(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

huggies ultra(purple packaging) selling @ $13.80 during promo. now they have jumbo pack which is $19.30+
i SMS u tomorrow, shld be meetin at 12noon coz i meeting htem over lunch break :p
try to make it leh, habent see u fr ages liao !
if u cant make it that early, traz shld be arriving ard 1.30+
guess what b4 i went over to MIL's to pick hubby & K up tonight? K knocked herself on sofa. now eyelid bruised

Can Please Help!

Need to think of a place to go this afternoon (4pm they're picking us up) to buy birthday outfit+shoes for Jesse (boy).

Can give me a few options?

I've never shopped for Jesse here before (except two singlets from kiddy palace)...so I really don't know. Called them this morning and they say they also don't know....when they pick us up, I'm supposed to tell them. MIL actually said, you go find out. hmm...

thanks jesses/ixora..she still as active, crawling around and sreaming lor.. what you think? haha..my mil says she really thick-skin leh..like not scare of pain one.. haha.. :p

today i see her teeth.. the "flesh" stuck seems stuck between her teeth leh.. seems so much like the flesh being "torn out" really dunno if it will come out by itself leh.. the doctor say will leh.. i dun dare to see, see liao heartpain.. *sob*
micK: oops does that mean K would be banned from crawling liao :p I hope she is OK.

Mindy: Ya, I normally add pork, wolf berries, red dates and if I have wai shan, I will add also. Boil like soup, then add rice later to make porridge lor. If I do overnite, then everything goes in together.
Cai and Mrs Lai: no prob.. I just trying my luck..hahaha

Mrs Lai: can’t compare one la.. let me hao lian abit here!! Haha.. different bb different ah.. ur gal so guai.. hw can compare to my monkey

My gal at 11 months

Can say orange, bear, meee, mum mum, deee, home (sounds more like ome)
She can stack the rings back at the stand,
She can put balls in the train which I bot at JL sale,
She can throw when u ask her to,
Self feed,
Walk with assistance,
She can put hat on her own head!
She only can’t sleep herself! Hahah
When ask her where we hit her, she will hit her tigh
When ask her scared or not, she will pat her chest
When ask her full, she will pat her tummy
She can point o eye, nose and mouth
Say bye, say hi and wave with friendkiss
Learning to stand herself
when we chant she will put her hands together and bow with us...
and not forgetting kiss me!!

Michelle: poor K, kiss her for me.. I tot ur MIL super careful still accidents do happen
just to share , in case ur babies fall ( touch wood ) and u really want to stop the bleeding asap and u dun hv 1st aid kit

Pls put sugar on the wound , it can stop the bleeding ...

Jessemom , u can try Takashimaya departmental store, they hv alot of brands like Osh Gosh . burberry etc . shoes wise - i think baby fox has or u can try buying the Japan brand COMBI shoes , looks comfy . by the way , centrepoint robinson has sale now rite ? but i dunno abt their selection of baby wear

Coold - taka baby fair OVER ( until 25 March only )

yes yes, this is the one!! only one type there, so i just picked


aiyo, why like that?? She ok now?

Ixora can't make it for 12 noon, she's more prefer 1pm+ cos she needs to feed Jo first before meeting us.

Mrs Lai,

the Gain IQ voucher is the one i was telling you!! GOod deal right?? i am waiting for mine too!!! hehehehe.. The lady said will send the vouchers(Gain IQ and SimilacMum) + 1 tin 400g Gain IQ to me very soon!!
u see the letter from Abbott properly hor.. dun be like me.. i think i throw away the letter.. then mrs lai told me the buy6get1free one is in the letter itself.. sob.. me really a blur blur mum.. later i go home and see again..

kelley, yalor.. i tell u she sleeps with hands open wide, legs open wide one lor.. then always use leg to kick ppl.. aiyo!! cant stand.. me so "wen rou".. not abit like me leh.. sad.. haha..

ai yo.. you throw away liao!! ok ok, i'll take note for the letter. Hope you manage to find the letter back!

