(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hmm... why like so many pple saw the raunchy pictures? i also wanna see leh, hahaa...

augleo, once they arrive lor... package tracking shows that it has been delivered but CGW has not updated as 'received'. If reflected by tomorrow, then most likely can receive next Mon.

the fishmonger @ my place recommended snapper fillet which my bb don't mind. i think must give them fish w/o the fishy smell then they will take.

ya...agree wif michele. i gave salmon to cait...she cant take it!! i think too strong fish taste!

heheee...so interesting hor...everyone all seeing the pix.
Cool_D / Dreamygal
Bobo Chan used to act in quite a number of TVB drama serials…also got sing…a very tall & slim gal…she left the entertainment biz coz planning to marry a rich boy from the high-class society…but now her dream dashed liaoz…..

Darbebe / Min
I tot since PD says can give macaroni & beehoon to our baby now…should not be a problem to give ‘mee sua’ lei? Is ‘mee sua’ salty on its own? If use a non-salt soup base…should be ok rite?

Guess you missed my post… :p

Yupz…am considering either of these dates to hold the celebration….

Another very good choice I think you can consider is Aranda club (www.arandaclub.org.sg) ....if I staying in the East, I certainly would go for this one….

Darbebe / Cindy / Michele
Think I’ve seen almost all the pics…of all the 8 gals….coz hubby got colleagues from HK..spam him all the links. :p
Can do a search on web using maybe 'edison scandal' or something. But I tink now so hot, most website took down the pix liao. The ones I saw was email to HB fm his fren:p

Aranda not cheap if not member. Somemore if non-member, they will not give u the ground floor ones which is better coz got babies.

Btw, yday paper speculating Bobo chan preggie leh. Anyway, these paper reports dunno real or not lah, 1 moment say cecelia n nic broke off, 1 moment say they together. Same goes for this Bobo chan oso.
i wonder how to give bee hoon leh? its not soft like mee sua

my fren also got say can give macoroni but must cut into small pc b4 serving baby
thks for the venue ideas

the last visit to aranda club, those rooms are kindda run-down loh.
last month visit their website, think some rooms are under renvo. mayb after tat will consider for other events. soon, they will soft launch new memberships.

u are welcome, hope it helps.
don't find is a wide range, coz really headache dunno what to give him @his age.
soon, will let him try MI TAI MA n udon

yes, to me : mee sua is super salty loh.
for my meal, i will rinise under running water still find salty even there isn't any seasoning in the soup. can't imagine the sodium %

can find salmon in the wet mkt near my plc, but still find it safe to buy from FP. coz salmon from FP from Norway n for wet mkt not sure abt the source.
even cod fish, i asked the fishmonger where the cod fish from. he ponder for so long n replied,"Don't know!" heehee! he must b finding me a MA FAN customer!
but NTUC cod fish not fresh leh.. looks slight yellow. think must go there real early to buy fresh fish. but must go jostle with those aunties
so far buy from wet mkt - reliable/regular fishmonger. much cheaper than FP.
salmon yet buy from wet mkt.
agreed, FP's pre-pkt cod fish fillet dun look fresh. esp. in the late evening.
Do you find cod fish abit fishy? I gave bbJ cod fish porridge b4. Tho' he eat, but almost every mouth full he give me a 'vomit' look. Than I smell the porridge, I also give him a 'vomit' look. Really fishy :p
think that one is ard $130+ cant really remb.
u want i can ask coz its mar mummy who is ordering.

think decor can come from the customer. but i amsure they also provide, dunno whethr must top up $$.

then those who want numerical , also can request for that on top tier.
heehee, JK yet tried codfish.
codfish is for me n hb

coz i find codfish's fatty = worry bb can absorb well. besides the case of fake cod fish.
will let him try few months later ba.
if codfish add ginger, dun seem taste nice too hor. hw abt salmon? Jordan tried salmon?
JK seems like salmon
After the cod fish incident, i dun dare try salmon le coz my impression of cooked salmon like also fishy. Sashimi I like
Salmon not fishy??

Cher really steady kind hor .. which is gd. My bbJ so sam seng I dun dare put him alone on car like tis, I scared he toppled.
cher is a little timid, if she nid help, wld scream for me, most likely wont climb up if she 'tink' is dangerous :p
i tink codfish dun go well w porridge, agree is fishy. tink it goes beta w rice. so i din let cher try cod or salmon yet. cos even threadfin, she dun fancy. she prefers beef or pork. so threadfin n snapper may b more suitable for bb's taste.
till tdy, my older boy nvr like fish.. unless is those 'zhi cha or restaurant' sweet n sour fish slice style.
is part of my duty as a sahm :p nowady i lazy a bit, for vege, somtx i throw into stock(soup) jus b4 i off fire. then i take it out, use kitchen scissors n cut until very fine. so dun nid to steam n blend. for some vege, i jus steam n mash, no longer strain it (except peas).
For beef, which part of the meat u give? I was shopping at CS dat day, wanting to buy beef to try. But I see & see until i blur. So, bot pork as usual.
Mrs Lai and Augleo: Thanks for sharing Venessa's and JK's feeding schedules! Typical day for Lele during weekday is as follows.

*1st feed @ 8/8.30am (cos lele will usually play by himself before waking my MIL up w fussing, after which she will feed him
*2nd feed@ about 12.30am or when he wakes from nap: Lele will eat a soup bowl of porridge with
2 ingredients.

*3rd feed at 5 hours later or after afternoon nap, usually around 5-6p.m.

*4th feed during bedtime when he wakes up 7-8 1/2 hours later.

We give some fruits as snacks sometimes but not at regular intervals...

