(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Kate : Don't know leh. Whatever we give her, she will just take a bit. my hubby very envy those baby who can finish their whole bottle of milk loh.

long time no 'see'. How is ur pregnancy?

Having a small celebration with baby is just as heartwarming.
I'm also not sure. Augleo said she read somewhere that bbs under 2 are not suppose to eat wholemeal bread. Still waiting for her reply.
Dreamygal: Dun noe how these tiny creatures' systems work! I remember at least 2 babies in my neighbourhood who drink so little but quite bak-bak. And it seems that how much they take in did not affect their weight and phy. development. One lil baby girl is about same age as lele but she cannot even fin 100ml of milk. But she can walk le! Another BB girl who is 7 months old has reflux and sensitive stomach so cannot drink much and no appetite, but so bak bak that she look older than lele...

Sometimes I think Lele is just the very easy kind. I've not seen him reject ANY food except avocado. Even soy formula which we can't stand the smell of, he finished one whole bottle in the usual quantity without batting an eyelid!

Maybe lil Glynnis is the fussy princessy kind:p On her B-day party you can include a wok and pan to rep chef, maybe she will choose that and become a gourmet in future! Haha!
re:wholemeal bread
i went online to search ...
This is from the babycentre website:

A high fibre diet is not suitable for babies or young children. Occasional use of wholemeal bread, pasta and grains is fine, but too many of them could fill up your child's tummy, not allowing room for other foods. Do not add bran to your baby's food since it prevents some important minerals from being absorbed. Do offer your child a variety of different starchy foods, including wholegrain varieties, but don't use wholegrain foods exclusively until your child is five years old.
Thanks for the info!

I went read your blog. My god, luckily your cut is not directly at your eye leh. Imagine the impact broke your specs. It must be really painful. Hope you recover soon ya.
Btw, I saw your entry about Douglas and Gregory. I thought they look familiar and I just remembered that they were standing beside me when I brought Gladys to watch the Chingay show. Was standing outside Marina Square. Gladys pulled at the father's shirt coz she wanna play with the younger boy, who was in his arms. The boy looked terrified. Quite cute. The mummy is a pretty lady right. When sweets were given out, my hb and nephew got extras and gave it to them.
kelley: haha u call them boring - i just think that for that twins person, whatever she say doesn't hold anymore esp after the pics!

I think most poor thing is cecilia, cuz most of the time she looks drunk (face flushed and eyes droopy)

I didn't see the rest ... i just flip through.

It's a bit like that taiwanese sex video, after 5 min you get so damn bored and it's a 45 min video.
Mrs Lai,
poor thing?? why poor thing leh? She drinks, gets high, pose for the pix, ugly pose & now it's published.

Btw, i din see the video . . only pix so far :p
Cool D : Ya, but u no when she is drunk, she can be led to do many funny things one mah. I wonder if she even rem what she did the next day! If she was really drunk, then was Edison taking advantage of her?

Unfortunately I don't have the same "pity" for Gillian :p naive and very silly opposed drunk :p
1st B.day party:

22/23rd Mar:
JMon (few days b4 bbA's lunar mth b'day)

29/30th Mar:
The Mrs Lai

5/6th Apr:
JMon (yes, me again~! this time celebrate in JB + getaway over the weekends)

12/13th Apr

19/20th Apr

26/27th Apr:
hi all

i may not be able to go to the GUG lesson on 9 mar 08..
cos my cousin child one mth celebration..
anyone can swap wif me for 16/03 de else will have to give up my seat liao
back from the compass pts meet up

nice mtg all.
D.tokyo n bububear, thks for joining us all the way from West

hope u've get the reply from wholemeal bread.

J.Little sale is here agn. 20%
Cardmembers' Preview
4-6 March 08.
15% off on diapers
Additional 20% off storewide

** Philip Avent magic cup n bottle bundle set @S$26
** Philip Avent Dect Bb monitor Set @S$161
** Philips Avent 4 pcs Breast Milk container @S$18

mayb u can start do ur shopping now
Mrs Lai,
u mean Rebecca still no reply?

