(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

mrs chia

great fun
hv updated my blog with some pics le http://moxibaby.blogspot.com/. i hv alw enjoyed travelling . b4 maishia came along, me n hb will go at least 2 hols /yr. we love travelling in europe/ states. but nw canx liao . cn oni consider regional destinatns. Hw abt u ? no plans fr travel?

I don't know lah...hehe...just testing it out

I'll let you know later if I can meet you but it would be closer to 4pm if I do.
keira also likes to do the freefall thingy. very worried that she does it on the floor! haiz!
dun u find our kid temparent are all out now that they are 1 ???
saw ur blog pix! NICE! Seems like your guys enjoyed the trip. hmmm. so tempted to plan 1 with K. but MIL said juz leave her with them

been telling ws, how many of you have went and brot the kiddo along
sandwich: i be in town for my gynae visit in the afternoon if u wana meet.. but at MS is too far for me.. cos i going Mt E

michelle: i going to eat mud pie myself today!!
u miss??
michele / micK ,
my son also likes to do the free fall thing . but he did it on his mattress , put 1 hand on my bed rail and just release his hand and fall onto the mattress . he thinks it is fun
kelley , u better or not ?eat mud pie , so cold , issi ok for baby ? last time whenever i ate cold stuff , bb inside me will hv lotsa of hiccups
SD: You're luckie in a sense that your hub will apply his own (poor)sense of fashion on you too... So no stress if u dress poorly (but you dun la!) and easy to wow him by just dressing up a little:p

As for feeding bigger pieces, I think if you make sure the pieces are soft enough for them to mash up with gums and/teeth, it is okay to give. But have to be around to supervise them la. If dun try try, will not know how much our children can do ma
I always stand by some water in a cup so if son is eating big pieces and have trouble swallowing can feed him water (via teaspoon or str from cup) to help him wash it down.

MK: Do you give the BEL cheese on its own to K? Is it quite soft?

Leo: Yup, the sodium level in some cheeses very high indeed. When I was young I hated sliced cheese cos it was so salty!

Min: Diff between creamy and sliced? For me its sodium level. Not sure about other diff tho. Carrot harder to soften than potatoe so I will cut up the carrot into smaller chunks. But after 20mins of simmering, usually both will be quite soft. Oh, I added onion and garlic to as well to give more taste. For the onion I mash it up together. For garlic I will throw.

Gene: Please check your e-mail... You still owe me something leh.)
Co-sleeping:Lele sleeps on his own in his own cot and bedroom now. All along I've been sleeping w him in the bedroom but he will have his own cot. But last week I decided to try letting him sleep alone while I went to sleep in another bedroom w hub. Initially quite tough cos he will wake up and cry at irregular intervals. Maybe cos he wakes and find nobody around. Of coz I will quickly go in to comfort him...
but rushing to another bedroom while still half aslp made me and hub very tired! Now he seemed much more settled. I'm glad we did it!
hi moxi,
nice pics n nice trip. we ar tinkg of brging d 2 kids to perth mayb nov. tink wld b a 'challenge', w 2 kids running ard, cant imagine.. can check w u w rgds to d svc apartment n places to visit nearer d date?
That looks like a very relaxing & enjoyable trip for the family. I have yet to bring Jonas across the sea... not even to Sentosa. Pai Sei Sai Sei.....:p

Jessem / MichK
Think once your darlings have master the 'art of balancing', you'll probably see their happy feet tracking everywhere on the grounds very soon. Claps Claps for your little one!

Mrs Lai
Vanessa is Tall! Have not seen you here for few days...were you ok? One of the mummy mentioned you not feeling well?
Freefall: Lele likes to wrestle with his pillow and soft toys in his cot. He will just pounce on the pillow/soft toys and knock them over with his head...
We were also worried he might do the same thing even when on the floor, if we give him a pillow or soft toy.

But surprisingly, he acted more careful when dealing with pillow/soft toy on the hard floor. He will still hug them but slowlyslowly unlike in his cot!

Maybe with freefall they will know also la. If nobody is around to catch, they will not freefall. Maybe also cos nobody to "perform" for. Keke...
U r not alone.. Jboy also haven cross the sea :p Wed his bday thot wanna go Sentosa, but look out of the window see the weather, we stayed at hm .. hehe.

