(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

gt gathering at imm? near my parents' place but too bad that i am not on leave that day else can join.

Dlim: like tat good.. can organise we go IMM ourselves on weekend.. cos my mum stay at hillview and i am there most weekends.. only this weekend got bb contest.. so will not be going..

Any1 can share with me the feeding timing. ? cos they said my boy strink due to wrong feeding schedule.
applered: u mean ur boy shrinking?? losing weight?? why nt u tell us ur feeding schedule then we see from there?

Dlim: my mum stay at hillview heights.. the pink condo at the round about nearer to standard chartered bank at the railway there..
thx for sharing on the purch of the washer and dryer. wow! i din know it'd cost $1K over jus to do laundry. did your electricity bill go up by alot since you had the dryer?

thx everyone else on your contribution on washers too. it was v informative. now i jus have to convince the pple at home that we need to get a washer to cut down on the time spent for washing.
Wah.you not only young mummy but also a very intelligent and diligent mummy too ayhstudy & take exams for Masters when preggieam sure Kaizer will be very clever in future too. Really interested to meet you & Kaizer have always felt that you look sweet & pretty since the 1st time I see your photo.

Actually, my boy has very thin hair at the back of his headbut he either in lying down position or being carried facing front.so not many mummies notice the back of his head. :p

Whats more important is that your baby is well-behaved like your sweet little galthen at least its much easier to bring her/him around. I cannot even have a proper meal with my husband with baby Jonas around coz he want us to either carry him or entertain him.

Kelley / Catherine
Do let me know if lunch is confirmed tomolo at ChinatownI can join you ladies.

Think I can check with Snowflakes too whether shes interested to join.

Any other SAHM mummies interested to come Chinatown?


Where's this lookalike competition on Sat being held?

Re: Sweet Potato for baby
Last evening I experiment to give my boy sweet potatoesjapanese type one. So far so goodno problem.. think he likes it

Re: Baby sucking toes
My boy like to bring up his feet to such his big toes nowadays. Any mummies observe this in your baby too?
springdance: the lunch wait for catherine to return n see how.. will sms u if confirm the competition is at suntec on 3 nov.. my gal has been doing the toe sucking at her 3-4 months..it's normal..
i stay in Punggol.. think it's quite far from your place.. furthermore, my mil is coming on Fri.. it's ok, u ladies go ahead.. tks for offering..

we booked Mayang Sari resort, heard fr a fren quite nice.. go book quick if u wanna go nx wk..

me & bb r fine too.. my gal is quite active, crawling ard now.. your boy very cute leh, he looks so happy! Brot him to shop at where?

my baby girl likes her toes as well. at night i let her wear socks to sleep. and, she likes to pull her socks and lick her socks too!
hi mummies

i'm free on friday..would love to meet u ladies at IMM..but i've no transport..
If taking MRT from punggol..
should i take NEL, change to West bound train at outram and alight at Jurong East
take NEL, change to north bound train at dohby gaut (via Yishun...)and alight at Jurong East
take bus no.3 to pasir ris and take train to jurong east

Wah...think of the route also sian jik bua liao!

any mummies wanna share a cab?

he never lose weight but gain weight too. but just duuno why he looks strinnking le. a lot of ppl said that. the following is his schd.

8.30am - 180ML FM
12.30pm - cereal wit 90ml FM
4.30 - baby food (1 bottle)
8.30 - 180ML FM
2.30 - 180ML FM

all depends on his interval. sometimes 4 -5 hrs. i feed his twice semi food per day. is that correct ?
my boy been sucking his toes long long time ago lor.
old ppl say mummy will get preggie again if baby suck toe. but i prove them wrong! kekeke
if gene coming, u can take cab to her place then you guys can come togehter. (wah, i good leh, help gene to co-ordinate)
*ouch (gene, dun beat me too hard leh)

aiya, everytime i see Jo, she so adorable one

sorry, din notice paste the wrong link,
correct link is this http://www.thenewparentsguide.com/baby-development-month-7to9.htm

the main topic page is for my cust, coz he married Korean wife and preggy no frends here.
so intro SMH to her. paiseh
i think there is some virus fm MSN.

Kris cld hv opened a virus file fm MSN then it wld auto send to her contacts.
my fren kena too
i realised Bugis- Seiyu got a good range of BB stuffs.
i love looking at Pigeon and Combi stuffs when i was thr for lunch..

