(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Halo... Lovely morning cos its finally friday!!

Fransea : Your boy's eyes are so so nice. Very handsome.

Darbebe : My girl is also going for her 6-in-1 jab tomorrow.

michelle, thanks. Hey, your baby is so sweet looking and I like her hair. My baby got little hair since her shave during full month. Dont know if I should shave her again to let it grow faster and more even. Now is like some here and there.

haha..she looks like boy sia. :D
Cindy: u too blur liao ah 12 is only the eve hahahaa. Thats why mayb my office close ah.. thanks for ur well wishes.. so u starting shopping spree for us since u going boston??

Darbebe: for ear thermometer hor.. above 37.5 can consider fever for bb liaoif bb nt feeling well beta nt bring for jab.. later worsen the fever how

Fransea: ur bb got super big eyes.. so lovely leh

Kris: wahh I so interested bt beta nt confirm cos my gal la.. mst slp enof then I can go out.. ley chey
Hi Mummies! Been MIA while now cos my workplace now cannot anyhow internet liao

So sad...
Fransea: My boy enjoys flipping back and fro as and when he likes esp before he goes to sleep. Now the bed like not big enough for him cos he'll literally roll all over the place. But he likes sleeping on his back and I worried that he will bian3 tou2 leh

Toilet training: Hey mummies anyone toilet train baby liao? I wanna start soon... any advice?
Talk about potty training. I let bbYX sit in the potty for the first time when I smell his smelly fart and guessed he might wanna poo. So I quickly take potty, take camera and started ehmm... emmm..... plus camera taking lor. Who knows, I thought he can sit well, I removed my hands and down come humpty dumpty... He kena big time shock and started screaming. Thank goodness his hands blocked his fall and I was trying to wash his butt and calm him at the same time. Poor boy cried in his sleep several times after this incident. So morale of the story? Don snap snap, must hold your baby tight tight
Hi kate, they say toilet training if can start mst start soon wor.. bt beware.. cos bb might get so used to it.. everytime only got toilet then will pee.. then u ma fun liao...

Taro: hope ur bb ok wor.. u mst be so scared n shock at that instant... moral of story.. don't try to take pic when ur bb trying to poo!! hahaha
hope he's not going to have potty phobia though. bbYX confirm does not like milk anymore. I held 2 bottles, 1 with water in the mag mug, the other with milk in the avent. Give him the one with milk he'll whimper then cry, give him the one with water, he'll suckle and drink. Then I pour the milk into mag mug, he still refuse to drink. Guess he's sick of milk le.
actually hor I think I a bit crazy lei. I sort of regret not having taken the shot which he fell ("YX's adventure with the potty" should be interesting for his blog)
Taro : you naughty mummy lah... Anyway, my Glynnis also dun like milk... Why huh?? I was asking my hubby that day, 'my milk sour meh??'

Toilet training
Heard from my MIL that she will try when glynnis know how to sit...

Augleo : I wanna try and take one photo of glynnis sitting on her own... Like the one you took for JK... Will try this weekend...
careful sia. dont let her fall k. hee hee. One day we meet up together with our two babies and we interogate them why they don like milk!
sometimes YX struggle until he started yelling. I was thinking how to TLC. Testing my patience lei. Cane ah. no lar. Try not to lor. I kena cane until 19 lei. wahahaha. Can see that I am a naughty girl hor. Parents does not know what is TLC lor. kekeke
ya lor. I would be very cruel if I really did that hor? But hor, I did take shots of his poo poo lei. wahahaha. Will upload his adventure in the blog over the weekend
Kate : I heard from my mum, the first thing in the morning, remove their diaperm let them sit in the potty and make the 'emmm' sound... My mum said last time she toilet trained me like that...

Taro : Frankly i don't like cane either. My parents don't used it on me and my brother. I remembered when i was still quite young (about 5 bah), there's once my dad ever caned me on my hand twice. Then after he cooled down, he saw the marks on my hand and threw away the cane immediately.
everytime keira cry non-stop, i will whack her one @ her butt!
then when i scold her, she will look at me like some poor thing
Michelle : And they can 'bian zhui' for you to see right?? Haa... Super cute loh... Then i will go, 'ok lah ok lah... mummy sayang'...
till now i still hold JK n wash his head then place him into bath tub.
fast job coz i can't hold him for long too.
me still standing to do wash up for him.
mayb next 2wks will change n place the bath tub in the toilet.
ya, 1 day will video hw i wrestling w/JK n show u....heehee!

dreamygal n michk
me too, after "whacking" JK butt then will hug him even tighter n kiss him longer.
even my boy oso knows hw to show u his pity facial expression. can't bear to scold further.

think i've missed the part u've changed ur HK trip. will include u n family in the name list.
Michelle / Dreamygal,
They are very sensible. They know we are scolding them. YX can even pretend and look away and keep still for a long time. So young already know how to ignore my scoldings le.
Fransea / Michelle
My boy drinking only 160ml every 5 hours so your babies are drinking more than mine in factI also started him on cereals liao currently giving 2 tablespoon of cereal into 60ml of FM.

According to PD, for babies, if temp dun exceed 37.8degrees not considered as fever lei..

The Ala-Carte menu at the Jap restaurant at Goodwood very expensive.. the teppanyaki buffet is ok lar BUT I just checked the website, seems that the Jap restaurant no longer there liao. :p

I am keen for the iKoi Lunch on sat but I cannot confirm my availability yet until tomolo will let you know on Sunday.

