(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hahahaha.... coz Mrs lai tempting us with her GOOT BUY from Daiso so i suggested this week outing at IMM...

anyone who is availble, wanna go, just come along

Hapy : Very soon Avy will be chasing Snowy around the house like Glynnis loh...

When Glynnis can't catch up, she will scream at pom pom somemore. So spoilt.
Dlim: yes.. me ah.. u take down my hp.. then we can chat chat along the way loh.. which cat u sign up ur bb for?? i will b there at only close to 1pm leh

Dreamygal: wow.. they so good with each other ah.. kekeke.. me!!!

Michelle: my gal most change 2 set a day nia.. hanky most only 3 a day also leh.. I wash nappies with my bear hands everyday also hor

Catherine: I work at chin swee road.. Chinatown area

When u all going IMM?
wah kelley you still using nappies ah? v diligent. how do you find the time after all you are working? admire you.

so which washing machine shld i get? and how much wld it cost to get one these days?
Dreamygal / Darbebe,
YX must be wondering what his mummy is thinking?!

How I wish it's a pair of twins 1 gal, 1 boy

Mrs Lai,
$1 deal's a good buy.
<font color="ff0066"> dreamygal</font>

avy haven't 'attain' tat stage yet, so far she will just turn her body to try to 'follow' when snowy is going but she will keep quiet when snowy walk away den her eyes will 'light up' when snowy is near then try to grab him..

only when we take her toys / things she wants away from her then she will give her loud super high pitch scream den we all give in, sooner or later oso another spoilt brat in my hands..
Hi Michelle,

Let me know which day u r going down ya. I will try to arrange my time & join u all.

Hi Kelley,

Im joining the parent look alike. What abt u? Good ideal...we can chit chat there while waiting for the compeition to start. Your competition start at 1pm? I will pm u my contact. U let me know yours too ok?
wah kelley you still using nappies ah? v diligent. how do you find the time after all you are working? admire you.

so which washing machine shld i get? and how much wld it cost to get one these days?
Hapy : Avy's your precious darling mah... Tell you hor... Yesterday after she banged her nose, i kept squeezing the nose... Haa... Scared it went flat... Haa...

Kelley : I thought you said you are very shy? Very quiet? Now asking Dlim for hp to chat ya? You let the kitty tail out liao loh...

Taro : Actually i think YX is quite fortunate to have such cute mummy.
u getting just a washer rite not dryer as well?
nowadays i feel the korean brands i pretty good, see the nano technology that they have for washer.
u want front/side loading ???
wat is ur budget ??
aiyoh , poor glynnis . hope her nose is alright . but babies are quite versatile , shd be ok .
Taro , who is the other pumpkin huh , abit blur leh , cannot see clearly. the outfits are so cute . hv any more funny poses or not ?
ValC: nothing much actrualli.. jst hv to soak n then wash with water than soak softlan again loh.. when I m home.. I shower I wash them off detergent.. then after that put in softlan.. before I slp.. I hang them all up so ready to be used for next day..dont know abt washing machine.. only know front and top load.. tat is all..hahah

Dlim: michelle also joining bb parent look alike.. I also join but my bf might not be free to do it liao.. so see how.. if my gal wins the talent (which I doubt so) than hv to stay till quite late hor.. my hp no. nine four seven four three seven four two.

Dreamygal: I am what.. see I bring michelle in?? in case bored ma.. hahaha.. then can see who is Dlim.. old folk say.. is beta to have more friends.. then more enemies?? Meet nia later never talk.. consider shy or nt??
i dun even know the range of price of washers. and wat's the difference between front load and top load? the one i have now is a top load. it stands on bricks on it's 4 corners at the base and it sometimes vibrates so hard that it almost falls off the bricks. it's really old and junk. budget... i guess less than $500? or $400?
Hi Kelley,

Thanks for your number. Never thought u will type out in words..hehehe.. In that case u take part lor....Maybe u will win? So u mean those who win have to stay late? Hmm..i remembered the person told me those who win may need to go down on another day for the final leh. Oh is it michellek? In that case, can meet of u there..

