scoldings at my boy.
"D.. you cannot do this ar.. I beat you!" i can repeat this sentence for duno how many times a day liao!

so lucky got water bed.. tot its used to be very popular eons back. din know now still got water bed. sleep oredi don't feel like getting up for work leh!
not every BB can take the taste of cheese. Perhaps you can add it to her porridge, cereal or other food in other to mask the taste
Mrs Lai,
other than Terry Pratchett, Enid Blyton and romance ditto
I figure I'd have the chance for Blyton in a few years! Right now I read (literally outloud) Boynton. haha.

Tried reading Good Omen before didn't like it.
I love thick books too, the thicker the better. Not just because it's worth the money (I've stopped buying books cos no storage space) but there're more pages to develop the characters and plot better.
You're right abt the small market on historical fiction. I'm into ancient wars and battles now. One of my fav authors is Valerio Massimo Manfredi. He wrote the trilogy of Alexander the Great.
I'm like you too, prefer writing.

My chinese actually improved after I started reading the kungfu novels, when I was curious if the Hong Kong dramas were following the story closely or not. Turned out the books were more interesting.
Mrs Lai,
I grew up reading Enid Blyton! Another author to try for our kids will be the late Roald Dahl. He wrote excellent and captivating stories with good morals. He wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which I thought Johnny Depp did well as Mr Willy Wonker ahahha
Jesse: Good Omens? It's a collaboration between Neil Gaman (not sure about spelling) and TP. It's not quite what I am used to for TP, but nevertheless, I had a good laugh reading it. The twist in the Good Versus Evil is quite hilarious, but very touching since it does talk about how nuture affects one's upbringing. I was also reading this other series, Brian Jaq dunno wat, about animals defending their 'castle' and the main hero is a mouse :p

I always love Enid Blyton, I grew up reading her books and I always credit her for building a good foundation for my "england". So now I have a chance to build up the library before my girl gets old enough to read them, so it's good for me! Sometimes it's the simple pleasures in life that makes it so .... nice ...

Mummies: I tot this article is good for mummies who worry about if their kids is getting enough nutrients or not - http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-your-toddler-can-get-the-nutrients-he-needs_1201019.bc?scid=momstodd_20080527:2&pe=2TYJavf
Cherry: OOOOO but hor ... Roald Dahl was a bit dark I found, perhaps the books I was reading wasn't quite suitable for my age :p I didn't like it when I was younger cuz I remember some of this stories dealt with demented people. Like how this old woman challenge people some card games with their fingers as their bet. Her husband managed to stop her gamble with 1 young boy, and he showed the boy, how many fingers he lost to the wife. Another one was tattoo on human skin, and it was hung out after the person died. Too morbid for my taste. maybe I could have mix up with someone else?

Also when I was young, we had this entire series of illustrated "comics" of classics, so we have like tale of 2 city, the prince and the pauper, and it was very easy to read and entertaining cuz got pics mah. The library also contained this book called "the pearl" or something, and I recalled that my lit teacher in sec 3 were so impressed that I actually read the book (I was the only one who even heard of the book :p) but of cuz, frankly speaking, I was too young to fully understand the book.

That being said, To kill a mocking bird, and Charlotte's Web has always been 2 of my fav books.
so many days nvr checked thread , wow so many postings . wow piangz .
ysterday was at KL , the milk powder there so cheap , but only 1 pack of milk left , grab ah ...

btw , jesse is soooo soooo cute . hahaha

kate , sorry i didnt manage to chat much wif u , wif my tau sar voice at the kindermusik . there will be more chances lah , when i recover.

re: sahm , i also dun think i can stay at home wif a single income
Moxi: anyway GSS I can’t buy anything.. no point buying normal wear cos don’t know hw much fats I will lose… I eat spicy breakfast everyday leh.. now u scare me.. I beta stop!!

