(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

I used lukewarm water to dissolve the milk powder. The first time i tried, i used hot water and ended up a lot of powder not dissolved.

I also feel very cold nowadays. Before I got pregnant, my hubby always complained I am an oven. Now I sometimes even have to wear sweater at home. Maybe because I always have no appetite and cannot eat much, that's why my body got no food to burn. I thought pregnant women always complain they are warm and I thought I'm the only one feeling cold.

me too, thot i m the weird one but after from the info. from the magazine then i know i'm norm.
so, violetmum & wannabe...dun worry, we can feel the heat soon.
mine coming to 11th wk.
hi mummies!!

hehe thanks for the nice comments!! Actually, my gynae just copied it to a DVD for me straight from the u's machine. So I ask if he can copy a video instead of stills and he say can. It is so invaluable to show my family cos still sometimes cannot see hand, cannot see leg.. only like one lump of white there.
wenthena, who's your dr? i think his machine must be v advanced. i dun think my dr's one will be able to do that. and she's not keen on patients taking video of the scan either. my sis said.
Hi Augelo,
My gynae prescribed 5mg per tablet of folic acid.. she said it's enough dosage (one tablet in the morning) for now.. no need to take more than that..

I also feel very cold when pregnant.. used to be able to 'tahan'.. now go everywhere muz wear cardigan..

Hi wenthena,
your bb is so cute... he/she's moving.. I can't wait to see mine.. going for the 1st trimester down syndrome screening at wk 12.. Praying that my bb will be fine...
wenthena, the video of your bb is amazing...so heartwarming to see the little one kicking and fidgetting!!!! Cool! Was it using vaginal scan???

Augelo, my folic acid is yellow in colour (5mg). I take one tablet a day. The current supply was given during preconception. I hope the dosage is correct/same during pregancy....anyone can advise (????) otherwise I call the gynae tmr and update you
Hi All,
i also start drinking a few days ago... my colleague ask me to try anmum.. i am also one of they dat dun like milk.. being advise to buy the chocolate favour wan... taste nt bad... and wa told that it good for developing baby brain.. no harm trying...
Hi augelo,
Me also feel very cold in the office lor.. cant stand it.. gt to wear extra clothing..

my colleague also say that after the first mth i will feel very warm de.. haha

ya i feel cold all the times... previously i was afraid of hot but now no more, i even stop switch on the aircon every nights.

also started Anmum milk yesterday, i m a milk-person so i love it so much & cheese too. the gynae only asked me not to take those blue cheese which are quite smelly.

but i heard its better not to take HL milk or those alike cos its quite fattening. & those packed Soya bean milk also advised not to be taken cos its sweet and my fren's ex-colleague became a diabetic after drinking it cos she thought its fine.


ya the dosage is the same i.e. 5mg be it during preconception or during pregnancy.

hi Wenthena,
your BB so CUTEeeeeeee!
Hi Jmonster,
seem like many of us choose anmum as the milk to drink hor.. haha... wonder if ur it really good..
I dun drink milk in the past... and instruction ask to drink 5 scope but i onli drink 3.. wonder if it is ok???

i start drinking as i complaint abt back ache pain..
hi Fen,

i think 3 scoop shld be fine, you can adjust your taste slowly. or u try to put 1 scoop of Milo to mix with the milk poweder. BUT dun force yourself. if not, i afraid u will puke leh...

if still dun like milk, u can try cheese.. or take those soya bean milk sold in the hawker centre at least u can as
Hi ladies,

Can I join in this thread. I m 9 weeks + 1 day pregnant. EDD is 20/4/07. This is my 2nd child, first is a gal-20 mths.

As for whether 1 per day is enuf for folid acid, yes it is. Unless you have spotting/bleeding, you need to take 2 per day.
hi twinkle,

welcome... ;) wow 2-kids, easy to cope?

btw, check with u, i stop taking the iron pills cos it causes me to have constipation, is tat alright not taking it?
thanks jmonster for the advice on folic.

hi ladies, how much milk to drink a day? 3 glass? 500ml? I only drink one in the morning..milk is very boring...
Hi wawapiggyling,

wow, very impressed with Wong lilin. Actually, I also tried going jogging towards the end of my confinement but gave up after 10 mins because my boobs hurt while jogging

Hi ioxra15,

If you prefer the sour cranberry juice, try to get those unsweeten ones. Those really taste good. I read that it can also help to prevent UTI which many preggie mums are prone to.

Hi wenthena,

The ultrascan video is so clear, your baby got cute chubby legs.I don't think my gynae's machine can even take picture of that high resolution as I think the machine is as old as I'm

Hi jmonster,

HL milk fattening huh? I'm still drinking them now because I don't like the taste of ammum. Enfamama is nicer but expensive. Beside HL milk, I drink unsweetened oatmeal milk which I got from an organic shop.

