(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Nice invite…sweet & simple…what software you use to do? Powerpoint?

Alamak…Tuesday I probably taking leave...

You wanna meet first with me on Monday then we arrange again another time with Cherry? Or we choose another day next week? Any day you are ok besides Mon?

I copied the concept from a webby. But remove and touch up from the original. The original required to put up total 4 photos which I dont like. I used photoshop.
<font color="0000ff">SELLING Helium Gas</font>
kekekekeke! keep forgetting to post.
mummies staying in EAST n oni wan to inflate few balloons...the helium tank i rent think still can inflate abt 10 balloons.

any1 any1?
foil balloons can tahan longer...now still floating ard in my hse.
** foil balloons can b re-usable hor.
u know those guests...told them le...still thrash loh.

but not for latex balloons...after 15 hours...no more floating le
Ixora: hahaa.. ashlyn is born in the early days of april leh.. different la.. mayb she learn a lot of such stuff cos we seldom bring her out.. so all entertainment at home..

Gene: I don’t even dare dress my gal in unisex clothes.. cos mine got no hair..hahaha.. always pinky or in skirt.. but still got pple ask.. haiz..

Cherryteq: no worries… we can fix on Tuesday instead

Springdance: Tuesday can boh? I anyday also can want.. jst need to remember nia..hahaha
i din manage to get alots of the deco pix.

** tied the balloons with the gifts for the kids
(1 foil balloon + 2 latex balloons)

**2 sets of these balloons tied @the 2sides of the cake table


**This one is end of the party, JK played the left over balloons in our hse

Same lor. The other day I brought her out for dinner and the aunty still can say "Wah, your boy very cute hor." Ya right. I almost scream at her leh. Buay tahah. Cannot see bb in pink meh?! As usual, I'll say "No la, she's a gal leh." Sometimes I feel like just nodding and keep quiet. I think if they know bb is gal, then they won't find her cute anymore.
lina: But u have to be careful, think some babies may be allergic to it. I just use it as part of the porridge. I dun "strain" it out.

Gene: My gal all along on similac and she is ok with it, so i never change, just continue with it lor. I am not going to do any research on which is the best milk powder and stress myself over it :p

Darbebe: I recognise Nicole hahaha ... ok it helps me to rem better who is who!
Gene: Lele doesn't quite fancy water so from young we would lie him in our arms to feed water from a cup using a teaspoon. When he fussed and refused anymore water and struggled like mad, I will drink the water from his teaspoon and give the "oh! so delicious!!!" face with sound effect... Then I will feed him some water, and he will take a few more sips, w a smile on his face! Haha!

Eversince he became more mobile tho, making him lie in our laps quite imposs so we would just feed him from the cup (a small one we consistently use for him) and he seems to enjoy the water much more this way. Sometimes I will share the water w him, by taking one sip before feeding him another. He can fin half a cup this way.

Yr MSN got virus ar? J&amp;R &amp; I keep receving msg from u leh. Anyone else receive msg from Gene too?
hi gene,

your msn got virus? how come u keep msning us but when we replied, u no answer?? is it virus? hehe.. or you reall write to us?? :p
Me me! I got this message from gene: lool someone put ur photo here

thankfully no link =)

Kate: My gal will fight with us for the cup when we are drinking water. She has developed a liking for cold water too, i think partly she uses it to soothe her itchy gums, so I let her play with cold water in her hello kitty cup as well.

J&amp;R: I went to get my "1" candle liao, but no response from you and my party this sat. Too close for comfort so I went to party city to grab it just now.
Dear all
My MSN ganna virus la. So don't click on anything I ask you to click on MSN.
Now trying to kill the virus.
Damn angry coz my friend sent it to me leh.
Sorry to those who got it from me.
just called Florence from ecreative to reconfirm the cake. I had a change of mind about the design again :p so she went "ahhhhh" anyway settled liao. :p
I tink ur msn REALLY got virus .. I also got ur repeated msg :p

Mummies using magic pot
I juz called hm my mama says e porridge not soft enuff. I haven seen it, but wanna ask. How long u cook e porridge over the stove b4 u put it into the magic pot? And how long in the pot? Also, what abt ingredient, juz dump all in right fm e start?

normally i cook the porridge over the stove for 15mins for normal white rice, if i add brown rice, will be 20-25 mins.. then i'll keep in the magic pot for 1-1.5hours. sometimes even longer in magic pot if Ning is sleeping.