Jesse: when I had ashlyn.. I also work until the last day… can’t imagine staying at home doing wat also… haiz.. I hope my good news don’t come so soon!.. I am walking too much.. that is the problem.. hahah

Min: is it?? Wah.. tat day when I tried the bed at the shop.. I didn’t feel like getting up too..kekeke.. must pamper myself.. hahaha

Mrs Lai: I love Enid Blyton too.. but my English is only half past 6!! Hahah..

Bad news.. I got a feeling bb coming out within these 2 weeks.. my sleepless night just started yesterday… got tummyache since 5am.. and I haven’t slept since then.. tummy was hard was soft.. haiz.. and I m still in the office!
Mrs Lai,
Hmmm I can't seem to remember those scenarios you listed leh, maybe other mummies can help?
RD's stories are very clear cut good and evil I thought and it was fun reading them. I love Mathilda, the girl with the ability to move items by staring at them with her eyes until she was engaged intellectually was cool! And I wished I had Mr Wonker's factory hahhaha. I only started reading them when I was in upper primary, maybe it was more appropriate then.
As for the Pearl, I was forced to study it for sec 2 literature and I hated the fact I had to write notes all over the tiny book which I caught no ball then. I'm not literature-inclined. Have yet to read Mocking bird and Charlotte's, I should really borrow and read them.
Cherry: Oh you are lucky - I had to do R & J and the house of 60 fathers. *shudder* as well as of course, our dearest CL collections.
try to relax okay? You sound very uptight, not very good leh... take mc go home rest?

Mrs Lai,
I only took Lit in Sec 1 & 2, so never kena the Shakespearean stuff mah. Then, my sch allowed triples sciences in upper sec without Lit so that was what I took, in order to escape from Lit. The Lit teacher was so fierce... and made me feel so stupid I was determined to never take Lit again.
cherryteq: actuali was on half day MC on monday cos was sneezing non stop.. but alot of work to do leh.. haiz.. me uptight cos house not done, hospital bag not packed, admission ltr also hvn't take, bb got no place to sleep.. haiz..
i went for dinner with my husband last night, and my bb developed fever out of nowhere (prob due to teething)! this is the second time when he developed fever just when me/husband are away. hiyah, couldn't even get a proper dinner last night.

moxi and jessesmom,
i read the alchemist last year. didnt like it though there were rave reviews.

cherryteq and mrs lai,
i didnt like dahl as a kid too. cos he invented a lot of words in his books that i didnt understand, and could'nt find in the dictionary, hahaaa! the morbid stories come from his adult short stories collection. i prefered that collection to his children collection
Oh dear, hope Kaizer is better now. M also developed fever due to teething, still worrying.
Oh I see. Never read his adult series. Hee I liked the fact he invented words. Since I dun check dictionary I just glossed over the difficult words. Hahaha.
Today cant have lunch. Have a prior appt already. Friday?

There'll always be unfinished work. Just concerned you're too stressed out, no good for you and bb. One thing at a time will help, perhaps?
Mrs Lai
No worries…not rushing you…reason I ask is just to make sure it’s not anytime near coz I have not got a swimming costume! The old one worn during my younger days can’t fit me liaoz…so I need to find time to buy a swimwear. :p

Wah…you read Chinese kungfu novels ah…very “chim” Chinese inside lei…dun think I can get through even the 1st paragraph!

Anyway, me a TV addict….would prefer to catch the serials on TV than read the book. :p

But I like reading Charlie & the Choz Factory..

Still got paracetamol at home? Can give to Kaizer……hope he gets well very soon.

I’m fine with picnic at Jacob Ballas….maybe you can suggest a date and start the list going?

Highlight to your lawyer boss about labour law and employee rights! Please dun tired out yourself ok. When unwell, take your MC...the Company will still survive...dun worry!

<font color="0000ff">Re: Shakespeare Books</font>
The only one I read was “Merchant of Venice”…and it’s becoz it’s my Literature book. :p
Cherry: we were given a choice to choose between Literature and History, and thankfully my class chose Literature. If History, I think i flunk out long time ago!

