(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


Very difficult leh...u want the Elmo cupcake...if I give you, Gene will be angry leh! Cos supposed to be her b'day cake! U have to wait till Wed ok??
cindy, gene,
u all brging bb? actually i tot of gg taka sale tmr. mayb hv lunch w u all 1st then go.. but dun noe whether i can cope w cherelle n stroller taking mrt. jia lak, very very long din take mrt, either hb drive us there or i drive (not often) or cab.
hi mummies!

Ernest don't have any chicken pox. but it seems like he got some skin problem. Think I will bring him to go see a doc tomorrow. Will still be going for the kindermusik on Sun..

Handheld Food Blender.
there are a few models of the blender on the market. I am still looking around for the one I like. If I am able to get BP for the blender will any mummies be interested in it mah?
6 scoops of cereal like alot leh.. confirmed its the type of scoop we use for FM right.. not teaspoon hor..
how come u wil use bottle to feed? tot the mixture will be quite thick so can still drink via bottle?

seem like i must increase the cereal so that it be a meal instead of snack for my boy
i wld prefer taka cos got cardmember sale tmr :p dun noe whether d rest mind. if not, is ok, i try to cum..
u want to ask, must quickly ask liao lor ??
me & kelley will be at RP tomorrow b4 meetin the rest. u let us know.... u have my no ?? 96806732
*sob sob*

cant join u mummies tmr for the hi-tea...although i really very "gian"..

Enjoy urselves!

**** ZOO ZOO ZOO ****
Hb got the corporate pass. We'll go on Sat. Anyone wants to go too? (haha...bringing bb hippo to see his tong2 lei4)
Hey mummies,
Got a surprise present from YX. He's sitting up on his own le!

Was missing in action for awhile cos was trying to put bb to sleep.

Hi Sanrio,
Yes, will be bringing bb.

If want to change to Orchard...think I will be even later cos my appt b/4 meeting the mommies will be at the Raffles City/ Marina area.
Carol : That's great!! At least not chicken pox, then you dun have to worry...

Michelle : So how? You do not want to attend the class? If not, then ask EE whether she's keen.

Taro : Congrats!!! YX is so cheery in the photo...
you must be so relieved. Was worried if baby kena chicken pox so young will be very xin ku. Don forget there's a jab for chicken pox too at 1 year plus I think.

I'm so surprised when he sits steadily. I was trying to train him to sit then realise he like can sit without support lei. I place a lot of pillows around him to standby in case he fell and he did a few times. Still a bit wobbly but I guess he'll be pretty steady in another few days. Was just commenting that he still can't flip, can't sit. who knows he may flip tomorrow? hee hee

I'll be bringing YX for his 3rd 6-in-1 tomorrow morning. If can make it, I'd love to join the gathering. Can I can I?
Chicken Pox
yup, rather relieved tha it is not chicken pox.. me sure can't sleep.. but i think should be quite ok if got it.. got medicine for anti-itch plus apply calamine lotion should be quite ok....

handheld blender.
i manage to find a store who is willing to sell me the blender at MOQ 10pcs for $58 each Actual price 68 the blender power is 300watts.. can't remember the model.. the list not with me.
trying to look for better deal.
all welcome, just come. u have at least 1 person phone rite ??? if not, take my no down.

u want to take over??? ask my husb whether he wants to carry keira swing here n there
Taro : Maybe wor... YX likes to give mummy surprise... Hee...

Carol : Sleep well tonight bah... Sunday i will sayang Ernest...
mummies with light weight BB.. plse enjoy ok.

now i have to carry my 8kg Dillion and walk round and sing him to sleep hor can be tiring leh.
and also when i bend over to carry him on the bed also very straining on the back
Taro: congrats on ur boy sitting.. so fast!!!

Carol: I be interested in the blender too if u can get cheap.. depending on which model also la..kekek..ask u ah.. those hand held ones can whisk egg boh??

Min: u funny la dont bend down straight like tat.. bad for back.. bend down like how u bend when preggy.. that is what I do..
Ya, I'll be VERY angry. The Elmo's mine!! hehe..

Bring Cherelle! Nowadays the MRT is very convenient with all the lifts. It's even easier than driving yourself. Gotta strap bb on car seat and pacify her when she cries. Not to mention you save on car park, ERP, petrol, etc.

6 scoops is the FM scoop la. So plus 2 scoops of FM and it'll substitute a meal for my bb. I got feeding dish but I use the small avent bottle instead so I know how much water to add and how much she eat mah. Easy to wash also. She doesn't feed through the bottle. I spoon feed her. I just use the bottle as a food jar.

Sure, join us!

Meet Up tomorrow
So how? Is it still Raffles City or Taka?? I anything one. Pls let me know in advance k. In case I can't log in tomorrow, pls call or sms me @ 96556353. Thanx.

tmr we r gog to take "quan jia fu" at peter pan studio.
Had bb hippo's newborn photos taken by them at Mt A (which i regret!) and they gave me this "Free 4R studio photo" voucher.

guess they will take a lot of photos then just give u 1 free, the rest got to purchase. But since we have not got any family photo yet (very difficult cos i'm always the one being the camera man, unless i train my dog to take photo for us!), decided to just go and try. Can take passport photo for bb hippo too.

