(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

D also had a mouthful of my chix chop with rice at the food court.
then i bought dragon fruit and papaya which e ate most of it.

D only drank 80 ml of FM before sleep bcoz i force him to drink from straw. then when i trf balance 150 ml to his bottle (with teat) he refuse to drink then went to sleep

actually i think its ok that they don't eat that much at nite.. maybe K had eaten quite full at his CC

after his fruity dinner, he pooed big time. then took 250ml of FM and 3 meiji plain crackers before he went to bed. both of my boys are still snoozing now. am going to bathe then get breakfast. have a good weekend!

kaizer told me that wants to send van a big fat smooch, hahaa!
Spring: tt's why first week 1/2 day she was so good we tot she is ready to go 2nd stage, after nap but didn't work out lor. I cried also on friday when we drop her off cuz she cry until so cham ... but no choice ... work is very busy liao and come april, my maid going back for a visit, and i cannot take leave during that time - if she dun do full day i also dunno how to manage!

anyway i think V grow spurt again, she's asking for 240ml of milk every 4 hours ... 5 hours if we give 300 ml. tt's on top of her solids. the teacher was asking me, shd they cut her milk at 11am, cuz she has lunch at 12 noon. again she was shocked when i said, no need, if she dun wan she will not drink or eat one. but apparently she finished all her milk and food!

sandwich: hehehe i better intercept and save for her 21st birthday! hehehe

blue: we cheong Taka last nite, and guess how much i spent, after discount $250 :p and tt's partly cuz they didn't have all the flavours of food i wanted! i bought 2 new milk bottles also but dunno if I shd get more ... :p
Tired...hubby in reservist yesterday till tonight...so I have to handle Mal alone...so far so good..but quite tired cos couldn't sleep well last night...hopefully when hubby comes home tonight, he can take over so that I can KO...
haha...actually my HB doesn't like me to watch dramas...cos I'll do ONLY that...which is bad for my overall health...Good thing On Air only 20+ episodes. I like the two male leads leh...of course I like the female leads also lah...but my HB thinks the older guy only has one expression...and he had to tell me who like who before I found out...and he only watches 5 minutes here and there. haha But then I'm very low EQ...don't know about r'ships.
Hello! I am back from Taiwan.

The trip was ok. I am actually not v fond of Taiwan but overall the trip was pretty enjoyable since it is a holiday afterall. I was very happy with one of the hotels that we stayed in at sun moon lake...really really nice! Some of the restaurants that we went to were very good too!

It was a pity that it rained on the first 2 days of our trip...and those were the days that we went to the nite markets. It was just too wet so i din even want to go to shilin mkt...decided to stay in the hotel room and soak in the tub. didnt go over to the happening side of the fisherman wharf cos the bridge has so many steps..too troublesome to bring the baby n stroller across. didn't get down the bus to see some of the monastery cos sooo boring and caitlyn also decided to sleep...so just stayed in the bus. went to xin men ting for ah zong's mian xian..errr..no big deal leh...me n hb shared, we couldn't even finish...we threw it away!! hahaa...terrible rite...i think i saw so little of taiwan!! Lucky the tour guide was so entertaining and knowledgeable!

but overall still enjoyed the trip lah...esp Cait! She was so happy throughout the trip!
And this must be the least i ever spent on a trip...din really buy anything cos there was nothing to buy! i dun fancy the snacks...all so sweet!
yap, on guided tour. had to wake up early...lucky i managed to wake up!! spent 5 nites in taiwan...changed hotels on the first 2 days, 3rd n 4th same hotel and then changed again on the last night.

really dun like quided tours...u really "see" the place...can't "feel" the place. but i wasnt really expecting much of taiwan anyway...so it was ok.
thanks for info. after korea trip, i very scared of guided tour esp those packing for the change of hotel and waking up at 5-6am

thinking of its easy to plan F&E in taiwan anot but then my hubby is one whom is lazy and rather let other ppl plan
lucky this trip we dun need to wake up at 5am. 630am is the earliest but i usually wake up at 7, just eat into the breakfast time.

really should just go F&E. The train v easy to take...just like MRT. And if ur hb doesnt want to plan, then u plan lah! I am usually the one planning for our F&E trips.
halo cindy! welcome back! a pity u didn't really enjoy the trip. but guess guided tours are always too much of a rush! good thing caitlyn enjoyed herself!