It has been a few days since I did the merlion thingy but last evening I had a really bad one, vomit until my tears start to flow out. I end up skipping dinner. I thought of resting a while and wake up to have some snack but end up sleeping till this morning (almost 12 hrs of sleep)
pageup, i'm impressed with you jus for trying. i was jus half dead all the time during confinement.

as for milk, i'm getting sick of it. once a day.
thanks for the advise.. haha.. me dun realli like the taste of the milk.. but hz try to drink as it is good for the baby ma..

Soya bean i also try to drink somex... and nw trying to eat some cheese also

i m drinking Anmum now and the instructions say 2 glass everyday & each glass 200ml (its about a mug-full), 1 in the morning and 1 at night. i usually take before i go to sleep. it makes me sleep better.

hi page up,
ya it's fattening though we might not think that way. some more it's cold and no good for BB. gynae advised me not to take any cold drinks. so i take milk powder instead. anyway, i m a milk person so it doesnt matter if it's HL milk or in powder form.

i think unsweetened oakmeal milk is ok but better consult gynae before we eat anything we not sure.
hi fen,
good.. for the BB sake, i also try to eat healthier.. gotta forgo my favourite curry, cos my hb said eat too muck curry will affect BB skin but i got craving for it for few days... sigh...

will try to persuade him to let me take once a mth.

is it? my gynae said the diff things, she said dun take uncooked food... hmm.... so many versions, not sure which one correct.

but one thing correct is NO coffee & NO alcohol.
but i still take half a cup of coffee every mornings. :p
jmonster, but she said this applies only in singapore. so if you go other countries, gotto avoid alot more food. salad, dressing, sushi, everything has to be well cooked.
hi all mummies/mummy-to-be

Is it true that pregnant woman tends to get diabetes easily? that's why the discussion of sweetened soya drinks and stuff?

For milk, I'm taking a mixture of Anmum and HL milk.. Anmum doesn't taste nice at all... and on days when i have very bad MS, I won't drink cos it will make me want to puke more, esp those undissolved powder at the bottom of the cup..

Why can't we eat stingray?? i love stingray, esp the sambal one and i have jsut eaten last week!

Are there any advice against eating spicy stuff?? except that it will create heartburn? cos i love spicy food too and is still eating them..
re: formula milk for expecting mums.

I really cannot tahan the taste leh.. very terrible. With my last pregnancy I also took But everytime is i got to 'guan(4)' myself to drink. very tong ku!! but my hb made it cold and it tastes better. So those of you who cannot stand it hot, can try it cold?

I also taking HL milk. b4 hunger pangs set in


So far I did not do any vaginal scan with this pregnancy. My gynae say abdominal scan gives a better picture but have to find the spot with the least fat on the tummy cos fat will block the view.


to add to the list of don'ts is green tea. This one I just found out. It has some quality about it that limits cell division and therefore the growth of baby will be slowed. eh.. i din know cannot take cold things leh.. jialat.. the list gets longer....


I just had japanese food yesterday. But i know i was irritating the staff at the restaurant.. ASking them and pointing to the conveyor belt" this one raw or cooked??" heheh My gynae say no to half boiled egg too...
My gynae is SC chew same as CelC.
huh, cannot drink green tea...I've been drinking everyday this week...

stingray can eat but not too much cos it contains higher mercury than normal fish.shark and big tuna are said to have high mercury too
Hi jmonster,

Tks for the warm welcome. umm, 2 shld be a headache for me.... well more to come....

As for iron pills, for first preganancy I took mutlivits cos me too constipated, if take pure iron pills, so cannot go toilet. So I only tale mutil-vits as it also has iron content in it. For this pregnancy, gynae has given me both calcium and mutivits, but due to very bad MS and I m on jab and pills, hence I have not start taking. The sight of pills make me puke.. yucks...

Btw gals, its a no no for half boiled egg, all food must be cooked. As uncooked food might contained bacteria and it might harm the baby.
Hi wenthena ,

Me too... whennever i cannot stand the hot weather i will just get myself to cold drink.. especially green tea.. some x i also drink it early in the morning... i have been trying to control myself also...
Hi Jmonster,
u really give up cold drink ar ? i really hope i will be like u.. give up all the food that cannnot be eaten...
Gal, i dun tink curry will spicy food have always been my favourite so i tink i can onli cut down but nt give up..

As for cold drink i try my best to stop liao lor.. i eat fruits instead.. tell myself it also cold at least it works better.. keke
Hi wenthena,
haha... me same same like u la.. dun like milk be it HL or formula milk.. nv like the taste of milk since young.. nw forceing myself to drink lei.. so ke lian de.. keke.. but what to do.. start to have bad ache liao lei.. gt to do something for ourself mummy and baby lor..
Hi wawapiggyling,
i start drinking anmum milk as a start and i usually put onli 3 scope although the instruction ask to put 5 scope.. maybe u can try wat i am doing.. i usually mix 3/4 hot water and 1/4 cold water and usually dun drink milk on the bottom.. cos i think i will puck... Know is not good but still better than not drinking anything lor..

