(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

by the way, LOST & FOUND

- milk powder container (PIYO PIYO - yellow color w/2 compartment)

- pacifier cover (clear color)

whose ah??

and hor... someone's husband lost wallet leh... anyone spotted??

hi, here are a couple of photos I took.
Will try to upload somemore when I have the chance to use my hubby's computer again


hi michele

thanks for being such a good host for the party!!!
and... the tao suan also!!

me blur blur... lost from the cp to the function room!! whhhhahaha.... :p:p

mummies, nice meeting up!
looking forward to more of such events!!
thanks for hosting yesterday. i still din manage to taste your tao suan. sob...sob...

thanks for organising too!

thanks for helpin to pick up the goodies bag and packing them as well. paiseh on the clawing ... kekeke...
can tell K favors u & ur DH

PS: thanks to siow boon for entertaining K.

i onli got a pix of the log cake. din get the chance to taste as well
Now I'm motivated to skip supper. But then, I just had a very heavy dinner of steamboat leh.

Augleo/ Kris
You hor. Laugh at my misfortune ah..

Ya, I saw JK 'cheeko' with some babes lor.

Just transferred $25 to you. Pls check. Trans Ref: 1475149670
Morning mummies!

A great thank you for the Xmas party organiing committee!!Hard work, good job!! *applause*

Sorry that I had to leave early. But I had enjoy myself. Finally got to put a name to the nick.

Kelley, your mistake really makes me laugh. whahaha. You must be damn pai sey after tat. :D

Gene, you must be damn upset. *pat*
michellek and mrs lai,
i think our musical instruments are ready for collection? do you think i could get either of you to help to collect the instruments for me?? cos i can't make it for the toa payoh and boon lay collection dates. will be able to pick it up from your place thereafter =)
Xmas party
A big thanks for all the efforts and once again nice meeting up with all mummies and bbs

Exchange gifts
Thx Wai Mun (pageup) for the elder kids present.
BbT got a sweet pink Elmo blanket, but no name indicated, anyway thx for the present.

Can mummy email me at [email protected] if u took any pix of me & Tiffany? Thx
Oh yes, think the photographer have took quite a number of pix for me & bbT, how to pay him huh?

Hope u like the present

From Tiffany
hi michellek,

oh.. like only NIng with pacifier!! hahahaha.. ai yoh.. shame shame!! hehee..


why? you find me?? hehehe.. eh, you better eat more ok!! i wanna see you fatter in CNY gathering.. haha.. then i will not look so fat if standing beside you!!

Michele, Kris, and all other mummies!!

A BIG thank here!! Ning and family enjoyed very much in the gathering!!


your boy really so active that day!! hahaha.. my hb said he keeps looking at him in the gathering and asked me after we reached home, he said " the boy keeps bully ppl one is who's kid?" hahahahahahahha
Do you want me to collect for you instead? Then I can leave them with my mum, you can collect from her. Let me know, can sms me

ya ya.. hahahaha.. you can ask Ixora!! hahahahaha.. he keeps "hug hug" Joanie!!!! hahahahahah.. too bad, my hb never take the pic of that!

It was a tiring weekend

Gene: sorry.. I realize my mistake.. dont be angry k??

Augleo: thanks ah.. I left earlier cos its too noisy for my gal to slp and I needed to rush off to meet my sister cos we suppose to meet to go reno contractor hunting.

Kris: ya loh.. mst get my names and faces straight.. haiz..

Cherryteq: I enjoyed myself but didnt manage to take any pictures at all!!!

Catherine: thanks ah.. happening leh I wish I was that happening.. but apparently.. no..

Traz and Cindy: thanks for helping me to carry my noti gal..i jst realize no one can handle her beside her family members leh..haiz..

Micehlle: I know who she is.. jst a sudden lost.. haiz.. nvm.. I shall not explain myself or my pea brain!!!

Darbebe: yes.. I m super paiseh.. cos I can see gene reali angry le

Aprilmum: no la.. pple keep telling me ur tummy so big liao.. hw come mine like nothingso they ask me go find u loh haiz..
Hi mummies,
Gd morning .. & it was nice meeting so many of u at the party
Now when I am chatting here, can at least link faces to the nick le. It's a pity there was no grp pix taken, all bz chatting & forgot :p

Michele/ Kris
Thank u for organising the party .. it was fun.

** I haven really sort my pix yet. When done, will post here. **

oh ya.. in fact, my EDD is one month earlier than you, sure tummy looks bigger
.. when i was in Wk 9, i met Kris n her hb in Compasspoint, she couldn't see my tummy also.. hahaha.. anyway, you must eat MORE also!!


i can't wait to meet you also le!! hehee.. eh, really too bad Ashton and you not in the gathering!!
good morning mummies,

had a great x'mas gathering. finally i knew "who is who". :p

we went back with "big bag & small big". dumex milk powder, door gift for baby, crabtree & evelyn, etc

last but not least, A BIG THANK YOU to the organisers!!
that would be great! you're driving down to whampoa? then i can pop by your mum's place on friday morning to collect -- between 8am to 9am, if it's okay with her. what's her unit no? i know she stays at blk 30. i'll email kidzcottage and let them know then.

michellek and mrs lai,
cherryteq's helping me to collect instead =)
u cooked tao suan? I din get to try leh..

