(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Kris: wah.. like tat say u entertain me.. chey... on record.. only darbebe got it rite..kekeke

Darbebe: congrats.. u r still awake at this time of the afternoon!!

2molo u all expect to see an auntie (me) carrying a grumpy slpy bb (ashlyn)...
Kelley, heehe...you are also awake enuff to entertain us.

Hopefully my bb wont be grounchy tml.
Think she gonna miss her afternoon nap.
darbebe: ya loh.. she sure miss her nap.. the grumpy liao.. surely one.. haiz.. wat to do.. unless she wakes up at 10.. then nt so bad..kekeke..
very very sian friday... counting down to knocking off from work...
u sian.... me even worse!!!!!!!!!!!!

all the flock of the same is planning leave, left singaporeans here in the ofc to slog like a dog!!!! (#*&$(@#&$&@#$
Appetite so Jia Lat eh...looks like you gonna get slimmer some more liaoz....

Never stay b4 lei so can't comment...only went Nirwana at Bintan only..

I leaving office in 5 minutes...got mega dinner & dance tonight so boss let us go home early to prepare....no chance to "Diao Jin Gui" liao... so just hope I can at least get a good lucky draw prize. :p
cherryteq and ciarie: me also very sian.. in this cooling weather.. we slogging..haiz..

Springdance: hopefully it's only the 1st..
SpringDance,Im thinking of bringing my parents + sisters along so tot a villa will be good.

I also stayed at Nirwana before unless I book another 2 rooms for them. hmm...
Ciarie, Kelley,
This cooling weather best to be snuggling in with our precious darlings. I mean the small one
Nevermind count down!
beyond: me 2!! can't wait.. hope gd weather.. cool yet not wet...

any one got house contractor to recommend??
kelley... & cool_daughter:

me gg home soon to rest!!

later gg to ikea to buy something, den have simple hotdog dinner and head back home!!

tmr wat is the reporting time for the planning comm members huh??

I'll be preparing the number labels for the gift exchange...as well as the box for the draw.

<font color="ff0000">Mummies, would appreciate if u can write a greeting message on ur gift and indicate who u r..so we'll know whose gift we've drawn.</font>

I like the gift i've bought very much...from hong kong..dunno who'll be the lucky one to receive it...

Let's keep our fingers crossed that tmr will be a bright and sunny day!

btw, is anyone bringing any xmas/children's songs cd?
<font color="0000ff">I've just done the transfer</font>

photography on sat - please add your names here - $15 for 10 mins session. please use your nick when you do the transfer.

1. * michele * (paid)
2. kimsansoon (paid) ref no. 1472226167
3. catherine
4. Cool Daughter (paid)
5. augleo (paid)
6. Traz (paid)
7. ixora (paid)
8. Cindy - paid
Darbebe/ Dreamygal/ Cherryteq/ Ixora/ Min/ Springdance/ Ciarie/ Kelley/ Cindy
Thanks for concern. She seems ok but I'll continue to monitor.

Can apply zam bak meh? I didn't dare to use on her when my mum suggested leh. But she's much better now. I agree that babies heals at an amazing speed!

I wrote about the incident on my blog. Go read! www.gladyschia.blogspot.com

I agree! Men are THE cause of our headaches, or is it the TV? Hahah..

Talking about grumpy baby. Mine is super grumpy these days lor. Initially she just plain ham-bao. Now.. Worse leh. Sometimes she feel so angry when she doesn't get what she wants that she'll kek until her face turn red! My goodness.

I want that present!

Gathering tomorrow
See ya gals tomorrow.
since you very active in Mar 07 thread hor.. and i know they are very adventurous in BB's food

wanna check with you.. how to prepare apricot via steaming?

need to peel the skin first right?

guess wat, me oni managed to take 3 pix.
mummies, hv JK's pix pls forward or share in ur pix web n i will copy out.
heehee! best is to forward to me ([email protected]) lah...beta resolution mah.
thks thks....
hi PIC for X'mas party:
thks for all ur efforts.

u are such a thoughtful host.
"changing area", bumper mat n elec. kettle

thks thks.
Nice party. Now so tired but baby fully recharged from the drive back. Good to catch up with some of you. Happy with the goody bags though it's not as much as the Mapril one but still happy nonetheless.

But hor, I'm very sad coz I didn't get to eat the cake leh! Before I attack, only left the cream only.

A very big thank you to all the organisers!

Ya, if got nice pix of me and Gladys, do send to me at [email protected] or [email protected] can? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the info! Very useful website! I'll save in my favourites. Btw, how come you didn't go today huh.

Sotong Kelley
whahhaa, kelley reli sotong loh, tink u gonna b upset for the wkend liaoz :p

If any mummies took any pics of kelly, can email me at [email protected], tx tx.

the shiseido i have, who wans??

i tink the names and prezzies r not correct so cant chk who gave the gift.
Hi mummies!! How was the bbq session?
Sandwich, how was the book hunting at bras basah? Saw any PVC books?