JK's lunch portion more than dinner.
Lunch portion: abt 250ml = not watery type, coz no grinding since last 2 months
sometimes can hit 300ml (i know the vol. coz i m using the 400ml thermal mug to "agar agar"

Dinner poriton: 1 potato + vege or 6 scoops (milk powder scoops) of cereals
milk feeds: 180ml X 3 + 240ml for last feed

can't log in huh?
wanted to add:
JK takes longer time to finish his solids when i've stop grinding the grains.
sometimes can drag up to 45mins

he will make fuss over the meals too.
if i m in rush, will grind 1/2 of his food

will add u once the MSN is up.
me still can't login.
u can add mine too

[email protected]

the FOX items huh.
according to aprilmum, 1st day hv more choices.
today still can find few pairs of boy's shoes but JK can't fit in

u stay so near, din go on the 1st day?
augleo , last feed = 240ml , u mean to stuff him up so that he wun wake up halfway huh ?
i fed my son 220ml , he still persisted in waking up after 3 hrs ,
dreamygal, aiyoh! tt's a very candid description of little glynnis! From some of the pictures you posted last, she looks to me very cheeky leh, like always full of tricks kind. Correct or not? Keekee...
now nite feed i give my boy up to 260 ml too.. normal feed is 210ml. think my boy got rubber stomach coz whatever amt i give him he can and always finish.. macham like eat non stop
forgot to add sometimes he can even drink extra 50 ml of water on top of his last feed.

juz now i tried to re-latch him back for fun.. who knows he treat my boobs like a foreign object and keep struggling away... so sad! after 4 month of break.. guess he had totally forgot abt bf-ing!
did Mar mummy order this cake? really impressive leh

why still need to grind the grain? can cook the grain until soft over the fire..

can ask your mum or grandma if got provision shop in market that sell a no-brand rice which is esp used for cooking porridge.
i got it and it easier and faster to cook. if normal grain, will look like teochew porridge unless i cook longer
augleo - nice meeting you all too. great to finally put a face to the names and nicknames.

I told my son about JK and all i got was giggle from him ;) looking forward for them to meet.

mommies - do you give frog legs to babies? my grandpa asksme to buy frog legs to cook it for porridge or soup. dunno how to cook this. Any tips? Older people say that eating frog legs will make legs stronger.
mummies: I just saw this youtube clip and I almost peng san ... if u are matt damon and ben affleck fans :p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIQrBouWRiE

then i got the website for the pics and the chronicle details for the edison chen's scandal - so I just read that Nic and Cec is seperating and that they are going to do a paternity test on lucas. Apparently she was cheating on Nic even when they were married *sigh*
hello mrs lai/gene...
thanks for your concern! my wound has healed!!! yay!!!

u saw my fren ah! hmmm...i'm jus surprised that she'll be at the chingay cos i thot she doesnt like crowds!! yes, she's quite pretty. the hb v cute! ehhehee

minced beef/pork/chix
eeeeee....it never ocurred to me that minced meat will be any part of the animal!!!! oh dear...i better do like what you gals do...get a decent part then ask the butcher to mince!

i also read that babies should stay away from whites...white bread, white rice....healthier to go brown. hmmmm...i guess everything in moderation lah.
Yes i just tried giving my O frog legs porridge. Cook it like how you cook chicken porridge- throw everything in and leave it to cook. But the frog leg cannot be eaten cos i think the meat too tough, so only taste the essence of the frog leg lor. The frogs we eat (tian ji) are high in calcium, vit B1 to 12 and dunno what else. The fish monger showed me a newspaper clipping thats what convinced me to try hehe
JO - thanks!! Yah my grandpa also said that. he said, I can fry remaining frogs and i eat frog legs too haha ;)

but big question is where do i get frog legs? what do you call it in chinese? I tried checking cs in united sqare, carrefour in suntec... can't find. Let me know where you buy it from. Thanks!
Aug: 45mins to finish a meal is quite a long time leh. Could it be due to him not really hungry yet? Since he is eating quite often.
When Lele starts to fidget or fuss during meals, usually it's indication of something. He's either not that hungry or too sleepy.

