(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Ya, Cher petite leh! So envious...dun have to carry a heavy weight around! ahahha. I am just hoping for Caitlyn to be more active, then her wt gain will slow down!

That's not a keropi float. it's just a normal frog.
i got it from isetan but i'm v sure every other dept store has it. it's cute n cheap....less than $7!

o ya...my hubby loves chix rice....always want to eat chix rice....so fattening! urgh!

she must have a big head cos she is bi overall mah!! haha.

lunch/tea next week...ok, shouldn't be a prob.

wah...study while preggie n confinement....that's v zai! n sandwich...kaizer does look v gd wif the bib! haha!

saw the float leh, quite nice even if its juz a normal frog!
btw, think caithlyn is the most well travelled bb in our thread ! wahahahaha.....
saw ur gladys in trolley !
so IN liao....

mar side actually have a compilation of trolley pic. so cute leh when u see all the babies in it.
mummies< just wanted to share this pic - finally had the chance to go Daiso! although didn't get to wander around as long as I wanted =( but enuff to pick up some cute stuff ...

aug: i'll transfer the $$ later (hubby behind me now - if he see me online banking, he always ask who I transferring $$ and for what) he doesn't know about the thur JL looting yet ;P *shhhh*
caicai: ya today she is in super good mood - i think she very happy after I brought her to go shopping at Daiso (her fav place) hehehe.

Augleo: sorry ah, do you think you can help me to collect the socks too? Thanks!
mrs lai

vanessa is so kawaii!!!!!!! think she looks like u!!! she sure looks like a happy baby!!! = o )

didn't know daiso has such cutie stuff - should drop by 1 of these days!
Mrs Lai,
Nice pic with bb V.. she's so cute & cheery!
Hey, I oso complain on pics taken by my hb.. he hardly takes nice pic of me & bb tog.. dunno y..
Mrs Lai
V so cute..i wanna go Daiso too!

$7 really cheap for a float leh.. i juz bot 1 fm Kiddy palace almost same price as yours

anyway, bot my boy swimming today. its a failure!
i think its wrong timming as he seem to be cranky and wanna sleep.
so he wail when we place him in the float. only when my hubby carry him in the pool then he kept quiet..
so disappointed coz i tot he love water

cindy.. see your float nicer then mine!!
i also don't hv much photos of me and my boy

my hubby have the most photos taken with him coz i'm always the one holding camera
then hubby also don't understand why i must always take photo.. kekeke
Mrs Lai,
i will b collecting the socks from Tampines MRT. u can indicate ur name in Tampines MRT n "inform" PINK tat i will b collecting for u. but when will we meet pass the socks to u lei?

nice pix of bbV.

bought 1 X'mas shirt from bbFox for JK not sure whether he still can wear during Dec .
Morning Mummies....tried to feed bbM HT Oat Cereal today & it's a battle...wonder whether he got eat anything or all kenna by the walker, bib, 2 pcs of cloth nappy & his face! Think he treats the Oat as face mask! Kept wiping his face & whole face cum hair also have cereal! sigh....what a disgrace!
augleo: hehehe one of these days when we go shopping again lor ;)

giant have this 3 for $9.90 rompers - so i bought 3 and then got to hunt down my epson paper ... see if can I make anything for Christmas for her to wear .... I'm going to use that picture i took (with the headband) for my christmas cards ... hehehe

ya, i prefer the IMM daiso cuz so many things ... go to the food dept so tempted to cook jap food. btw, warning ah .,.. THEY HAVE A HELLO KITTY SECTION!!!!!!
catherine: nmind ... maybe ur baby sleepy? even as much as my girl loves her solid, she will tend to smear all over her face, clothes, bumbo seat, hair, ears, and nostril when she's sleepy.

dun give up ... it's a learning process for us as well as for the baby =)
Ixora: ya mostly i hold camera but i v fussy and i complain the picture so NICE but it's blurry hahaah - so v sad ah ... and he still asking why i got the lumix - i got it so that it gives me a higher chance of nicer photo ... just hold so that 3 continous shots can be taken but he thinks his skills so good dun need to use it ... and then i get all this shitty shots lor ;P
actually i didn't know the float so cute...cos the pix on the box not v cute leh. i was desperate to get her a float that time so saw this one just went to buy. how i know after blowing up the float actually quite cute! hehehe.

nm...next time when your boy outgrows this float, then you buy him a cuter float lor.