Is the above normal huh? *worry*
That cake caught my eye too when I browsed PG website…sweet & simple….not too flowery & complicated.

I have yet to experiment feeding “bee hoon” to my boy too….hmm…maybe since ‘bee hoon’ is crispy when raw, can ‘crush' into little bits 1st then throw into some soup base to cook …then feed baby with a spoon?

Seems like you have either QC or think through all the possible places in the East liao…hehe…you are one very resourceful & ‘fast hand fast legs’ mummy.
Date: 27th Feb (Wed)
Time: ard 1pm (meet for lunch)
Venue: Compass Point @Sengkang

1. Augleo + JK
2. ixora + Jo
3. EE + Tiffany + gor gor
4. bububear
5. aprilmum + ning
6. d.tokyo

augleo: you know those kind of "rice bowl" in typical horfun "stirfry" stall?
he takes a bowl of thick porridge, with half a potato and some fish/pork, for example.
Minced beef ah .. You know hor, for minced pork, I dun dare buy those in super mkt coz oredi minced, dunno which part of meat they used. I usually buy 1 pc lean/ shoulder meat fm wet mkt, dan ask e butcher minced .. haha. I wonder if can do e same for minced beef
min is 2kg. then depends on the artwork, still need to pay for that as well. then depends on the flovour u getting, *price ranges from ($2x to $3X) if i didn remb wrongly
i bought at cold storage. d best n most tender cut is fillet cut. tink is abt $56+ per kg at cold storage. if u dun want to buy so much (prepacked abt $12+ per pkt), go to d meat section n ask them to slice abt $5 for u. d most expensive but is really 'sweet n juicy'. my boy n hb n me all love it.
Gals, looking at all your feeding schedule. I have to give out a big sigh.

My Glynnis never finish 1 soup bowl of porridge. She will only take a few mouthful everytime. Then i have to chase her everywhere to do the feeding. She will never sit still in bumbo or high chair or anywhere for more than 5 mins.

Milk also not interested. Only drink 10 - 20ml every feed. Then not long after, she wants milk again. She never really finish 1 bottle of milk at a go. Even if we feed her in her sleep, she wouldn't finish.

She don't have a fix feeding schedule as well. My MIL simply got too many kids to look after and she wouldn't follow any schedule. Sianz...
i do 'trust' cold storage fresh weight watcher minced beef. but i prefer to buy d fillet cut n blend(mince) it myself. as for pork, i wld buy 'mei rou' fr mkt n blend/mince it myself too.
Michelle : Thanks. At least i know how much budget to set aside for cake. 2 weeks ago when i passed by PG, i only went in to look at their design, never really ask much about the price.
Ok .. next time I go & find the fillet cut. I tink the cold storage at compass pt. only has pork butcher, beef all pre-packed.

Anyone knows where I can buy 'loose' beef ard the Sengkang punggol hougang area? I dun wan to buy a big pack than freeze too many weeks.
1st B.day party:

22/23rd Mar:
JMon (few days b4 bbA's lunar mth b'day)

29/30th Mar:
The Mrs Lai

5/6th Apr:
JMon (yes, me again~! this time celebrate in JB + getaway over the weekends)

12/13th Apr

19/20th Apr

26/27th Apr:
how you mince mei rou yourself? i wonder if the munchkin grinder can do the job anot? its mei rou soft on it own after cooking?

how you give zuchinni? issit like cucumber? do we need to scrap off the seeds then steam and smash it?
or cut into small pieces and throw into porridge over fire?
zhen1 mei2 rou4 is d most tender cut of pork. yes is soft, else try use knife n chop chop? it all depend on a bb. my boy cld take coarser texture as compared to cher at d same stage. i got a wet grinder. my philip cucina cum w a blender, dry grinder n wet grinder cup each. i tink munchkin grinder shd do d job.

i/my hb alwy go to d 'ang moh CS' at jelita n holland v. yup d smaller ones may not hv beef section. but u cld request them to go 'kitchen' slice for u? some CS has gd svc.
dreamygal: babies are such strange creatures hor. Glynnis doesn't look small but didn't know she actually so food-resistant. Lele on the other hand, can eat alot if we allow him to, but his weight still average weight. One time even fall to 10percentile leh. Even when sick he can "operate" as usual as long as it's food.

Could it be due to metabolic rate?

Augleo: what's the portion you give JK for milk and solids? seems that JK eats very often leh. Is it in small portions that's why eat often? Lele eats big portions that's why can last longer? Hmm Hmmm...
zuchinni is aclled 'mao gua'. wont taste too gd if u throw direct into porridge. i use it to cook soup w carrot n pork. else i steam it n mash. yes remove d seeds. but if u choose d 'less old' one, not much seeds.
thanks sanrio & michk
will pop down to Jasons to buy zuchinni.. but i think all very big pieces..

i was thinking if we can give yellow cucmber to baby? since its quite soft rite?
i agree CS & Jasons got good svc. sometimes i will ask them to cut pumpkin or cauliflower into small piece for me coz theirs always very big piece.
and they do it with a smile.. unlike NTUC.. so diff to find a service staffs at times
What happened to you ah? I lost all the shortcuts in my favourites so I didn’t get to visit any of your blogs these days.

Is is cannot give wholemeal bread to bbs meh? I’ve been giving her all along leh.

Cool Daughter
I think Cecilia is probably drunk or something. Her cheeks like roasted.
Hi ladies.. finally decided to pop in.. see everyone so into bb first bday.. i not throwing party at all.. jst a cake celebration for bb at home with us!

michele/cindy: the edison nude pics website is at www.idolasia.com have to download the zip file.. bt they are boring pics.. trust me...