U are just like me.. love spicy food especially stingray.. is also my hubby favourite... guess i gt to put a stop on dis dish.. as for spicy food i dun tink i can give up.. i can't eat food without chilli.. nw trying to cut down, as my in law actually say nw wan to eat wat still can eat.. but when going to give birth then better stop all dis liao.. so better to cut down bit by bit

my MIL also no Stingray cos that time she had it while she was pregnant for my youngest SIL, and she said her 'Tai Pan' sort of moving or something like tat & 3 gynaes was in the ops room to take out the "Tai Pan". So she NO-NO to stingray.

i think spicy stuff is still ok cos we are not eating spicy stuff everyday wat, but my hb very kia si type & forbids me to eat anything got to do with chilli.

hi wenthena,
ya i forget abt the green tea is a NO-NO too. to be exact, all teas are not allowed in the beginning stage cos got caffaine. tats y today i go Starbucks bought the coffee powder without caffaine contents. so EX but i cld not live without coffee.

hi fen,
no lah i din totally forgo the cold drinks, i still take cold drinks once awhile but not so often compared to last time. like sometimes i drink coke light (if drink coke take coke light cos low sugar) juz to get burp cos of the bloated stomach.

oh btw, not all fruits can be consumed, esp watermelon, pineapple, bananas tat u can find it at supermarket (its longish, think imported one), etc

papaya can take but no too much cos BB will be yellowish.. but remember to note of the sugar level tat content in the fruits..
Hello JL (Mindy), mayb u can cfm with ur gynae...my gynae remind me twice not to take stingray. dun worry 2much...
Yest. bought DUMEX milk powder from FP. i wanna try from a small can. ANMUM dun hv smaller can so try DUMEX. 3 scopes=half cup for 1st try. well, for the sake of baby, i will try drink more.
extracts from a book - preg. mum foods to avoid:
large fish species: shark, stingray, swordfish & etc. tend to accumlate higher levels of mercury-recommended preg. woman (or those planning a preg.) limit their intake. foods that may carry listeria:soft cheeses; cold deli meats-such as ham, turkey; raw seafood(sashimi & oysters); smoked seafoods(salmon).
anyone tried frisomum? i've tried all types of milk except frisomum. tried anmum, enfamama, and mamil mama. so far enfamama makes me wanna puke the least.
hi ladies,
i wanna join this thread too. my EDD is 9th April.

Lucky that i read this thread to figure out that i am not alone abt feeling cold recently. i was surprise as every other was telling me preggie is suppose to feel warm.

Anyone here started to shop for maternity clothes? Me coming close to 3 mths liao and my tummy seems to get bigger lately....I realise that I am starting to have problem fitting into my normal working clothes...... think gotta start to shop...although it seems kinda early lei...:p Any recommendation where to get nice maternity clothes?

jmonster, ya at first was nt know tht i cannot eat watermelon cos i eat two days in a row till last fri my stomach pain,and ended up wif spotting.. go to see doctor & was told dat it was to liang that y like dat.. nw i dun dare to eat fruits early in de morning liao... was glad dat baby is ok.. if nt i will be guilty lor..
u so good drink cold drinks onli once awhile ar? i drink almost everyday.. gt to control on dis lor..
Hi hopper,
me already started to shop for maternity clothing le.. gt a few from my in law as my birthday present then i git one pant at IOI maternity.. nt bad.. abit expensive lor..
if nt u can try at spring... kiddy palace also nt bad ... me also start to cannot wear the normal clothing liao.. me nw 11 weeks liao..
Hi jolyn,
first of all welcome aboard.. and i was told that we will start to become warm when we reaches 2 trimster not nw.. nw we will still feel cold de.. nt to worry.. is normal
hi hopper,
I also hv prob fitting into my normal working clothes.. esp the pants.. I went to Spring Maternity today cos my fren told me they hv nicer range of clothes compared to those typical maternity dress.. they hv 30% & 50% sale on selected items.. I bought 2 pairs of pants with rubberband and adjustible button at abt $35 each.. and a very sweet top at abt $25 which I think normally can't get at these prices.. if not for sale, I wldn't buy.. u chk it out?
Meanwhile, I'll get those empire cut dresses fr normal fashion shops.. I find them very trendy, perfect for our not so big tummy now..
Hi mommies

Any one of you gone or going for the Oscar test? I'll be going for the oscar test this fri @ TMC. Cant help feeling worried.

Haven't been puking for a while, suddenly last night threw up everything that I have eaten for dinner. Anyone of you still puking? Sigh! no appetite some more. I weighed myself over the weekend. I think I have lost almost 2 kg already. Dunno when will my appetite ever comes back again.

Hi Baby_Love,

I will be going for the Oscar test on 2nd week of Oct. I'm also quite worried. First I worried about the accuracy. Secondly I worry about the results.
