(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

dreamygal / caicai

Yah, PD told me the same, as long BB are healthy and active, then not to worry.
But hoh, there thing is my Tiffany is EXTREME SMALL loh. When ppl asking is my bb just 1 or 2mths old, how hurt you know?
Can imagine how stress my bb sitter isKK
Now, even worry her weight may drop as she grow older.
As I said, if her weight is between average, I dont really bother.
Wah....never come in for less than 24hrs got so many posts already!

Kelley...ya...they only teach u how to deco...cupcake recipe ur own one...any recipe also can.

Mrs Lai...so long Q ah? End Nov...

Gene...ok lah...another day make again for you ok?

Thanks for all the compliments on the cupcakes! Next time more pro can lelong already! ahhaha.

Mommies who are meeting tom...I may have to meet u guys later...say 1plus? i can have a drink or something...or go shopping. will call u guys to check where u r. Gene...are u going? I only have yr no...

Sanrio...u going tom? then we can go shopping!!
i add 2 scoops of stage 1 + 1 scoop of stage 2 (depends on the tin instructions) on 1st few days.

if BB is ok, then i add 1 scoop of stage 1 + 2 scoops of stage 2 till i finished the whole tin of stage 1
where you ladies meeting tomorrow? Think Taka having sale. Taka card members additional 10%

You have msn?

why you want naked photo so much? Let me go take tonight of my YX. Think DH gonna kill me. hahaha
my girl also takes v little milk and refuses solids totally. she seems to be totally aversed to anythign in her mouth except when she's sleepy. i think she's still not ready for solids cos her tongue keeps pushing out. i'm supplementing her with this carbohydrates powder which seems to be helping her gain weight. i give about a scoop in each bottle which is 19calories a scoop. it easily dissolves in milk. like adding cereal to milk. but you got to check with your doc 1st lah. my doc says ok with it and to continue.
That day my bb also nearly fell off the bouncer, similar 1 like yours. Somemore, I actually did strap him, juz dat I only buckle the left & right ones, din strap onto the bottom one. Was happily leaving him watching TV, but next momemt, half his body (face down) on the bouncer, his legs oredi on the floor. Morale of the story, Dun under estimate our BB :p

U must be miss out my yesterday post.
Let me tell u, coz me, the silly mummy uploaded my Tiffany naked photo!!
The very first naked photo of Tiffany
I scare my Tiffany will mad at me, if she knew about it
If mummies like u help me to upload ur bb naked photo, then I can tell her that she not the only one loh hehehe
Carbohydrates powder? Can tell me what is that. I want it! Die die must let my gal try, ofcoz Ill consult my PD first.{happy}
Cindy: I see.. I wana learn to bake cakes n muffins n cupcakes ah

EE: small nvm la.. girl girl ok..

Darbebe: diff brand milk as u to intro differently leh.. for mine similac.. is intro one feed a day.. then afew days.. jst increase slowly..
EE : You are wrong... I will. Who wants to marry my daughter have to get her daddy and mummy a harley davidson bike first... Haa...
yup, i replied.

where ar u all mtg tmr? yup i m gg taka, but may ask my mum along so i can buy thgs. i can pop by to say hi
Taro : EE saw me uploading my Glynnis photo at birth and now... Then she did the same...

After that, then she regreted her 'yi shi chong dong' for posting that particular naked photo... Haa...
ee, dreamygal,
my girl was 6.87kg at 5mths old. she got 'bah' but petite frame like me. mayb oso i tbf her tru latch?? pd said she is of ok wt, no nid to wori..
Kris/ Darbebe/ Springdance
Thank you for your well wishes!!

Maybe your bb like you lor that's why skinny. But better what. Slim slim. Btw, I also wanna join your nun group. My mum also ask me to put XO on Gladys' head but I said no! You tell me the results ok. Also, Gladys' gugu still schooling leh. How about I give her money ask her buy shoes, can or not ah?

2 scoops of cereal with 50ml of FM? Isn't it too diluted? I give 6 scoops of cereal + 2 scoops of milk powder + about 80ml of water. It turned porridge like. Total volume about 4 oz when I feed from the small Avent bottle. If I add other things like avocado, I'll skip the milk powder and also add lesser water.

What happened to your wrist?

We're meeting tomorrow, 12.45pm at City Hall MRT station. Do join us if you can.
Sighz. I'll NEVER have a chance to wear a bikini again! I've got stretch marks on my tummy leh.

I started giving Gladys stage 2 milk powder 2 weeks ago when she turn 6 months old. Nan 2 HA.

Ya, I'm going. You can contact me lor. Btw, can u also sms me ur no? In case any changes, then I can get you.

Orrrr.. You pervert.
Btw, I cooked threadfin porridge for my gal today and she managed to eat quite a big portion. But she has just woken up and it's impossible to continue typing now that she's sitting on my lap. She's busy trying to 'type' with me!

