(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

ribena 2litres @ $9.90 for me

oz for parents, they leaving on monday mah..
if i go, wld have mention to u liao

hey, u r here...was still wondering where have u been these few days...busy shopping for bags???


try banana/avocado if u r lazy...cos no need to cook..just mash, add a bit of milk, can give bb liao..
Michele/ Taro/ EE/ Augleo/ Ixora/ Michelle/ Lynn
Thank you thank you for your well wishes!!

Claire v cute hor. She sit quite steady liao. Hair so long also.

Aiyo, stress leh. June is still a long way. I'm sure my memory will fail me. How about giving me a hint just before your bday? hehe..

My bb didn't surprise me leh but she was rather sweet, like not giving me major headache. Haha.. Oh ya, when I was about to bathe her, I took out her diaper right. Then she poo poo lor. But I managed to catch the poo in her dirty diaper. Lucky. 1st time I saw her poo in 'raw' state coz everytime ganna squashed. *yucky*

Wei, your Elmo cupcake very nice leh. But see only is not enough to make me happy. I wanna eat!!

Ya, so next time you think of Taiwan's National Day "shuang shi guo qing" must remember me hor. Thanks for your bday song. muack back..

But I see your gal from the photo like quite chubby leh. Wanna pinch her cheeks.
good morningg!!

Kelley, you shave ur bb hair during her 4th month? Her hair is short, my baby somewhat similar. heez..Got companion liao.

Gene, hope im not too late. Happy Belated Bday to ya!
michK, no leh... i didn't go AMK hub... have been staying at home coz hubby went for wisdom tooth extraction operation - he removed 4 teeth at the same time - so have to take care of him, i.e. cook and sayang him.

taro, sure!

kris, what's ur blog add again i'll add urs to mine as well.

hehe, claire steady ah? ok lah... there are quite a few babies here more advanced than her oredi. i let her play on the bumper mat about an hr every day so she got 'chance' to practice her 'skills'.
Michelle: u drink so much ribena ah.. wowI was not sleeping loh.. hahahaha

Gene: she got the cheeks but dont hv the fleshy limbs.. dec gathering u see loh..

Darbebe: yes.. shave her at 4th month cos she was also bald before that.. wah.. u hapy got someone join the nunnery with ur gal ah hahaha.. shall we have a chair botak person for the nunnery??

Dreamygal: sayang.. which rocker?? The old traditional kind ah.. I thnk ur bb cant lie in that anymore liao leh..
haha..kelley, nunnery? My girl shaved at first month and since then, her hair grow so slow and uneven too. Sianz...Only the front got abit more hair. Back, only 1 'line' across her head got hair. The rest all short short nia. How I wish I buy those cute cute clips for her.
kelley ,
re:percentile weight
i think it means ur baby is MORE THAN 70-80% of the babies in her age , correct me if i am wrong .
my bb belongs to 50 % tile now (he used to be 90% tile ... dunno what went wrong along the way)
although his head still big .
ixora , nvm lah . ICA is near my hubby's office . so he went in , the pic said cannot , he just went off lor . i think becoz u did Joanie's passport in person , so the verification has already been done when u submitted ur application form. for us , we submitted online , so they need to see the baby bah. anyway , tis mon going there with baby .kekeke
dreamygal , u said must carry and swing baby during the kindermusik class , i think i cannot tahan leh. mite ask my hubby to attend class wif bb .
Kelley : My MIL like to put her there for feeds and she never have the habit to buckle her up. Haiz... I see if i have picture of that rocker.
good morning mummies

thks for ur sms on METRO sales.
i was there ard 6pm.
in facts, not much control @the entrance whether u are a member anot.
spent S$90+ n managed to get S$5 voucher.
it seems like more bb items n clothings.

the lucky bb high chair is selling S$49.

good gal, finally u rmbr. aiyoh... wat happen 2u huh? hw can i help u? too many programming jobs?

Glynnis now very active, place her on the floor?
the day when i rec'd bumper mat, me wash the rocker n keep liao.
*pat pat*
think my wrist still cant take it...

Anyone wants to take over my space for KIndermuzik???
Quick, let me know !
u not going on Sunday trial class?

Dreamygal, happybb n taro,
for the studio photo for bb, me not going le.
count me out hor.
too far for me, enjoy n do share with us when u rec'd the photo.
BTW, for ur info.
* if u bring along stamps n envelope they will mail the photo to u = save a trip.

