(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

cherryteq, honestly our babies don't need expensive toys lah... all they want is our love and attention - that's worth more than the most expensive toys you can buy in the world! :0

tao suan
hey! no wonder i had a BIG pot leftover!! so many people didn't 'touch' it! *sobz*
Fransea, ur boy have a pair of "shui weng weng" eyes.
Re: Xmas Party Account

Total collection: $870
Function room: $40
Catering: $516.50
Log cake: $45
Party pack: $52
Packet drink: $10
Biscuit: $44
Photographer: $150

Balance: $12.50 (will pass to the next organising committee for the next gathering)

Photo: The photographer will pass me a CD of all the photos taken, will find a way to upload all pics so that the mummies can view and download.
Thanks Michelle!

Taro... pai seh..i forgot yr name.
Your boy YX is so cute.. lucky they never burst the ballon. I so worry that they burst it..hahaha..

Can someone help me to recall the mummy in the centre? Sry if i forgot your name..

cherryteq, michellek,
i juz order the rocking horse, taka members got 10% discount. after discount is $116. the discount still on.

ur tao suan is super nice, muz ask u on the method again. soak, steam den cook, muz add sweet potato flour oso rite?
It's nice to be able to afford expensive toys for our kids mah. But I agree with you, nothing beats TLC from loved ones.

Wow your Jayden can stand on his own?? So steady! *envy*
wow, a rocking unicorn. Pretty! Is there a 'male' version one? Already pple have been commenting that my boy looks feminine, so wanna stereotype him.
of course can, but make sure u dun recognise who ppl ah *bish*

got got.

u go taka n c, i find the bull looks great, veri gd for boys and can sit till 30 or 40kg. worth it.
Thanks alot! Very nice! I'm tempted to go and buy, just afraid my boy will pluck all the poor horse hair. Then botak horse not pretty anymore...
Oh you went Mrs Lais house ah? Nearby your moms place? Heheh.you learning cooking from her?

I reached around 1.30pmno wonder we din get to catch each other
Ya, was telling Hb make some small ballons so bb can hold. End up tink he oni make 3, orange, gray & 1 blue ones .. end up e 3 all bb saliva. haha.
yo mummies,
last Thursday was @Bintan to celebrate hb's b.day.
6am hb n JK strolled ard the beach n saw a photographer who trying to capture sunrise n sea view. this pix was in his collection too. my hb requested for it...just rec

wld like to share with all my sunshine JK

I had fun at the party too! Thanks Michele and Kris! Hey Mic...u didn't tell me you made the tau suan...or i will surely eat one!! I thot its the caterer's...hehee. But my hb had some!

U didn't eat the log cake? I tot i took the last piece for u? unless i took for gene instead...btw...will email you the pix soon!! must wait for bb to sleep then can email. Gene, will send to you too! sanrio...what's your email addy?

my email is [email protected]. thanks for sending me the pix. your jayden really very steady!

so touched...kaizer wants to see caitlyn ah! fri should be fine! we can meet in town...marina or orchard...but must leave early...before 530...otherwise so many pp again! can't believe last fri...so scary man! people everywhere! i was just surprised my hubby didn't complain much! ahahaha. anyway had so much fun that day...and it was a good dinner too with the hubbies!
Hello Dlim and All,

Finally decided to appear here ;p, hv been reading this thread once in a while. Yup, I'm Xen or Jennie, Michele's neighbour. Nice meeting you all last saturday.. Thanks to Michele for organising..Looking forward to join more gathering next time

Any mummy can enlighten me, which meat do you first introduce to your baby and how to prepare it?
wah cindy, ur hubby go out with you to mummies outing ah? gd manz. Wun he feel bored? My hubby will complain de lor. But if next time got gathering n daddies are there then i can pursuade him to come along so he can get some fathering tips too
did you see me? I don recognise you le

Ya lor. They like to play with the balloon. Can email me pix of YX? [email protected]

Re: Orange balloon
Yeeks! The 2 boys must have smelled the 2 girls saliva. kekeke

I bought the horse Kris posted. It's called "Beautiful Eyes". I like horses and it looks so real. Tail can wag and it has the galloping sound too when you press its ear

Nice meeting you
Mummes: about the musical instruments ..

mine is a pair of pink macaras ... can cheeryteq help me to collect also? Then i got excuse to go and see Kaizer again :p

I just finish my report - I think have to redo 1 more time tomorrow. I couldn't complete in office today cuz so many emails to clear ... and some of this email senders ... i really want to use my stapler on them! Kiap them until they scream in pain!
No la, not angry la. I'm not that petty. Just that find you very funny lor. Even when I ask you if you've mistaken me and you still seemed so sure you didn't. Sighz.. I understand preggie will cause short term memory. We've all been there before. Hee.. You are forgiven!

