(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Jon's mom,
understand...hope to meet u again

hi mummies,

HELP! my PD is on leave and any1 here can recommend any PD in east area. !!!

Any1 encounter nose bleeding for baby ?
PD from BB n Child Medical Grp
Blk 828 Tamp. St81 #01-238
tel: 67831955
9.30am - 12.30pm
2pm - 4.30pm
5.30pm - 8.30pm
** off on Thurs night
Mrs Lai,
yup... we introduce very gradually...We mix a big batch of all his feeds in the morning (total 14 scoops). Subst 3 scoops for first 4 days (which is less than 1 scoop/btl) then moved to 4 scoops (noticed increased fussiness) for 4 days, stopped for 2 days (fussiness also decreased) then gave 5 scoops, that was Sunday. Very bloated and fussy (whiney, cries/sobs for no reason, etc), burp/fart a lot...and more poop. Not so concerned about the poop part but it's his fussiness and huge tummy.

Can...but how to pass to you?

he's on isomil. He has been on soy since 7 weeks old or so.
Hahah...you sound so "bleak"..got "hope & light" ...surely our kiddos will walk eventually...at most it's a few months later than the rest. At least now we smell and feel their feet, it's clean & nice...heheheh

hahah...ok ok...most welcome for Jesse to be in the league...hmmm...anyone else? Not enuf to form a crawlers' football team yet lei. LOLZZZ
jesse, next time when u want to intro new powder , u go buy 400gm tin . in case he cannot take it . or u ask ur Pd for free samples lah .

SD , hmmmm , i think not many babies in the crawlers league . the unfortunate few sheep :{

Any kind soul don't mind adopting a lil' kitten?

I found it at the bottom of my stairs yesterday. Poor thing, the lil' fellow was drenched in diesel and shivering. So brought it home and ask my maid to bathe it. After 2 baths, then we realised that it's white in colour. Can you imagine!

I think it's just a couple of days old. Fed bb's formula with syringe. It's quite lovable but I'm more of a dog person. Btw, my dog's here with me the whole of this week and he loves the kitty too! Busy licking it non stop.

So please, if anyone's keen? Pls let me know.

Btw, it's pure white with blue eyes.
thanks for your suggestion. heh. Ya, when I told HB to buy a tin, I meant the small one, but of course men don't think like that...as for sample, I asked...they gave me 3 measly packets that equals 3 scoops each. crazy right! How to test like that!

2-a-side haha. Jesse's a very competent crawler okay and in his free time he loves chasing a ball around...
He can even transport things around, one in each hand...only the downstairs neighbours probably cussing and swearing. :p

you keep lah...I'm not a "pet" person...esp since your dog likes it. My bro once kept a stray and his dog and it got along...I believe they're still living together!
K on 3 feeds, morning, afternoon and nite.

K was kicking the ball at sentosa last week. my hubby and gf was saying that she looks so happi kicking the ball.

as u din say nose bleeding due to ???
but in anycase, beta to brg.

Yay! I've made my appt for end Jul for my evaluation consult and surgery (if all goes well). Happy and excited...though I don't think this will last until the appts lah. haha.
Going to SingLasik to see Peter Tseng.
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
gene: so cute .... poor kitty tortured by some idiot. They prob wanted to burnt it alive! Sounds v cute but I have my my 2 dogs, and your dogs seem to love the kitty. I'm not sure what my 2 dogs will do to the kitty =(

I ask another mummy - how old did you say?
ya, but I'm wondering if this tin has that one month expiry as well? Usually they say use within 30days of opening,right? I opened it two sundays ago! But I guess can easier finish the tin within the week also. heh...Jesse finishes 1 tin in 6 days.

Say...how you get bbK to drop one feed ah? So now how many feeds does she take and how much? I still can't get Jesse to drop feeds leh...
that's crazy!!! 6/6 WOW!
What was it before again? I know it's way back in the archives...

Mine's about 475 & 550.

Tell you are, psychologically, I'm so excited and nervous, I keep rubbing my eyes..haha.
K was on 4 feeds, so now she on 3feeds. think last sat @ sentosa, she was only on 2 feeds. coz i gave her yogurt, quiche and some brownies to replace the afternn feed. each is 180ml.
if u wanna drop 1 feed, need to adjust the timing so that he wun be too hungry
i heard if too corrected, then when we hit 40, we will need glasses. so since u gals are younger, u will be have "less glasses-free days".
i also planning but dunno when yet. catually suppose to go tmr for an evaluation.

mine is 450 & 600
beyond, Mick and jesse: ahem can i boast of mine?

L:925/astig250 R: 1000/astig200

No regrets on lasik, but my astig is increasing. So may have to "touchup" soon.
micK - bb K only 2 feeds
wow , good leh .

my greedy pig nite time taking 3 feeds . 9pm / 1am / 7am
i dunno how many bottles he asked for , in the noon time , my ma just keep on feeding whenever he is fussing
mrs lai, touchup nid top up $$$ ?
my hubby went for his lasik in 2006 , how to check eyesight ? return to Eye Centre ?
Jessemom, Min, Springdance, Milo, Caicai,
now tat cher is walkg evywhere, is really d busiest tx for me. no longer i can sit down n surf net (previously she wld sit on her mat n play, she doesnt crawl). i hv to keep a close watch on her cos she may somtx trip/lost bal n pomp.. bkache n tired following her evywhere..