Cai Cai: Lele still wakes for milk about 8hours after last feed but trying to train him to sleep thru by giving very diluted milk (less than half the required quantity of milk powder!).
Hope can gradually make it so diluted he wun bother waking up for it.

So far tried the method 2 nights. One time he finished the whole bot and slept till 6 plus. Last night when he woke at 1.30 I gave him diluted milk (2 1/2scoops powdr instead of 8!). He tasted it, din like it and decided tht he dun wan it, haha! So I removed the bot and he did not even fuss. But he decided to play in his cot instead of returning to sleep. Then at 2, he fussed. I went in and realised he pooed, so I changed him and made and offered the diluted milk again. again he showed no int after tasting it's "dilute taste".
So I settled him to bed and again he played for a while. Then he started fussing. So I offered the milk again. This time he fin the whole thing n went to sleep till 630. Ha!
hi kate ,

wow , 2.5 scoops to make sure he dun wake up ? to be able to last 8hrs after last feed is good !!!! *envy u*
yesterday , we UP our son's intake to make sure he dun wake up , we gv him @ 1 am , he slept thru until 7am . but he was rolling all over the mattress ( wif his eyes closed ) , changing his sleeping positions thruout the nite . but he didnt cry , so we continue sleeping ...
Kate : Yes! She is those super cheeky, active, don't keep still baby. My friends said that its because i bullied my hubby too much le. So the baby learn from mummy loh.

Michelle : Thanks. Plus the deco $90, quite ok. I think i will order this.

Mrs Lai : This CEO is very hard to handle. Challenging task. Even more difficult than my boss.
Hi Fen,

Ok I will swap with u for the class on 9th March. Kindly refer to attached file below.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

GUG.xls (20.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
hi everyone, good morning.. disappeared for so long, wonder anyone remembers me.. hahah..

popping in to see how mummies are celebrating bb's 1st year bd.. very fast hor, how times flies.. :p im celebrating my gals bd on the 12th april...

really no idea how to celebrate leh.. no venue, any recommendation, mummies?? :p can suggest? :p
Date: 4th March (Tuesday)
Venue: M.Square (J.little)
Time: ard 1.30pm

1. Augleo
2. Kelley
3. Mrs Lai (join after 2pm)

today i surrender the rights to cook porridge for my gal :p

I brought the grounded brown rice to my mum's place and let my ma jie deal with it. She likes her cooking too! mostly BECAUSE she adds salt to the porridge which I don't do. Anyway all things in moderation lah. I seldom give my girl white rice, unless I'm out of porridge or something. She eats brown rice (either sweet or jasmine) and occasionally, with added millet or quinoa.

I also at a loss of what to cook for her liao - it's usu chicken/pork/fish with potato/carrot/broccoli/peas.

The only thing is, she may no longer want to eat the porridge i cook!

As for bread, she gets a variety lah. I don't mind giving her the white bread occasionally but she usu gets the soft meal or multi grain bread with her tahini spread.

HB went Korea so these few days I am staying at Tamp. Tonite than will go hm but dun tink got time to go Compass pt also coz still need to go &amp; pick Jordan fm IL's plc. If not much things left than maybe I will give this a miss.

I am actually looking for casual slippers or sandals coz bbJ has quite a few pairs of covered shoe le.

Btw, any mummies brot their bb to the beach? They like it? Last wkend I brot bbJ to the beach &amp; he is soo afraid/ dislike walking on the beach, barefooted. Even after I walked &amp; show him, he still refused to come down &amp; walk .. hmm, I thot kids like to play with sand??
