(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

bbmouse, yar loh....ethan woke up at 730...so had to wake up.

i went there b4... with hb... the crab was nice... we ordered the smallest they had... lucky manage to finish... their smallest also super big...

ZY looks so sweet! Wah, the cake looks really colourful, if I'm the baby, I'd like to pounce on it! Hee hee.

RE: thomas train mat

It is very fun to play! But of course, YT just kept wanting to grab the train. LOL. The mat is smaller than I expected though...

I like the pen cuz it really write on the mat like a marker pen making very clear words and pictures unlike those magnetic toys where the pictures won't be clear. I tried letting YT do handprints on it with wet hands. It works too. She doesn't know how to use the pen cuz it is a too big but I think I can buy some shaped sponges and she'll be able to play with it. The one being sold for $38 at Tokiomama is bigger in size?
Nowsaday YT is very affectionate. She will lay her head against your body even while she is sitting in the high chair. Then she will pat pat pat your back. If you are sitting on the floor, sometimes she will come over and lay on your lap. So cute!
Morning mummies!!!

Thanks Astro, JOelle, Garlfield etc for your wishes. Yesterday spend the whole day with Clyde and that chap morning nap slept for 3hrs! *faint*

Bbmouse, wanna ask u abt Shichida. How much is the course and how many lesson are there? How long you have to register ahead? Is the lesson good? I din catch the TV show last monday cos someone came over to fix my tv. Hb is interested but i heard the fee is $700plus and wanna faint liao.

Joelle, wah u had a good knowledge of fish oil hor. Aiyah i din take wat fish oil during preggy days no wonder my rascal so sticky to me. BTH...

Oh no, how can you be deceived! Haha, I always thought she look more demure and sweeter in photos. Din you hear how she chuckle so loudly, see how she roll on the floor and how she grabs other people's toys and stuffs?
mejo, hehe... did she grab people's toys? i was probably busy handling my tyrant that's why missed that part. but still, she's so sweet... i think she has very delicate features.
that's why she attracted the little boy to join her rolling on the floor!
good morning mummies..

tks for the address..ok ok will get my barang from u tomorrow.

Just now Chloe woke but i pretend to sleep la then she toss n turn n toss OUT OF BED aiyo she cried lor..feel so bad. i gave her soyamilk just now..wah she loves it! bottle no more she still suck n suck..now singing on the bed .

bb mouse
yaya i heard orange will cause phlegm ley duno how true, during P i also crave for fruits, i imagine a plate full of exotic tropical fruits yumm yum. hmm maybe u can try watermelon? sweet n juicy, not sure if too liang or not..oh oh some say if u hv avocado bb will have beautiful skin le haha.
Argh, just now morning hb go and buy breakfast then someone said he is bringing out his YOUNGER SIS to buy breakfast... 2nd time liao but at least this time they got the gender of YT right.


Cuz she small small size mah. LOL.Yar, she go and take other's toys but I quickly stop and return so maybe that's why you din see.


Oh, can give codfish oil liao ar?

I dun dare to put YT on the bed anymore after she fall so many times. So now I put tilam on the floor and put her playyard around tilam, then go down to sleep with her there and climb back to my bed when she is asleep but hor, recently all failed to climb back up lar. Haha. If I'm below and still want to sleep wahen she woke up, I can just continue sleeping as she will just roll about and play with the play yard on her own but once she noticed I'm awake she will not left me alone liao and will come and kacau me even if I pretend to sleep. If I'm on the bed then once she wakes up she will come to the side of the bed and pat me up while making lots of noise or sometimes depending on mood she will still play on her own for awhile.
Giolyn: The course is $780 for 12 lessons. There is a deposit of $300 and a parents course (can't remember how much the course is) to attend.
Min is 1 term.

Joelle: Thanks for the tips on pimples. *sigh* I'm resigned to fate.
mejo.. its the fish oil one.. my ger has been eating it for long.. no flu.. no cold.. no cough.. *touch wood*

get the original flavour..

tata... i go meet yvonne liaoz..