Voucher expiring on 15 oct so i'm left with only a few dates to book, plus hb can only go off early on fridays.
Next time then.
Why you regret taking the newborn photo leh. Luckily I didn't take up for Gladys coz I thought $100+ v expensive for a few pictures.
You very funny leh. Can always invest in a tripod la. Or just put the camera somewhere stationery and set it to timer mode la.
I also wanna take quan jia fu but I'm still very fat leh. Still got double chin. sighz.. Everytime I take photo with hubby I try to stand a little bit behind so I look slimmer. How sad is that.
traz, i also took the same package as you from Peter Pan Studio (when I gave birth to claire @ RH) and i only took the free 5R that they give. Refuse to take more coz the guy who took the booking was really rude and not very accommodating. Each additional photo is $25 and you see the photos in the studio all SOP pose one!

i took my family portraits with a very nice american lady two weekends ago.

meeting today
let's stick to meeting @ cityhall ok? otherwise those who never log in will be confused. can always adjourn to taka after lunch.
hi kris,
yes will be joining-- was abit unsure la cos hubby not ard so will be alone.. will do $ tfr today.

Michelle.. ok, if you see me wandering around looking blur blur, you come and get me hor?

and we meeting at Raffles City huh no change .. if change, just post here.. I'll check in before leaving
So good can go for lunch today. How I wish I don't have to work then can take care of bb and go out with you gals....

When you all go shopping,can help me look out for any offers, esp for walkers? Thanks very much!

Enjoy yourselves!
Traz: sorry ah.. last nite post liao then oioi loh.. was feeding my gal.. come and steal a peak..kekeke

Gene: my gal still wake up for night feed leh.. sometimes u see me typing at 4am.. depends on what time she wake upwat u saw that is so tempting at BP..share share here..

Ya.. new born pic very expensive wor.. dont understand why.

Michele: wah.. adjourn to taka after lunch

Tell u all something.. I miss bb taka fair.. last one I went when I was preggy.. bot the pigeon bb 6 pack jumbo wipes for only $18.50.. now the 3 pack one cos more than $10.. haiz..wish I bot more.. damn.. mayb I go next bb fair n grab all of them..hahhaha if they still hv the 6 pack one..

Is Mrs Chia mrs Lai is so i can pass her $$ lata???
cherry: walkers go Kiddy Palace.. quite good range there.. no need buy expensive one la.. less than $50 can liao.. if u go KP card.. still got discount wor..
Michele: so they still hv ah.. comes in a box rite? they call some bundle pack.. set.. next bb fair i go grab tons.. how many did u buy??
Morning all

Yuo may want to consider Angel wipes? I've got 3 packs 80pcs during the last JL sale and it cost only $5.50 plus 20% + 5% rebate -> $4.18. So ended one pack only 1.39. Worth buying! The quality is as good as Pigeon and slightly more wet.

Thx for the info.
Dont worry, me definitely will consult PD first.
My Tiffany drink 90-120ML milk every 3 hrs, 7-8 times, total milk intake 600+ to 700+ml per day.
I dont know why she so small, both me & hubby quite big size, not tall but consider not short.
My elders son also not small too.

I will start to give her semi solid food this weekend, so excited! Hopefully she will like it.
taro: never see angel wipes before leh.. i love the quality of pigeon ones..

Mrs Lai: sorry.. u can *box* me.. keep forgetting to transfer to u...haiz...

Augleo: like i mention.. i keep forgetting!!!
mummies: i also got facebook ... can add me? dianebunatgmail.com


kelly i know wat u are tokking abt liao :p today can't go cuz too many things happening at home. My sis got dengue fever, so I promise to help keep an eye on her kids, office last min got EXTRA WORK to do (can u imagine going thru 9000 records), tonite got wedding dinner, gotta collect pork for my mum later cuz gotta cook pork in black vinegar cuz tomm is my bro baby first month celebrations. exhuasted man ;P
Mrs Lai,
wat a busy day for u. hope u hv a fruitful wknd.

pea size brain

YX made it!

YX, u are great. Aunty give u muah muah. **
will go KP check out tmr. No mood to work, keep thinking of "I wanna go KP, I wanna go KP". Stupid me that time never apply for their membership, then keep buying stuff there. Sigh

Oh I know where can get Pigeon wipes. 3 packs selling for $8.80. You know Chinatown food centre, the building connected to the People's Park OG? Above the food centre on the 3rd floor, there're many shops selling toiletries cheaper than outside. I frequent a particular shop called "Ocean" for toiletries and even washing detergent. That's where the Pigeon wipes are very cheap. Always "on sale".
kelley, i got 3 pkts only lah. i think nowadays like always got sale leh... and anyway, $18.95 not really cheap what. but if cherryteq says $8.80 then its cheap!!
wow! tat alots = more than 1 lit.
b4 solids, JK drinks 240ml X 4 (suppose to b 5 feeds but we skipped 1 - oni give him water during dawn. bad parent hor

now with solids, JK drinks 780 to 840ml milk + 2 solids. thot these are too much for a bb, but Kelley oso letting bbA drinking these much...so i thk shld b ok ba. unless i increase the solids portion then reduce the milk further. but milk still very impt to our bb at this stage...got to do some measurements ba.

when do u intend to let bbZ starts solids?

Good moring ladies!!! Its finally Friday!!!

Last night Glynnis woke up at 4am and refuse to sleep. Only slept at 6am and woke up again at 7am. Tired... But luckily its Friday...
