(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

i rmbr when i was young.. think 5-6 yo, my mum actually drag me and i was crying very badly to get my ear pierced.. but ended up did not pierced coz i was crying so badly and very frighten.

so i sugg that you shd send your girl so that she won't rmbr anything.
my fren's girl pierced her ear ard 1 yo.
we juz went for photo shoot with studioloft last weekend..
though i find it very fast session , abt an hr.. but we enjoyed ourselves very much!!

here is my cheeky Dillion

Good Morning mummies n bb:

Mrs Lai,
thks for elobrate to d.tokyo

me intends to order eclairs (both strawberry n chocolate) additional $20 dunno wat to order le. mayb cream puffs ba.

rmbr i did mine @goldsmith shop.
done by those (look) experience aunty.
erm...dun think i cried coz me AI SHIU mah

kampung girl more daring ba.
Dear Mummies!

Thank you for the warm welcome. I love that this thread doesn't move as quickly as the March one...I feel like I can keep up!

Aprilmum, yes, please let me know when you're meeting up at CP. Btw, what do you do at CP? Little Jesse always gets bored outside because there's very little for him to do and he can't crawl around (which is his current fav activity).

Augleo, I'll send you my contact...but I can't make it to town. Usually I avoid town lah...very far. heh...I'm not into shopping very much.

Mrs Lai, we'll be celebrating Jesse's birthday on Sunday 30th because a good friend is getting married on Sat.

Okay, Jesse wants my attention (or to destroy my computer).
augleo , my son still no hair too . haha , yesterday i still helped him trim abit of his mohawk hair coz only one part growing, the rest - stagnant growth.

thanks Taro for the agar agar price
Michelle: yes..i m keen on ur BBj… keep for me k? mayb if this week I go up my sister place.. I inform u can.. bt as u know.. I always pop by in the afternoon… or see if next week when my house reno start.. when I have to take leave.. I meet u to take can? Where to get those hello kitty agar agar? Self made?? I also want!!!

Augleo: reno haven’t start yet leh.. I take half day nia.. my boss ok as long as my work is in proper… anyway I need a break.. let me know wat time roughly k? n where to meet! Ahem... my ashlyn also got boh tao mo!

Gene: thanks for ur SMS!!! Now I got more shoppin to do!!

anyone using bumwear??? any comments?
bububear still using bumwear on BrYan...can check with her.

i thot bbX has even hair length lei
But his hair also quite little leh. Still can see the hair Scalp. Do u believe it, from born till now, he only trimmed his hair once before CNY. so u can imagine how slow his hair grow.
JK shaved his hair (clean n shine) on his 1st month. now still can see his scalp loh. he has uneven length, little n fine hair.

pls take ur lunch after u off work, dun1 u to b hungry. JK takes his lunch ard 12pm, hopefully can reach J.little ard 1.30pm. if can b earlier, will call u.
not sure other mummies joining.

Date: 4th March (Tuesday)
Venue: M.Square (J.little)
Time: ard 1.30pm

1. Augleo
2. Kelley
3. Mrs Lai

ixora, aprilmum, gene, d.tokyo n sanrio are still considering
ok, u let me know if i am not home, prob can meet u somewhere. the HK agar, starfruit got the mould and she did it herself. she really likes HK. cakes, even party streamers also HK one !

Jk still not much hair ??

nice pix of Dillion !
Bububear: how is bumwear? Gd or nt huh? Instead of using their lining inside can still use the traditional nappy or nt huh??

Augleo: no nd la.. I meet u la.. i meet u eat.. don’t worry..hahah..i tot like 3 plus or 4.. 12 plus reach there 1 or 2.. is ok.. so it means if no one going u still going rite? I hope u r not going cos to acc me just to see the bb cot bed wor.. u need to get something too rite??
dun worry, me n Mrs Lai still meet u there

b4 bububear reverts, i rmbr she is using terrycloth w/the bumwear. coz is thick n can absorb more.
at least Zac has even patches

1 mummy here even "sayang" JK n said...aiyoh, poor thing, lost so much hair on his forehead."
haha! i told her is no loh, his forebead length always like tat. kekekekekeke!

yes, JK's hair not thick n are in fine strands.
So u shaved JK once only? I shaved twice coz after first time @ 4mtmhs, the growth was very uneven, so i shaved again i tink at 6mths. Now still not much hair tho' the growth beta than 1st time .. Last wkend I juz saw his 4mths pix & thot, actually botak quite cute also .. now tinking wan 2 shave again anot :p
hehehe , but he got a cute face , no hair nvm ...
his cheery smile can "dian" me leh . ask u to post his latest post , u still nvr post . sigh ~~~
kelley, ur tummy big or not ?
hi kelley,

I fnd bumwear good leh, i seldom buy diapers, and only use diapers for night. or going out. I have like 8 bumwears and is enough for everyday use except for night.
I find using bumwear, save alot alot of money
on diapers
yes, shaved JK once during 1st mth.
then trimmed his forehead n hair near both ears length twice.
i was thinking to shave him after his 1st b.day
moxi: u be surprised what my horrible memories I have of my childhood - well i rem all the horror ones haha

Kelley: i rem those hello kitty ones are from HK. I ask my friend to help me to get ;P

do u noe whether JL carries kiddopotamus products? i wan to get a carseat padding for cher. i wen robinsons, oos n no sales. where ar u all mtg for lunch at marina? u brging JK?

