(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Oh yes U did :p

I tink show biz is like tis .. at least the not so famous are famous now wif all these publicity. It's like, i dun even know who's Bobo Chan b4 this.. .hehe.

Cool Daughter, me too! I guess that's the price to pay for being an artiste. Their mistakes/fault were always magnified. Im sure some people have such fetish/hobby too.
thanks for your tip! will try out this weekend!

btw, mummies, we can also give them mee sua. think cook same way as porridge
Hee I've given bb mee sua too, on my bday.
but dun you find mee sua a bit messy to feed? soupy and the strands were difficult to aim into the mouth. Or maybe I'm just lousy :p Mee sua dun need to cook that long as porridge, so it's a quick preparing meal.
Darbebe/ Dreamygal
Also, I had seen some pix .. n the gals are really posing 1 leh, especially the Cecilia Cheung ones. So, 1 party has the hobby of posing naked, the other 1 has the hobby of taking naked pix:p

Is Mee sua too salty for bb?
actually i hv not tried giving mee sua.. it was sugg by my fren so tot of trying that out too

u mean mee sua on its own its salty?

anyway, can look at the First Food book. they got recipe on cooking mee sua
actuali when i saw the news on dawn, i was a bit puzzled. i tot shes juz trying to cook up some stories so dat she can b in the loop n mayb b famous for some reason.
aug: rebecca never replied to me, twice. So I was quite fedup already. Maybe I will PM her lor... yahoo v famous for emails going to the spam folder.
thks for the info on the PG n EC cake. will take into consideration.

for my boy:
b.fast either:
Oats w/fruits;
Bread w/cheese;
Toast bread w/milk
Biscuits w/milk
Bread w/fruit

Rice w/soup (if is rice, my lunch will b same as my boy);
Porridge (plain rice grains) w/1 meat n few types of vege;
Pasta w/1 meat n few types of vege;
Mixed grains porridge w/1 meat n few vege;


Mixed grain (HT) w/fruits (if we are outside);
Rice w/soup (usually soup will b using same as lunch, rice will cook twice);
Porridge w/1 meat n few vege (erm...seldom prepare porridge for dinner

** sometimes do skip dinner if his noon nap is late. will give him snacks portion.

hope it help.
Mrs Lai,
think Rebecca is unwell.
Guess too many emails to revert le.
think she will revert u in no time

but i do agreed with u that yahoo n hotmail always "classified" as spam esp to those big companies.
Rebecca's quoted price is cheaper as compare with Amosco.
both free delivery if hit S$100.

i missed out yours huh?

erm...i think u will b celebrating Jonas b.day on 19/20th April?
venue... those chalets near Changi Village, my hb dun like. coz too quiet@nite n lots of mosquitoes.

Frozen choco n strawberry eclairs:
any EAST mummy wanna to share with me:
144 pcs of mixture choco n strawberry eclairs $$39 per person?
1st B.day party:

22/23rd Mar:
JMon (few days b4 bbA's lunar mth b'day)

29/30th Mar:
The Mrs Lai

5/6th Apr:
JMon (yes, me again~! this time celebrate in JB + getaway over the weekends)

12/13th Apr

19/20th Apr

26/27th Apr:
thks for the verdicts for buffet.
will explore, agreed w/Sanrio : has been eating Neo Garden wanna to try other

Date: 27th Feb (Wed)
Time: ard 1pm (meet for lunch)
Venue: Compass Point @Sengkang

1. Augleo + JK
2. ixora + Jo
3. EE + Tiffany + gor gor (TBA, if joining will b ard 2.30pm)
4. bububear

augleo: how many hours interval between bfast, lunch and din for JK? JK seems to be having a lot more meals than lele...
lele has 2milk feeds (once during sleep n another upon waking) n 2 solid (usually porridge, given every 5 hours) feeds per day. but lele's bedtime @ 7pm.
Aug: maybe you can pass me Rebecca's contact? I only have email so can't contact her otherwise if she doesn't reply to my email. Actually I emailed her 3 times. The first one was more than a week ago, so I suspect it all went into the spam folder. Next best, call her, if not then Amosco? But Amosco have to buy the whole carton, or single pack can do?
kate: my girl with have 1 milk feed and 1 porridge when she wakes up @7am. her next feed is at 11 to 12noon (about 200ml) and then followed by a nap. Then when she wakes up, it's time for porridge and then 1 hour later or so it's milk. Then about 1 hour later, it's yoghurt time follow by some biscuits then nap time again. Then it's porridge and milk time - give take 6pm or so. Then before 9pm (she sleeps later these days as she waits up for us) she has a 120ml feed, followed by a 200ml feed at 11pm to 12 midnight. This is because she has to have her antibotics at 12, so we give a smaller feed earlier so she can take her "bigger" feed together with her antibotics, and she can sleep till 6am or so.

hoe big is lele's milk feed? Milk is still suppose to be their main source of nutrients till 1 years old.
JK's feeding schedule:
8am - b.fast
9.30am - milk
12pm - lunch
1.30pm - milk
4.30pm - milk
6pm - dinner
8.30pm - milk
** snacks will give in between.
Lele sleeps so early. good!
JK best total sleeping hours for a day only 12+hours

Mrs Lai,
me now using hb's laptop.
Rebecca's HP# not with me now. give it to u tomr.
aug: she replied about 15 min ago! thanks!

another caterer I would recommend is

Eva'S Kitchen
249 Jln Boon Lay Singapore 619523
Tel : 6261-9142

No website I think.

