(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Jmon and Kelley,

hmm.. kelley, you the one more jia lat for MS le.. me ok and jmon not that bad also
... you take care ya .. must at least eat something for your meals.


K's very very bak bak le!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha.. OMG!! these pics here are bigger than your blog ones.. i can see her bak clearer!! ai yoh.. ai yoh.. when we can meet again huh?? and you must bring K out lah.. then only they can play and pull each other hair!! hehehe..
ya huh, the Cheerios I bought are the ones in Michelle's pic. What's the difference?

Hapybaby, the baby so cute. Carbon copy of Jay.
My Hb drool wif me .. hahaha, kidding la. But actually he also says aaron very gd looking, juz not tall enuff.

I rmbr I seen Andy many many yrs back .. At some concerts at Sentosa. He performs after Bon Jovi. Handsome
cheery, cool and cindy:

I love aaron and his abs ... last time he acted in a movie, i tot he was very good also ... somehow i think andy lau over rated hahahaha ... aaron kwok should get as much recognition for his work
Mrs Lai
Really ahAll along, I tot for schools, 13th month is a standard across the board and applies to non-teaching & teaching staff

Yup you can ask from gynae for the calcium pills..but hor, I must let you know the eating pills are more ex than drinking milkguess its becoz all the jing hua of calcium is being condensed into a little pillso easy & convenient for the pregnant mummy.

So what you had for lunch today?

Hmmm. Juz curious, so I guess you understand Canto right since you went for the concert can speak in Canto too?

Andy is your fav among the Si Da Tian Wang? By the way, do you know if hes a vegetarian now? Seems like he has converted to one.
Mrs Lai,
Yes, I like the San Cha Kou show especially. U watched it? I like the movie song too. You know, at his concert, he actually zhi tang zhi cang the song on piano. Very gd .. can see the effort put in

My canton, especially spoken, is piece by piece kind.

Wah, din know Andy converted to a vege.. not easy leh I think .. especially with so much gd food in HK :p
Aprilmum: ya loh.. this bb got sweet tooth also..hahah

Springdance: I thnk I only need to sustain for first 3 months..hopefully beta.. haiz.. bb nt out already bullying me.. I had yong tau fu!! U??
Guess most of us are from that era, like very long ago hor...

Dunno what kind of celebs our kids will admire next time...

yup my fav is Andy. Last time used to buy all his cassette tapes. Wa biangz, I feel ancient...
I din know he's a vegan now, never 'chase' anymore.
makes sense sweet stuff will cause hyperactivity. Cos sugar rush mah. Do you mean temporary or permanent hyperactivity?

Please not Barney...
Hi mummies,

Juz in case u may want to bring your bb to watch the Sesame street at Taka & Barney at Marina...


dun noe whether you remb ?? (most likely NOT, lookin at your pea brain) wahahahaha...
last dec i drank full cream milk for calcium replacement, i put on 4kg in a month !!!!
Cherryteq, I dont know permanent or not. Because I told her my sweet tooth lasted almost throughout the pregnancy and she tell me that lor.
wah, michelle, 4kg a month very scary leh. Doc nva tell you to "watch diet"?

ONce I put on 3kg per month and he told me to "watch" my diet. He worried bb will grow too big.
Cherryteq: I kidding la..kekeke.. trying to be irritating on a Friday..hahah

Michelle: dont remember.. haiz.. thanks for making my brain tiny-er than usual..hahah.. mayb I should try.. wat brand full cream milk u drink??
Me had 'zhu cha' porridge...

Me also same generation as you lar...started off with cassettes....anyway now technology so advanced.. dun need to buy liao..can D/L foc.. juz kidding... *winks* :p

Then you got any idol? Dun say it's your baby or hubby lar...
I dun have idols so to speak of lar...but my ideal handsome prince (Bai Ma Wang Zi) will be someone like Louis Khoo or Jin Cheng Wu... :p
I didnt know that there was Barney show last week so didnt see. That's why had to purposely go this week to see...but Caitlyn fell asleep too! cos 2pm is her nap time! Even her fave Barney could not keep her awake! ehehhe

i like leon lai too! think he's handsome. I don't think aaron is very handsome but i like his songs.
Mrs Lai,
I have the tom & step card. Hmm, maybe can go to the one at West Mall on Sunday.