Hi Michelle,

What time u will be there?
valc , if u buy front load , u nid to buy low suds washing detergent .usually more expensive .
if u hv a dryer , to save space , u will nid to buy a front load machine coz can stack on top of it .
400 or 500 can get u korean brands front load washer . i bot mine 3 yrs back at 550 ? LG brand
during my confinement , my mum's washer broke down , so i bot a samsung for her . think also ard this price ... i like front load , coz i think they are more gentle to my clothes , just my opinion . when i went to Harvey norman ,tey kept on recommending european brand <--- no money lah , so exp !!!
ya lah...forgot my name! ahhaha.
1st Nov is Thu? Then I may not be able to make it cos meeting my ex-collegues for lunch @ marina sq.
so must see the time 1st.
now IMM very happening...got a cluster of kids' stores and also got factory outlets.
i dun need dryer leh. i heard dryer use alot of electricity. bills will go up. will front load spoil more easily? if got leak, the whole plc will be in a mess? pardon my ignorance. i'm qt an idiot when it comes to housework. top load is more harsh on clothes?
those who use machine wash only
do you wash home clothes together with going out clothes or do you seperate with different modes?
Kelley: Think I really have to meet u b4 sat cos my hubby just told me his colleague just guven birth & is having a full month birthday this Sat afternoon...Can I meet u this Wed around 1pm? I treat u lunch?
my hb oso wonder y i always like to take pic.. but with bb, everything happens ard her fun mah.. sigh, i still wanna lament men & women r really different..

we shall see how when the time (going back to work) comes.. anyway, how did u settle Gladys' semi-solid issue when u went Malacca? me juz booked a short wkend getaway to Bintan in end Nov to celebrate hb's bday as well as bring jo for a trip.. still thinking how to settle her semi-solid food.. mayb instant cereal..

hope Glynnis' nose is fine.. muz be very painful for her.. poor thing..

Re: washing bb's clothes
me the laziest mummy, wash jo's clothes together with ours using normal laundry detergent in washing machine..

u handwash?! I peifu u!!

I agree on the 'tons' of clothes bbs generate each day... IMM on Thurs, so far for me.. i dun drive leh.. giving it a miss again..

so long nvr 'see' u.. how r u & bb?
aiyah, since ms cindy & cath cant make it on thurs, friday anyone interested ???

i still havent apply leave so anyday also can ??
u mean this sat har ? actualy will be there from morning coz i join bb adorable

never mind if this week cant, next week also can

every thurs you meet ur ex-collg for lunch issit ? so steady lah you !
friday i have some team bonding session with my colleagues.

how about saturday? then the daddies who are free can come along as well. we can meet for breakfast at mac cafe/cafe cartel at 10am before heading to daiso and the kiddy shops.
its the hey baby contest this sat @ Suntec tropics Atrium. u din see dreamygal post 2 sat ago ?
and augleo reminder post for the extended registration ?
we join for fun nia! very boliao

Me juz bot a front load washer from Best. Electrolux, 5.5kg @ $699. Was chosing between this & a Samsung 6.5kg, tink it's $589. Salesgal also keeps recommending european brand so gave in in the end. Also bot a dryer @ $699. I also heard dryer uses alot of electric but no choice, coz really no time wash, hang, dry etc etc .. Moreover last yr year end I rmbr our clothes hang up took like 2-3 days to dry coz of rainy season. Now wif bb clothes, I thot hang few days attracts dust so decided to invest in dryer .. interest free instalment. hehe :p

Btw, the Best salesgal told me dun use dynamo in washer (any brand), unles it's e low sud ones. She says dynamo shorten the life span of a washer .. dunno how true coz 1st time i heard abt this.

Anyone has good recommendation for front load washing detergent (liquid or powder)?
hi MichK,
meeting at IMM
This Fri 2nd Nov is good for me. DH will be back tomorrow.

And mummies, good luck on your bb contest.. can imagine all the babies- will be a riot if they all decide to cry at the same time!!
I've just transfer the money to you. Details are sent to you via sms. Pls check and revert. Thanks!