Mrs lai & J&R,

can we req. for more vouchers?? hahahahaha
Thanks for sharing how to cook the pasta…realised that also need to cook quite long like porridge hor…

So Ning is eating pasta everyday now?

Didn’t know got drill with vacuum…hehehe….wonder if can find a window grill company that have such hi-tech drills. :p

But I also got another big obstacle….the curtain & blind rails are already there…so if I install grille, likelihood must take out everything & throw away liao….so heartpain.

Hey, my boy also loves to beat the keys on the computer keyboard and play with the optical mouse….

Actually it’s a good thing that your boy dun dare to climb down the couch now mah…more safer. :p

You shopping for baby clothes later? Can try VivoCity or Suntec….

Mrs Lai
Different babies develop at different pace mah….my answers are also NO, NO, NO…in fact, sadly to say, my boy is one of the slowest coaches here….

Bunalun imported from Europe lei…of coz cannot compare the prices with products from Hock Hua! Hahahahah….
post on behalf of Michellek,

Meet up: 28/March/08
Venue : Swensen, Compasspoint, SK
timing : 12.15 noon

1. michellek
2. catherine
3. ixora + Jo
4. traz
5. aprilmum + Ning
6. jesse


you can make it??

Nope, she not eating pasta everyday. 3 days porridge(normal white rice), 2 days porridge(normal white + brown rice), 2 days ABC pasta. My current meals schedule for her
If i got no time to cook for her, i'll just give her cereal hehe
I bot my magic cooker (5l) at OG last nite at $49, usual px $88. See a few aunties buying, some 3, so I follow. hehe.

Impressive !!

If u r looking for a mall, you can also try United Square .. they have alot of boutique selling baby/ kids stuffs.
i'll be bringing jesse with me too...i'm jesse's mom haha.

but i might probably be late cos he might only wake up at 12noon from his nap, if he naps. i'll bring his food there for him to makan....looks like it's cereal again! haha.

So ya, one seat and one baby chair for us. thanks!
Meet up: 28/March/08
Venue : Swensen, Compasspoint, SK
timing : 12.15 noon

1. michellek
2. catherine
3. ixora + Jo
4. traz
5. aprilmum + Ning
6. jessemom + Jesse
Thank you for the suggestions.

I think think of united square but have only been there once so wasn't sure if it had kids stuff i thought it has.

hehe...don't want to go to town lah. I'll ask and see if they want to, but since we're so time tight, i like to go nearby...anyway, i can't imagine getting branded stuff for a one year old. he grows too fast! the only branded stuff he has are all gifts/hand downs.

Im going to Compasspoint for lunch later with colleagues...maybe i will drop by & said hello to u all ya!!
I did mention cp to mil also...we'll see lor. I'll give them a choice of suntec, united sq and cp....actually, i told them, the last time we went to amk hub, i thought i saw quite a few kids shops as well...we'll see what happens. will let you know tonight
jessemum: It seems that your nick caused a bit of confusion
As for the <font color="ff0000">tingkat</font> and <font color="ff0000">p/t worker</font> serv, sorry to say did not manage to get lobangs for you
My dad no longer working for tingkat serv so he dun have lobangs. As for the PT serv, my mum's contacts are west region so she did not manage to find anyone willing to travel to sengkang...

Paiseh could not be of much help!
<font color="119911">ANY MUMMIES HAVE LOBANGS FOR JESSEMUM</font>?
<font color="aa00aa">cool_d</font>: I bought my magic cooker from Isetan, during the prvt sale.
Brand: ENDO
Price: As it was during ENDO promo, I enjoyed special price of S$39 (usual S$59) plus a member disc 10% => <font color="ff0000">S$35.10</font>

size: 1.8litres (very small size, enough for slightly more than 2 soupbowls of porridge in the big pot)
mrs lai...sorry but i didn't know babies can be given wolfberries...so just boil in water,then use the water to cook porridge or can put together in the porridge?me suaku sorri ah
I oso like the 2nd pic of belle very much.. nice!

Yup I can only make it at 1 or 130pm.. u not on half day ah?
Sayang sayang Keira, hope the blueblack goes off soon..


