(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

I just went into GG, no record or posting on the JWT trial tomorrow leh.. So isit 3:15pm har?? can someone confirm? joelle, astro???

joelle: i was trying to dig thru the archive for the JWT trial details, came across the pics u posted that day from the PS, hey i think seth looks more like u than daddy hor?
star: heh..seth rather sociable leh..haa... always go kiss meimeis... woahaha! jwt is 3.15 tmr. as for lymph nodes. the lymphatic system allows oxygen to pass thru our blood system and filter toxics in our blood. sometimes when it gets blocked, esp near our eye areas, the oxygen cannot get thru, the the leftover oxygen inside oxidises and turns purple.. thus shadows.. then as the toxins build up, they create eyebags or cellulites in other areas... dat's y some ppl go for lymphatic drainage/massage (ling2 ba1 pai2 du2). =D i oso like the florida juice! heh... but so ex... :p 1 week drink 2 cartons can go broke!

autum: fish oil oso cannot buy too cheap wan leh... got diff wan..for eg..those that r bred for the oil n those fr sea..sea ones may have mercury... then some r from salmon fish oni..some r from mixture of fish..jus take the fatty oil..of cos salmon wan better ma. to be safe...my hb always make sure we rotate between brands... so we dun get 'too much' of one particular brand in case it is 'not so good'.
star: hee... dunno who he looks like leh..some say daddy some say me leh... very confusing..haa! my mil best...give 'model' answer...looks like mummy cos stare at mummy's face daily! she dun dare to claimlooks like her son wan! then my mum calls seth by my hb's name! n my ah ma calls him "fook face" in hokkien!
joelle: 1 carton drink 2 weeks lah.. then won't go broke lah.. the carton very big leh.. and cannot drink so much cos chilled, not good for bb too mah. hehe
star: huh.. boh leh..i usually drink 1 big cup..so 1 carton can oni last a like 6 cups..then plus 'preggy hb' so 1 week need 2 leh. :p i took alot of cold drinks last time..cannot tahan the heat... always can find excuses to drink cold water wan.. then tell myself confinement time cannot drink for whole month..so must drink in advance. :p i remember drinking coke the day b4 i was supposed to gif birth! haaa..
joelle: i also sneak in some cold drinks when no one was looking and u know what;s so funny, when i was preggy and everytime i went to coffeeshop to take my lunch, the coffeshop uncle and aunty will frown and tell me cannot drink cold drinks whenever they see me ordering.. so end up i always order warm barley cos i buay tahan them telling me not to drink cold drinks. Even the mini mart and provision shop aunty will give me a disapproving look whenever i buy a can of cold drinks. I never realised ppl were so "Helpful" till i was preggy!

Hey where is Astro tonight?? out partying ah?? hehe
erm, the fish oil i bot last time is Neurogain leh.. not some no-brand one. and the reason why i bot from malaysia is because even the Neurogain we buy from our gynaes and local pharmacies is from Malaysia! the manufacturing pharmaceutical company is from Malaysia.. so I do check.