cher got super little n fine hair n is growing very slow, ask gene, she noe :p
not too sure abt the products.
mayb u can call 62129295 (hope is from M.Sq) to check.
most likely will bring JK along.
as for lunch it might b late lunch loh. after feeding JK, best i can reach M.Sq ard 1.30pm.
any makan place to recommend?

u wanna to call n check on the cot too?
bububear: SO envy that you can use bumwear and save $. My MIL refused to even try it, cos she pa4 ma2 fan2. Just because it is something new and unfamiliar w, she simply cannot fathom that this thing is very absorbent, unlike the usual cloth diaper.
We bought one and asked her to try out, c how absorbent it is. She said okay okay but pay lip service only. She did not even bother! :< Even after we explained how much money it will save, guess what she says? She claimed that the water used in washing the diaper will be same as money spent on diaper and implied that we very "stingy" try to save money and give her more work! In her "effort" to save diaper, she changed lele's diaper as little as possible, and that caused a nasty infection on Lele's nappy area...
Even then she rather used the cloth nappy on lele instead of bumwear.
Stubborn old people.
Sanrio: Taka fair coming on 9Mar to 25Mar leh. Heard there are some pretty fair deals to be found there incl car seats. Perhaps have the one you want. In fact me also aiming to get a reasonably-priced CS there!
Hello mummies....

Gene: Thanks for sms-ing me the baby fair dates.

Hope we can meet up &amp; go fair together...

I'm buried underneath tons of paper work, markings &amp; admin matters. This year my form class kenna lots of police report so no space to breathe...sigh...

Malcolm is ok...learning to crawl *FINALLY!!* he now knows how to ask for attention...*big headache*
Mummies, any of your babies experiencing loose water stools that is quite pungent? Lele been having loose stools for more than a week le. But it's not diarrhoea and he did not behave like he's unwell. So I'm not sure if it's normal. Need some advice! Thanks in advance!
Cai: I got tummy liao la.. but big or nt I also don’t know… other pple see say small for a 5 month belly

Bububear: but mst buy their lining or can I jst use the normal nappy.. cos in all.. everything also quite ex wor…

Mrs Lai: is it?? Mayb I find mould n do myself!! Hahahaha

Leo: u remember ur cot name?? kekek .. I forgot again…

Kate: my MIL opposite from ur MIL.. I buy diapers but she don’t 1 2 use.. so now since using the normal nappy.. I tot of buying bumwear.. cos my gal uses the nappy with wash pampers cover!!!
we got a toddler carseat (hand-me-down fr my boy) but cher is small size n d carseat seems too big for her wo a padding. hb wanted to get d kiddopotamus one for her n d padding itself costs abt $40+. dun noe whether taka has tis..

tks for bb fair info. i wld sure go to d taka one.

tks. i wld reach ard 130pm oso if i can cum. food i have tried there: azaru sabo, coffee club, swensens, genki sushi, fastfood, food court(food so so).
Mummies, have any of you heard that feeding eggplant/aubergine/brinjal to babies can make their vision blur??? My MIL refused to let me feed Lele that food cos she said "the old people" said that can cause blurred vision in babies. IS THAT TRUE?

it has been very long never log in here.

i believe every mummies here are preparing for the 1st birthday party too.

Any suggestion for the party bag ? wat to includes inside the party bag ? where to buy.. n also where to buy party accessories....

HELP! HELP ! this mummy got no time to do some reseach due to busy over work lor.

So i need instant infor fr all of u... thanks....
Mrs Lai,

Do u have the website link for Mtd of Cake Decorating Course? I need to go in &amp; view one more time.


Very long never login here. I believe all mummies are preparing the 1st b'day party.

Can any1 advise.. wat to put inside the party bag ??? any suggestion ?

Where to buy party accessories ?

Kate: no leh.. she is not toilet trained.. nv tot of training now.. later when she learn hw to walk will be easier for me..

Bububear: thanks.. where to get the bumwear huh… they got shop or nt?
Kelley: Bumwear can be bought at the online store bumwear.com *free delivery within s'pore*
Is the mother&amp;baby fair at expo still on? If yes, they might have it cheaper there.

Even if Ashlyn is not toilet-trained now, I think next time it'll be easier to train her cos she "knows" what it is like to have a wet nappy, unlike babies who wear absorbent disposables. Maybe they dun even know what goes on down there HAHAHAHA!
mrs lai,
i let cher lie down on my white bedsheet. took pic of her, downsize according to ica req'ment. submit online, pay using credit card $70. abt 2wks ready, brg her personally upon collection.
kate: the fair is coming but not here yet.. i jst tot it might be easier to train when they walk cos she will run to the toilet or me when she needs.. like now.. she crawl.. i scared she crawl half way or "gek" half way then by the time i carry her there to potty.. all finish liao..hahah
yo...me just back from JK's studio shots

is an hour session. JK snored loudly in the ride home. kekekekeke!

in case u wanna to meet Benjamin from foto-u (he said he dun mind his pix posted in SMH coz few mummies wanna to see hw he looks like)

tks for d tel. called JL, they hv d item i nid. coming tmr. abt 130pm. wan mt for lunch? where?

michele, gene,
wan mt up for lunch tmr at marina?
Mrs Lai,
me too...just like sanrio. but JK lie on the nappy cloth. kekekekeke!

oki. see u tomr

as for the makan place.
no idea. mummies any suggestions?