Mrs Lai
I don't mind man. Anytime! You organise la.

Michelle/ Mrs Lai/ Sandwich/ Cindy/ Catherine/ Sanrio
Ok, we shall organise to meet up at IMM this week then. I think Daiso must give Mrs Lai commission for tempting us. Friday's fine for me.

My mum also staying v near so I may just 'deposit' Gladys there while I shop. Haha!

I can drive there since free parking and no ERP. Haha..

My gal 'box' herself with the rattle months ago and it sort of like left a dent on her forehead leh. She wailed so loudly then so I guess it must be really painful. Now I don't know how to cure the dent.

I gave her cereal lor. Easier. I can't imagine having to bring slow cooker and everything along leh. But I brought my own kettle to boil water for bb coz I can't trust hotel's kettle (the inside always brown brown one). I didn't sterilise the bottles for once though. I just use boiling water to rinse. Btw, where do you live? If you want, I can meet you first then we go IMM together?

Today, Gladys finally made good use of her new potty!
Mrs Lai
The babymall thingy has got so many temptations! You ah...
So you organising a spree? Let me know k. I have some shopping to do. heheh.

Gene : Yesterday Glynnis also nearly 'box' herself with a toy hammer. Luckily mummy saved her in time. Haa...

ixora : Thanks. She is fine. Still as naughty as before.

Im much better now, doctor said I lack of slept.
U must also take care ya!


R u sent me zip file thru msn? Think is virus!!!
Dlim: I tot the competition end that day itself. It ends at 8 +.

Catherine: no prob. Meet you for lunch on Wednesday than.. no need to treat me la.. tell u my lunch only 1 hour nia ah

Springdance: if I meet Catherine on wed for lunch wana join??

Ixora: scared my gal skin sensitive.. then her clothes so cute.. jst soak n wash nia loh.. no need to scrub n stuff ma.. some more use bb detergent leh..

Washing machine: I heard that most front load machines will leak after 4-5 yrs is it true??
Hi ixora,

BB & mummy r fine. How abt u & bb? Last night bb didnt sleep well, woke up at 11pm++ & cried until so loud. Tried to calm him down but doesnt work so end up giving him milk then he stopped crying. But the feeding time is still an hour++ earlier.


Im only free on wkend leh..wkday cannot cox need to work & evening have to bring bb back frm my mom's hse.

So yours is in the morning till what time? Cox mine start at 4pm for the parent look-alike. Actually i wanted to join the bb adorable but its too over whelming. So u think we have a chance to meet at Suntec?


Oh ends at 8pm? hmm...im not very sure leh.
So u confirm with me again if u will be going down this sat ya? So we need to bring a photocopy of my bb's birthcert, photo & what else har?

Btw, i have attached my boy photo taken on sat..all well dressed up & really for shopping & he was so excited!!

Dlim: u have to bring the registration form with the receipt together with all that u have said.. of cos ample milk powder and bb supplies..hahaha.. ur boy look so happy!!! when is he born?? u same as me.. only free on weekends.. now i found kaki liao..

Mrs Lai and all mummies..
i ordered fm Babymall a few times oredi.. mostly fm the ovs spree conducted in this forum.

the cutting is juz nice i.e the rompers is abit narrow but stretchable which look more like for skinny BB.
sugg that u all get 9-12 mth coz i find 6-9 & 9-12 mth not much of diff.

will post photos if possible later
which resort in Bintan you book? hubby & I actually took leave next week but dunno bring BB go whr.. sicarly end up rot at home
*wink* yx got too many gfs liao
Better keep all those 'harmful' toys away frm bbG.. i also notice that bbM will anyhw swing thgs like canx 'ctrl' their movements so well yet..

Hmm... Actually i went Daiso at PS on Sunday. Had wanted to buy the same reindeer band for Glynnis and let her wear during the x'mas gathering. There is one where they included in a red reindeer nose.

But my hubby don't like leh. He quickly walk away with Glynnis asking her to ignore mummy.