It is soo gd to be back from the malaysia. It was fun to bring my bb along as she din create much trouble. But poor me, cough until no voice liaoz, sianz.

alrite, gtg catch up with my slp le, will be in forum probably 2moro if I feel better.
hi all!
how's the party at michele's place? hope the mummies had lots of fun with the prez exchange and the babes had lots of fun at the pool. i bought my baby to swim today too. we used a jacuzzi pool, so the water was a bit too warm, but could see that he really enjoyed himself.

we went to borders instead of bras basah as we had the 40% borders vouchers. didnt see PVC books myself, not too sure if taro and michele and cindy saw.

saw some cloth books, but these are really meant for younger babies.
y only took 3 pix? Think I hv 2 JK pics.. will send to u..

I oso hv Gladys' pic, will send to u..

And I wanna thank this xmas party committee, got so much things to bring home.. food is nice, i tried the logcake too.. kekeke..
and agree that Michele was very thotful to set up diff areas.. bb Jo used the changing area twice!

me so surprised still got milk powder & stuff to collect one.. u gd leh..
you looking for pvc books for bath use? can try MPH. selling for abt 10+. saw it at raffles city branch

ya lor.. din go. so sad coz we hv a b'day party dinner at changi chalet. so hubby say don wanna travel to the east in the afternoon then nothing to do until evening.

seem like everyone had fun!! so envy. maybe next gathering will be CNY liao
today is most tiring day as i prepare BB food for the whole day..

lunch: i gave him steam apple & tofu for his HT cereal
snack: puree papaya
dinner: steam brocoli, pumkin and nectarine (peach) for his HT cereal.

i hope the above combination won't give my boy tummy ache as its the first time i did brocoli, pumpkin n peach together
Sotong Kelley mistaken me for Shirley and the first thing she said when she sees me is "Your stomach big liao hor." or something like that. I was like duhz. My stomach big la, but not pregnant leh. How like that?

I love to bring Gladys to the jacuzzi pool too coz the water is not as cold as the big pool and she loves the bubbling water!
ur "angry" post make me laugh n laugh for so long @this early morning.

indeed...mistaken u again.
(2nd time le...after Raffles City lunch)
Kelley oso pai say le, she left early agan (but longer than the 1st meet up

did u manage to meet up aprilmum=Shirley?
she wore pink flora top w/preg tummy le.

yes, oni 3 decent pix.
my hb was busy going up n down to get JK's porridge, bibs, millets n milk stuffs loh.
When he sit down w/his food...he just leave JK on the bumper mat "hugging" pretty babes....wahahahahahahaha

Joanie's mama n papa dun b upset hor...JK dun mean to hug J so tight

any1 manage to capture pix tat my JK gives his 1st hugz?
coz kelly likes story book n whenever we read to her, she will sit n listen, after a while, she will try to grab the book, dats y HB say wanna get her some cloth books to chew.

u reli funi loh, i juz cant help laughing.

after gene, kelley dun dare to ask liao loh.
morning mummies!
Seems like you gals enjoyed yourselves yesterday at the party. Blog them so I can read ok?

Re: books
Apparently there's a book fair at Expo which Hubby went without me on Friday. He bought some board books for bbM. Dunno if it's still on though
Morning mummies....very tired today cos yesterday woke up very early to make bbMalcolm porridge & prepare to go out.

Thanks, Michele for preparing the function room & being so thoughtful about it. Pity I dun get chance to taste her handmade dessert....

Thanks, Kris for the free Dumex milk powder & lucky draw freebiz. Gave Malcolm some of the biscuits that u bought & he loves it a lot...keep asking for more but have to stop him...

MichK, I wanta send u medical bill!! Your dear Keira "clawed" me until have scars *sob* *sob*

Kelley, think yr new hair style suits u. Looked more refreshed & "happen-ing".

Mummies, Malcolm & us thoroughly enjoyed the food, event & babies! Hope all of u enjoyed yourself, too!

left the shoebox (with labels/double-sided tape/pen etc in it) at your place. Yday too much things to carry lah...will get it from u the next time we meet.

Thanks for being such a thoughtful and hospitable host. Decorated and set up the place, and cooked tao suan for us some more!
I love the pool, so does my tyrant gorgor.

Gam Sia! U got a lot of lobang leh! Thanks for the effort!

I oso didn't get to eat the cake...was so happy when hippo finally fell asleep in the sling and quickly put him in the stroller. When I went back to the area, saw only the cream!!! *sulk*

Hey ladies, just realised that we didn't ask the photographer to take a group photo for us!!! Wat a waste!

kris, ya lah... complain some more... who ask you buy so SMALL log cake?!?! if i didn't 'sponsor' the other cake, even less pple got cake to eat hor! but you really lobang queen leh!! however, i heard pple said the lucky draw is rigged is it?? how come you got the grand prize?? :p and hor, i thought u asked me to find photographer? how come end up you hired one???

btw, you going to post up the accounts later right?

cat, i can see that your hubby loves bbs so much - when you going to have another one(or few more)?!?
thanks for being the 1st to arrive and helping me with so many things in the morning!

i'm glad you ladies enjoyed... too bad we didn't get a chance to take a group photo together and bbies didn't get a chance to swim! i originally wanted to bake cookies for the bbs but unfortunately, too many things undone + i got a domestic 'cleaner' not 'helper' so cannot help me much!

traz, ya i realised this morning got 'extra' thing in my house! hehe... can lah, next time then bring back lor. not important anyway, right? and i like your present! very useful!!
