(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hey mrs lai

have posted for u already! But think the thread is moving too fast! within a few mins, your post has already moved to 10th position!!! hehehe

btw, i've to say that Dr Terence Tan is really nice and patient. i really like him! he actually talked to my girl as well, and not juz to me. n he didn't seem like he was in a hurry to boot me out of his room! my hubby was there at 9am for registration n the nurse called us at around 9.50am to inform us we could go down. in the end, i waited for 1.5 hrs but the wait is worth it! too bad my girl has started taking her jabs with the other PD or i would glady switch to Dr tan! thanks for the recommendation!!!

hi ValC
I'll PM you later on what PD said.
jolly: can try letting bb stay awake in the afternoon. bring her for walk downstairs, sun, sing, talk do anything bt let her sleep.. sounds very mean.. but like tt she be too tired then at night 1 to sleep already. if she sleep too much in afternoon and going to miss her milk time, then i would wake her up. after a week or so, my gal was kinda ok..

ex: like my gal her milk time is every 3 hours.. if in the afternoon she 1 2 nap longer, i will change nappy or diapers wake her up. make sound or so. at night i will let her sleep past the milk time if she ones and only change nappy when she wakes up. but they do get a little grumpy, i must let you know first. keke.. my gal used to stay awake from 11pm all the way until 5am or even 7am. now she sleep at 11pm or 1am (depending on feed) then sometimes wake up at 5am or until 7am next day.
Hi Jolly,

My baby was the same as yours for the 1st 9 weeks! Sometimes, she won't sleep till about 6-7am! I was sooooo tired. But I think babies' internal clock will automatically adjust, cos for the past 1.5weeks, she can sleep at nite. She'll sleep around 1130pm after her feed, wake up at 3am for another feed and then about 6am for the next feed. However, the past 2 nites were even better...she slept right thru, skipping the 3am feed! My girl is now 10.5 weeks old, tbf. Hope your baby's clock will adjust soon!
blue: ok thanks for your help!

he's worth the wait hor :p ValC maybe you should consider seeing Dr T Tan lah ...

hmm but you bought package from the other PD ah?
Hi ValC

i've PM you, let me know if u didn't get it.

Hey Mrs Lai

eh i didn't take up any pkg but the nurse at Dr tan's office told me if i didn't take the 1st jab with them then i can't take up the 6-in-1. but guess i can still go there for indiv jabs? will go chk out the prices coz mt alvernia definitely nearer to my place than gleneagles.

hmmm...mayb u're too stressed at work that's why can't pump much? i already prep myself that my supply will drop once i go back to the office.
but these days, my breast gets lumpy very easily. n sometimes after 3 hrs, my boobs still feel quite soft. so strange. mayb it's the result of my laxed pumping.

n no worries abt the WTS post. hope u ge tto sell off pump soon!
blue: somemore offered $200 and then doesn't seem keen to negotiate. Anyway i turned her down, cuz $200 is really low and I have spares for all the parts except the tube and the caps. *shrug* nmind lah ... just see how lah ... I'm not really in a hurry to let go and I'm just asking for a fair price.

anyway my gal refused to nurse from my breast - she suck a bit bit like recreational then refuse it. put her to it again she cry like somemore punishing her ... *sigh* well at least she smiled at me before i put her to the breast ... I think work stress is getting to me - i just pumped 120ml only, dunno how to maintain supply like tt =(
Mrs Lai, wa tthink my supply will dip once I o back to work also.. stress can really affects supply I guess...haiz.. thats why I was so adament to go back to work before 3 mths... hence wanted to make use of the 3 mths to give my son EBM. Really hope my supply will not be affected too muc once I ret to work.

Ya must slowly stretch the hrs, not one shot reduce ur pumping... But at times if u have taken lots of fish etc, u will notice milk pdtion tends to be more, hence breast will feels fuller and the urge to pump...

Today I ate codfish, my breast leaks at ard 5 hrs aft last pump, hence gotto express earlier..f at work.. how to pump as and well we like.. sigh...sad
Hello April Mummies!

am new to this thread.. Found that this thread is pretty active n would like to join in. ;)

My baby is 2 months n 1 week old liao..Arrived on April 11!

Need some of your advise n help..

