(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

thks with muah muah

pls check ur email.

can u believe it.. i hv not gotten yr email. luckily i call florence oredi. wow she very easy to talk to you leh. except that she ask why i nvr order buffet fm her.. i was stunned for a while
<u>Meet up on 4 Apr 07 (Fri) </u>
Time: 12ish
Venue: Globetrotters

1. sandwich + kaizer
2. sanrio + cherelle
3. michellek + keira
4. mrs lai (not confirmed)
5. augleo ??
6. kris + kelly (to be confirmed)
this is weird! today total there are 5 mummies (including urself) orders i sent to eCreative.

any1 else has cfm with me n din rec my email?

good that u've reached Florence.

jus check with hb, dun think i can make it on Friday.
unless his appt changed
yup his face is quite smooth now. i'm glad that it's getting better =) he was actually supposed to be a model eczema bb for trainee doctors at NUH last sunday (PD arranged for him a month ago), but there wasn't much eczema left on the face last weekend so in the end we couldn't participate.

hehee, it's alright. join us some other time then!
<font color="0000ff">**Happy 1st Birthday to: Siggy, Xavier n Chloe**</font>

Gladys will be crawling to cupboard n *knock knock*
gene , my flashcards are all dog-eared , crumpled , in lousy condition .
coz we use the cards as toys to distract my notti sonny . he even chews on them occasionally .

sandwich , u shd be happy kaizer is a model drop out for eczema baby . he is slowly recovering

mrs lai , thanks for ur shortlisted cakes . but , those are very very big cakes . maximum for me = 2kg ! i still torn btw swensens or ecreative . hehehe
I brought my flashcard to the zoo and showed Glynnis the picture via real life.

A friend told me that being fast and repetition are the key. Keeps doing the same set A until the baby seems to be bored, then change another set. She flashes cards to her son everyday since they are 4 mths old.
Augleo: i thnk meaning of bored in baby is.. can't sit there n see u flash liao.. wana grab card n chew n stuff.. i have been flashing cards to ashlyn since 3 months or so to distract her.. now have been doing the super fast way like the shicida method.. very tiring for us though..
Augleo : I think you are not flashing fast enough? Flashing fast also catches their attention. My girl's concentration span is very short, after sometime, she will try to snatch the cards away.

I am trying to build her concentration span. Everyday we try to read her a set of flashcard + 2 storybooks. I realised that recently she is able to sit still for longer period when i read to her.
Ya. Must do it fast fast. My friend attended Shichida and she said that this is taught by the school... And she can do it real fast.

She said that i can rotate 2 set of card if i want to.
Guess what .. i do not even hv flash cards :p But seeing all of you doing it, muz be beneficial .. hehe. Can some1 recommend what flashcards I shld buy for jboy?
Min : And sometimes very messy right? Haa...

Apart from cards, i think its also time to cultivate the reading habit liao. I think its effective in aiding their speech development.
its very messy lor.. coz my boy will always disturbed the cards that i finished flashing and placed aside.
yeah.. agree its time to read books b4 sleep but difficult leh

coz nowadays i will watch 9pm drama and rot with my boy on the bed then 10pm we hv to off light
prepare to sleep liao. so hv to make an effort!
Min : You try. I think for Glynnis, it do help. She sometimes will try to imitate when i read. I read 'horse' she will 'ho'... Very funny. My dog 'pom pom' also becomes 'bo bo'...

Its getting closer and closer to Glynnis's bdae... So excited.

Mrs Lai : I like your girl's dress. She is so sweet. My Glynnis don't like it when we put clip on for her leh. She will pull it off... Same to hat, hairband... Anything.
tks for your encouragement to Jo!

Lele still wanna be Jo's bf ah? hahaha.. I miss Lele actually..

make a choice meaning JK oso wan ah? hahaha!

dun worry, Dillion will soon catch up with all the skills.. btw, me oso not diligent in the flashcards and reading.. not everyday.. Jo oso lose her attention ezly..

Mrs Lai,
all the cakes u shortlisted are so nice.. btw, I picked the fig '1' cake for jo.. think Vanessa's cake muz be very ex.. so pretty cake
what does your HB do, how come he doesn't work on Friday?

You free to go IKEA? I wanna get a stool for Jesse and a trash can with lid for my kitchen.

And yes, I bring him all the way to yishun to cut hair. But soon, I'll just diy lah...i think he prefers it that way. At least he doesn't cry.
Ixora: Of course! Jo so sweet and smiley! I hope can make it on 3May so can meet up with you and all the otehr mummies and babies. Can't believe how time flies... last time Lele and Jo were just babes who couldn't even sit well. Now Jo is walking and Lele is learning to... ...

Aug: JK wanna be Jo's GF too? Oh no! JK can walk liao, so he can go "pak tor" with JO. LilLele can only crawl behind HAHAHa!
But, lele has the advantage of distance. We can go play w Jo more often to pei yang gan qing!
mummies: anyone interested in a temp position for 4 months? Possible to start asap. I think about $8 per hour. administrative work.
JK stands no chance...coz JK's mama oso likes lele. kekekekekekeke!

i need help to get out of the hse, need to check on hb schedule so i can meet mummies

IKEA, erm...not this Friday.
what type of stool u getting? w/back rest?

hb oso thinking to DIY for JK hair too
oh no... i left out Vanessa. aunty Leo mistake!

<font color="aa00aa">**Happy 1st Birthday to Princess Vanessa**</font>

wow! today hv 4 bb b.day...just on 22nd Apr.
I was thinking today...haha. Just one of the children's stools/chairs that he can push around. He now tries to push the little footstool around but it has rubber beneath and it makes a whole lot of noise...thought I'd get him something smooth "soles".

How come you need help to get out of the house? As in what kind of help?

Ya, quite easy, it's just the clean up that's a little bit bothersome. HB says, if I cut J's hair, he also wants me to cut his. I used to cut HB's hair...until I gave birth. hehe.
mrs lai,
ya hor, my MSN not on!
sigh coz so bz this morning, now only got breather.

nt my hand lah, got from the same site.. paparazzi option.. but i did get mani done yest.. nicer now !
wah, mummies here oredi looking for Qing Jia

Jo is a popular gal here .. how abt jie di lian wif my jboy? hehe :p

All bday babies,
Happy birthday .. Have fun !!

Lele so cute!

Happy birthday to all the babies too! Today is Jo's lunar bday.. can join in the fun!

Mrs Lai, Michk, Cindy,
I oso find the hand very scary.. red nails..

tks! But depending on her mood I thin, she din walk yday.. btw, my hb is not going US at the moment cos of some last min changes.. nvm, I read your blog is more than enuf! Hee..