hi mummies,
ash wen for his surgery ydy. wen they jab anthesiastic unto his hand, he din cry. i was 'surprised' to hear tat. daddy was being gown n was w him till he knocked out. ash was given a very nice bravery award cert with his name printed for being so brave truout d surgery. hb commented tat he was quite satisfied w d kkh svc. d surgeon, doc n evy1 were v cheerful, well equipped, whatever stickers ash asked for, transformers, power ranger, cars, spongebob etc, evythg they hv! n d surgeon told ash they ar gg to let his hands 'drk water'.
his wound is a raw cut w no stitches, jus a transparent plaster 2 be removed abt 2wks later. ydy bk hm, he was tired n weak n cld't walk well. n of course very 'yang oh'. we gave him 1 dose of panadol n tdy he is ok. no running, jumping, climbing n exercises for 1mth, i wonder how for an active boy to sit still...
sanrio , good to hear ash is recovering well from his surgery !

yeah ,i agree wif u abt the backache portion . so sianz rite , im secretly happy he is not walking yet coz i cannot keep up wif his crawling now . super fast speed wor .
Whilst Jesse can transport things on both hand when crawling, Jonas loves pushing chairs, boxes, electrical fans around the house on his knees….our parquet flooring is tarnishing at increasing rate. :p

Dun use the word “unfortunate” lar…like Jessesmum says, they are competent crawlers….hahahah

Beyond/Michk/Jessemum/Mrs Lai
My degree is also very high…slightly lower than Mrs Lai but astig juz as high (I love watching TVs)… but I decided not to do lasik coz I think my glasses can help to camouflag my “Chao Ji Wu Ti” dark eye circles….LOLZZZZ

Yupz I do expect this is a tiring process….Even though Jonas not walking yet…we still need to keep on eye on him in case he never hold properly to the table or chair whilst standing in case he suddenly lost balance and get his jaw hit on the table or his head bang against the sharp furniture edge… our house furniture is very, very, very child unfriendly……

Glad to know Ash did great for his surgery…he’s a brave boy. WOW! Still got bravery cert somemore…KKH actually did that for him?
mrs lai , my hubby also paid 5K leh . his was senior consultant @ Eye Centre . aiyoh , think better ask him to go touch up .

MicK , my son hv bread in the morning . he still nids 1 bottle of milk to lure him to lala land . no milk , dun wan to close his eyes to snooze
aloha mummies.

I cannot make it on the 7th liao cos have to go in to JB, cos hb got to attend a party and we were invited to spend the weekend there. Paisay...
mK, kiera not thunder thighs meh?? why u put her on 'diet'? thought u like her bak bak?

hmm... mrs lai... lasik still got touch up one?? my hb did his at mt. e (also paid $5K+)... wonder if his package have? but the price nowadays dropped so much!

Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
5. michele & Claire
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
5. michele & Claire
6. Dlim & Jayden & helper
i never want her to be too bak bak. i am concerned all the while as she has been on 90% percantile since mth 4. while her height is only 50%
i also tot that i cannot success in bf. for ashton's, i cld not do it cos 1st time mummy and stressed.

for adeline's, i 'bo bian' cos she is so tiny, die die has to do it although i keep thinking of stopping now and then.

ya abundant of EBM, i also surprise! Ashton dont mind EBM leh. i defroze those in my fridge and mix with his FM, he finishes them. quite a few times i gave him those freshly express and let him drink from straw, he also likes it leh
I pity the kitty but I don’t really fancy cats leh.

Mrs Lai
My dog loves it to bits. In fact, can’t stop licking it so the kitty is mostly damp.
Kitten is cute but not cats. That’s for me la. Not insulting cat lovers.
It’s about few days old. Still v tiny and frail.

Ash is a brave boy!
HiHi mummies! Seems a long time since I visited this forum! Being a SAHM sure is much busier than working lor WAHAHAHAHA! Kudos to all the successful SAHMs out there. Next time I will pester you all for tips and tricks(^.^)

Hmm... lemme see... only been a SAHM for 6 days nia... So far so good I guess. But seems that time passes very fast doing all the nittygritties hor. Hope I will manage my time well so that will have time for myself and the kid as well!

Sanrio: congrats to Cher walking and Ash's successful surgery! Can understand the part about being busybusy now that Cher is walking, esp since before she can content herself by playing "on the spot". I think I will be so tired out if I'm not staying with the ILs. Cos now we take turns tending to his playing needs so at least it is not too taxing on any one of us.

Jmon: You're my inspiration! Hope with my 2nd one I can TBF...

Jessemum: when's your surgery?
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
5. michele & Claire
6. Dlim & Jayden & helper
7. Kate n hub n Lele...
mK, claire is opp... height is above average but weight is way below ave! keke...

jmon, just remember that nothing taste better than a mom's loving bm! that is the reason why fully bfed babies are super picky abt food! imagine i've already been bfing for more than 1 year!

anyone wanna go the bb fair @ expo this weekend? i'm going on friday.


glad to hear tht the surgery went well. Does he like cartoons / any movie? mayb u cn rent/borrow some for him to watch so that he's distracted n dont climb/ run too much.
re: bb walking
i cn well imagine the aching back. i hv alr bot 2 swingbk gates n one of those walkg wings gadget to avoid such a scenario =P. the wings prevents me frm bending too much n the gates mean i hv less 'dist' to run aft her.
