(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

juz came back frm the movie, my wifes a gangster 3, reli funni, muz watch n the best part is i saw Shuqi 2dae, so hapi!!!

tml MC ah? wow u like take long leave ah? so can join us at CP on mondae??

Hi ixora, fen, aprilmum, Kris,

Couldn't join u girls on 25 Jun for the Kopi session leh, cos that is my 1st day back to office. This week is my last week of maternity leave liao....

Hi Mrs Lai,

The nepia seal is at the side of the packaging. There is a boy head and a 1 point. After accumulating 10 pcs, can mail back to Nepia and they will send you $10 NTUC Voucher.
hi beyond,

do you know if it works the same for huggies diapers too? cos there are points at the sides of the diaper packaging too ... but i dunno what it can be used for.

anyway i think i might switch from huggies to nepia. cos i tried nepia, and it's softer and roomier than huggies.
Hi everyone

It's been a very long time since I posted in the forum liao, how have all you mummies been? :)

Anyway, I have gone back to work for a month already, super super busy, baby Jayda has been doing well, but still waking up once in the middle of the night for milk, not too sure if all you mummies face this problem? Think I will want to start training her to start sleeping through the night if I can, currently my mom is looking after her in the middle of the night, don't want to tire her out ...

Have been expressing milk out in the office twice. Thank goodness my office has nursing room, so makes my life a whole lot easier :) I use milk bags because easier to carry back and forth but I use Avent cups when I express at home. THe Avent cups are really useful, and pretty long lasting, definitely can use more than 4 times as indicated. Baby is latching on pretty well now, and sometimes I need not have to express out milk at home cos' she empties my breast during feeding :)

That's all from me I guess, hope to be able to post more regularly :) Anyway, here's a pic of Jayda at 8 weeks old
beyond: thank you for letting me know! Cuz i so super suaku hahaha

Sandwich: if you ordering nepia for the first time, I think got promotion now for $14 each pack (limit to max 4 packs). What i did was order 1 time to my house order a second time to my mum's place, using different phone numbers and address ;P can consider if you want to start using nepia =)
Morning mums,

Mrs Lai: where to order nepia from? i have not tried this brand before but u all made it sound so good. huggies kinda tight at the thighs for my gal.
i dun let her wear mittens in the day, same as your gal, she has started licking her fists, got the 'zut zut' sound too.. haha cute lah.. to see them progress..
btw, i rem we were still msn-ing a few days b4 u delivered.. was surprised when i heard fr michelle u gave birth.. so fast.. i was still waiting impatiently for my bb to be out then.. miserable.. now that she's out.. i'm so deprived of sleep.. hah..

Mrs Lai,
is Nepia diaper really gd?

yup i'll b bringing my bb Joanie too.. u still on maternity leave?

see u too! oh yes, still rem we hv arranged to buy the pigeon breastpads fr u.. do bring if u still hv it?

another time then.. so many of u going back to work liao.. i heard fr my frens it's less stressful when back to work, only handle bb in the nite.. SAHM looks after bb 24hrs, more stressed.. your opinion?

sorry for holding onto the milk bags for so long.. think maybe u lelong them now lah, i still hv many milk cups waiting to be used.. dun think i'll need the milk bags so soon.. at 1st thot i hv lotsa milk.. now not enuf to keep.. chey! hey u so gd life, can do so many things juz as b4.. i only went to trim my hair once.. so what did u buy yday? shopping at where?

yah it says can only use 4x.. i oso thot it's very wasted to throw after 4x.. anyway, gd that u applied to b kiddy palace member.. gd place to buy bb stuff..
Hi Ixora,

Oh..was ur bb out later than mine.. i thnk mine can't stand me playing mahjong late at night.. decided to punish me.. hahaha.. well yes, they are reali adorable hor.. deprive of sleep? u should rest following their sleeping pattern than ok loh.. nt so bad.. it will be worst when u go back work n have to look after her at night urself!!!

But i scared all the Zut Zut will have more wind in the tummy wor.. so i rather pacify her.. hehee...

