(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

cooldaughter: eh.. my gal always go out with me alone.. most of the time.. now adays.. i mst say.. i get quite lazy.. need pple around.. cos can't carry her too long.. haiz.. and entertain her n stuff... too tired to do it now..ok.. i jst bring.. aiya.. then hv to bring towel also..wah.. don't 1 liao la.. too many things to handle reali alone!!

Hi Tai-tai,
yes! talking abt play-yards-- I just saw one at Kiddy Palace (Causeway Pt) last Fri- cost $119.. and I'm planning to buy 2 of them to create a reasonably big space for bb to play in it and not feel caged in.
Hi mummies,
me back fr Bintan last evening... the one who enjoyed the trip most is bb Jo! me & hb very tired thru'out.. but glad we had family time together..
Juz to share, the trip didn't start well.. the ferry ride to Bintan was horrible coz the sea was choppy.. almost 3/4 of the passengers on board vomited.. including myself.. felt like having MS.. very bad.. but bb Jo wasn't affected at all.. stronger than mummy.. anyway, juz to share some pics..


hey, that's my nick!


Pretty babes! heehee..


Chilling out together
Oh yes, w.r.t water for baby overseas.. i used the water & kettle over there leh.. agree quite dirty, got debris one.. I juz prayed b4 serving to bb Jo, she's ok so far...
Now u first trim beta dun carry bb too long oso. Lazy is one thing, but muz be careful oso. I rmbr last time my gynae says, anything more dan 5kg avoid carrying.
ixora: nice babees!!! so cute.. ur gal can still put flower on ear.. anything on my gal head.. will be pulled off almost instantly..
hhmmm.. cooldaughter: how to sia.. haiz.. nvm la.. my PD never say.. anyway i seldom carry her also..u see on sat.. u know...she is hyper..jumping non stop..
Ixora: U went to nirwana ah ?

Kelley: next week if u free, can lah, At most I lend u my maid to look after your gal when we are done with my girl hehehe . Wah Beef so fast! I haven't gone to "research" my baby's latest meal yet (lazy mummy) ... just to shacked this few weeks!

Darbebe - mine is pork blended with carrot and potato. So potato works as the carbo lor. Cannot be too much meat otherwise very gritty ... If i am in the mood, I will cook millet to go with it, but er ... not these few days/ weeks lor ;P

Spring: Millet can cook like rice, must cook for 30 mins minimum if not grounded to bits. If grounded to powder, cook 10 mins.
Sotong Kelly - You are indeed PG! Congrats!
aiyoh! Me have not logged in for yonks! And missed out all these happenings. Welcome to my club. How are you feeling? You seem to be as chirpy as usual!

Mrs Chia - I checked out with other forum mummies who have older babies and they get their play yards from this place in chinatown called cheong choon. I am checking out their website, report to you later.
Juz be careful la .. especially lifting ur gal from floor or lower ground. Sat we see ur gal more hyper or my boi okie .. hehe. How I wish they can walk/ run now, than let e bb chase after each other, mummies juz sit back relax 1 corner
i have a 6 panel playard that i bought for me son. but v little mileage cos he din want to be cooped up inside unless you are in it playing with him.

why dun you consider the more easily available brands that come in small tins like from the enfa range they have enfalac HA which has milk proteins hydrolysed so is more easy on baby's tummy. less allergenic. nan also have HA.
Kelley, cool daughter,
my gal oso will things dwn fr head.. maybe she was mersmerised by the dancers so din feel anything.. haha

Mrs Lai,
I stayed at Mayang Sari which wasn't too gd for family.. Nirwana will be a better place for kids.. we kept going to Nirwana for meals & swim by the shuttle bus.. btw, your cupcakes very nice!

i brot cereal for bb jo too.. she got sick of it by the 3rd day.. din finish so i juz let her drink milk.. now i find bringing bb for a trip is quite challenging leh.. where do u intend to go?
ValC - I know what you mean, but main reason is to keep him at one safe place, whilst we are busy with other matters. At times, the panel can be used to barracade around dangerous items like the fan or places you dun want the notti ones to venture to.

My boy is such a "gunian" he cannot be left alone! Even when my maid is busy preparing his meals he will whine whilst on his high-chair. And even when he is strapped to the chair, the notti boy can wiggle one of his leg out. Grrrr .....
Valc/ Taitai,
can i chk wif u ladies this play yard u are talking abt, what is e panel made of? Will bb knocks their head on it & gets hurt?

nice pics. i stayed at Mayang Sari before. it's good cos it's big. facilities, Nirwana is better....

how i wish to go there again.....
cooldaughter: u r wrong.. by then.. u mst run around more!! chasing them to stop running out from ur sight!! hahaha.. we shall see.. my gal backside got needles..
cool daughter - made of PVC, itz heavy and quite sturdy. No worries, it will not flip and hit baby. my little niece tried to climb over the playpen, but never succeeded. Only thing is, once baby gets stronger they can push the panel and move towards unwanted target.
i bought my play-yard from toys'r'us

sat's party
we'll try to set-up the decor around 10am?

anyone interested for family shots? i got a freelance photographer who's willing to come by and do a photo session for us - $15 with shots returned on CD.

i finally took claire swimming...
and seems like she's a water baby - she was so at ease at the pool!
Michele - how much did you pay for your play-yard? How many panels are there altogether?