YT same same with Chloe ley..hiya my notti girl is always so active, so dats why i pretend to zz lor. I am cookin porridge for her, scared forget to off the flame. actually home very quiet i nearly doze off..so when she moved i know she awake liao..then she was still playing on her own..then i heard her rolling abt..by time i open my eyes to check on her, i caught her falling liao :p oops..i told her mummy's fault, should not pretend to sleep la..now she dun even wanna eat her lunch, wanna play . hee . she is playing with her daddy's cd n chargeer haiz..everything hv to put out of site.

Haha, for YT I found the ultimate solution. On TV, put toy in hand. She will eat till the last drop. LOL. Not very healthy I know but save us a lot of time and pain.
chloe's attn span is very short..books max 5 mins..toys stimes 1 min - 5min..just now playing with daddy's game charger for 5 mins :p now she wants to reach for my dvd player n pull it down!!! haiz..
didnt really capture chloe with her bday cake at the chalet last wk..manage to capture this 2 shots at conrad on her actual bday...not perfect but at least got smile la haha.


Chloe trying out the mouse cake with daddy
hi everyone!

thanks michelle, garfield and (who else huh ?)for bday wishes

re fish oil
titu: i took fish oil EVERY day leh without fail. even when i hated taking pills.. coz wanted teng to be smarter.. hmm.. seems like he is neither sociable nor smart ehhh..

viv: sexy mama. :p nice hair cut.. and ethan is SOOOOO adorable..!!! very cute leh him.. chubby chubby cheek pom pom :p:p he is def a boy boy look. :p head very round leh. SOOO cute :p
teng is not guai.. u saw how he kept walking toward his Mao mao during class? wah.. pissed off leh.. interrupted lessons.. on days when his mao mao not around.. he even more 'guai'..! actualy he not guai lah. he ddn't move.. coz he can't crawl! ha!

<font color="ff0000">JWT trials
3.15 - 4pm

11 - 1145am
Venue: 5 Stadium Walk, #02-02/03 Leisure Park, Kallang, Singapore 397693
Tel : 6344 2320 Fax : 63442329</font>

sorry for the MIA yesterday. thanks autum and star for helping me post the info.. all there in GG actually.. hee forseen i will MIA yesterday hence everytime 'rush' u guys changes before 13 march :p.. see u all later!
bbmouse: ok.. slapping my own mouth but i have the urge to get dora aquadoodle liao.. orginial one nothing much.. think dora one very interesting.. but OOS liao right??

autum: ehh. i dun mean ur fren's gift to u 'nothing much' leh.. i meant.. the idea of a huge mat of doodling mat is nothing much. if got mootorised vechicle moving along drawn path.. is another matter altogether liao :p.. hmm.. will ur mat be able to get accessories to move along?.. the ink should be common to 'guide' the vehicle along right? else.. very 'lugi' leh :p
nana: ehh.. i am not sure if Tiff is eating too much or not.. coz u never state the qty for each meal.. but i noticed u have a lot of 'carbo' in Tiff diet.. ok lah. tiff's lean :p

.. for teng he eats quite a lot.. then u see that he has 'bigger' intervals between meals.. and i dun really feed him snacks in between.. but doing that now.. to encourage him to finger feed more..
re seafood during preg

i PAINFULLY went off seafood (and for that matter, any caffeine.. even soft drinks).. coz risk of mecury poisoning. if u eat those predator fish.. also food poisoning lah. no more sashimi or oysters or sort for me during the preg.. wah.. so chiam leh!!! .. haha.. so afer birth. now binge on it liao!! :p

ehh. sersiouly. autum/bbmouse/yvonne/traz: can eat a bit.. but everything in moderation.. esp mecurty overload.. u never know. uless u very sure which are the predator fish which are high in mecury..
some egs are shark.. swordfish etc..
hi hi
wow so many happenings sorrie can't join the fun will try if there is chance...