Does anyone has prob of bb not zzz on his own @ nite? My does... He needs to be b-feed until he doze off or otherwise must be carry n cuddle (n walk around the house) till he doze off which is v tiring for us (n i will be returning to work soon). Try letting him zzz on his own using all the diff methods before but he will scream n cry at the top of his lung if we ever leave/ put him down alone is his crib even while he is v tire (his eyes would suddenly be wide awake when we put him down)...sigh...

i dun like to eat fish n i dun milk, mayb i will try to avoid fish since it up ss. my last pump is 12midnite, nw 530am, super engorge. sianz.
Hi Cindy & Kelly,

I tried to wake bb up during day time, play with her. Yes, she did sleep thru &
forgot her 'alarm' clock at 11pm. But hoh... She wake up at 1am 'till 6am.

At 8 wks, how much milk your baby consumes? My bb takes 120ml, feed every 3hrs.
150ml early in the morning after 5hrs sleep.

it takes awhile for the bb to get used to playing in day and sleeping at nite.. but your gal don't sleep craddle hor.. mine does so sometimes at nite.. i just rock her to sleep or even sometimes i leave her on the bed and off lights, she will kick n kick n fall asleep de.. hahah... ur gal is drinking more than mine... mine only drinking 100ml every three hours, if stretch longer only 120ml. i thnk she small eater.. but she takes alot of plain water!!

my gal like last night. last feed was 10.55pm. then i chat with her for awhile, then make her tired then rock her to sleep. she slept until 4.30am then wake up for feed, i left her on bed with lights off (i fell asleep first) until my alarm at 7.30am to wake up for work still realising she sleeping beside me.. ekeke.. terrible mum i am..
Hi San,

My gal was like that was she was less than one month old.. After 1 month.. i got craddle cos once i tried coaxing her from 11pm all the way until 7am.. sometimes even 9am.. tiring.. carrry her sleep, put her on bed, she wake up wailing.. carddle works for me.. i don't know abt u!!!
Hi Kelley,

yup..try craddling my boy also..he will fall asleep..but prob is we must craddle n walk around the house at the same time! when we try sitting down..he will start screaming n wailing again..naughty bb!
welcome San...

i was so tired yesterday and both hands so 'sng'. been carrying bb thru out the lunch appt at 2.15pm.

ashton throw out milk during the lunch appt when i burp him. wa lua, sia suay me hahahaha...

then on the way back, in the cab, he also throw out a little. think he car sick leh.. hahaha. cham for me!
dear all,
me like lost track here liao.. so sad..
been bz taking care of bb alone.. when bb sleeps, need to do hsework and grab some sleep.. now i look like 'huang lian po'

i'm in similar situation as u.. bb wants to be carried most of time when awake.. but oso depends on her mood.. sometimes siao siao will understand what i say to her and play by herself, but sometimes cry like mad when i dun carry.. can't hv a proper meal.. oso munching biscuits and drinking milo, milk..
yday managed to cook dinner..

I'm very tempted to bring bb out alone, juz to buy groceries oso 'song'.. will see how..

How was the 'lim kopi' session yday? wish cld join u ladies..

Aprilmum, beyond, fen and forgot who else is staying in NE.. maybe we can meetup at compass pt someday 4 a drink..

My bb still wants to latch on me only.. rejects bottled milk still.. very tiring..
Michele, how often does your bb claire wake up in the nite to latch?
my ss still low.. able to latch bb, will pump out when I feel heavy.. so far only freeze 3 cups.. dunno still need the milk bags fr u or not... keke..

Is your bb Ashton ok now? maybe really car sick..
my bb is still sleeping now.. so strange.. usually at this time, aldy bathe her and she'll take a nap.. hmm.. i better go n chk on her..
being a mother is not ez huh? not sleeping need to carry very jialat, now sleep so long out of norm oso worrying.. sigh..
ixora, fen, aprilmum, beyond n other mummies staying near SK,
wanna meet for kopi at SK? michellek is comin over frm woodlands,

kopi session
Date: 25 June
Time: 2pm
Venue: Compasspoint

1. kris

mummies who are free, do drop by
Hi San,

oh.. my kind of craddle meaning "yo na".. U thnk u mst get advise from mums who let bb sleep on the cot or bed.. sorry
Michelle / Kris / Twinkle
Although my EBM volume is not like super a lot over 300ml that kind, I still feel the urge and hardness to express maximum 5hours so while some mummies are thinking how to maintain the supply after return work, I am thinking of taking medicine to LOWER the supply so that I can pump every 7-8hours?? Not sure if that is possible to do so though? Of coz by doing that, I will have to give bb partial BM and partial FM else not enuf What you gals think of this idea?