Looks like u had real relaxing holiday
I love Alfresco dining when it's cool cool weather.
yup even my timid cher does free fall n pounce on her pillows in her cot. but wen she is on hard floor, i can c tat she is super careful..
Cai: tell u seriously.. my this #2 has tons of hiccups.. everyday.. cos I always drink cold water.. so hot.. the weather n my MIL house no aircon.. can u imagine!!!
cool_d: dun go sentosa la. Very hot for the kid and adults. We went 3 times liao each time we feel we made a bad choice(3 times stupid).
ECP better! Fair amount of shade,sun and sea. And no lack of facilities (food,coffee cycling etc) for everyone's comfort.

Sanrio: Lele also belong to the timid(?)/careful(?) camp. Once he experience pain, he will be more careful next time. Once or twice he forgot the floor was hard and bump on it as he would do in cot. He cried lor...
But after that exp he got more careful:p Even when the pillows and softtoys came along, they were not enough to make him forget that must be careful on floor otherwise painpain.

He is so careful that he will go on his knees and careful move legs down first even from the living room floor to the corridor...
We were trying so hard not to laugh when saw him do that.
Thanx for the Sentosa feedback. Hmm, pity now no more monorail to sit & relax le hor.

actually i tink kids r very smart nowadays, they experience 1-2 times pain, they learnt. jboy when on e bed, he grab his water bottle straight away will lie down, backward. But on e flr, he will juz tilt his head upward to drink (still using teat).

Btw, u manage to find sandals for lele?
will update you once I know, take care! Have you seen a GP?

nice pics! Looks like a wonderful holiday...makes me want to go!

We'll see...hehe.

I'll be dropping Jesse of at my MIL after his second nap then I'll go meet you if you're still in the area. Who knows what time man...but I'll wake him up by 4pm. He's been having a hard time with naps...Anyway, I'm okay with either paragon or MS...
see whether u can meet shannie there as well.
chio her go eat mudpie with you ! wahahaha

that was the good old days, aft appoitment, we go eat!
cool_d: sandals not yet. will do it tml cos wanna bring lele along to trytry. These few days he walk barefoot around the playground. But alot of tiny pebbles at the "popular" one. So I bring him to the "not-so-pop" one at the child carecentre.
think out kiddos very smart hor. know when to perform ;p
bel - sliced thinly, eat on its own. think nowadays MIL let her eat with bread.
my house's spread type.
Cool D: another reason why sentosa not suitable fam outing place. All the aircon places very ex one! But with the scorching sun, you would wanna find shade right? But in sentosa, unlike ECP, even under shade no use cos too d*mn hot. Need aircon, which are mostly pricey places like restaurants/cafes/atractions. Another reason NOT to go is accessibility. Go on weekend by pub transport you queue like siao. Better drive. But free parking only at one carpark. The rest all very ex one. Spend $ and more $ only.
mk: yep, they know when to perform, and that applies to crying too! Sometimes they start to cry, and if we ignore, then they stop. No more liao. But if one person so much as say a word with meaning equivalent to "sayang", the tap will turn on again.

After the triangle cheese I might try bel cheese for Lele!

Your kitchen set is so COOL... I FEEL LIKE PLAYING IN IT! Can almost see K having lotsa fun exploting and cooking with you.
she hasnt see it yet. i fix last nite after she go bed. her bday pressie from my sis. kekeke.
but the TRUs warehouse sale, i manged to get for aprilmum/mrs lai at $30 buck nia!!!!!
is that why the fetus hiccups? Because we drink a lot of water? Jesse hiccuped a lot in my tummy and till today he hiccups a few times a week...daily when he was born.

sorry ah...she's busy now till about noon. I'll call her at noon. But actually, my best bet and gut feel is still a gp as soon as you can.
no lah!no need say that agn. but very fun lor go cycling with k.
she can even sway left n right!!! wahahahah.
bring jboy lah!
K is so lucky to hv this set to play with! was thinking of buying velcro veg & fruits for my boy since he is going crazy over apples. everything to him is apple!

