(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

my post got say NTUC Xtra @ AMK Hub

ya, u r rite, saw it at Today's paper during lunch. so i kaypoh type here lor.

hi mummies, didn't log on for soooooo long. i was a very grouchy mummy this week. cos my mum/dad/husband/bbsitter have been feeding my bb nonsense even though i've always insisted time and again that the baby had to follow the one-new-food-per-three-day thing. they know i'm very cautious abt weaning, as i don't want the eczema on his face to get worse. so they'll feed him on the sly.

on wed, my husband was waving an ice cream in front of bb when the hyperactive little one pounced on the ice cream. then my mum had the bad sense to feed him potatos that night (potatos that came from the adult's soup -- nonsalted, they insisted, but stilL!). obviously he developed allergic reactions (ie sore eyes) after that.

my bb is so allergic that he's developed a bad reaction to dumex rice cereal and watermelon, and a moderately bad reaction to mango and the potato above. they've also let him play with bread before. so far, only banana and nestle rice cereal sits well on his palatte. i can't believe that he's eaten so much nonsense in short life, and he's only turning 6 mths in two days time!

that's not the worse thing. after i blew my top with them on wed, my mum and bbsitter decided (i was not informed again) that they would feed my bb rice + kailan + carrot + potato that was all ground together. they fed him twice before i reaeched home and of course, i had to flare up at them again. he had mild sore eyes last night for a few hours, what else!
yup. you cannot change. hahaha. maybe try Kris BM? hee hee. I've got some from her for bbYX and uh... maybe no more so he wants more of Kris's milk. Doesn't want Formula anymore
my mum is always discussing with my mil that my baby has to eat his solids soonest, cos "he's small", "he's weak", "stopped gaining weight" etc ....(my mil ever attempted to feed him ground brown rice whe he was 4mth plus, she even told me that she wanted to add honey to make it palatable, faint!)

nobody can understand that the bb stopped gaining weight cos he's just hyperactive and developing too fast. i mean, he has been able to crawl really well from a couple of weeks ago, and is learning to sit himself up from a crawling position these few days. yet, all that the both grandmas can complain abt is how weak and small he looks! hiyah!

i'm a very happy person by nature, but everyone else's behavious over the past few days just caused me to lose my cool..
hi taro
u buy the milk cheap ma? enfa?? i actually let elicia try out friso first de but she doesnt like the milk.. so after which i change to enfa.. she is ok wif it.. so i will stick to dis brand.. if u buy cheap can buy over from u lor..
ciarie, don't be sad... the weight is only one aspect of the bb's well-being. as for me, my bb hasn't even reached 7kg yet at 5.5mths (he was born at 3.4kg), but i seriously can't care less. i think next time when i bring him for those mandatory weigh-ins at the PD, i shall not tell my mum and mil his weight!

seriously, all our bb will just grow up normally despite being a few kilos short or/and a few hundred grams lighter than their peers.
Hi Fen,
I give you priorty if I really decided to change milk powder for YX. My friend commented it could be due to the sweetness of Frisocreme and I agree. It's really sweet and YX behaves like a monster 1 day after I gave him Frisocreme. I've decided to stop giving him that and will switch to Healthy Time organic brown rice cereal tomorrow to try. No more sweetness for him!
u got lobang for Enfa? can share share?

*hugs*.. sometimes very pek chek when dealing with older generation. end of the day is we mummies who suffer fm heartache and tiredness.

Maybe juz tell them that "PD say cannot anyhow eat. Allergic is a very serious problem"

added your blog to mine!

don be too concern over BB K's weight. my 6mth old boy is 7.8kg n is heavier then mine cousin's 1 year old daughter.
and i can't carry him for long. so not so enjoyable if they are heavy
i think Friso n Nestle cereal are sweet.
I got shock of my life when i tasted how sweet. felt so guily that i din taste it b4 feeding him.

so switched to Heinz the next day
my DH's friend's friend's lobang but have quota de. I tompang him to buy for me so quickly sweep 11 tins from him lor. Will let you all know if still have.

As for Friso, I was still thinking it's so yummy. Silly me. Never thought it might be too sweet for a baby
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min, worse thing is that both my mum and bbsitter are not really the "old generation" type. both are 46 years old and my mum's pretty hip. i really like the both of them, so i hope they'll have gotten my point.

yah, my PD only gave the go ahead for solids at 5mth. he didnt give the go ahead for all other food. anyway i'll be changing PD, quite sad that this one's going private. kaizer always have a lot of fun when he visits him.
You're not too late to blog la. I also started one when bb is 4 months old. haha..