We had this intern teacher who taught us for a semester in Sec 1 or 3. Because of her, my entire class, except 3 of us, FAILED the final exams for Lit. Why? this is because, she told us, the last few chapters in to kill a mocking bird was NOT important and she never covered that, or even summarised to conclude the book. The exam questions was based on a conversation IN THE LAST CHAPTER. Thankfully for the 3 of us actually went to read on our own and despite not quite understanding the book then, we managed to pass. I hope she fails the teaching assignment and got kicked out of teaching service. I cannot imagine the damage she would have done to the rest of the students!

Sandwich: I'm fine with it. can SMS to confirm?
sandwich: ok, i not ard tomm and fri also =) next week is fine.

kelley: u be good and dun be so uptight. This friend of mine used to tell me:

If the problem can be solved, why worry?
if the problem cannot be solved no matter what, why worry when you cannot do anything about it?

Morale: Things will be OK in time to come, just that they may not be in your timeline, so just relax. Things will fall into place in time to come.

according to my HB, you can never finish your work one. And if you're going to pop soon, lagi cannot finish....know what I mean. But if you're super-responsible, then try to hand it off to colleague/boss lor. I don't know what you do lah, but type up status of each proj, the follow up, contact person and call it a day. haha. I used to be project manager lah. So maybe not relevant.

How come you can walk so much? I can't find enough "space" to walk...and it's too hot outdoors.

I also did Merchant of Venice. hehe...

If history (topic) was more interesting I would've taken history. Alas, to the disappointment of my history teacher, I'm not good with all the Tunku. Read already will "tooku". So I did geog. He kept telling me, pursue history, you can do european history and all next time...just bear with it...erm, no thanks. But now, I regret a little bit lah.

how's kaizer this morning? slight fever only? Jesse also, I just wish the stupid teeth would come out already! haha.

I read the alchemist to critic it...I didn't give it very good reviews either. Bought the current book cos I wanted to see if it's the style I don't like or just the author.
Mrs Lai
I am H.U.N.G.R.Y too! And I have no lunch

I was scanning through the article about nutrients for baby...hehe, I think my baby is sorely lacking. But then I read, it's like those toddlers are already eating table (adult) foods. Steak? Pork chop with ketchup? Is that why most of us are smaller than the ang mohs? haha.
how many actually have this? I have friends who keep asking me to join...but I don't know what it is leh? Is it like friendster? (I don't have that either lah.)

Second Child
some people say, it'll be easier with the second child, do you think so? Is it because we already know how to do certain things that we didn't even think about with our first (like diapering and feeding)?
What would you do differently if you have a second child?

These are the things I'm thinking about...anyone has any thoughts? BTDT (been there done that)?
OKI!!!! let's have another MASS MEET UP....
1st meet up: 8 Sep (BISHAN)
2nd meet up : 8 Dec (Tampines)
3rd meet up : 7 Jun (WEST)

** i've not been to Jacob Ballas, Dlim...u wanna help to advise when is the best spot to meet up and have our spread?

3rd Mass meet up = PICNIC
Date : 7 June (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Food: Pot luck
Venue: Jacob Ballas

1. Jo
2. Mrs Lai
3. Dlim
4. Cherryteq
5. Springdance
6. Gene
7. Sanrio
8. KSS
9. S/W
10. Augleo (picnic mat + pastries + cakes)
11. bububear (pasta salad)

** date n timing oki??

pls add on the list and indicate your food/item/drinks that you are contributing.

** More picnic mats
** beach toys
** picnic table? stools?
** what else?
OKI!!!! let's have another MASS MEET UP....
1st meet up: 8 Sep (BISHAN)
2nd meet up : 8 Dec (Tampines)
3rd meet up : 7 Jun (WEST)

3rd Mass meet up = PICNIC
Date : 7 June (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Food: Pot luck
Venue: Jacob Ballas

1. Jo
2. Mrs Lai
3. Dlim (picnic Mat + cakes + fruits)
4. Cherryteq
5. Springdance
6. Gene
7. Sanrio
8. KSS
9. S/W
10. Augleo (picnic mat + pastries + cakes)
11. bububear (pasta salad)


3pm is fine with me.

