(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

btw , jmon , what breastpump u using huh ? i kaypoh , i hope to succeed in breastfeeding my 2nd kid ( if i hv lah )

Thanks .. we will

Not bring Jboy, he's staying with my IL. . hehe.
wah mummies...today the thread kips moving...

keira looks so sweet...matching hat...
my girl still on fours nt standing...haiz

my girl is nt walking too...

both ur kids look alike...heehee

kip expressing...milk will flow ...
wah...i went hokkaido, tokyo in 2006 during their summer...c lavendar, sunflowers..LOL..
since then nvr had loonng holidays liao...
congrats on your BM ss. seem like all my frens manage to succeed after 2nd child.. you are my inspirations!!
cai cai & SpringD
not to worry .. my dear lazy son whom is oredi 14mth is still a crawler ok.
he still cannot stand on his own!

think must bring him out to meet up with his peers so that they can inspire him!
who is the 1st baby beside jordon in the picnic pix? issit JK? 3 of them looks so grown up liao.. wow time really flies!
she not really into walking yet, but she can stands pretty well and long if she needed :p
kekeke, actually the hat is fm gap (its reversible, matching with her dress actually)while the shorts is from bbfox.
but the ensemble do look very matching dun they!

i went to redeem my romper fm mothercare liao. went to centrept to get the 12-18mth, too big, changed to 9-12mths at harbour front.

bbV and K are in the same class at 11am, think ur sonny same class with fabian, rite?
mrs lai,
no the quiche taste nice, actually all the food we ate was good on sat. kekeke...
i wanna try the quiche next time when i am free.

think i saw joanie,jordon and ?? dunn think its jk??
i was wondering who that BB is leh.. coz nvr see b4..
then i read fm *mich* blog that JK din go.
perhaps is Jesse
i met jesse b4, dun remb he loks like that leh.
nevermd, we wait for answer tomorrow.

ok, me gg to bed liao. feelin very tired today.
how come you still up? are u still working PT?
yep workin p/t now.. work on tues,wed,fri
i'm nite owl mah.. used to sleeping after 1am liao. nite nite to u!

anyone organising tea-time meetup again?
think its the newer mum who joined, cant remb whether its milo/kikismom ;p
ok, really need to shutdown liao, batt only at 10%. nite
catch u tml.
i guess as much, coz i seems to recall that either kikis/milo mention that they are going too

i have met all except kieran

so long, no see malcolm and jeremy already

yalor, notti mummy left poor boy as home i/o letting him play with the rest of the kiddos!
micK - i very KIASU , i changed the 24mths type ( then my hubby asked me , so old aredi , still wear romper meh ? )
anyway , i tot big and loose , more comfy for him . hahahahaha .
the gals' choice is much better than boys , so i ask the salesgal to let me pick fm the gals selection . chose a light blue and a girlly one with some kitten prints ( bo pian)

Min , kieran is the son of kikismum ... i saw his pic @ s/w blog of the zoo outing .

millo - wats ur gal's name?
very BIG LEH! and me like your hubby lor, so old still wear romper. so i decided take the size now an d wear.
think i saw that, but then i was thinking blue har??? kekeke... so both times, we took the same one. 1st time i choose, 2nd time hubby choose.
both choosed the same pattern, its the light pink with the garden shed one.
aiyo, he is a boy , of coz must be taller than bb K lah . but u sure u dun nid a big size for her thunder thighs :D ????
got alot of pink ones ... wif a BIG kitty face .

anyway , i chose a sleeveless 18mth romper ( still not his age :p -> super kiasu ME )
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
Sori, think I can't make it for the picnic on 7jun 3pm. Sat morning also can't cos bbJon had GUG @ 1130am. Guess will join in the next outing
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws

wat you wanna get?

ah bish u! U mean ur romper is long ones?? hmmmm..... mine is short leh.
coolD , GOT !!!
spent any amt in Mothercare , got a free box of Nestle gold cereals ( apple flavored)
i think some stuff hv 20% disc , anyway , u hv a $50 voucher , everything under $50 is FOC for u , just grab lah
micK , anyhow ah bish me , i told u i panda eyes liao . :x
btw , bb K is on step 2 or 3 now ? my 2 running low , nid to change liao . now no promo for 2 , so i think i hv to switch to the cheapo step 3
Woah! Abundant milk supply ah….. Ashton dun mind EBM? I tot once babies get used to FM, they won’t like EBM. Now that you already get the hang of it…no need to worry about engorgement liao…should be fine as long as you diligently express at specific intervals.

Our kiddos belong to the ‘Slow & Steady League’…Let’s stay positive & patient…Grand Finale will come soon!

Wah…Going Genting eh…Planning to make a killing at the casino? Hahahah…..
I also dunno wat to buy actually. They hv nice hard sole shoes?

Nowadays jboy dun like those smooth cereal. He prefers Muesli kind.

I juz hope dun get KILL :p most of the times, sure hv to contribute some $$ to the flourishing Genting .. hehe.
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse

I have an open tin (900g) of Gain IQ. Bought to try it out on J last week but *sigh* he doesn't take well to it even though he loves the flavour. When we got up to 5 scoops of 14 he became super bloated and farted and burped the whole of Sunday and yesterday...plus he pooped 3 times yesterday. So I've decided to call it quits for now and revisit it again in 6 months.

So anyone wants this?
SpringD/cai cai/milo
wanna 'how lian' that my son finally use the walker on his own accord!
i realise everything i carry him to use it, he reject.. but last nite he actually pull himself up and push the walker on his own.

finally can see some light and hope liao!
its ok.. my boy lagi slow. even teething also slow!! only got 2

my relatives told me that i walk at only 15-16month so i think my son got my genes. i don't dare to even tell my hubby that in case he 'blame me for it'
ya, how can you forget Jesse? :p and he's probably the oldest of the league. He's still not walking unassisted yet...and when assisted it's not that he's steady either!

you want tea time meet up, you say when and where lor...like S/W...probably someone will join you.
jesse: did u do a mix? when u changing to a new formula, you need to intro over 3 weeks. first week, only intro 1 scoop of the new formula per feed. Also got Similac / Gain IQ, my gal can poop up to 2 times a day, normal poop.
:p micK , i luv her thighs leh . step 3 can be bot @ Econ minmart ( 21 ++ nia )
jessemum , he cannot take similac , then he taking what brand now ?
min , my ma said the faster the teeth pops out , the earlier they dropped off . so why so kan cheong ? hahaha. my son is a greedy pig , that is why he has many teeth now. sigh ~
ya,after we drop 1 feed, she seems to have gotten slimmer.
whahaha, cindy also feels the same, i mean, as in K slimmer now.
