(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


I shld add, I really enjoyed the black sesame ice cream there the last time. It was very good (if you like black sesame)...it made me feel very happy and put a smile on my face. haha

I was there yday .. skive to go hm earlier so picked jboy up myself:p Shld had shop ard abit. Normal days, it's my IL who picked jboy, i oni fetch him fm IL hse.

Maybe weekend will go n see. My hubby will be happy if we buy 1.
D - i got one of those humidiers too , but i alwys tot there is a wierd rubbery smell coming fm the machine . mine was a mouse, no brand type , it was a FOC item when i signed up for dinerscard last yr.
if u really want to get one , why dun u go to best denki to buy . it comes with warranty n if u hv credit card points( UOB) , use it to redeem . i think more worth it . mine was NOVITA , made in korea or something ...
u go check ur credit card points .

well, I was told last day at hougang mall is 15th.

I'm looking for a humidifier, not Dehumidifier

anyway, I'm very happy with the one we got...so will just continue to use it. My HB checked out all the shops that sold humidifier yesterday (including Best Denki) he said the cheapest also $60...the Osim one still going for $100+. For us, we know this one works so we'll stick to it lor...Osim...too many "things" lah...my a/c also can ionise...
Anyway, we don't use UOB.
Hmmm...I bought a humidifier on the recommendation of my babysitter. Both her grand children sleeps air-con room & never got cough or flu.

I bought those Korean brand one from Gain City. Think $138...@ first dun think it's useful until we dun switch on one day...can feel my whole throat very dry....but whenever Mal got cough/flu, we have to switch off air-con lor.

Mine dun have any rubbery smell
my HB just came back from Hougang Mall (if you're interested), the push cart is on the second flr near "Ice Lemon Tee" (he says). He spent a long time looking for the cart starting at B1!

Just bought a frog and a polar bear ($38 each). One for me...tomorrow morning see which one Jesse wants, I'll use the other.

The other designs available are Hello Kitty (*ahem*) and Pig - I've seen them before, the Pig's quite cute.

when Jesse has cough or runny nose, we still turn on the a/c and up the humidifier (by two notches to make me feel better). He seems to be happy that way... he can't sleep well without a/c on (our place very hot) so our Dr friend was the one who suggested getting a humidifier and leaving the a/c on.

But like I said previously...the bowl of water in the room seems to work fine too.
whats diff betw dehumidifier and humidfier..
hmm.. tot of poping down to Best Denki to get one. as D still coughing off and on.

seem like Ox year is not a good year for D's health
one is to introduce water vapour (humidity) into the environment. The other to draw water vapour out...there are machines for that or a simple one is the "thirty hippo" or "silicon gel".
the pig is also $38? I saw a pink Pig at Punggol plaza last evening, selling at $48. Somehow i hv a feeling ething in Punggol is more ex than the other estate :S
I don't know about dehumidifiers...but for this humidifier, you could choose to add "salts" or fragrance to it but we never did. I think the three of us just don't like scents.

hehe...if it makes your HB happy, why not? No harm trying mah...just don't turn the level too high lor...
the humidifier looks cute! maybe i should get one for using in the office too. i like the frog better! i have an old fashioned air purifier for creating "white noise" at my cubicle. otherwise, the air in the office feels very quiet and still.

for me, i don't put in scented liquid. just let it whirl with clean tap water.
hi mummies,
busy cooking mee sua nd get hard boile eggs ready for ur kid's lunar b.day?
hope all enjoyed

to dlim = nb
to cai2 = #2

jia u! toilet-training never easy leh.
me oso lost count on the "spills".
keep us posted

toilet trained
who has start letting ur kid nap w/o diaper huh?
any tips to share besides laying the protector?

school holiday:
next wk will b JK's 1st "school" holiday

bringing him to zoo
feel so good that some1 misses me

u know "where" to look for me right? heehee!
any good HK drama to recommend?
jus finish the lengthy 82 epi. drama.

JK always pee before he sleeps but his diaper always heavy when he awake. guess he is not ready to sleep w/o diaper???
no turf city is not near me ... IMM is nearer, maybe if i pass by on one of the weekends i will go and check out the pushcarts.

have you watched the diamond drama? i watched the first episode so far, but no time to continue. i like moses chan (who's in the diamond drama). what did you just watch?
the diamond drama is very long winded. i finished 82 epi and the ending is happy ending lor. think this drama can skipped! coz some parts so unreal!

thanks. but seriously i think this D has high threshold for soiled diapers and wet pants. think i will start again next month when my MIL go n holiday so that i can hv more control

gonna celebrate D's lunar b'day this sat at his great-grandma place.

felt so bad and weird that there is no party this yr. no time to plan!
yes that 82 epi diamond drama = THE GEM OF LIFE?.

i like moses chan too...his sexy thick lips. wahahahahahaha!

wow! me feels touch leh

thanks for thinking of me
watched the part 1 but not keen in part 2.

JK's weight:
he lost another 500gm, he can now fit well in L size diaper but ..... last wk, jus replenish 3 pkts of XL size!!!
i watched last one standing ... i like roger kwok! i think heart of greed i watched before too. it's the one with moses chan and linda chung and abalone family biz?
so you think the gem of life can be skipped? hmm ... have you watched forensics hero? the version with charmaine sheh? that's the last drama i completed on mysoju. not bad.
On Air was shown on channel 55 2 mths back, i think. not bad. this boys become flower is shown at 9pm every mon-tues on channel 173.
soapy to me = lead characters can't fall in love because one's too rich and the other's too poor. lead character gets incurable disease/falls into a coma ... etc

i just had a fruity dinner. cos me and husband both ate rice at 3 plus, so we decided to just eat grapes, mango, guava and pineapple for dinner. and you know what, kaizer decided to join us. husband made a bad mistake by feeding kaizer one grape before his fish mee sua, and then he wasn't interested in the mee sua anymore. he ate 5 spoonfuls to humour me, and then went on to eat abt 15 grapes and almost 2 small mangos! considered his dinner already. i think i'll try to get him to drink abt 300ml of milk before bedtime. otherwise, sure will be hungry overnight.
D, sandwich and mick!

wah, now i realised there're so many of u who are HK/korean drama fans!
i thot On Air is not too bad altho i dun think the actors are v cute. but it's better than Spotlight which is showing on Ch 55.
I like Air City too. my fren said Alone in Love is good but i've not seen it yet.

As for Hk drama, i like part 2 of the heart of greed - Moonlight resonance. i only caught bits of heart of greed, but i find moonlight better.

i'm now watching gems of life - only at episode 17 but find it abit draggy and too political.

mick - let me know if the korean F4 is good.

actually On Air is my first K Drama...and I don't watch HK dramas, or tv in general...my mother lent me the DVD so I watch.
So I'm definitely not an authority in this matter. haha.
oh hohoho! D, well, On Air is a good start! u can always watch the dramas for free at the mysoju website that Mick mentioned, then we can all post our reviews! i've been a fan of HK drama since i was a kid.

yeah.. i like mosses too esp when he is in suit and with his lup cheong lips

heart of greed is the one with mosses and linda.
i only started Forensic yesterday.. only episode 2.

for Gem of life.. is the more you watch the more you would want to finish all the episode. but nearer to the end.. you wil find it abit bo liao and long winded.
few of my frens also skipped after 20 episode