as for trying other brands, erm, i didn't think of changing cos i think there isn't many pregnant ladies fish oil brands. In fact, other than Neurogain, i don't know what other brands are there! me suaku leh.
star: ya lo..astro went for romantic date w miser! heh... just back i think. hee...i was workin then n always buy fr provision shop next door... my distant relatives leh.. but they neva say anything..heng.. but then i oso always drink coconut juice! at least once a week.. sometimes 2! then the lady will say very liang! and i will tell her..no leh..it's good for bb wan! plus if i drink n eat the flesh..then can contra...no more liang! hee.. my staff is the one who nags at me! aiyo..she neva gif birth b4..n so young..like ah por!! know all the myths... jialat leh..
can take cold drinks la.. last time i drink fresh milk everyday and fresh milk has to be cold! hee.. i also drink coke etc.. and towards the last 2 weeks, i drink coconut like every day (also cold).. so can take cold drinks.. but my aunt will also scold me if she sees me taking cold drinks! heehee..
autum: oh..sorry.. i thot u anyhow buy cheap supply! :p eh..jia lat..then think i'm the one w prob...cos my gynae neva intro neurogain leh. in fact he says obimin good enough..no need extra. but i jus went ahead to take since he did say it's ok if i wanna take fish oil. :p i dun even know dat's one esp for preggy women!! do u know wat's the diff?
Joelle/Autum: coconut can take, must take during last trimester cos thay bb will be "clean" after birth. BUt the cold drinks bit, was told not to take in the 1st two trimester cos its cold, not good for the womb etc etc. Old folks advice lah. when ppl tell me this, i try and follow lor only when i buay tahan then i go buy a can of coke..just love the gassy, carbonated taste..hehe
joelle: ya i took obimin, neurogain and folic.. then switch to this dunno what brand.. hang on, i still have the pack here.. i go see har.. its "Natal Care Plus".
autum: y did u take coconut for last 2 weeks? is there a certain myth? cos got ppl tell me it makes childbirth easier. then some says drink coconut then bb wun get cradle cap! but seriously, i drank jus cos i like it.. n craved it. :p n i took thru out my term... heh.
star: hey! i jus googled natal care plus n its available in drugstore! :p... my gynae stopped folic acid by 2nd tri leh... cos obimin as folic oso. and hoh... the same staff who nagged at me said... sex during pregnancy will result in cradle cap! cos the 'residue' left on bb's head! kaoz... i laughed so hard when i heard! machiam bb's head so exposed! *faint*
Neurogain for preggies is called Neurogain PB. There is also Neurogain for Kids.. i am thinking of letting EJ take that! but i think not so fast la.. maybe wait a while more. As for diff between Preggie fish oil n normal fish oil, i think the diff is mainly in the DHA, AA stuff.. which is supposedly formulated better for preggie women to take so that can pass to foetus.. aiyah, but hor, this type of claim also dunno how true. Also, fish oil is still quite 'controversial' in the sense that not every gynae will recommend it.. there are some who feel no need to take as long as u take a lot of fish etc.. but when i preg with EJ, i hated fish.. so i take lor. Obimin, i thot is just a multi-vit? I took that before also.. but last preg, i took some nameless one (prescibed by doc).. i think it's Obmin-equivalent (multi-vit for preggies).

As for coconut, dunno leh.. i think i actually read it in this forum that drinking coconut makes the baby cleaner at birth.. and supposed to take only towards the end cos it's very liang.. so i take lor.. the funny thing is, I actually asked my gynae about this! I asked if he knows whether taking coconut will help in delivery or make bb cleaner etc.. and his answer is NO. hhaha.. but he say can take.. just take for taste.. for the joy of drinking it. my gynae is like that one lor.
joelle: i was told to take coconut cos it will cleanse ur womb, making it easier for the placenta to come out as well. I religiously took at least 2 a week in my last trimester.
This natal care plus, is repacked by a local pharmacy leh, cos the packaging shows a singapore company/phamancy name.

Kiddo: i love ZY in the pink dress..so pretty.
Autum/Joelle: toking about fish oil, i am suppose to continue to take it now as i am still BFing, suppose to pass on to baby but i lazy lah.
star: hmm... so coconut cleansing the womb is almost true la...heh...good...got more excuse! taking fish oil is good for our complexion oso ma...hee... no harm taking more! :p
no prob.
Just remember to send me the contact/email address of the aquadoodle will do. hehe.

you made me hungry. Did you try the seafood fried rice? It's nice too but abit ex lah. That day 5 of us ate 1 fried rice, 1 vege & 2 crabs costs us $109?? But like what you said, it's alright as long as it's nice.

the shoo shoo is size L 14cm. It's ok if you don't like the design or colour. I quite like the design cos is quite sweet for a gal. I thought if no one wants it, I'll keep for my next gal. Haha! But it's might turn yellowish by then. :p
5 of u ate $109.. and got 2 crabs.. how come so cheap huh? My dinner bill was $88 for just me n hubby leh. my crab alone costs $60! hmm.. u didn't choose the Jumbo crab is it?
it's Crab Party, off Yio Chu Kang road, opp the stadium.. just before the SPC petrol station.

hey, i thot this nick belongs to someone who always organize a lot of sprees at the BP threads.. are u the same TanLengLeng?
or I remembered wrongly? I know it was $100+ but not sure of the exact amt. We didn't get the Jumbo crab cos 1 is too little & 2 are too much so we got 2 of the medium size ones. Come to think of it, maybe not $109 cos the crabs were $80+ liao plus $15 for kangkong & don't know how much for the fried rice, drinks, towels & etc ...
Autum: yaya i know where it is, i passed by it afew times, was wondering if the food there is good.. wha its expensive hor.. but for that price, i would rather go to the still road crab place leh.

