(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Mrs Lai
Haha, I burst out laughing after reading about your knife incident. But I'm sure you have progressed from those days right? I'm sure with your passion in baking/ cooking, you should be really good in it! Okok, I'll go explore those websites. Thanks!

After visiting those websites that Mrs Lai had given, I think the baking shop is indeed Phoon Huat.
Any mummies interested to meetup this Friday? Am thinking of going to Bras Basah to get BB books for Kaizer. There's lots of cheap BB books there, plus a specialty children's bookstore in Level 3 I think.

Michele, what time does the SSO prom end?
do they sell cloth book?

dreamygal, sweatcorn, sanrio, ambery, page up,
pls let me knoe whether have u all made payment yet???
sandwich: wow u awake so early? no wonder no spot you at the Dover market... went there this morning to get my prok and veggies supplies to make my girl her pork stuff ... but I think i didn't buy enuff veggies =(

are you going to west mall later> realised I need a bed rail guard ;P baby's crawling towards all the dangerous cords now
usually my boy will takes abt 5 to 10min to finish his nearly full bowl of porridge.
but.....if he poo during meal, it will take another 5mins more

well, is oso very much depend on his moods n appetite too. there is once, he took nearly 20mins to finish his meal.
do u mind sharing with me your bb wkly meals menu?

i was thinking to consolidate meals menu n ur comments or rather tips (during preparation n hw ur bb response after feeding).

just another wild thot...hope the info will b useful for all mama.
Mrs Lai,
you shop at Dover market?? Where do you stay?

eh your shopping at Bras Basah, is it during office hours? Cos I would like to go too. Been hunting for bb books, can't find cheap and good ones
kris and claire,
bras basah should have all types of books. pvc for bathtime reading? i'm looking for board books myself for bedtime reading.

mrs lai,
i was pumping milk last night. cos my mum took bb to a party and decided to bring him home. i ended up having to express since he wasn't around to latch. nope, wasn't in mkt today. my husband went to pack breakfast for me, but dun think you two met.

yah, should be late afternoon time. i usually take fridays off to go out with the other april mummies and babies. i have a lot of leave to clear usually. wanna join us?
Hello mummies, finally back from my 4-day Bangkok trip...not really enjoying it but not entirely unfruitful...donno what I'm talking about...maybe cos I'm beri tired...my mum commented that both me & baby Malcolm lost weight...
wow! 5-10mins. so fast ah? that saves you alot of time to do other things huh? i also saw a 7.5mth old eating v fast today. she jus kept opening her mouth and swallowing v fast. it's qt amazing.
I also wanna go. The last time I went still preggy with YX. I bought a lot of nice books there
What time are you looking at? I'm on half day leave (clearing leave too)
Yah I am looking for bath time de, moreover PVC can wip and clean easily if bb bites on it. I got a few board bks from popular last mth when they are having children's day sale, quite cheap too. Got them at less than 5 each.
will let you know if we happen see any nice PVC ones =)

was thinking that we could meet at our usual 2pm so that the mummies can get a late lunch and won't clash with the usual lunch crowd. there's a jack's place at bras basah, so maybe can meet there. are you bringing YX along? best to bring him, cos he gets to "pick" his own books. i'm thinking of getting dr seuss and eric carle if possible, but i doubt bras basah will be selling them cheaply.
If YX pick his own books, I'll faint. He'll most likely grab all! kekeke. 2pm is fine with me. Count me in! YX out cause I wanna free my hands to browse the books and carry them home. haha. As though I'm going to get 2 big bags?!
sandwich: er didn't see him today ... spent most of my time tokking to the butcher.