BTW michelle's router is down.. she is damn bored!! hahaha.. so u will not see her online!!!
my bb also always sucking her fist or her thumb until so loud! and her face full of saliva... so for those who have babies sucking their fist, do you give pacifier? i'm still thinking if i shd!

i let her wear mittens only at nite cos she tends to rub her face alot. day time i can monitor her so i "air" her hands... she's 2 and half months now.
hi mummies,

so long didnt post anything.. and kindda lost track now! haa...

bbs waking at night:
mine will wake up too.. but these few days doing better, can stretch to abt 4hours after his last feed at 11pm or 12mn..

hopefully this will continue..

bbs not sleeping:
usually i'll try to keep him awake from 8pm onwards.. and maybe try talking to him more during this time, so tat night time he can sleep more soundly cos tired out!

another thing is, i will turn off the lights in the room, leaving a small night light to allow me to change and feed bb when he wakes up.

and usually after the feeding and changing done, i'll give him pacifier to let him self-relax and i'll let him let on my chest for awhile, and later leave him on the bed to sleep on his own.
sometimes it works..

bb not concentrating on feeding:
mine's always like tat, so have to keep telling him, "look at mama when mama's feeding u, ok!"...
haa.. sometimes he will turn to me, sometimes not.
and i'll usually let him grap my little finger cos at this stage, bb will know how to grasp and good to let him grap my finger so that his hands will not be all over the place, and distract him from his feed.

hope the above helps..
bb savings acct:
mummies, have u opened an acct for your bb?
which bank do u opt for???
and why??

appreciate your inputs...
cos really dunno which one to go to..
about nepia:

I just started using it cuz my GF recommended it. It's 48 pieces per pack for medium. Usual price is $16 per pack.

I find that it's not so tight around the thighs so less red marks and a bit more roomy. But some mummies worry that the sai sai and pee will leak. So far only happen once or twice when we didn't notice already "full" (actually papa never check!) SOme compare it with mamapoko also, but it's a slimmer/ thinner version of it, hence less absorbent. But the feel and texture is the same.

Not tt my baby complain lah, but i use the drypers until so kang kor (the $&Y#&*$^#$ tape) so I am much happier with nepia for my girl lor.
Ciarie: nope, cuz not sure what kind of extras the kiddos will get. Like e-saver i asked, no extra for e-saver kids. Then again, their i/r for savings is already one of the highest.
Yup am using S size teats for my baby. Think the choking is more due to his not concentrating rather than the bottle teats to big.

I have been using and reusing the VIA cups all the while seems alrite leh definitely used more than 5 times liao as indicated in the instructions.

San / Blueroti / Ixora
My baby scream like hell and whole street can hear if we let him sleep on own so far after two whole months we still need to carry & cuddle him till he fall asleep. Even when he get drowsy while drinking milk.. he will be awake once we burped him so must continue to carry him till he falls asleep CHIAM!

Re: Baby sleep on Pillow
My baby is still currently sleeping on cloth nappies instead of pillow anyone know when is a good time to start let baby sleep on pillow?
ciarie: I opened the junior savers acct with UOB for my baby, cos it's up to 16 years of age, and also certain insurance coverage if the acct is 3K and above

SpringDance: MY baby is also sleeping on cloth nappies as well, I think is only when her head support is a lot better (think it's around 3-4 months), will switch to pillow
hi Pine3 n Springdance..

heard if you want let bb sleep on pillow..its good to use those with a 'dented' hole in the center one..than at least can support their head n neck ar...;)
Pillow: my gal only sleeps on pillow in the craddle to stop the head from twisting and turning.. the realli soft ones.. have not used the dented in the center kind of pillow.

Nepia: Mummy poko is reali good pampers but quite ex.. mayb i should order nepia and see.. but i only let my gal wear pampers at night.. in the day is nappies.

Mittens: since so many mums say they rejuvenate very fast.. then i shall let my gal eat her fist!!!

Mrs Lai thanks for the info. Can i see the nepia pampers online? any information on them that u know?

Can add me on msn again? I using ebuddy in office and not very user friendly lor.. sigh... i tried to add u but then i was offline suddenly and everything went lost.