Lengleng: ya i tot u were the same ger who organised a lot of BP, but then i saw ur total no. of post, its just 3, so i think u should not be the same person.
or maybe not the same cos she has got only 3 posts? Or she registered another same nick?
the place's quite ok for parking & waiting though but I felt that the dishes isn't quite worth the $$.
We noticed the same thing about the post numbers.
the Still road place is a corner coffeeshop off Still road right.. i haven't eaten there before cos apparently must go there at 5pm to queue! hey, u should try Crab Party.. the Jumbo crab is really huge.. the pincer i had was nearly the size of my palm!!

This Crab Party, the supplier is just next door.. Jim Supplier who is doing wholesale.. and Jim Supplier is also the owner of Crab Party.. so they can get the really good ones.
wau.. almost 1am liao. me going to bed. could tahan until so late cos i had a nap in the evening.. heh heh.

good nite all. sweet dreamz.
that's what I thought about being next to the supplier too. haha! The way you described the crabs really makes me crave for it leh.

ok, since Autum's full of praises for the crab pincer then maybe you should go try. Just go for the crabs, don't get the other 'zi char' dishes, not worth.
are you looking for the contact? It's ok, no rush. I'm going to zzz liao. You email me tomorrow also can. Good night!
Irin: I have emailed u her email addy liao. U email her and check.. i just got an email from her to make payment.. so i dun really know what is the status now.
Autum: U should try the still road one.. ya the one at the corner at the entrance of Joo chiat road opposite the civil defence camp. the crabs also damn big, the sri lanka ones.. i think the pincer can fight with urs leh and its super yummy.. must order black pepper one when u r there, dun order the chillie crab cos they are famous for their black pepper. Hey u can tabao one, dun have to queue one lah.
Re: eating Crab during pregnancy.
Actually throughout my whole pregancy I dare not take any crabs & sotong but end up my boy still so Hyperactive. Dun noe why???
good morning mummies!

wow...seems quiet here. many of you going for JWT trial today right? have a bd party to attend later.

Nice meeting you Astro n Mejo!

Astro, your son is super kuai! he sat on your lap so obediently during the lesson! i m so impressed!
btw, he looks like astro! :p

mejo, hope you didn't spend too long looking for your hubby n YT.YT is sweeter in person. makes me wanna have a gal the 2nd time round.
Crab talk last night.
I like to go to this restaurant along upp east coast rd. It's called hua you yuan, has both in and outdoor seatings. The Sri Lanka crab is super nice too. Call in advance to book the # of crabs and say you want one with roe. They'll advise if available or not.

Other than the succulent flesh, I like crabs becos of the roe leh. The more roe the merrier. I esp like the ones where you have to "dig" into the sides of the crab shell to clear the roes. Yummy yummy. And I like chilli crabs leh, cos can dip deep fried buns into it. So yummy.

Wah lau.. Buay tahan.. Cannot eat, still talk abt it.. Hehehe..

No signboard white pepper crab is not bad also lah. But not quite consistent.
Hi Viv.. You wake up so early? I'm up cos daddy has brought baby to Shichida class. Mummy is staying at home. But I shd be heading back to sleep again..

Autum: How much cheaper is it if you buy in Malaysia? Can tumpang you to buy some? It costs abt $30 sgd over here right?

bbmouse, i tried the hua you yuan once...quite good. My favorite is still road. AMK is ok, but the staff always tell u, the crabs not very good today when you order, very disappointing.

i find no signboard very expensive.

i will try the yio chu kang, next time.