There is one party area at the Jacobs Ballas. I have tried to call them &amp; leave a voice mail.
Waiting for them to return my call. Hopefully we can manage to book it. The pary area also provide tables &amp; stools!

If not, Im not too sure where else is the best spot to have our picnic.

I have attached the map here. U may take a look.


Jacob Ballas website


Bad news!!

The booking of party area is very exp!! $400 for 3 hours! I dont think mummies here want to go for that.

So how? We just find a best spot ourself &amp; have our picnic there?


Any suggestion?
Sanrio and Gene: This is the maid agency I was referring to: http://www.singkang.com.sg/

I really cannot remember how much I paid, could be more than the $1,300 i remember. I rem the final payment to them was over $3K as it includes the maid's loan from them.

The lady who "serviced" me is Irene - You can say recommended by Zit Seng@Hillview (dunno if she rem him or not)
Caitlyn has the dog design.

Ya...it will be so cute for them to wear their harness!

Didn't know we have so many bookworms on this thread!
PICNIC on 7 June :
any suggestions on the picnic area n meeting point?

** meet outside the botanic garden gate facing the gleneagles???


** meet at JCB entrance????
I took Geo too...no history for me...yucks! Did Physics &amp; Chem..but no Bio.

Facebook: I Have..several mummies here inside too...go in and take a look...certain applications are fun.

2nd Child: Have not think about it yet...thinking of close factory instead. :p

Steak &amp; Pork Chop for Baby: HUH! I do not think my boy has the ability to gnaw even one mouth on it at all!!!
3rd Mass meet up = PICNIC
Date : 7 June (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Food: Pot luck
Venue: Jacob Ballas

1. Jo
2. Mrs Lai
3. Dlim (picnic Mat + cakes + fruits)
4. Cherryteq
5. Springdance
6. Gene
7. Sanrio
8. KSS
9. S/W
10. Augleo (picnic mat + pastries + cakes)
11. bububear (pasta salad)
12. Jon's mummy
**Overbearing S$100K car owner parks on 2 lots**

The STOMP contributor said this woman whom he encountered on Sunday, claimed to be waiting for someone.
He said, "but that doesn't her the right to park the car this way."

According to him, the woman even said, "want to take pix, take lah!" it's a S$100K car, i can park it anyway i want. Don't b red eye(ed) just becoz u can't afford one."


Sanrio and Gene: anyway I tell u my story with Irene. We engaged her at first cuz we wanted to bring in this maid who is the niece of my FIL's maid. So doing up the applications and everything, the maid "MIA" and never turn up at her Manila agency. She claim no marnee to take bus to Manila but the truth is, the FIL's maid told us was that she didn't want to come. My FIL's maid was so pissed with her niece and scolded her for being irresponsible. So we pay $$ for nothing *haiz*

So Irene help us to find another maid, 1st choice not available, so I wanted this other one. She say will check. Then she got back to me and said the feedback at the Manila centre not good, that the maid is quite defiant. So ok lor, we pick our 3rd choice. THEN .... that maid also last min MIA. Turns out after 1 week of trying to contact her, the maid's mother was hospitalised. So that maid dunno whether to come or not. *HAIZ* waste marnee YET again cuz all the paper work done (note we cancel work permit twice liao).

So finally she gave us another 2 more maids to consider. Then she mentioned although the other maid more exp (the one i prefer), she doesn't seem to be keen on childcare, and being experienced in Singapore, may be harder to handle her. So in the end, we picked our current maid (my hubby smirk cuz he prefers this one) and thankfully she finally arrived in Singapore. My maid has 6 yrs exp in Malaysia before, and she helped out in a childcare centre. So, since i had a confinement nanny with me, she learnt how to take care of baby from the confinement nanny lor. So far so good lah ... *phew*