Gotta go..
No lei, what I know greamygal is very kind one, she r the one who always made others mummies day bright one,who touches our heart.......
she wont bear to hurt others
(try for sweet talk)
EE , dun worry . by the time tiff grows up , this website mite not be around .
last time frenster very fashionable , now got facebook etc.
see lah , maybe nxt time no more website ... dun worry ...
talking abt no hair babies , u all got nunnery club . my son joining which club then . he also a BIG botak .
There's a BP for i-play swim wear now. Any mummies buying bikini for their little one?

EE : Hee... See whether Glynnis is nice to mummy or not loh...

2 of my colleagues pregnant liao. So envy... Hee...
dreamygal, you miss preggy times? Then jia you wor..Thinking back now, i think i quite enjoy preggy..heez...alot of privledges.
Gene: hhmm.. scared effect take too long.. abit can la.. no prob..kekeke.. bt will bear in mind to post the outcome here..

Caicai: or shall I organize a botak club.. so boys n gals can join..

Dreamygal: envy??? U wan no. 2 ah!!
ya sanrio...

we are meeting at city hall tom! come join us leh!!

what happened to your wrist??

ok gene,
will sms u soon!

i think cupcakes are easy to make lah...have recipe can liao.
i usually cheat by using the betty crocker instant muffin mix...hehheee.

All bcoz of u, coz u uploaded Glynnis one, then I do the same, just to please u, u dont appreciate it, yet balckmail me!
I dont care, u must responsible
Hi Mummies,
Nothing to contribute for semi-solids nor bb sitting and crawling, cos mine still far away...

Bumbo Seat
Any bbs out there as naughty as mine? My bb can actually fall out of the Bumbo seat by leaning alot to 1 side. Or he'd straighten his back and push the seat backwards with his legs. How to make him guai guai stay in the seat, any Mummies with tips to share?

Any tips on getting a walker/brand to buy? Where with a good range/cheaper? Cos my bb likes to jump on our laps until we buay tahan, plus cannot sit still in Bumbo. Thinking of getting a walker for him to roam about.
Darbebe / Kelley : Actually i really miss preggy times... I always tell my hubby :"See see, preggy leh, so good"... Haa... I like the feeling of baby kicking me and me scolding her when she kick.

I see quite a no of babies eating quite a big portion. Mine always refuse to eat after a few mouthful. Hmm...

Mine also a botak princess...
Cindy: orh.. okok I will do the cheating thing like u

Cherry: u can try walker at KP.. they hv quite good range.. not very ex.. jst make sure to look at bb also even they in walker.. especially if ur house got steps..

Dramygal: try no. 2 loh.. since u like.. my preggy puke like hell.. so scared.
Augleo: my gal eat 2 solid food a day.. half a bowl.. my gal only drinks 120ML of milk every 3 hrs..

Michelle: next time bake let me eat leh.. kekke.. i wana taste how it taste like.. cheaters!!
lunch/high tea 12/10, friday - meet @ 12.45 pm Cityhall MRT Station

1) michele
2) catherine
3) gene
4) bububear
5) kris
6) michellek
7) sandwich
8) cindy

pls exchange phone no. with at least 1 other mummy so that you can stay in contact with us tomorrow.
Augleo: depends leh.. sometimes she drink.. sometimes she don't best don't keep track.. i jst let her be.. if she don't eat porridge at all ah.. every 3 hrs.. let me see 7 times including night feed x 120Ml that will be 840ML a day loh.. if my maths nv fail..

Michele: i going tomorrow too!! see u all!!!

Cindy: can see u again.. i and michelle will help u all at MRT.. cos we not bringing bb.. it's our OFF day!!
the brand is nutricomp - caloric supplement. available at KKH retail pharmacy as well as NUH retail pharmacy. it's abt $13 each tin. it adds 19calories per scoop. can be added to food and drink. meant for infant children and adults as well. i guess this is a measure for those who have difficulty taking adequate calories required. that time when i started ashley on this i was so afraid that becos she was drinking so little that she wld not put on enough weight and that her brain growth will be affected(i kept measuring her head circumference). but our doctors are keeping a close watch on her percentile growth and she's doing fine. we can actually cut down on the powder if we want. she seems to have a low metabolic rate. eat little but enough to put on weight. either that or the carbo powder is helping her. but is still a stress on me feeding her and counting her calories and weight.

EE, altho it's available off the shelve, i stress that you really need to check with your dr abt this. take it only if you really need it. i know another mummy on another thread who's consulted a dietitian and they tell her that overdosing can affect kidney. they have to calculate her weight age blah blah and then advise on the no. of scoops to give.

how is your daughter feeding anyways? wat's her intake? some bbies take alot of milk/food but dun put on much weight. it may be in the genes. like my son. he eats and drinks qt alot. but he's still qt small. cos he's short. my hb's short too. but he's otherwise healthy and happy and developing well.
Hi ladies,
I'll be trying to go tomorrow also and bringing baby as well -- we meeting near control station? I hope can recognise u all.. or just look out for all the babies huh?


No..i'm not asking you about ur office off day. Cos Kelly said that the both of u won't be bringing babies, its your off day...me interprete off day from your babies! hahaha.

u r not bringing keira?