And I realised the cake me & hb shared was the mango cake not log cake.. log cake no more loh..

I really appreciate u gals (organizers) efforts.. tks again.

*pat pat*.. Kelley already very paiseh.. u cool dwn k? I oso hv a tummy, mistaken for preg b4 by someone..

no worries abt Jk hugging Jo, he wldn't know leh.. hahaha.. too bad i din capture it..

Yah nvr ask the photographer to take a group photo.. pity leh.. but nvm, nx time then..
yup, we're hoping to arrange to collect tonight if possible. time and place to collect from my mum let you know again, after I collect the stuff.
What did you order?

yup kidzcottage emailed to say goods have arrived.
Musical instrument
Oh, I juz saw the email to say goods arrived, but the collection point are all quite far from me

Where do u stay? If your plc more convenient, can I collect from u? I stay in Punggol.
Kris / Michele / Augleo / Michelle / Catherine / Traz & all other Organising Comm mummies

BIG THANKS and much appreciated for putting this party together!

3 CHEERS for you ladies....
<font color="0000ff">HIP HIP HURRAY!</font>
<font color="0000ff">HIP HIP HURRAY!</font>
<font color="0000ff">HIP HIP HURRAY!</font>
good mummies n babies

when i m facing laptop, JK will crawl to me n hugz me from my back.
if i ignoring him, he will pull my shirt n lean his head on my lap

thks for ur pix

i'm laughing on ur tummy lei. tummy always my "best" frez.
but yest. i keep asking my hb....are u feeling blues?
he asked...no! i m ok n hapi!
i can't help it le, then i told him abt sotong Kelley's remarks.
He stared @me for few seconds n burst into laughters.
He said Gene looks slim lei...this Kelley huh! realli upset Gene". Then he burst into laughters again. wahahahahahahahaha!

Kelley is right, u r pretty mama

thks for ur pix.
Aprilmum : I thought my Glynnis is the big bully... Haa... So now, JK is starting to show his little naughty tail...

No wonder Augleo said he was so tired. So he has been very busy chasing after girl...

I think JK learnt the hugging skill from Glynnis. Glynnis tried hugging him during Kindermusik class. Here's the evidence.


Augleo : Anyway hor... My colleagues who saw JK's photo all commented that he's a handsome little boy leh.

Kimsamsoon : Only part of the goods arrived le.
Cool_D / DLim / Augleo
Was good to get to meet you again! Keep in touch ya...

CC: Kelley
Pretty Gene...dun be angry with Kelley anymore okie...you know she Sotong one...PLUS now she Preggie...even super blur queen liaoz...hahahah...Guess Kelley gal see similar hair length so mistaken is same person. :p

Ixora / Ciarie / Aprilmum / EE
Finally get to meet you after chatting so long. Hope we can catch up again soon.
Oh ok .. Thanx for the info. Hiaz, thot can dun 'touble' HB go self collect, if not hv to hear his nag nag nag :p

Forgot ask u on Sat .. How's ur D&D? Won anything from luckydraw?
Neber win anything...sianzzzzzz.....but 2 of my colleagues won buffet dinner and hotel stay respectively...me GREEN with ENVY....
ok.. i need to clarify myself.. Gene... i can't even see ur tummy, i walked to u and say.. pple say ur tummy bigger than mine.. got meh?? haiz.. yuan wang..i should hv seen before i talked.. sorry...

Augleo: stop adding salt on her wound.!!!! like tat she will nv forgive me!!
Kelley, u are sure 1 slim mummy. How good if I can contribute some fats(a little bit will do) to you.

Dont feel too bad about the mistake. Its an innocent mistake la.
darbebe: if ur fats can come to my chests.. i don't mind.. hahaha.. if i m gene i also will be angry de.. some more i seen her a couple of times liao.. she mst be super pissed!!

think my Ning also bully K in the gathering... hahaha.. only no pic to show.. i know she pulled Keira's shirt also.. hahahhaa.. every bbs so cute in the gathering!!


ya.. i agree that JK is a little handsome boy!!


nice to meet you too

all mummies,

nice to meet you all in the gathering
michellek, gene,

oh oh i see..


my hb said he met his ex-JC mate le.. whose hb huh?? hehehhehe.. if not mistaken, he's wearing a pink colour shirt.
Michelle: i also didn't taste it!!! didn't even see got tau suan.. i thnk ashlyn reali make me very bz there..haiz..
dreamygal...thks for ur colleague's compliment.
JK's face full of scratches lei.

i keep "copy" ur posted pix

sigh...me oni take 3 pix. lucky hv mama sent pix to me.
I stay in the south, my mum staying at dover, west enough. Both places not near Punggol. Sorry

ya I'll be making a trip down to Whampoa tonight, since hubby can make it.

kidzcottage confirmed with me I'll be collecting on your behalf already. Can tell me what you ordered so that I make sure all goods are in?

i think its xen's husb... but pink color shirt i only remb Taro's husb leh. cant be bah, coz he younger than your SF.
heard WS commenting that so shld be Xen's husb