I will be v angry too if I was in your position. Btw, now that you mentioned about the eczema, now then I think perhaps Gladys may have reacted to apple/ sweet potato! She's got a tiny itch spot on her face but I always thought that she may have scratched her face. Aiya, me silly mummy. How now?!

Taro/ Dreamygal
Ya, Kris has got unlimited 'free flow' of BM.
Sandwich : Don't be angry lah. My mother in law is also like that. She let my baby tasted a lot of things so far, even gave her soup that is meant for adult. Yesterday she tried to give orange + apple + celery juice but was stopped by my husband. I don't understand how come she can just feed her anything without even informing us. We were just having breakfast in the kitchen, very hard to tell us meh?? I don't even dare to think what she gave her when we were not around...

Tato/Gene : Maybe really should let Glynnis try different brand of breastmilk... Hee...

Kris : Wanna do some exchange?? Haa...

Finally its weekend... Tomorrow Glynnis is going for her jab. Hopefully no fever and we can go out and celebrate daddy's birthday together.
if lunch we meet thr ard 1130am or 12pm, ur ger wakes up oreadi??

i tink the jap restaurant at Goodwork park is under reno.

hee, nice food muz jio gd frenz eat 2gether, bring HB n bb.

20/10 we got May mummies gatherin, nw confirmin the ppl attending as we have got goodies bags n bb massage demo, will open up to April mummies if thr are more slots.

hahha, YX like BM better den FM, clever bb.

BM oso can exchange, we win liaoz, anywae me tryin to wean off soon, pump till sianz liaoz, enough supply to last kelly till 1yr old gd liaoz.
sandwich, hang in there! i know how difficult it can be! my mil also like that! claire is less than 6kg so she keeps asking me 'her weight ok hor'? i just 'umm' and go and do other things. every time i latch claire on, she'll also comment 'aiya, why she drink for such a short while only' - very frustrating... good thing is she don't look after for me every day (only once or twice a month when i absolutely need to go office) so she don't have that many chances to feed claire funny things - y'day i left claire with her for 4 hrs... and she gave claire MELON!

meetup next friday, 12/10
so how? who is on? we can either have lunch or high tea?
Hey mummies,
i am organising a gathering for the May mummies and we are opening up 10 slots for April thread mummies to join us. We will have lunch, attractive door gifts, bb massage and bb contest on dat day, it is at $24 per couple, please put your name down if interested.

<font color="ff0000">Re: Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering</font>
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris


Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
Re: Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + JK + HB

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
Kris: wah.. u all meet so early one ah.. hhmmm... i usually go out after 2pm..kekek.. like tat.. i can try.. hope she is not fussy... if not i can meet u all alone with ur BBies wat..kekeke

Michele: aiyo..tell her if give also give apple.. where got children eat melon.. later cough how??
Michele: Think 12 Oct I can meet u all for hi-tea...if nothing goes wrong @ wrong (...again) Can sms me if u all are meeting...
Re: Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + JK + HB
2. Mrs Chia + bbJ

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
dreamygal, kelley, sandwich, min...

kaemon's weighing 7.110kg now @ 5months...

PD din say anything critical, bt just wish to see kaemon putting on more weight when she sees him next round.

i was thking to start him on frisocrem. but having see some comments abt frisocrem is sweet.. think i better stick to my brown rice cereal....

pd commented to start spoon feeding cereal and no mixing of cereal into milk for bottle feed.
although it stays in tummy longer, it is bad for his digestive system....

take note of this, mummy....
dun be angry!! angry mum is not a happy mum!!
sure ur dearest little one loves a happy mum!!

i believe old pple's thinking is jus different from how our generation thks.
likewise, my MIL also cooked vege + threadfish porridge (a little of each) to let my bb try when he first turns 5months!
thank GOD, nothing bad happened after tat.
however i also commented that have to wait till he turn 6 months, den start porridge. nw do still with rice cereal first.

hang in there.. your bb loves u!!!
wld like to share wat JK has been eating for the past 3 weeks:
1. Frisocream rice cereal (1 to 2 tbspn once a day - tin instructions is 3 tbspn)

2. Papaya (mash)
3. Apple (grated, added in potato)
4. Potato (boil then mash, heehee! till Mrs Lai says beta to steam to retain the nutrients)
5. Pear (grated, added in potato)
6. Spinach - blanch n added in cereal or potato
7. Pumpkin (steam n mash)
8. EYS brown rice (the water portion must get it right loh - just try once yest.)