By the way, just to share what happen with stamford catering lately. They were supposed to cater morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. The delivery guy came at 11 plus am to deliver the morning tea cuz he wanted to wait for the lunch as well, even knowing he was LATE for the tea. So end up, the VIPs had to WAIT for the tea. Not a very good impression lor.

Vodka: Sorry, any idea when the balloons will arrive - just to watch out for it cuz I can't really come in here during office hours liao ...
mrs_lai, batch #1 oredi arrived @ CGW, awaiting batch #2 which shd be delivered by tomorrow. i'm guessing they will reach SG before end of next week.
augleo - did you give miswa to your baby?i gave to mine but was scolded by my grandpa! thinks that miswa is salty for baby? any advise?
what kind of bread do you give your baby for bfast? My son is still on powdered brown rice and porridge

i might join you tom, can you gv me your number and I will sms you. i have a meeting til 12 but i am not sure if it will end by 12.

gee, everyone is preparing for 1st bday... i am so lazy since we have to move places but my relatives are coming so i better prepare one soon! hehe ;)
your menu seem so interesting! different type of food.

i can only give oat cereal, porridge, fruits puree for my boy.
don dare or rather dunno how shd i cook pasta for him.
springdance and caicai,
thanks. i'm hoping that the trip will be a good one too.

saw the pic of your gash. luckily you had your specs on. love caitlyn's rosy cheeks!
testing response ... how many of you would be interested to meet up for lunch/tea at IMM this friday? cos i haven't decided whether to take leave or not.
anyone buy fish like threadfin fish fm NTUC? i wonder if its ok to buy fm them as i may not always hv time to go wet market.

and other then cod/salmon/threadfin, any other fish we can give?
Cool Daughter
Ya, he’s hot la. But then the girls’ naked pics exposed online leh. Some more unprepared, without a shave or wax. Then like Cecilia, she’s married with a kid so I think it’s gonna affect her quite a bit. Upset lor.

I’m not sure leh. Maybe you can check with your folks.

I won’t be able to make it this Fri at IMM coz I will be meeting 2 friends at Bugis Junction. You’ve met one before at Paragon last time.
u can try elsie's kitchen...can't go wrong. their food is good. chilli padi really not too bad for a change...peranakan food.

just went to your blog. Caitlyn sat in that jumperoo at kiddy palace too!! ahahaha. Your cherelle really v guai leh...bathe also dun make noise, swim also dun make noise...:D

Sandwich/ Michele...
Ya, really close shave lor...or i'll become a one eye mommy!! my hb also said luckily i m wearing specs...but i dun see how the specs saved me cos it gave me a cut!!
u profile can't accept PM.
y not u PM me ur hp#
hope to see u later

miswa = mee sua?
white noodles? high "aborsbent" of soup?
if yes, me yet give it to my boy.
i find it too salty le. on his lunar b.day will jus let his tongue "touch touch". dun think is suitable for bb

thks, according to Rebecca the expiry usually 2 months.
kept in chiller can last for a wk n freezer for months.

b.fast for our child:
any 1 have any other menu (besides oats n breads) to share?
Mrs Lai,
did Rebecca revert to u = 1 tray ordering?

so far, bot threadfins once from FP.
most of the time, bot from wet mkt.
as for salmon, bot from FP. think safer ba

my menu not interesting, hoping mummies here can share more menu here.

when can collect the balloons from u?

so far, JK eats white bread n french loaf.
i read somewhere is not ideal to give child under 2 yrs wholemeal bread.

if hb going to Gul Way on Friday, i will take a ride from him n meet u gals.
long time din go IMM le
kate , lele sleeps so early , he can sleep thru'out the nite ?

if i let my son sleep at 8pm , he will sure wake up at 1 am / 3am to take milk n play . so we try to drag his sleeping time to 10 or 11pm ... but he still persisted in waking for that nite feed

augleo , JK ate alot of things hor ,u are such a good mum
Date: 27th Feb (Wed)
Time: ard 1pm (meet for lunch)
Venue: Compass Point @Sengkang

1. Augleo + JK
2. ixora + Jo
3. EE + Tiffany + gor gor (TBA, if joining will b ard 2.30pm)
4. bububear
5. aprilmum + ning
i m fine w tis fri at imm.

tat's my cher, haha.. we bought her a small car for her 10m old to get her on d 'move'. she cld push d car 4ward but yi bu yi bu lai, d slow n steady one, keke... later i upload d video
Ya, i'm sure if the gals know the pix will be exposed, they will pose nicer:p (oops, i very que de hor..hehe) anyway, alot of cecilia's pix looks like she is high high .. like under influence of alcohol or drugs.

I bot fish fm FP .. and anyway, my MIL gave other fish too, especially those sliced fillet kind. Dunno wat exactly, but not always threadfin/cod/salmon.

I also think mee swa seems too salty but the First food book has a menu for it leh. But I am still holding back anyway. I would try ABC pasta next
i also got her one of those walkers. initially she pushed the walker side way...but now she more steady...can push fwd...also yi bu yi bu!ehehhe. will also be uploading...but must wait until she zzzz...

good morning all!!

Cher is so cute.. so dainty in bathtub. unlike my son! always got itchy finger touch here and there then always cry aloud when we carry him out coz he play not enuff in the tub.
Saw your steps in making 5grain porridge. Must say its hard work!! really wei da mummy!

think i will give NTUC a try for fish coz i'm thinking of giving salmon. wet mkt don't sell salmon rite?