* additional 4R photo w/o touch up = S$28
finally can post liao.. aiyo type long message juz now then got hang!

btw, how much cereal are u mummies feeding?
i giving 2 milk scoops of Heinz cereal with 40-50ml of FM
Darbebe: yes NUNNERY!! All botak ma.. the one line across the head is call gugu line.. u mst ask her gugu to buy shoe for her.. then if u willing shave again will go off.. my gal also hv.. very light one.. so I ask her gugu buy shoe.. but I dont dare to shave again.. I wish when the hair longer will cover loh.. mine behind got hair in front bald.. so my MIL yesterday put abit of XO on the head.. ahhahah.. let me see if work.. I tell u

Caicai: is it?? I very confuse with this percentile thingy.. so my gal is 90% above all her peers weight?? Like tat michelles keira mst be 100%hahaha..

Dreamygal: put her on the rocker to feed?? But rocker is lie down position rite?? If we talking abt same one la..

Michelle: wat happen to ur wrist??? Huh.. u not going now ah. Why??

Min: i don't thnk there reali is a gauge.. anyway ur bb will not want more if they full.. regarding adding milk hor.. depends on how thick u want the cereal to be loh..
hopefully some1 interested in taking my place ??
my wrist still very pain, dun think i can managed to swing a 8kg+ baby here n there
I've got a long post and its gone... Sainz...

Michelle : Ya. Its Glynnis.

We see how is Ernest today, if he is ok, then maybe EE can take over your place. She said she's interested yerterday.

Augleo : Ya. Glynnis is super active. But i don't dare to put her on the mat. My MIL's place got too many kids running around le, so not safe.

Kelley : Ya, she like to feed her this way leh... The rocker:

Too busy yesterday afternoon never check forum... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY YA! Always remember that you are XX young.. NOT xx years old.

So is Glynnis OK? No adults around when she fell?

My boy only 7.15kg at 5mths lei... you still "Hiam" your girl skinny ah.
kelley , that means ur gal is considered the heavy weight category coz she is heavier than 90% of the gals around .
muahahaha , stil got the cheek to call minipigs ?
aiyoh , think EE will hammer u .
last time i used to think keira is pretty big . but after micK posted her latest pic ( on the trolley) i think she slimmed down leh . or maybe they grow taller , so we feel they are slimmer .
dreamygal: ur bb mst sit up n eat liao.. head stable already rite?? this is too dangerous for them already.. cos they turning n flipping..aiyo...

springdance: cos my gal long la.. u all see liao will understand.. pple thnk i underfeed her wor...haiz..

Cai: ya loh.. grown taller ma.. my gal so long some more.. she look like chopstick.. like mummy..haiz.. i don't like.. i want bui bui bb.. cos when teething, crawling n walking will grow thin de loh.. i hv been there n done tat.. i used to bui bui at bb.. look at me now.. can fly with the wind.

I have a fren who is selling her almost brand new one at $250. Hardly used cos bb prefers the other stroller which is back-facing.

I hv personally seen the stroller...really as good as brand new! Too bad I bot mine liao...

PM me if u r interested in case i dont come in.
Kelley, I tot the 'gugu' line is no hair 1. haha..the gugu nva buy shoe for her, only booties when she's newborn. :p That one counts or not? anywya, i also dont dare shave her again. Worried that by 1 year year, she still little hair. Then ' bu mei' lor.

Michelle, Baby K is 8kg + ? wow..but she looks small in size, as in petite from photos. My girl hor...look very chubby, bah bah..but she only 7kg as of last Sat.

Time flies, my baby will be exactly 6 months tomorrow.
DARBEBE: gugu line obvious lighter/no hair then other parts loh.. i thnk my explanation damn bad..hahah.. i also scared like u..
happy birthday
ur post of slim bikini babe to fat ah soh, so cute, i oso hvnt got a chance to put on my bikini agn leh..
kelley, the 'gugu' line behind my bb head got hair leh..very funny. the rest are all short other than the front portion. haha..
"gugu" line

Both my boys dun hv leh...although they hv 2 gugus lor...

Haiz...cannot trick them to buy expensive shoes liao
Springdance/Kelley : My girl didn't pass the 7kg mark when she's 5 mths loh... Haa... Nvm lah... They are all healthy...

Kelley : We will sit her up when she eating. Drink milk, she will still lie down. Should sit up huh?
Poor Glynnis. Hope she's fine from the trauma. I was worried YX will roll off too so I always put safety belt on him when he's in the rocker or changing table.

I saved the image instead. Added you in Facebook

no lah. not busy shopping for bags... not buying liao cos getting a car soon

ya claire v steady. tonite i load some photo taken 2 days ago while Ashton was sitting in his cot... he seems like falling dwn to the front.

ya lor, taiji sup on leave, me jia lat
Darbebe: hhmmm.. funny.. anyway my gal starting her first day on her stage 2 formula..

Dreamygal: drink milk lie down ok. But if ur gal knows how to flip.. I thnk its not safe to put in the rocker liao.. my 2 cents worth la..

Taro: I see.. thanks I seldom use facebook one ah.. mst say first hor.. i added u..