WOW its really amazing that you BM ss is so high and yet you can endure 6hours then pump Did you start off by stretching your pumping interval longer by half hour each time (as per what Twinkle describe) to achieve this?

San Bei
My baby EXACTLY same case as yours have to carry him and walk around the whole house until he fall asleep otherwise he will wail and yell! Thats why very tiring. Sometimes can be 1am or 2am then can get to sleep becoz of this.

Does your baby pay attention and concentrate on drinking milk? Mne always like to look around or stare at something (as if talking to that thing) when drinking milk so sometimes he end up choking becoz he wasnt paying attention to his milk sucking.
Springdance: my gal also like tt.. unless when she is drinking milk she super drowzy.. if nt.. look around, talk. then milk will be spitting out of her mouth.. keke.. i thnk it's normal ba.. choking? u 1 2 try using smaller teat then? i still using s size for pigeon wide neck and size 1 for avent...
Kris: i can't kopi.. got trial on tuesday.. must stay in office to finish all the documentation!!! haiz.. i am missing all the fun!!!

Definitely there will be somehardness when it its abt 5 hrs+, it depends on ur treshold level. Normally I will tolerate, but like for this morning where my last pump was 11pm, and this morning at 7.30am, it like wana burst already, so die die also must express cannot wait already cos milk is leaking so muc till my tshirt was wet.

But once u are used to pumping at 6 hrs etc, ur breast will get used to it.. and u can then tolerate the hardness better...

Btw ladies, I intend to get more bags to store milk when I go back to work. I also understd some of u are using avent cup? Is it gd and is it reusable? how many times? Can it be stored in the freezer and be sterilised? Pls advise. Intend to go to kiddy palace later to check it out..

Will be going to Bintan lagoon this weekend and baby will be with inlaw. Not sure if supply will be affected but will let my elder gal drink the ebm instead..
Hi Kelley,

yup..i do have 'yao lan' for him also..will use it in afternoon..n unless no choice than will 'yao' him to sleep at nite..cos dun really want him to depend too much on it la..

think alot of us having problem coping n teachin bb to zzz on their own..wat my friend did is let her bb cry until tired n zzz by herself..but does not work 4 me..he ll scream until so loud n i scare might disturb the neighbour la! heehee

jmonster..tks! btw..arent u using stroller/ sling to carry bb? than hand will not be so tire ar... if i go out shop shop..will sling bb so i can eat with the other hand... hope ur bb ok now ar ;)
my boy also same pattern. he gets real cranky b4 sleep. he will either wanna latch on or we hv to walk ard. he will scream if we sit or place him in cot.
Hi San, Lynnda, springdance

my baby is the same! my hubby insisted that we keep her awake in the evening so that she'll doze off at nite. but problem is sometimes she gets cranky when we dun let her sleep in the evening so bo bian, have to let her sleep.

hey jmonster
hope your baby is ok now...mayb get him to go for more car rides n he'll get used to it.

hey twinkle
same here! i opted for 3 months maternity leave in the end coz wanted to focus on BFing my girl. m sure supply will dip when i go back to work. dun even know if i'll have time to pump man!

hi mummies

juz came across this BP thread on wet bags, diaper pouch, bibs...thot u may be interested.
m quite keen on the wet bag and diaper pouch coz have been using ziploc bags to store my girl's pampers and clothes - quite un-glam actually, haha. but wonder if it's cheap???

Hi San: my gal was alright.. i always let her sleep yao lan.. keke.. but hor.. at night when she still very tired.. just get up for milk.. when finish drinking.. she close eye rite.. i will testing put her on bed off lights then i go wash milk bottle come back see her sleepy n struggling.. let her be.. i sleep before her.. before i realise.. she sleep on her own.. keke.. bad mummy, cos if she not sleeping or don't 1 bed, she will cry loh.. then i put yo nah.. keke.. anyway don't worry much, bb will kick the habit when they are older, this includes pacifier also.. somehow will kick the habit de.. unless u always bring bb out.. then mayb stroller can't got to use sling.. keke..
hey mrs lai

came across an earlier post - some1 selling the ameda pump at $200, mayb that's why that mummy trying to bargain.

