(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

any of BB sucking thumb? i realised my boy will quietly suck his thumb and i will always take it out if i see it.
so sad.. its such an ugly sight. anyone know how to curb this habit?

u got pumpkin suit from Toys r us? my family also celeb halloween today.. my cousin's daughter also wore that.. quite cute leh
does this answer your Q.
Wei, you laughing at my misfortune meh? Btw, I also think that you look really young. That's a compliment k.

Same lor. My gal also did that. That's why sometimes I think I smell like dried saliva + milk. Haha..
I think I'll go back to the work force la. I also thought perhaps when she's a year old. I don't know yet leh. Depends on the situation then lor. Maybe I'll be too lazy to think of work again.

Heehee. I thought I'm out. So you help me post Gladys' photo is March's thread la, since she's a March bb. I'm too slow to follow that super fast thread. She can sit la but then sometimes not so zhai leh. One moment look ok, the next she'll be tumberling down. Big head, perhaps.
You very bad leh. Always got nice loots!

Mrs Lai
Vanessa so cute!!
You very bad. Make us all wanna cheong to Daiso.

Same lor. I also hardly got any nice photos with my bb. Anyway, my hubby's photography skills sucks big time. Eg, wrong angle, wrong timing, blurry, etc..
Btw, my dear hubby used my camera to entertain my dear bb and she dropped it twice. It left the battery latch broken can! He said he'll go fix it. We shall see if he will remember.
My bb also loves to suck her thumb recently, especially together with the sleeve of her pj or the corner of her chow chow pillow. You get what I mean, like her thumb will poke the clothe and she'll suck on both the clothe and her thumb?

Can you collect the socks for me too? Pleaseee..
Btw, I've yet to transfer the money to you leh. Paiseh.

You so funny leh. Give bbM facial. Mine is go into her nose lor. So sometimes got a bit of residue and dry liao like pi sai.
Btw, I just got back for a 2 day trip to Malacca. We drove there. Bb slept thru during most of the ride. We had wanted to go to KL but I thought we should test water first so Malacca's a better choice coz not too far.
my router at home not working hence couldnt come online during the weekend. Wanted to get your address from you. Only rem your blk but not the floor. I PM you my contact in case need to contact me oki?

my girl is so so so interested in sucking her fingers, watever in her hands will go into her mouth too. Its just so messy with her saliva on her face, her clothes etc. Got to wipe her and change her frequently.
my boy will also put hankie or toys and suck it together with his thumb.

recently he started to play with his cereal. he will dip his finger into the bowl the smear around his mouth *faint*.
nowadays i ended up scold and feed him at same time
Catherine: the competition is this sat.. ur category is at 4pm.. for parent look alike.. this Friday? Where u wana meet? If nt we meet on sat at suntec cos I be there but mayb I not going the 4pm competition cos HB cant make it.. got to go back work.

sucking fingers: my gal also doing it.. old folks say got honey.. i thnk it's the teething period for our kids.
sucking fingers , mine too .
he just went for his jab last sat . got high fever for past 2 days .
we pasted the cool plaster on his head + he actually peel it off and stuff it into his mouth to suck ???!! stupid greedy pig .
Mummies : Yesterday my girl banged her nose on the floor. She was sitting in the middle of the living room and wanna get down to the crawling position, and then 'banged'... She cried so loud...
cai: ur boy so clever ah.. can peel off..

dreamygal: hope ur gal is ok... u never put a mat at where she sit ah.. jst let her sit on the floor?
Kelley : My hubby put her on the floor when he watched TV loh... She screamed so loudly... Only cooled down after mummy carried her... *So proud*... Haa...

Anyway she also wouldn't stay on the mat loh... She will crawl out and chase after my dog. Very tiring looking after her now... I am scared my dog will snap at her one of these days.
ixora, cindy and gene, thanx for the compliments!

cindy, i saw your froggy float yesterday but the package recommended 3-6yr usage. so i bought one that recommended <2yr instead. the one i bought was quite ugly, but it was the only one that i could find within the <2 range. also got him a pair of blue trunks.

valc, maybe you want to try banana on ashley again? it should be quite yummy what, those small fat ones.

