(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Mrs Lai,
for the fun of it, I PM the info to you...actually it's in the archives, I think...so it's not a BIG secret.

I just hope that #2 doesn't pops out b4 Good Friday...then I can bring Malcolm & join u all @ Sentosa!!

I haven't start Mal on toilet-training...relying on CC to do so. My 2 friends' daughter (30th April 2007) & son (Sep 2007) both toilet-trained @ home....peifu peifu...
D can drink fm cup but depend on what kind of water in the cup
if its non-water.. he will drink w/o spill. if water.. sure messy! obvious rite!

i actually started him using straw for his FM but i realise he drink successfully also depend on his mood. and he always won't finish everything.

and i realise he very lazy to sit up and hold the bottle. think he used to the lying down style to drink milk.
and also straw bottle tend to get mouldy easily.
think i much prefer milk bottle.
sea cucumber:
any mummies hv tried to feed ur kids sea cucumber?

** if yes, hw to prepare? hw to choose? u bought them in wet mkt or supermkt?

why i asked?
heehee! jus read from magazine, good for brain development wor

JK oso lazy to hold his cup when he drinks his milk from straw.


if we go early, any1 room can offer JK for nap? wahahahaha!
underwater world: we going tog?
D; OOOO anyway the cafe has very yummy breakfast lunch and dinner buffet :p tt's the high point of that place for me! But i won't stay there, cuz the rooms are quite run down, and since i very particular about smell, the tiolet sometimes has the sewer smell. And let's hope for good weather, cuz the rooms there has this very damp carpet smell too. note the evenings, being close to the "nature" also = mosquitoes. so please be prepared withe mosquito repellants. I stayed there in erm 2007? early 2008 so not sure if they have done any renos since.

Augleo: good for brains? erm, i dun even know how to prepare for adults. the problem with the pre-soaked ones, as in those ready to cook, i find they soak in too much baking soda, so you can actually taste it. so only get from reputable merchants or merchants you can trust. if not buy the dried ones and soak it urself.
min, yah very busy. I work day and night but still have the same headache!

mrs lai, when was your daughter's lunar bday? i think i forgot my son's one! i am so disapointed with myself. i overlooked on the dates. been travelling :'(
hi mummies!

Lomg time no login liao.
Looks like most of u hv toilet trained ur kids. I hvn even started n not sure if kae is ready in 1st plc. Any gd advice on how to start?
My boy is now 23 mths. I hv a 1 mth old too, so need to toilet train elder one to save on diapers!
anyone here giving abbott FM - Gain Intestinal Quality (900g)? they sent me an offer email to buy 3 for the price of 2. let me know if anyone is interested!
D: I'll be joining u pple for the fun but not gonna stay in the hotel so just need to let me know where and what time to meet u pple.

Michele: I'm giving Gain IQ can email me @ [email protected] Tks.

Pretty Bunnie: Pray that little V gets well soon & you do take care of yourself.
Suggestion for co-sleepers who want to potty train..boys..

I've been told and read that children usually pee the first thing when they wake up from nap or sleep. So if you co-sleep, I supposed it's easier to "catch" that window of opportunity.

My auntie told me to just bring a cup, first thing in the morning let him pee inside...so he knows how to pee w/o diaper.

But for us it's difficult cos Jesse is usually awake for at least 15 minutes before we attend to him. By which time, he's done his deed.
to those going to sentosa , can also eat at the pizza place ( near rasa sentosa) . coz convenient , they serve pasta too .

re:potty training , my son also dun understand peepee , i think he hv actually 'degenerated' . last time he used to know how to tell us if he is going to poo , now he juz kip quiet and wait for us to observe his 'gek sai' expression.*shake head*
and he doesnt drink plain water most of the time , so his diapers are dry most of the time ( until he has his big bottle of milk)
Mrs Lai,

my friend just came back from a weekend stay at the hotel...she didn't say anything about the rooms but she enjoyed the breakfast and dinner buffets too! Ooh...so how, eat dinner there? haha

I'll only be checking in after Jesse's nap. So probably around 3:30pm. If your JK wants to nap after that time there, no problem....but I think he'll be up by then too, right?

I also want to bring Jesse to underwater world. But we'll see lor. If there are people to meet and other things to do on the 10th afternoon, then might have to just go on 11th morning. If it's just the few of us and we all want to go on 10th afternoon, that's good too.

sure, if and when we have any firm plans, I'm pretty sure someone will post it up here...so check back!