i meant to ask what is creamy cheese?
issit cheese spread?
Dun stop posting! K is really adorable! I love your kitchen set! Wanna play it myself too. If I have a daughter, that'll be something I'll cheong to buy. Too bad if I have to buy, will be a workshop/tools station *yawn*
M is already quite 'uncle-ish', dun wanna encourage more of that...
Yday saw the TRUS brochure, they have a tool bag, can wear on the waist kind, wif toy spanner, hammer & some other tools .. i thot its quite cute. But the pix small small, cant see clearly. I wanna go n see the real thing. But dan, wif so many toys at hm, i dun quite dare buy new ones. Hb will kill me :p
Cai: now I know why only #2 got leg cramps.. cos of my cold water!! My HB still say my salt lvl low!! Hahah

Michelle: ya loh.. now I still preggy but u r not!! *hint hint*

Sanrio: I be in town too!! For my gynae visit at mt e.. will be at paragon do some shopping than taka to eat my ice cream!

Michelle: u mst invite our bbies to ur house to play masak masak.. kekekeke all can cook together

Jesse: I don’t know … caix2 told me tat..kekekek
yes, rental. $8/hr, but got free 1 hour.
choose the bb seat in front. ours too young to be seated behind. as in dunno what they doing at our back..

wahahaha. aiyah, since when only gals can play with kitchen set.
some kiddos i know that has kitchen set, likes to stand at the sink n wshed up. if not at the washer, turn n turn.
cool_d: you have so many toys for J boy that he can swim in it like McScrooge in his gold coins! Dun need to "busy" yourself with browsing brochures for the moment:p

Of course, you can always buy as gift for your "neighbour" *HINTHINT*
I think it's perfectly fine for boys to learn to "cook" so they can grow up to be wonderfully sweet to their wives and mothers hahaha. What I mean is that my M is a bit "uncle/auntie-ish" already, dun wan him to be even more auntie.

Same problem as you! Every toy seems cute to me and I always have to stop myself from buying them.
PT Cleaner
She arrived at abt 7:45am.. good timing and she also very wisely came in a cab. I say 'very wisely' cos my place is quite difficult to locate-- my friends, relatvies and tradesmen have all gotten lost even with clear directions given. She's prob in her forties, S'porean.

I took her around the house, briefed her on what I'd like her to do- which is just basic vacuum and mop the whole house. Then scrub the 2 toilets and kitchen. And abit of ironing.

She was quite good, very carefully removed my ABC foam mats and also Haenim playyard (2 sets) plus all J's toys etc and vacuumed and mopped. In my bedroom, she also removed my carpet, my Seahorse foldable mattress and v & m. But I was disappointed, she didn't scrub my toilets (maybe mis-communication?) She spoke Mandarin and I failed my O levels Mandarin oral. She then ironed abit of my and my baby's clothes.. did it all in 3.5 hours. I didn't give her any more chores to do, but spoke to her alittle.

She lives at Hougang, have been cleaing houses for awhile. I asked if she is keen to take up other assignments.. she says only Tue mornings is available. Other slots all full. She has an afternoon job in Queenstown after my place.

After she left, I looked around the house. She didn't clean behind the sofa. She also didn't remove my carpet in the living room to v & m. And in my spare room, where I had noticed a small dead cockroach under the TV cabinet but left it there.. she missed it. Otherwise the floor where it was v & m.. feels very clean.

I just looked at the ironing.. fabulous! did a much better job than me. Overall- I wld say good job. Maybe remind her to do the jobs she left out next time.. no biggie.

BUT!!.. my hubby was Very uncomfortable with a cleaner in the home.. says it's a stranger.. cannot walk around freely anymore, who knows may take our things etc etc. Also reminded me his mum's maid is more than willing to come and help out and prob for very little extra money.

Verdict- (Sigh!) will need to speak to hubby again. Looks like I may have to give up idea of PT maid for now. Mummies interested in this maid, you can PM me and I'll pass you her mobile number. She charges $10 per hour, she can work either 3 hours or 4 hours slots, but with ironing, it's likely she'd need 4 hours.
Like M will sign "wash hands" to me when I come back from work, bring things I buy home to respective members of the family, ask for his hands to be cleaned when dirty, take hanky etc. M is also quite kaypoh, like auntie lor.

I'm gg to the gynae next month.

Mrs Chia: PM you about the maid le
Thanks in advanced! I think with P/T maid really have to be specific about what we want (but cannot be TOO fault-picking) because most will close 1 eye and do less if possible.