Hey D
yeah, my hubby is juz like yours! he will always asks why i like to watch the dramas so much coz' all of them are the same! and he thinks the actors are not good looking as well. n he can guess what's going to happen next and er, he's always right even tho he only watched it like for 5 mins!

hey diane
waaaah! faint ah! u really no. 1 ah!
hk serial.forensic science 2 is nice.hv zheng jiaying,bery handsome ,hahaha.we watch on plane back fm italy trip,halfway lappy battery died
jus read ur blog, wanna to share w/u : when JK approaching 20 months he was on nappies so at least eliminate the amount of "spills" and I think it cause awareness to him on the damp nappies. I do it everyday but increase the duration gradually.
** fyi: i've threw away 3 nappies and 1 brief after he poop = wastage loh. i can't bring myself to wash the poo leh. pee still oki

early 21 month, he is able to pee and poo into the toilet bowl (w/some indication). 2 days b4 X'mas, he 1st time stand and pee into toilet bowl.

approaching 24months, still hv a "spill" in few wks esp. when he was engrossed w/somethings.

yest. b4 his nap, he pee alots and i let him goes w/o diaper = MISSION FAILED.
I heard from my room "cold cold"!
Silly me, i should hv let him wear nappy = at least the "damage" is not that bad :p
will try again......

So.....JIA U ba
do it at ur own speed dun get stress out
we did taipei F&E, could fun, easier for you guys too sinc e both of you read mandarin. i have to depend on my hubby since i cant read at all.

the easiest vacation you had the last 1 year. :)p i mean on the pocket)
actually its really the easiest vacation..not only on the pocket but also could just sit back n relax since i din even need to do any planning! i din even read up abt taiwan before leaving.

i actually quite enjoyed the trip even tho i din do or see much!

Where's Kranji Resort? New ah?

As for the hotel on Gd Friday, we book already...meet us there.


my approach to potty training Jesse (right now) is to just take things really slow...Leo and I were talking about it months before and then she started. I'm still..."going to start".
JK is definitely faster with these "motor skills" thing so...though I'll say that Jesse was inspired when he saw JK peed!
Leo, can JK inspire J again? haha.
you are so funny!
taking things easy now.. thats why D is still on diapers

i also need JK to inspire my D. apparently D don't get inspired by his own Daddy when he pee
hello guys... been very busy with work but just dropping by to say HI.

special mention to augleo, jessemom!
hope you gals are fun.
I heard mrs lai is preggy
so excited for u
Jesse, Leo, if your sons have a pee session, do count me in. I hope it is on a weekend. My son is still on diaper and we can't get him to pee! he knows how to pull up and down the pants but not pee. I harassed my hubby to demo in front of him but no hope! i think if he sees other little boys do it, he will be motivated.
Min, Disneytokyo,

Haha...if so many little boys watch JK, I don't know if he can perform! hahahahaha....It's just funny to think about it!
The poor boy...what pressure! I remember when I brought Jesse to sneak up on JK the last time, I had to pretend I wasn't looking and then made Jesse look the other way as well (with distraction) then when I heard the tinkle sneakily told J to watch. hahahaha...

But ya, some fathers don't wanna show and I think the boys are confused by their mothers.

Most Western books I read say it's normal if a child only potty trains at around 3! And the usual, each child is different....don't rush/stress the child and you can't make a child eat, drink, sleep or pee!
Morning mummies....here comes my 2 weeks w/o hubby...hopefully everything turned out well....

Mal shows no indication of "surviving" without diaper...in fact, he still hides somewhere when he poos...we would only knows when he re-enters our "smell" area....*shake head*

He always like to sit at my dresser table whenever I put on my sunblock & face powder in the morning...in fact, he "destroyed" several of my eye shadows alr..8-( He also "borrows" my face powder to put on his own face...I "told" him that only girl girl put on makeup....he looks at me...smiles...duh...
i think the transition from disposable diapers to cloth nappies may be more 'efficient' in helping the child toilet train? C also used cloth nappy at home previously and as far as i know (or notice), she gets damn grumpy and wants to be changed (prior to toilet training her) but then, she is quite anal about cleanliness like me lah... she cannot stand dirty areas and will always 'complain' or try to clean it herself (by taking tons of tissue paper!). good thing i have a maid - like leo, i can't imagine having to wash the poop all the time (though i did a couple of times)

yup, we've confirmed our room on the 10 April already so we can definitely go ahead with the mass birthday celebration if there's anyone else who is interested. i had a quick look at coffee bean's catering menu and i think its looks decent. there's muffins, quiches, sandwiches, pizzas, scones, puff pastries, madelines, cheesecakes, local cakes, chocolate cakes, canapes and so on... so if we can quickly get an estimate of the no. of pple interested by end of the week, we can quickly place an order for the food!