For now, it looks like just s/w, michele, leo, Mrs Lai & me...so we'll see what happens.

To the above ppl, what do you think of dinner buffet at hotel? Just brainstorming ah...I'm happy with picnic on this. But reckon buffet would be more expensive...so wanna see if there are any objections.
hahah...that's true....my hubby will probably think I'm crazy if I ask him put blusher for me...and Jonas is rather gentle in his dabs when he try to colour my CHIN...hahahah.

Mrs Lai
Oh my gosh....13kg crushing over the little one in the tummy....I can imagine how "unhappy" the one inside felt. Better not repeat this stunt again oh.... Meanwhile, hope that V gets well soon!

Wow...you've got a number two already...guess you just returned from 16 wks ML? Anyway, congratulations to your newborn. Boy or gal?
Mrs Lai,
so much work on the sea cucumber.
only know hw to eat


10th April = picnic very much depend on the weather.

abbott vouchers:
i rec'd too, now got to dig out = dunno whr i placed them
hi spring,

No i'm still on mat leave. We din get chance to lunch since u moved near my office. Lets meet when i'm back at work in june.

How's jonas, will he be expectg a sibling anytime? ;)

Cud u also send me the email for abbott? Tx
[email protected]
its not a voucher as caicai said but an email and have to quote my name & ic # so i'm not comfortable forwarding it. however, i can help to buy if anyone is interested. just have to collect at my place.
saw this in march
This story was published in Wan Bao

Attempted child kidnap at Toa Payoh Central!

Today, my dad and I brought my 2 kids to the Toa Payoh central. I
went to deposit money in the bank and my dad brought my children to
play the "floor stepping game". There were only 2 of them
playing there and my dad was standing about 1meter away watching
them. My dad told me that a aunty hold my girl hand and drag her away, saying "come we go home liao".

My dad didn't stop her immediately. He wanted to see what she is going to
do. When she dragged my girl about 4 steps, my dad came and stopped
her. This time she showed her true colors - she din know my dad was my girl's grandfather. She told him " sorry I'm in a hurry, need to go home" & kept dragging my girl. My dad stopped her again and told her she was his grandchild. Another woman came and pretended to scold the aunty who was dragging my girl away & then went in to the NTUC supermarket. Be careful as this might happen to any children. Always keep an eye on ur children when u bring them out.
abbott voucher:
rec'd one S$3 off voucher = shld b expiring on Sep.

email = rec'd too
but i thot the email is with the IC# other can just use it huh? yet read in details.

update more S' blog
my SIL told me abt a similar incident tt happen to her fren at Tampines Central.

post more
Join us when you're less busy...
she was on S26 when newborn but moved her on mamil gold and now Gain IQ.

coz keira really loves to ran abt. we worry sometimes and now with more cases, we need to be more alert.

what will they do to noisy children who won't sit still?
I'm interested for Friday 4pm, but I don't know if Jesse will cooperate! Actually, I'm quite sure he won't...
I just realised that i also have the email, but it says one tin redemption per member only leh. can we buy more than 2 tins and still get extra one tin for each 2 tins we purchase?
oh...hmm...then you KNOW Jesse will run away. hahaha. I can't think of a time when we've been in a public setting, sitting on the floor and he hasn't walked away yet. The only time he's known to sit still is when I or HB reads to him at home.

Just received this emailer..for your info. too.

Hard Rock Cafe Recession Set Lunch Menu
From Sunday, 1st Mar 2009 - Tuesday, 31st Mar 2009

Hard Rock Cafe is offering their Recession Set Lunch Menu for only $10 nett.

The set meal consists of:
- Soup of the day
- MaxiCali Chicken or Panfried Cajun Fish or Bacon Aglio
- Choice of Coke/Sprite/Coffee/Tea
- A scoop of Haagen-Dazs ice-cream

Valid on Mondays to Fridays, 11am to 3pm.

Call 6235 5232 for reservations.
shucks, i can't take leave tomorrow cos having a course. quite high chance that thursday i can't take leave too. 30% storewide or with coupons? email me the coupons if it's the latter. if (just if) i can take leave on thursday, want to go down to borders to get books in the morning, then to hard rock cafe for lunch after that?
If go HRC must make reservations! I wanted to eat yest, was there slightly b4 12 and it was so crowded! in the end din want to wait anymore and left! Hai...

Hi Kaexin,

Yeah i know fern by chance not really a friend, her hubby and my hubby used to be sch mates, we met one day at AMK and that's how we know each other. Small world.