as for pumping, how many times do u do it in the office? mayb can do it during lunch time when you're abit more relaxed?

we've been training our baby for more than a month already ... to get him to sleep by himself. when it's near 8pm, we will change his diaper, clean his face, feed and then burp him. after that, leave him in the dark room all by himself. we close the door so that we won't be bothered by his fussing sounds.

he will kick and fuss and then fall asleep by himself (we stopped swaddling him ever since he was 2-3 weeks old). initially he cried quite a bit and can kick for an hour plus before he falls asleep by himself. on and off, we have to go and pacify him if the cries get terrible. then as he gets more accustomed to the routine, he will fuss 45 mins, then 30 mins, and then currently it's 15 mins and he'll fall asleep by himself.

we also encourage him to suck on his own fist as a form of self-pacification. cos he doesn't like pacifiers at all.

day time we don't do this, cos when he cries normally someone will go pick him up. hmm, maybe because of that, we have never been successful in getting him to fall asleep by himself in the afternoons.
Mrs Lai,
Tks for the hug and vote!
Today my gal seems better.. A fren gave me a Mozart Baby genius DVD, I played for her after her bath.. she was watching and making some sounds.. and I was able to bath & eat w/o her whining.. hah.. hope this will work for me..

Hi Kris,
25 June shld be fine for me.. r u bringing bb along? I juz fd out CP has nursing room, feel so much 'secured'..

kopi session
Date: 25 June
Time: 2pm
Venue: Compasspoint

1. kris
2. ixora

tks for sharing.. your bb claire's feeding times r quite similar to mine..
i'll perservere..

i'm using avent milk cups, so far so gd.. i reuse dunno how many times liao.. can be frozen as well as sterilised.. i ever asked some mummies her b4, understand that we can reuse the cups till they r out of shape..
good that u can go for a short trip.. enjoy!

my gal oso sometimes stares blankly when suckling.. got choked a few times too..
any mums still letting bb wear mittens even after 2 months? my gal sucks on her fists so hard with mittens that got "zut zut" sound.. keke.. 1 2 take out but scared she will scratch her face even though i cut her nails.. i even use the bb nail clipper filer to file her nails.. kekee..
Hi Lynnda,

hee..think all bb the same unless we r going to train them like wat Sandwich is doing but really takes lots of effort and patience..;)

Hi Kelley,
me no longer let bb wear mittens anymore cos think after 6 weeks ++..their hands will start to learn to grab n mittens restrict their movement..no worry about bb scratching their own face la cos their skin cells recover v fast n they will recover n become flawless in no time again! i only let my bb wear at nite time when its v cold..

I took out his mitten after 1.5 month coz he likes to put hand in mouth. My boy also scratch his face once in a while but he recovers fast and well.
blueroti, high 5, so we are both the same ya.. woried cant bf when go back office.. he hee.. I also dont knw if I got time to pump.. sigh..

tks.. but I saw on the box can sterilise up to 4 times leh..so u did it for many times already ah.. ok.. think shld be ok ba.. 4 times then throw away abit wasted leh...btw..kiddy palace has 20% off for members till 30 June. I m not a member but I join today. ke ke
i just back home. wah so shiok, tdy went facial, massage and shopping. kekeke... spent $$$$$, think my hb going to kill me.

tmr gotta go back to work liao but nvm, at least i wont hv monday blues and guess what, after friday, i m on ML on coming Mon and Tues again.. mua ha ha ha

cham, i think i got 'migraine'. right side of my head is in pain.. tmr MC~! buay tahan, need to pop panadol and go zzz liao.

re milk bags:
no prob. i keep them at the moment lor. if u need u let me knw. if nt, i will lelong it hahaha

i m using stroller. he is ok in the stroller, just tat sometimes he likes to sit straight up, so need to carry him

car sicks:
thanks san/ixora/blueroti. i dun think he really got car sick, cos he is ok with car rides, just tat y'day he vomitted, i m also not sure wat happen. could be the weather, i think.
kopi session
Date: 25 June
Time: 2pm
Venue: Compasspoint

1. kris
2. ixora
3. fen

hi will be going but alone lor... going after work.. take pm leave lor.. lol

blue roti: i pump twice. today supply quite good about 200ml each time but hahaha my evening pump at home dropped to 120ml! I think i forgot to drink water again.

Someone else offered $250 so I'm quite happy lah. I hope the sale goes through =)