You bought the girdles liao? I also wanna buy leh
i also took out his mitten at 6wks..and amazingly his scratch marks on his face always disappear after 2 days. so no worries. is good for them to discover that they got 'fingers'!
Jo: Added liao... I may not be buying the girdle cos most of my bottoms are all low waist de.. then can see girdle leh...

but i saw the forum someone doing BP.. so can PM this person...MRS LAI ones the girdle also leh..
im helpin my HB, even nw oso workin, no ML leh, poor thing hor!

kelley mentioned dat mk's router is down, remember to sms her about our CP lopi session

san, pine3, SD,
i got the baby1st pillow, its rather flat n its latex, so will not b hot even if bb slp for veri long.
anyone let their BB sleep on FP rocker?
currently my boy hate to sleep in mosses basket liao.
my MIL say to put him on rocker to sleep but then i noticed that his head always slant one side.. wonder if is ok for him to take nap on rocker
i let my girl sleep on a pillow when she was about 6wks old. it's those with a little hole in the middle. i think it fits the head shape well. i got it cos my friend said if we dun use a pillow with the hole, the head will "flatten" in the long run...
Hi Sandwich,

I have no idea about the point for Huggies diaper. Maybe u can call their office to check?

Hi San,

Oh ya I remember now. No wonder your nick so familiar. No problem for me to send the diaper to your doorstep as your hubby is busy with ur baby mah.

RE: Nepia Diapers
Mrs Lai,
I'm opposite from u. I am using Nepia all this while but will be changing to Mamy Poko soon after I cleared my stock. It is b'cos the cutting no longer suit my boy as his thigh more fleshy now so it leave down the marks. I have requested sample from mamy poko and the cutting really suit my boy. So no choice have to spend more $$.

RE: Pillow
Hi Springdance, I'm using baby safe pillow for my boy now. Latex Oval shape with hole in the middle. Initially also using cloth nappies but my boy head flatten on one side as he keep sleeping in one direction. Now still a bit flat on one side so have to keep rubbing it.
Hi Kris,

yup..i let my bb use the baby 1st pillow as well..not so 'warmy' n more suited for bb soft head ar...

Hi Beyond..
hee..nice meeting u here..glad to know u r an april mummy also!
Hi Ixora,
haha.. already given away le.. tot u dun really need it then dun really wan to force u to buy lor... i will be going alone next mon lei.. see u gals lor.. haha
ixora i do agree that working is better than staying at home looking after baby lor.. i do like to see her enjoy being wif her but some x no x to breathe lei.. working still can eat snake awhile.. go shopping hald day or what w/o any ppl know.. better option right

hi dreambaby
my baby nowadays also like to eat suck her fist or her thumb until so loud! i am so angry some x till i rather give her pacificer then to let her suck her fist... cos pacificer next x when she get older cannot kick also can force to lor... hand and fist hw to??
nepia seal
hi who wan the seal? i gt one.. i buy one packet from the motherhood sales but dun really like it lei.. so after one big round will change my gal back to using huggies lor.. whoever wan the seal let me know ok.. it will be a waste if i will to throw it away lor..

I wld like to join in too...dun mind?

kopi session
Date: 25 June
Time: 2pm
Venue: Compasspoint

1. kris
2. ixora
3. fen
4. aprilmum
5. TrazNg

Btw there's a "Healthy Kids, Happy Kids" carnival at Sengkang CC from 9am-1pm that day.
I will be going for the meal plans demo for my 4 yr old boy who is an extremely fussy eater. There's a demo for 6-9mths babies too.

i have 1 x Nepia seal to give away too..bought 2 pkt fm u..but accidentally threw away 1 seal..heehee

if u want..i could meet u somewhere in the evening near my house when u at ur mum/ in law place..

let me know ar..;)
Hi Gitz..

yes..u can buy the latex bb pillow with hole at kiddy palace..think selling at bout $15 ar..if my memory didnt fail me..;)
blueroti: can help again for the ameda pump with freebies? need to look for shirley yong. email to her has been bounced back.
Hi San,

Oh, that great. I will be going to my mum house today. I will pm u my hp again and u sms me cos I might not have the chance to check this tread today.

Dreambaby: it's totally up to you, actualy lettin bb suck on the fist is ok.. jst remember to keep cleaning it for her.. like me in the day i let her suck at nite when she sucks on her fist.. she don't sleep then i put mittens n then pacify her with pacifier.. wat to do.. all bb got a pattern de..

Fen: i know which contest already. thanks