you were talking about your son eating those brown plant balls right? i think kids are fascinated with plants. yesterday my bb repeatedly pulled the leaves off my mum's money plant. later on in the afternoon, my 10mth old nephew actually stuck his hand into the pot and ate a mouthful of soil. gross!
doing the laundry
can i check with u mummies if u do alot of handwashing at home? or do u use washing machine that has different functions to wash home clothes as well as delicate/going-out-clothes? exploring the idea of getting a new washing machine cos mine is v basic. only 1 mode with small medium big load that's all. then dunnit to do handwashing liow jus dump in machine. can or not?

the nose part is most painful. oooooh.... so good your bb can crawl already. how fast they grow. v soon we'll be celebrating their 1 yr.
ValC: I'm a lazy mummy...has used the washing machine to wash everyone's clothes, curtains & bed sheet since I got married. For my bbM'clothes, I usually put in washing machine & put delicate mode but used normal washing detergent.
Kelley: This Sat?!?! Oh ok. I thought if this Friday got meet-up, maybe can meet u. If not, I can meet u on Satursday, any time convenient for u...:cool:) If not, can meet u after 2pm from Monday to Friday
i used pigeon washing detergent and use delicate mode.
i nvr handwash at all. nowadays even new clothes i also throw into washing machine
ValC : Should be bah. She keeps screaming.

Michelle : Cannot, she will scream. Unless i stay inside with her loh. But then my dog will make noise cos he wants to be in also. Haiz...

Taro : From our April thread or May thread? They look so so cute.
ValC: my gal dun like bananas, like her daddy ;P

Washing Machine: Er, I use to use delicate mode for baby clothes, but now is normal load, just use baby detergent.

As for my clothes, seldom use any mode except express normal load ;P noly more flimsy clothes put inside those netting bag. that's it ;P
dreamygal: u haven't seen my dog yet. he whole day follow me, then i got no time for time, he sit down in front of me and stare at me with his big big eyes. then these days got 1 added action. one of his front paw will hang up, like injured like that ... comical ...

for eg, if I'm in the kitchen washing dishes facing the living room. he will lie down in my direct sight, just STARING at me... it gets pretty unnerving actually ;P
Mrs Lai : So sweet. When you have the time, post a picture of your dog. They are really such sweet creatures. My dog will sometimes stare at me when i carry Glynnis. I feel a bit guilty for not ginving him my 100% attention now.
Dreamygal: u never buy gates ah.. if u put her on mat mst put gates loh

Catherine: cant leh.. I got work unless u wana come my workplace take from me.. the competition is this sat at 4pm for bb parent look alike cat so u come earlier find me.. I pass u.. or I can pass to michelle for u if I reali cant stay long..

Taro: bb's ready for halloween ah..kekek..

washing clothes: bb clothes i wash with my bare hands..
Hi everyone,

How are you? It has been a loooong time i have not log in here to chat with u gals. I believe all of us must be very busy with our bb.

The thread is moving so fast that I cant even track back...too long for me to catch up..hehe..

<font color="blue">Hi Kelley,</font>

Saw that you are going down for the compeition this sat? I will be there as well!! But then.. i wont know which one is u cox never meet u b4 & sure alot of ppl on that day.
Kelley : Cannot leh. My girl will not want to stay inside alone and my dog will not want to stay outside. Haa...

Baby Contest
I think quite a no of mummies registered for the competition wor... Who's competing har? Me go and support. Hee...

u so steady one, wash with your bare hands,
i use washer coz my gal's laundry already1 basket liao.
she uses countless of bibs & hankies & clothes in a day
err..my girl's clothes are still hand wash by my hubby. :p

Can we wash her clothes together with ours in the washing machine or must still be separated?
Taro, the pair of babies dressed in pumpkin suits just look so cute.

you happy la, your YX so young has a gf already.
No wonder you so proud to show the photo here. whahaa..
<font color="ff0066"> dreamygal</font>

same leh..

my gal can be sitting on the bumper / ac / playing with her toys but the min snowy walk past her eyes will follow snowy and try to grab/pull his fur..

till now snowy oso 'siam' her..

she 'bang' the back of her head twice when sitting on the bumper but never make noise as we 'TRIED OUR BEST' to stay cool and not 'aiyoh' loudly when we saw that..
MichK: So far away?!?! Oh my goodness! I dun mind cos I driving but for Gene/Sandwich think a bit difficult to go so far....

Kelley:Where u work??
gene can drive also mah..

at Dover/Bk batok

also can come COZ very near her place.

sorry lah, forgotten to add ur name

see i tell u caithlyn very well travelled in Spore and soon the world ! wahahaha...