leo, i ever thought of going to kranji resort to 'holiday' but very scared that it will be mosquito infested!
hi all,
hope everyone had a good weekend. my hotel stay was not too bad, but the hotel was a lot more run down than we remembered during our last stay. ate super duper a lot since changi village was so near by. wanted to go for the changi board walk, but it was raining on both sat and sun, so couldn't go. and our camera died on sunday morning!!!! trying to get my mum to dig out the warranty card since it's technically her camera. hope it gets repaired soon, otherwise i'll have to get a new one. i'll be "lost" w/out a camera.

i'm ok with the menu. sounds nice.

toilet training,
i endeavour to start as late as possible. i'm telling myself that i'll wait for him to be able to speak in proper sentences ("I want to poo poo", "I need to pee") before i start. he sees his older classmates poo and pee very often in school so he definately knows what the toilet bowl is used for. am waiting for him to tell us explicitly that he wants to use it.
Mrs Lai
Hope V fares better at the CC this week. Do you still have a helper at home? If yes, then I guess it's alrite for V to go for half-day school?

Re: Poo Business
I think my boy will take a really long while to know how to sit & do his BIG business...basically, when he need to do it, he will do it standing up with hands on the wall and NO ONE is allowed to look at him until he is done...Weirdo rite?!

Re: Confusion by Mummy
I think my boy enjoys playing with cosmetics coz when mummy puts on, he will be around to play with the brushes and sponge...he will even attempt to put blusher on my cheek! :p
he put blusher for you? that's super sweet. i'm sure even your husband doesn't do that. hahaa.

springdance and catherine,
i think at this age, they do not know that certain activities (such as dolling up a face) are gender-specific in our society, so no harm letting them play. they're probably unleashing their artistic talents. think they'll be very good with colouring in future!
long time not meet and chat.
not only in the thread, msn hardly "see" u too.
hope u n ur prince are well

saw from news that their biz is picking up.
it seems more attract me than the DTE. Due to the location. if is @p.ris rather go home and sleep. kekekekeke!

me oso worry abt chikungunya fever.

min, D and Disney,
"charge" on per pee. kekekekekeke!
JK still can't pee in public toilet leh.
if only we go to picnic

wah...child labor!

hmm...viewed the website...I don't think it's "my kind of thing" BUT if J wants to go for educational purposes I'll go...heh.
We haven't really discussed anything yet but I reckon it'd be somewhere between 4 - 7pm.

Also, because we haven't discussed, exact venue etc also not confirmed yet.

If it only ends up with the few of us who are staying at hotel plus a few more others, maybe it'll be near/at the hotel.

If it's a bigger crowd, I think the beach outside "Koufu" (same place as last time) is good.

Date would be 10th April.
The frog is on my e bedside table on my left, jboy sleeps on my rite. Imagine if he wakes up toking to the 'frog' :p Btw, I am gg Genting on the Gd Fri wkend .. so not joining you for Sentosa. Hv fun
yeah, noted .. Thanx
Actually i personally find Genting not as cold as last time. Nowadays the outdoor feels like ard 22deg and indoor is like 25 deg. I rmbr it used to be maybe 18-19 deg.

working on it .. Trying to break the co sleep habit.
my D is confirmed not anal abt cleanliness lor

for cloth nappy means must use insert like those NB? or how abt Bumwear? good anot?

hi DIsney tokyo.. long time no chat!! been busy?
if you can succeed breaking co sleep habit.. do let me know

we tried putting him on the floor.. but failed

we tried sleeping with him on the floor also failed coz he keep tossing and turning.

so in the end sleep together on the bed seem to be the best way. less interruptions except for frequent kicks on our face and body
Dillion can drinks directly from bottle w/o straw right. JK still using straw to drink and still hv spills if he uses cup.

u are Genting regular!
my next Genting trip sure ask u for direction
Hiaz .. we moved his bed into our rm, he still dun wanna sleep. Move him there when he sleeps, mid nite he wake up, will either crawl back, or cry
what's your budget? What other details do you need?

just show up. :p
You know where we are...as above lor, small crowd meet at hotel area, big crowd meet at kuofu area.

Mich suggested ordering from Coffeebean for food (abt $15pp?)... For me, I'm easy...eat at Kuofu, eat at hotel, bring my own food or order from coffee bean all can.
mummies: who is staying at Sentosa for good friday weekend ah? The (*^$#(%Y*#&$ hotel has not confirmed for me yet!

If can, share with me what hotel you are staying at? I will go and make a reservation (if i get around to it).


Spring: V is running a fever and having blocked nose (she is now digging her nose frequently for gold and will pass me her gold if she cannot get it off her finger). So today no CC. We'll see tomorrow. I forgot to call CC to inform them *haiz*

my boss came back today and haha extra extra stress already. cuz i owe her so many things *die*

the one in the tummy not very happy cuz my gal (13kg) slept on top of me yesterday afternoon. Today whole day wallowing near the bottom so when i walk very uncomforty.