I think so, rcvd at least 4 times the same request.
I have ignore all the request, except the 1st one coz didnt know is virus file.
Hopefully wont affect mine one.
that's alot your baby eats. i dun think there's anything to worry about if your baby eats well and appears healthy and alert. u worry if your bb dun eat well
like me. so lucky your bb can eat a whole jar of food already. mine wun even eat a teaspoon of anything. v sad.
your bb eats quite well leh based on the schedule u gave..

my gal is roughly:
8am - 90ml FM
11am - 150ml FM
1pm - cereal/porridge
3pm - 150ml FM
6pm - 150ml FM
9pm - 180ml FM

I'll see how.. will let u knw if I'm going, then can share cab with Traz..

Sms me too if u confirm going down.


Your girl can crawl so fast already ar? Mine can crawl but not so fast as compared to your gal. Still not very steady yet. My boy seems to be more interested in standing up than crawling. Always like to hold on something to stand straight up. I can imagine how busy u r chasing & looking ard for bb joanne.


You bb seems to have a balance diet leh..nothing wrong & dun worry too much. My boy also tends to grow slimmer, dunno wats wrong but his eating diet seems ok to me as well.
any reason why your bb drinks less at 9am feed compared to the rest of the milk feeds? cos my bb also drinks less during the 1am 7am and 10am feeds. 1pm 4pm 7pm 10pm better. funny.
Dlim: u mean going to suntec is it?? on sat sure at suntec.. only this sunday mayb not at hillview.. next wekk i sms u.. then we can go walk walk at IMM!!!

Oh..i think i confused liao. Anyway see u at suntec this sat. U wont leave so early right cox i will only be there at ard 3pm i think.

Sure sms me next sun & we go IMM & shop shop!!

all folks said i shld not give 2 semi-solid good. they said only once a day only. cos baby needs to drink more milk. loh

dont worry. mayb ur bb doesnt like to eat baby food. u may try others lor... like my bb doesnt like sweet potato

wow ur baby eat alots ya. how heavy is ur bb ? but u only feed 1 semi-solid. my old folks said i shld not give him 2 semi-solid per day le. when u cook porridge.. did u act any soya sauce or salt ?

any recipe to share ????
dlim: don't know what time i will leave.. u hope my gal win the talent contest.. than i be there for long..hahaha

apple: is it?? i give 2 times also.. cos my gal sleep beta wake up lesser.. cos her milk intake already loh... my gal eats cereals for 2 feed.. one time afternoon one time evening before 8.30pm.. then slp will drink 120ml of milk loh..
apple: dont add salt or sauce now leh.. if not their taste butt will be stuck to it.. then jialat liao.. can try putting "gou qi zi" or fish or carrot in porridge when cooking?? or red date.. some mummy teach me that too..
<font color="FF00FF"> AVENT Pink Pacifier</font>
Anyone wanna share with me? I got it in a pair of pink and purple 6mth-18mth at $11.20 cause cheaper in pairs. After 20%+5% it's only <font color="FF00FF"> $4.25</font>. much cheaper than you buy a single piece at $7 after discount $5.32. YX using the purple de.
hi DLIM,
welcome back to this thread. it has been more than 4 months u din come in here. i rmbr u are the 1st few mummies giving birth in March

** Page up, Gene, me n ur bb are March bb.

btw, we are org X'mas party on 8 Dec @Tampines. it will b a lunch. u wanna to join us?

keira's schedule today

9am - 150ml
1.30pm - 2 tbspoon HT brown cereal
3pm - 120ml
6pm - 150ml
10pm - 150ml

Is this too little ??? or shld i feed her another 150ml at 1am
since u all were saying abt babies schedule , i think my son is overfed

yesterday .

8am - 170ml fm ( 4 scoops)
12pm - HT cereals 2 tbspoon + 2 scoops milk powder (120ml)
4pm -170ml fm (4 scoops)
5pm -1/4 slice of avocado + apple mix
8pm - milk + cereal 120ml
11pm - milk 170ml (4scoops)
1 am - milk 160ml (4.5 scoops)


Wow...am very impressed u still remember me leh. So touched...hehehe U really hv a very good memory.

Thanks for the invitation, I really want to join the x'mas party as I missed out the very 1st gathering the other time. And so coincidentally I have to attend a wedding dinner on 8 Dec as well. What time the party start & end at what time? And when is the dateline to register? I will check with my hubby if he want to come along ya.