Which area you working? Me in Chinatown area The furthest I can go to is Great Eastern Building that side where China Square Central and Banquet foodcourt is China Square foodcourt too far for me liaozz.sms me on the lunch arrangement yah my mobile 81184098.
Oh you all along standing to wash up for JK ah... me all the while will sit on the stool and bath for him in the toilet... find quite tiring for my legs & arms already. Cannot imagine when he's heavier just like JK how I can continue to bath him.... :p
yeap, been standing. coz the bath tub on the shelve n changing top is just next to the tub. easier. if move the bath tub to toilet got to think of the changing top liao.

oh yes, ur build can't compare with me hor. u QIAO XIAO LING LONG, me like a bull.
Mrs Lai,
Hope Vanessa will be ok..

u always go AMK hub ah?

yah your bb has very big eyes!! So handsome..

bb K is really sweet.. feel like squeezing her too!

Re: Potty train
So fast can potty train liao ah?

Recently bb Jo likes to stick out her tongue when she observes things ard her.. looks like dog leh.. trying to stop her..

I'm in the midst of creating a simple blog for bb Jo.. abit late thou.. kekeke.. juz wondering who has the list of aprilmummies contact? can i add your blog links to mine?
hehehe... bbJoanie also lah sweetie pie

same leh,, this week funno why bb K been showing me her tongue. somemore can put out very long

u put your address here, later i add bb Joanie in.

ya, the high chair still on disc.

Xtra @ AMK Hub
anyone want to buy steamer...
Takada 3 tier steamer @ $39.90

Carrefour @plaza Sin or Suntec
2L Ribena @ $9.90
Similac Stage 2 @ $31.90 (dunno cheap or not)
CALTRATE 600 PLUS (Twin pack) $24.60
Ooh you're tempting me! Have to confirm again cos later Hubby left alone with bb...

sorry I dun recognise you cos never seen you before. But there were quite a few parents when we were there. Hubby and I even drank Yakult at the nursing area while trying to get bb to sleep hahaha. We might have bumped into each other but dun recognise
Even though if I can't log in, I can also read the archive mah. hehe..

Next week ah, very pack leh. Friday meeting already right? Then Sunday we have the Kindermusik trail class leh. How about the following week?

I've added you also.
Hahah thanks for your compliments lei. I always think I am a shortie one of my Yi Han in life lor

You where got like a bull I think you give the motherly feeling like a teacher. By the way, which line were you working in before you became a SAHM?

Just confirm that I can't make it next sat for Jap lunch liaozz...
<font color="aa00aa">Michelle</font> : Yes... Next week, 14/10 will be our trial class le.

<font color="ff0000">Kindermusik</font>
Mummies, i've confirmed the class with the person-in-charge. Our class will be on 14/10 at 11am. Pls remember to turn up.

Mummies or daddies who will be going into the class with babies will need
- a pair of socks for yourself.
- extra clothing for your baby in case the air-con is too cold.

When you reach, just go in and tell them you are here for the trial class. Shall we be there at about 10.45am?

<font color="0000ff">Carol</font> : I've included your name since you have expressed your interest previously. But if i have not receive your confirmation by Wednesday 10/10, i will have to open up your slot to other mummies who are interested. Hope that you understand.
I'm just joking la. Actually now getting older, bday not so excited as compared to younger days hor. Just that this year is rather special coz got bb to celebrate with me! Imagine last year she was still in my tummy when I had my cake. How time flies!!
Ya, the class is next week liao. I think I heard Kris said she's joining the May mummies too.

I think we shall meet early then. But I'm just worried if I can make it on time. Coz everytime I go out with bb always late one leh.
aiyoh! u flatter me leh.
me oni being a short term tutor. not teacher hor
b4 SAMH i was in Procurement.
but i know there are 3 teachers here.

me very CHU RU one.
u are not shortie is QIAO XIAO LING LONG

thks, so bb dun need sock oni adult need to wear sock.
hi all...

only hv time to log in now.. tdy me part time SAHM... wanna go crazy liao

just now ashton nearly dropped frm my bed.. put him on my bed and surrounded him with many pillows cos need to go kitchen awhile.. then i heard him cry.. then ran into the room and saw him stuck in between my bed and his cot... jia lat me..
Taro: I thnk for a period ba.. change milk brand.. my gal was like tat too.. I change brand.. she drank a little beta..mayb ur bb also the sleepy drinker.. only willing to drink in sleepy mode.. my gal also loves water.. hahaha.. finally got partner..

Ixora: potty train can start as early as 3 months.. its never too late to blog

Michelle: where u see the offer from ah..i interested in steamer n need a blender/grinder!!

Pls let me knw if the class if fun.thanks
Michk, Gene,
tks for adding...

tks for potty training info..
and tks for your encouragement on nvr too late to blog.. i was comtemplating to do or not actually.. still figuring some features.. haha..
btw, think i saw the same offer michk mentioned in Today's paper..
I just order 11 tins of enfalac lei. How to change milk brand. Pengz le. I see if there's any improvement. Hope he'll pass the phase soon
hi mummies........

kaemon went for his 3rd jab today...
and......... sad to say, pd said kaemon's weight gain is on 25th percentile!!!

need to put on few more gms......
Clarie : What's Kaemon's weight?

Gene : I also hope that i can wake up... Haa...

Augleo : Ya. We must put on socks. As for the baby, its up to us. But i definitely will put on for her, scared that she will be cold.
ixora: no prob.. jst sharing what i heard from other mum n their experience.. bt diff bb diff la..

Taro: hhmmm.. then bo bian liao.. for me.. once bitten twice shy.. so i nv buy so many most extra one tin at home..

Ciarie: did u ask like how to put on?? eat cereal?? what PD say??

dreamygal: i forgot wat i say liao..keke .. sorry ah.. i super blur too...

Hi SpringDance,
Noted ur no. oreadi, will date u for lunch very soon. Will let u know in advance. U can date me when u free too. My no. is 96875772. See u then.