Thanks for building up my confidence! It's been so diminished by Kelley. Hahahh..

No la. Just making a joke out of it la. You think I so 'small gas' meh?

Pacifier Grabber
There's a cute baby who crawled up to Gladys and pull out her pacifier from her mouth to put into her own mouth leh. Who's that huh? Very cute lor. Then when I move Gladys a little away. The baby crawled up to her again leh and attempted to snatch the pacifier again. Very cute!

My hubby not there leh. He's nursing a broken ankle. Hehee..

Ya, it's ops lor, under GA. He also xun bian take out the screws on his collar bone. He's full of injuries from his passion.
You very bad leh. Post a pix of your Keira with me at the background with exposed bra!!

I don't mind meeting up this Friday. Keep me posted k.

Nice meeting and chatting with you too!

You mean the photographer is FOC? Never say earlier coz I was hesitating whether to ask him to take pix leh. I know there's another one charging $15 but I didn't use him coz my hubby wasn't here mah.

Kris/ Michele
At least you all got rocking toys for your gals lor. My hubby got a car can! (www.big.de) With wheels! I don't understand men.

Mrs Lai
You very funny leh. Kiap irritating people with stapler!
Btw, I just saw next year's calendar and Chinese New Year is early February leh. So anyone planning to organise anything yet? So I can book myself.
morning all!

Kris, the rocking horse is so nice.

Taro, yes I saw you. You were busy with your boy at the round table so din go forward to "disturb" you.
Hi Gene

Hehehe. Thats my naughty Tiffany, who snatch away Gladyss pacifier.
I was behind u, watched the whole incident coz cant squeeze in the bumper mat.
But didnt know that she snatch and put it into her mouth.
So surprise me when u said she put Galydys pacifier into her mouth, cos she dont like pacifier when I introduce to her. Naughty gal.

Hope mammy Gene and baby Gladys dont mind huh
Gene, so thats you in the background. I can imagine the scene you describe on the pacifier grabber baby. Very funny and cute lor.

Mrs Lai, you have a weird way of "punishing" your email senders.whahaha...funny but I like it! :D
husbands didnt join the outing, they just came for dinner -- cindy's husband and my husband. my husband was quite nice too, didnt complain abt the crowd. the only people who complained were caitlyn and kaizer!

marina or orchard is good, maybe we can meet a bit earlier so that we can leave a bit earlier too. how about 1.30pm when the lunch crowd is just dispersing? anywhere in particular that you'll like to eat before you fly off? you pick the meeting place lah!

14 Dec 07 Meetup
1.30pm, town area

1. sandwich and kaizer
2. cindy and caitlyn
3. sanrio and cherelle
4. gene and gladys
5. mrs lai and vanessa??
6. kelley??
tiffany and kaizer can be good friends then. he likes to snatch other people's toys too. guess the grass is always greener on the other side!

anyone organizing a gymboree class in dec? was thinking of utilizing my gymboree coupon which is valid till year end. thought someone was organizing a class in mid dec?
The class was cancelled due to insufficient people. The supervisor up the minimum pax to start the private class cos we are utilising the gymboree free coupon.

Another reason is becos my girl still not crawling yet.
so if i want to sign him up for a class, and i dun mind sharing the class with strangers, then i can just call and enrol him on anyday before 31 dec 07?

Kekeke, they can be best frieds liao.
Think Tiffany leant from Kaizer de, coz during the last Sep gathering, Kaizer was snatch away Tiffany rattle and ur hb watched the incident too.
yes! you can make a call to them for the trial class. I think (cannot confirm) the trial class is only on Sunday 4pm. Not many Sundays left for this year, better call fast in case the class is full.
Darbebe, Sandwich,
May I know where you gals got the free Gymboree coupon? I know you were talking about it some time back but I cannot rem now. I'm interested to bring my boy for the class.
u can obtain the coupon from NLB (Nation Library Board) BB Journal Book.

hv u collected the journal for ur boy yet?
if no, just bring along bb birth cert to get one.
The baby journal from the National Library has the coupon. I also haven bring bbJ to it. Is it expiring Dec? I was still happily waiting for bbJ to crawl more steadily first :p
tks. is left w d cream no sponge, keke.. mayb marina or suntec beta?? cos orchard is so crowded on fri w xmas round d corner n school holiday now. if imm also can :p but v far for d eastern mummies.
sandwich, darbebe, cool daughter,
oh i oso din noe d coupon is expiring end dec, still tot to wait till my girl can crawl..

Augleo and cool_daughter,
Ah now I rem...
Thanks for the info. Better go home and check tonight. Yes I have the baby journal, but my goodie bag only had the CD and the journal, the height chart was missing. And I never update the journal either. I'm a lazy mummy...