I'm impressed with Ashlyn too! Wow, she can do so many things!!!!!!!!

u can put the wolberries tog in the porridge.. i do that..
thanks ixora..any idea what the benefit of the wolfberries for babies?
good eyesight?

My bb also had a fall from the mattress last sat at bbsitter hse and sub sunday climb out of the walker and fell down..head v red and vomitted few times over 48hrs.In the end go down KKH was admitted 1 day for observation.My heart nearly dropped too.coz i just step to the ktichen to soak the bottle and he climb out of the walker..next min i heard a lour boom and very loud bb cries..felt so guilty.
cool Daughter
That bottle is bigger so it's about 1.5 to 2 bottles of mag mag. Too little ah? Btw, any idea if can give Ribena?
I got a tricycle for bbG at Kids Mall at IMM. $45.90 only. Ya, with bar to prevent bb from falling one.

You must take good care of yourself. Don't be too stress up with the bb's gender. The more you worry, the more paranoid you'll be. Imagine you don't think about it and if you get a gal, the feeling will be like strike lottery!

Magic Pot
Is the magic pot so amazing? Really can save on electricity bills ah? I don't mind getting if it's so. Any one organising BP boh?

Don't scare me leh. So serious ah. But then her case not everytime leh. Just that it is quite frequent. Yesterday her poo was ok. I just walk all the way to the market to buy a bunch of banana for her. Suddenly I'm in super panic mode. I still same some papaya which I'm going to feed her after lunch.

Ya lor, bbG also doesn't like anything sourish.

BbG sometimes also got a bit of blood when it's really bad. But kiwi though the sweet ones also sourish leh. I'll try to get some soon. I don't mind trying anything just to make her feel better.

I gave up massaging bbG's tummy liao. She's always flipping and crawling around. Very hard to keep her still.
Talking about laptop, my gal pluck out a few keys before.
Can get nice bb clothes from Fox BB or BB Gap.

Drinking from Straw
I 'train' bb to drink from straw when she sips my bubble tea and milk shake. I guess the sweet drink 'encourages' bb to suck from straw. I know it's not a good method though.

Mrs Lai
Gain IQ good ah? I just saw from FP, $51+ for 1.8kg tin. Ex leh.
Huh, the organic ones so ex ah?! $2 and $29 is a major difference leh. But as long as good for bb, I think worth it la.

J&amp;R/ Kelley
My gal also same. Got boy's genes. Look like boy some more. Now I try not to dress her in 'unisex' clothes.
gacc, ixora, michelle,
Thank goodness all your bbs are fine. Dun blame yourself too much ok? Our bbs are so mobile now it's really hard to watch over them 24/7. Hugs...

SpringDance &amp; Kelley,
Monday I cannot. Got meeting over lunch...
Tues can? SpringD, can sms me in case I MIA again. March is terrible...

Re: Cheese
Thanks to all mummies who advised on the types of cheese. Today perhaps can go "shopping" at NTUC...
hope bbT is well now.
he can play n eat/drink well now?

dun to harsh to urself

this is wat my hb keep telling me when keep blaming myself (i din see JK on sofa but on the tiles).
Thank you for asking....I'm still looking so yes, if anyone can recommend, it will be great!

My nick is "jessesmom" = jesse's mom confusing meh? Okay lah... :p

anything that can distract her to keep her still? For us, we know handphone, remote control can keep him still...only need a few seconds of it mah...and I usually do it after his shower, when drying him.

I'm still testing out the magic pot, if I don't want, I'll post here.

I think babies associate. So, if I put water in his bottle, he won't drink from it. If I put milk in his water bottle, he won't drink from it. Maybe she's used to getting something sweet from a straw, so now she won't drink it if it's just water.

Meet up: 28/March/08
Venue : Swensen, Compasspoint, SK
timing : 12.15 noon

1. michellek
2. catherine
3. ixora + Jo
4. traz
5. aprilmum + Ning
6. jessemom + Jesse
7. darbebe + nicole