thank you so much for your help ... i like the 2 blankies a lot! thank you for donating your ribbons to me too hehe

i won't be able to join this fri ... will have to be after next week liao. for some reason 21 days of leave is never enough for me! i'm l;eft with 5 days of leave which i was hoping to roll to next yr but .. ah welll ... if i have the chance i will use it!
i almost murdered my maid. she left my chest freezer ajar for 4 hours. there was frost buuildup when i found it ajar. and when i told her, she jus took it too lightly. i sorta freaked out. cos if i had not gone to take 2 cups to defrost, like i sometimes forget to, it would have been left ajar till next morning and i wld have to throw the whole freaking freezer of ebm away. there are probably abt 100 cups left. i was furious with her not so much that she din close it properly(my fridge to go bag was wedged in between) but more becos she made it seem like it was no big deal that she screwed up. she had the nerve to say it didn't melt so is ok. argh!!!!!! if it really melted i may have killed her by now. argh!!
mrs lai,
you forgot to bring back your ribbons. it's still at my place! if you want, i can bring it for you the next time we meet up.

i think something similar happened to kris too. all her frozen EBM melted and i think she had to throw them away.

im looking for cloth book for kelly to chew, i bot quite a lot of pop-up books and board books from BP, veri nice, but wanna get those reli big types wif pictures.

will join u all if i can make it

yup, my maid 4got to close my freezer n luckily thrs onli abt 20+ pack of BM, i got to throe away all. but luckily u managed to saved ur BM.
Michele: thanks for your advice.. scare me leh.. make over shot!! So hiao

Taro: only today I saw ur msg on pigeon wipes promo.. than I curse myself cos I threw away one over the weekend!! Aarrggghhh

Gene: the hair I rebond was long ago.. so after cutting.. no more rebond hair liao..

Catherine: how come like tat??

Darbebe: no!! hvn't ready.. only spotted one thing i want to buy.. but it's not $10..aiya.. nw u stressing me.. reali need to crack head!!
Kelley: I also haven prepared the gift. Will have to spare sometime to shop for it.

Who can tell me when will the party starts this friday?

Michelle: you still need my help on that day har?
kelley and darbebe,
come join us on friday then. you can get a $10 book or educational item from bras basah! the babies who are around that day can help you "pick" the gift!
<font color="ff0000">March/April/May BB's X'mas party</font>
Date: 08 Dec 2007 (Saturday)
Venue: The Eden @ Tampines
Time: 12pm to 3pm
Food IC = Kris
Gifts Xchang = Catherine + Traz
Registeration = Michelle

1. * michele * + claire <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
2. Augleo + JK + hb <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
3. MichK + K <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
4. aprilmum + Ning paid
5. Ciarie + bb paid
6. Kelley + Ashlyn <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
7. Catherine + hb + bb <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
8. Beyond + HB + Xyrus paid
9. Gene + bb paid
10. Springdance + bbJ paid
11. Mrs Chia + Jeremy <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
12. Cindy + HB + Caitlyn paid
13. May Loh + hb + bb <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
14. EE + Tiffany + hb + gorgor <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
15. dreamygal + naughty Glynnis + skinny hubby
16. Darbebe + bb <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
17. kimsamsoon + baby (isabelle) + hubby (maybe) <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
18. sweatcorn + baby (shanice) + hubby + elder son
19. Dlim + Jayden + Hubby <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
20. xen2003 + bb + hb paid
21. Snowflakes + Hb + BB Xavier paid
22. Taro + hubby + bb <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
23. Kris + HB + bb Kelly <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
24. CoolDaughter + hb + bb <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
25. ixora + Joanie paid
26. Moxi + HB + bbM paid
27. Ambery + HB + bb Faith
28. Fransea + HB + bbF <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
29. sanrio + hb + bbCher + boy
30. Traz + hb + bb + gorgor <font color="0000ff">Paid</font>
31. pageup + Hb + bbT2 + gorgor + maid

Those who havent pay, pls let me know if u r still joining us.
hi mummies
my boy fell last sat. and its 2nd time in 2wks.

do not take your bb's safety for granted. i thought my boy won't be so active on the bed as he seldom do continous flip but i was wrong.

he fell from the bed when i only close my eyes for few seconds.

luckily he only cried for awhile but got a small blue black on his forehead
I cannot join you cos like darbebe, I'm not entitled to any leave. So sad...
tell me more abt the books there when you come back please?