Swimming - Sigh ... my notti boy was so scared of the cold water that he cried, before his whole body was wet. How sad.
Wah, pro photographer ah .. than masi need to zng pretty pretty :p

Need to tell u in advance or can let you know on dat day itself? $15 1 shot or?
Tell him abt possible mercury liaohe doesnt believeunless can show his professional verified black & white proof lor. Coz the contents is listed on the box and theres no indication of mercury present

Mrs Lai
Ermmso use rice cooker to cook millet? Put how much water? The outcome look like rice?

Very sweet photos taken of mummy & baby galyour hubby the photograher? I also very much wan to bring my boy for a short trip but dun dare leibesides not sure about the water, also not sure if he can sleep on a strange bed he can recognise place oneeven go grandmas house he also cant sleep.

How are you coping with your pregnancy so far? Hope alls well & smooth for you.
My mama says, when u bring bb for swim, let them wet their feet 1st, dan slowly tap some water on their body for them to get used to water temp. ..
Spring: I cook as porridge, not rice leh ... when water boiling, then sprinkle the millet powder in.

I guess possible to soak the whole hulled millets for a while, then cook in boiling water
Springdance - Thanks for your concern. Sigh .... think I am coping fine. There are days when I really felt unwell. Feel sad also, that I cannot carry my notti precious too much cuz he's so heavy & active. Other then that, coming to terms with my #2.

Cool daughter - well, we did just that. Splash water on him, then slowly submerge his legs into the pool. Boy! That boy instantly cried till tears dropped. Mama here felt so heartache. Quickly, pull him out of the water & called it a day. :p
Hi mummies,

Long time never chat here... bz with new job. I just came back with BB jayden from Genting.. good place to consider except quite crowded.
Bring caregiver there so that u can go casino.. ke ke ke...
hi mummies...

wanted to bring my bb for some water time too!
but these few days he is not feeling well.. doubt on sat, he can touch water too..

nonetheless,'ll still prepare his swimsuit... hopefully daddy nod his head to let bb go in the waters! hee..

kimsansoon.. we will sing the song together!! haa..
the 6 panel one was selling @ toys'r'us @ about $180 i think. kidzloft was selling it during their warehouse sale so was cheaper there. i only got 2 panels to partition my living/dining room for my bb to crawl around - that cost me $69.90

photography on sat - please add your names here - $15 for 10 mins session
1. * michele *
2. kimsansoon

will post his bank a/c for funds transfer to confirm your slots.

claire swimming
the bb pool @ my place is quite 'suitable' for bbs as long as they can crawl...

photography on sat - please add your names here - $15 for 10 mins session
1. * michele *
2. kimsansoon
3. catherine

Michele, I can swing by any day to pack the goodie pack...how about wed or thu??
kimsamsoon: if u bringing bb overseas on plane must be mentally prepared they would cry on plane...mine did..headache...try to feed/latch him or put him to sleep during takeoff/landing
ixora: bbmal dun like jarred food. he refuse to eat cereal, too. I had to run to supermarket in bangkok to buy rice & pork to cook porridge for him...sigh...
cat, wed i wanna go spotlight shopping leh... unless late afternoon. otherwise thurs?

bb eating
i have so much problems feeding claire - she screams murder everytime she sees her bowl of cereal. anyone with suggestions how to get her to eat?? i'm so frustrated! both with her and CGW!!
try to make her laugh? I did that today and YX finished his cereal within 10 mins. hee. Will post his video up for you to see later.
I think I'm such a slow starter for feeding bb semi-solids. All mummies seem to be so expert.

Not relating to porridge but let say for those jarred purees, if storing in fridge a day after opening, do we need to heat up b4 feeding bb? The jarred purees are those ready to eat kind from supermarket. Paiseh, I think I'm really bad in my home econs.

I have at last bought a suitable exchange gift for babies of this age.

Will wrap it up tomorrow. If anyone spots the ugliest wrapped present, then it must have been from me.
yes, u need to heat up jarred bottles. by placing them in a bowl of hot water.

i normally don't store in fridge. i give half to bb then finish the balance myself. haha

FYI, i find Heinz jarred bottles like custard banana (taste ok..i quite like it) are not that sweet compared to Gerber ones.

and i will normally add them to HT cereal when i'm outside.
which cereal u giving C? issit si shen or HT? maybe its too bland? u got add any fruit puree?
try giving a few spoon ful lor.. anway MILK is still their main source.

welcome back!! u and J look good. i dying for a trip now.
tentative going cruise next jan/feb. but H20 is still a headache.. duno got boiled water on cruise anot

did u go for your Wilton course conducted by Meng Choo?