Caitlyn well travelled? Around singapore u mean? haahhaa
mrs lai, we work in the same building. how did you know him? and thanks for your avocado posts. banana avocado is quite yummy =) i got my avocados from the pasir panjang fruit warehouse last week, so they're very good ones. hopefully i can find at least alright ones at NTUC later.

cindy, i'm very eager to bring kaizer to the pool, but only after i've bought the swim diaper and float. am going to west mall now to see if they sell the cutie frogie float at tom and stephanie!

mummies, i went to JL marina yesterday. it was in such a mess. saw the thermal ware that a few of you bought. think it's quite heavy to carry out right? still considering whether i want to get it or not.

also, JL ran out of pigeon breastpads and they didnt have the stroller bag that i was looking for. actually i went to mothercare later and they didnt have such bags either. maybe i'll just buy them online.

when u went to the US, did u pump and throw or did u manage to transport milk back home? how many times did u hv to pump to maintain supply? i'm pumping 3x a day now. is it possible to cut down to 2x during travel and go back to 3x when back in sg? will it decrease ss? will I get engorged during travel for cutting down to 2x?
valc, i pumped and threw away everything on the trip.

prior to the trip, i pumped about one extra feed every other day to freeze. so during the trip, i could afford to slack a bit and regulate my supply to dip exactly to the amt that my bb drinks.

as to whether you can go from 3X to 2X to 3X, i think it depends on how long your trip is. mine i don't count by the number of times i pump (cos i told you before that i don't follow schedules), i count by the amt. my overall supply dipped from 900+ml to 700+ml during a two week plus trip
valc, i see if i can make a lunch trip to vivo over the next few days to check then.

michele, i like to shop online also. by the way, is yours a jeep stroller? mine's graco but i'm thinking of getting the maclaren bag cos i like the design.
you mean add banana to advacado? no need to add milk huh? this is interesting combi.. will try it out.

do you mix your fruit? like apple + pear etc.. got other combi recommendations? coz i am only giving 1 fruit puree at a time. since my boy is ok with all of them .. so wondering if its ok to mix fruits
i see fm Ovs spree that you organising walmart spre. can i check with you walmart sizing? issit accurate say i order 6-12mth for my boy or is the cutting like ON very small?
Ixora: like tat more worrying wor.. my gal tat assessment was done 6 months and 2 weeks leh.. haiz.. I reali feel like giving up.. her milk intake decreasing some more.. she prefers solid food.. u know her milk still stand at 120ML.. now sometimes cant even finish.. aiyo..some more check liao.. no teeth..

Catherine; u owe me big time.. I dont 1 malcom to kiss me ah.. u mst meet me that day before registration cos u need the form to register. Forgot to tell u pls bring along bb copy of birth cert and bb pic k? ur competition starts at 4pm.

Mrs Lai: daiso IMM HK section is where u hang out most rite?? Hahah.. btw.. the pic reali nice for xmas card leh..
Min: if all the single fruit u try liao.. can mix loh.. like apple n banana..avocado n banana.. apple n avocado. so on n on n on..
Kelley: My bbM's kiss so precious u also dun wanta...hahah...ok, would definately treat u when we meet up next time! Are u free to meet coming Fri?? Btw, when's the competition?? Me very blur blur also...
Michele: How u install the jeep stroller bag? Cos my capella stroller dun really have a long handle for putting the stroller bag...I interested in getting a stroller bag, too but worry can't attach to stroller....
ya! i agree with sandwich...babies all like bananas! i realise that if i mix cereal with banana, pumpkin or sweet potato...caitlyn doesn't really like and wont finish but if minus the cereal...she laps everything up!! issit ok if i dun feed her cereal? same with porridge too. sigh.

so sandwich, did you manage to get the float? i'm very sure kaizer will love swimming cos he's so active! i got a diaper/stroller bag from hippopotamus...i think its not bad! u can check it out at the dept stores, unless u die die also want to get the maclaren one.
i live that pic for yr xmas card as well.
vanessa looks so Happy in it.

wanted to go over but forgot ur phone no leh.
can call me ??

i like the maclaren bag too... where u got that from ?
aye...sorry ah...its kiddopotamus...not hippo! ahahhaa. no fan lah..i think i only got the bag and the pillow thingy for the pram! but some of their things quite nice!
wasted BM - this morning I was pumping and when I was almost done, I noticed this brown thing at the top of the bottle. I opened up and realised it's a BUG ... I've no idea how it got into the bottle so end up, I had to throw aaway 200ml of my milk *sianz*