Min and the other cheerios mummies,
Why don't yu guys try Healthy Times Teddy puffs? Similar to Cherrios and definately suitable for babies since it's a BB brand. It's similar to Gerber puffs, but I find it tastier than the Gerber ones. It's doesn't melt in the mouth, so usually have to break into pieces for the baby to eat.
kelley, i personally think you shd get a filipino maid if you want her to look after baby... coz indon maids english REALLY cannot make it - unless you get one with experience. i don't think that 'guai' is an indon trait anyway coz my gf found her maid was not only stealing but had lots of makeover shots taken when her 2 years was up!
u were at Marina watching Barney show today ah? i was there awhile for shopping

today bot 1 shorts & a pair of shoes nia. finally decided to hv my spegatti, satisfied!

was thinking so long at the bus stop what i wanna eat :p
saw combi noodle cutter at Tiong Bahru plaza but chopped the last 3 for may mummies. In case no one wants, will ask you girls again =P
sandwich: cannot ;P i cannot shop *argh* my bank account almost 0 again ... for the past 2 months liao ... no idea what I am spending on! *argh*
Mrs Lai
I would love to but I don't know anything about baking! Was really keen to learn something and perhaps bake Gladys' 1st birthday cake, if possible. Haha..

She got 2 more by end last month and another 2 this month. So now total 6 liao.
About baking, I 'got heart but no strength'. ;P

But I thought you got rebond your hair right?

I don't know the name leh. Was so excited I just dashed in. Haha.. Next time if I go, I must remember the name.
Gene: it's ok ... if it's any comfort to you, I call myself the Queen of Kitchen Disasters.

If you want to know the source, it all STARTED when I was in home econs ... thankfully the knife was so BLUNT. I was holding the knife the wrong way and I was cutting vegetables with the blunt edge (meaning my fingers / hands were applying pressure on the sharp edge).

Also, the first few cakes I made, from those pre-mix pack, failed so miserably only my dogs were willing to eat them *sigh*

To this day, I have no idea why my short crust pastry refused to be "cooked" even though I have put it in the "hot" oven for 30 minutes and more.

Thankfully, I have progressed from there ;P

Gene: I introduce you to 2 website ok? hehehe

If u wana go pro: http://www.bitc.com.sg/home/default.asp
u managed to get anythings from Thermos sale? i saw the food mug i bot from Isetan. S$7 cheaper there.
i jus gave bb a little of my son's fernleaf calci-yum grape. i think she qt likes it but she still doesn't really know how to eat yet. keeps leaking out from her mouth.

<font color="0000ff">mealtime</font>
can i ask all mummies - how long it takes to feed your baby a meal? i presume you are all giving at least half a bowl?

<font color="0000ff">crawling</font>
my bb is still in rocking mode for the longest time and moving backwards. when will she progress?
mrs lai,
i am going for my class tomolo, if results are passsable, shoe u tomolo

mar mummies making their own yogurt.

congrats, ur gal promoted from boh gey club!
hi mummies...

kaemon's pearly white is finally showing!! haa..
but he keep rejecting milk after his hep b booster jab.. sigh...

dunno is it cos of the jab or cos at the same time we changed his milk powder to stage 2...

wow how to make own yoghurt? can share recipe if you hv?

as Kaemon is teething so i think he loss appetite. its a passing phrase i think

is the yoghurt for BB?

Min: I actually went to hunt for yoghurt maker. I saw one where u just open a carton of fresh milk and then plug it in,. You need to add 50cc or ml of yoghurt (which u can buy a small tub of natural yoghurt from the supermart) it cost about $50? is aw at Tangs

There is another type, smaller individual bottles, but i think like more work than the single 1 carton :p I saw at OG