** PD has been reminded me twice, don't cook fruits so the above fruits me din cook.

** Me din stick to 4 days rule leh. the most is 3 days cont' feed the same food (coz worry JK might feels bored or sian w/the same food) but do follow 1 new food @a time.

Next will b:
1. Sweet potato
2. Porridge
3. Brocoli (is tat true will cause wind huh?)
4. Avocados (provided can get it)
5. Banana
6. Manago (cause phlegm?)

Jus read the link (from Mrs Lai) carrot give only after 8mth. polyclinic nurse said after 7mth.
u seeing Dr Loke hor?
wat is Kaemon last weight?

1 of my frez bb was 7.5kg nearly 8mth seeing Dr Ho. Her bb oso dun like milk, when they intro frisocream @4mth slowly gain weight. of coz milk intake reduce loh. now oni drink 600ml + 2 solid.

im back from the PD. My girl is asleep now after the jabs. Keeping my fingers cross that she will be fine, without fever.

My girl is 7kg now, turning 6 months next week. PD says shes average. But comparing with other babies,she seems light is it? From the graph chart, she's on 50 percentile. I dont understand wat does it means. Anyone can enlighten?
I don't mind joining but must go as couple meh? My hubby busy on Saturdays leh. Btw, I am going Edelweiss Park this evening coz one of my secondary school mate is staying there and it's her bb's 1st month celebration today. Damn far right, I think at Loyang.

I don't mind meeting on 12th Oct.
kelley, ya lah... imagine! what can i do? haha... she very proud of herself somemore, still can 'announce' that she gave claire melon!

lunch/high tea 12/10, friday
1) michele
2) catherine
3) gene

anyone else?
7.11kg at 5mths is higher than 50percentile. it's somewhere in between 50-75%. u dun have to worry leh. if she's 7.25kg at 6mths she's exactly 50percentile. i dun think she'll have any probs gaining 140gms in 1mth. i enlarged the percentile curves really really big so can see clearly and am tracking my girl's growth closely so i'm qt sure. your dr's wrong in saying that she's in 25%ile. unless he's looking at another chart from ang moh's perspective. the one i enlarged is based on singapore bbies in the bb healthbook.
i think 50percentile means out of 100 babies the weight of your bb is right in the middle.

my girl is still rejecting milk.
can only feed her when she's about to go to sleep or in her sleep. even then she takes a range of 25mls to 125mls totalling to abt 500mls per day. scary huh? but she seems to gain weight ok. touch wood! but she's simply refuses to eat any semi solids even banana which i thought was every bb's favorite.
those who have started on porridge
do you put ikan bilis(or powder) in it? how to do ah? is it v troublesome?

and how do you make porridge in such small portions?
yet try ikan bilis - polyclinic nurse demo to grind the ikan bilis into powder.
was told : wash the ikan bilis, sun or toast them till dry then grind them.

as for porridge, i thot of using thermos thermal pot. wat do u think?
ya! is small portion - hope it turn out well.
i had updated kellys blog


i tink u can start on plain porridge wif brocoli or potato 1st, all can cook in slow cooker. for ikan bilis, u can either boil the soup den use the soup to cook porridge or grind the ikan bilis in to powder den add into the porridge.
Re: Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + JK + HB
2. Mrs Chia + bbJ
3. Dreamygal + Baby Glynnis + HB

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
Glynnis went for her Hexa Vaccine today. She weighs 7.3kg. She is turning 6 mths next week. Hopefully no fever tonight.
for ikan bilis, must we remove the spine and head b4 grinding?

wat is thermos thermal pot? jus put it in there and wait? like the pigeon one?

once in boling status remove the inner pot from the stove n place into the thermal pot. 15mins later, porridge is done.
needn't worry abt the vol. n watch the flame.
me not sure abt pigeon one.

slow cooker oso recommended by the polyclinic nurse too.

ikan bilis, can't rmbr abt removing the spine n head part. mummies attend the bb food talk with me can help to advise?