*pat pat* we can only try our best but still no gurantee... My boy landed on his head above his eyebrow on Sat when his hand gave way while crawling on the hard floor. My hubby scolded me in front in front of everybody amid bb's crying. What to do?
babies will fall down very often when they pick up new skills and start to explore. maybe you should speak to your husband to let him know not to scold you in front of everyone else. besides, priority should be to comfort the baby; scolding will cause the situation to become more tensed.
about babies falling off the bed - so far thankfully no - I just went to get a bed guard, even though my gal now sleep on the floor, but i freaked out when i saw her trying to reach for the iron's cord.

my maid took my new LG bumper mat to sleep on with my gal =( which i was saving for when my gal sleeps with me ... but nmind lah ... i can use the bed guard when she sleeps with me =)
about babies falling off the bed - so far thankfully no - I just went to get a bed guard, even though my gal now sleep on the floor, but i freaked out when i saw her trying to reach for the iron's cord.

my maid took my new LG bumper mat to sleep on with my gal =( which i was saving for when my gal sleeps with me ... but nmind lah ... i can use the bed guard when she sleeps with me =)
my hubby very kan cheong abt the well being of our son, so he tends to over react. He apologised to me later on. I, on the other hand, am not so concerned cos I know it's natural our active son will get more scratches, bruises and bumps. As long as he's alright after that, I'm ok.

Mrs Lai,
May not be a good idea to sleep on the bumper mat cos of the dents left behind when there's weight on the mat. Even though the dents will go away after some time. Why not save the mat for playtime only?
ask u all something.. i weaning my gal off yao lan at nite.. some nites she is ok.. some nites she will wake up screaming cos she keep flipping rite and left.. then she will cry like very cham... is it normal?? than i hv to pat her to slp again..haiz.. panda mummy
cherry: hmm i'll talk to the maid again lah ... she forever rearranging her room one ... maybe just tell her to stick to the queen size mattress.
not luckily. 20 is already alot. i wld have felt like killing the maid. bmilk is so precious and hard to come by.

babies falling down
my son when he was bb fell down from bed a gazillion times. luckily he's not stupid by now. but miraculously my bb girl has not fallen down yet.
kelly: u got use bolster to "sai" her both sides? we normally put bolsters or pillows on her size to squash her in between ;P

mayube she's having nitemare?

cherryteq: u so nice .. if me, I humtum hubby liao.
Mrs Lai: never leh.. so ur gal sleep on a very small area nia ah.. my gal will roll around my queen size bed.. hhmmm.. i also don't know leh.. give her water.. after awhile she ok liao.. haiz..
BB falling

Last Sat, I woke up bbJ was still sleeping in his cot so I juz went & wash up in toilet. Sikally when I came out, he was like trying to stand up in his cot. Oredi in kneeling position with 2 hands on cot, like doing chin up. When he sees me can still smile so widely!! In the afternoon faster ask my HB lower his cot to the lowest level. Xia si wo le ..

Recently my boy oso some times wake up & cries till like very cham .. me oso dunno wat's wrong. This morning woke up 6.22am, dan pat pat him still no sleep, end up 7am gave him milk. Usually he drinks after 8am. Dunno izit chang da le hungry easier.
my boy will cry EVERY NIGHT with his eyes closed and hands and legs kicking. as if he is having nitemare.
so u say normal anot?

he will only stop when i carry him
Kelley, these few days my girl also like that. Wail loudly in the middle of night. Giv her pacific or pat her no use..has to carry her up.
Was wondering whats wrong with her.
Cud it be he played too hard in e day? My bbJ had the same once, he was pulling his pillow with both hands & screaming (high pitch) at nite. Than I ask my IL they said ya, day time some frens came & was playing with him & he kips laughing :s