K bruise no more this morning, only a tad shadow nia! kekeke..
she ok when i went to pick her up at 9.45pm last nite.
in fact, she so Happi to see me

Meet up: 28/March/08
Venue : Swensen, Compasspoint, SK
timing : 12.15 noon

1. michellek
2. catherine
3. ixora + Jo
4. traz
5. aprilmum + Ning
6. jessemom + Jesse
7. darbebe + nicole
8. irin
9. catherine
ok Shirley,
i think I din cook long enuff on the stove. Maybe only abt 10mins. But it was in the pot since abt 9am till 12pm. Do you add alot of water? Does it help to soften the rice more?

Thats the gd thing abt being a bb. One moment they pain, next moment forget liao

for water, i just put as usual only.. but of course porridge need more water to get it turn softer. i cook red bean, chicken soup, fish coup before using the magic pot.. so far i love it.
You haven't tell me how much I owe you leh. Ask you several times liao. You give me FOC eh? Hee..

BbG's 1st bday tomorrow.
Gene: ya.. all aunties only want boys.. wat is wrong with gals!!! If no gals.. where got this forum!! hahaha

i thnk i can't make it for my gal lunar bday.. to eat drumstick n red eggs... bad mummy hor.. haiz.. can give all these at nite or nt?? cos mine is 2molo!! or can give at actual bday??
i rem you put up a list of items for baby to choose right? I cant seem to find it.

Possible for you to provide again?
My girl's lunar bday is next Tue.

there are 4 March bb here in April thread.
our bb EDD is in April 07

Dlim, Gene, myself n traz (did i miss any1 out?)

huh? u interested in the helium gas?
u stay in north lei?

disney ever ask me for this list of items, i asked her to find from archive coz tat day me not free to type...disney, u dun mind hor

bb picking items on lunar b.day:
erm...mayb coolD can help to fill in too

1. book
2. calculator
3. monies
4. pen
5. lego
6. ruler
if u wan more....
7. scissors
8. aeroplane
9. stethoscope

food to prepare:
1. mee sua (2 eggs)
2. drumstick
3. AKK
4. Glutinous rice
5. red eggs

wat bad mama?
all the items above can get from ur hse...just place them together n let Ash pick.
this is the only lunar b.day we can do something special for our bb

Gene n Kelley,
recently still hv ppl said JK is a girl hor! sad anot?
re:being mistaken for the wrong sex

ysterday , my mum brot my son to mkt . there is a china lady who was carrying a child , she pointed at my son , saying " see jiejie or meimei"
my ma was pissed , he is a boy lah .then the lady apologized to her sheepishly , coz she tot my sonny is very fair , so she tot he is a "gal"
the best part is , her own son is actually older than my son , her son was born on 16 Apr , my son was 18 Apr . called my son "JIEJIE" faintz
cai cai: I also can mistake one leh ... so I always ask gal or boy (if not dressed in the appropriate colours lah).

and i also cannot guage if the other baby is older or younger, cuz my niece and nephew ultra small sized :p

My gal is wearing clothes that my niece (5 yrs old) gave up recently :p
CoolD: You should bring the pot to a roaring boil before u put into the holder. u need to boil at least 5 min first to get all the ingredients thoroughly heated through.
caicai: like i say lor, my niece is ultra small size. She is easily the shortest and the skinnest in her class. The others are about 1 head taller than her! I think she is in the lowest 5 percentile for her age group, but you shd see the way she eat. U cannot imagine where all the food she ingest goes to, or if her tummy is going to explode anytime.
huggies ultra/ pullup barcodes is reedemable starting from tday.. at only 4 Post offices: SingPOst, Clementi, AMK and Ngee ann.