Joelle - thanks but hor she more and more notti or shld it be "jing" haizz now she start climbing out of her walker scary and in the middle of nite she will be "gone" of her bed - mattress and found her in the middle of my bed hahahah

starfruit - that day was celebrating her birthday so let her wear a sexy bare back dress din load the bare back photo hahah scare later the boys later drool....

Mejo - yap the cake very nice she keep wanting to smash the cake while pple was singing her birthday song! hahah but she did get her chance on the cream!!

Re-kindermusice Last class
hei mummies tomolo will be the last class so hope to see u all and we have a very quick class photo so once class dismiss let get all daddys and mummies and bbs to snap snap !! cya tomolo!!!

Yup, I have to keep changing what's in her hands too but better than running all over the house to chase her to eat or like last time, have to keep changing where she is at so that she will eat. Even have to place her outside the house then she will guai guai eat. Now I just on the "Your baby can read" VCDS can liao. She will prefer adult's things over her toys. Like if I give a spoon or a plastic tub, she can play quite long with it as compared to her own toys!
it's never easy to get a perfect pix with babies. Your family pix looks so 'wen xin'.

By the way, did you see my reply on the shoo shoo? It's L size 14cm. It's ok if you don't like the design.
Astro: A.. I don't know if it's OOS or not leh. Re fish, take the one baby eats lor - threadfin, shd be ok.

Re veryberry: She didn't contact me last night. Those going for KInder or trial class and if you happen to bump into her, kindly remind her to contact me to collect her stuff. Thanks..
bbmouse: was it the feb thread huh? Jelly right? she's organising the JG trial right? u took part in that?

<font color="aa00aa">BJG - 3rd class
hey pple, no progress on that? so what's the prefeered timing for u gals? yet come to a consensus??? .. or all just follow fion's timing from 3.30 - 4.30pm??
urgent! else i think the lady, April, MIGHT not remember the special arrangement she promised me.. skali end up like JWT.. yucks.. anyway,

enne, huingee, moon, jyun, confirm ASAP??? i wish to call up to book and confirm the details of all the classes this monday..
haiz..i tried to feed Chloe but i think she has too much 'junk?' i gave her twice soya bean today..she loves it n finish all..when i gave her porridge she only ate a few mouthfuls..ya lor chase her ard the living rm lor..till i gave up dun wanna force her..now she guai guai lie on bed ..duno why she rather drink milk today

sorry i miss ur post. Actually i like the pink design le..but hor garfields BP might not be successful..i wanna get her a pair..this white pair u have is not bad either..it's my 2nd &amp; 3rd choice cos hubby likes another pair with flowers which i think too common hee..will decide n let u know ok? let me go measure Chloe' feet first when she naps later :p

aiyo mummies duno what happen to my face AGAIN..last wk is allergic to the new cream i bot..now i stop but then yday nite itch again..never use the cream liao le..my face feels warm n 'burning' sensation..haiz i dun wanna go see doc again le! m asking hubby to try get aloe vera for me to apply
hope he can get it.

tonite i got a wedding dinner to attend some more ...
bbmouse: ya. just 'binge' on the capsules.. haiz..

hey. u got urs from where? hmm.. i lousy at this. but add up shipping from amazon.. should be almost the same as toyrus? ehh. any idea if they carry this in the store?
bbmouse: we can do story telling with this dora aquadoodle playmat leh.. the possibilities are endless! ok.. die.. excited liao. miser going to 'scold' liao. another new toy for teng.. ops!
Astro: I got it BN from ebay.
You go search if there's another set for sale. I asked the seller to repack into a smaller box for me.

I read there's going to be a JG trial. But anna is going for the GUG trial tom already. Cannot overdose her lah. Plus, she's a bit unwell. Hope she recovers on time so she can join the class.
bbmouse: okok.. ebay huh? alright..

no lah. wun arrange it now.. still got the BJG trial not yet firmed up..
hmm..me intending to try all the possbile trials before deciding on which to send teng to when he turns 18 mths..
anything pre-schools playgroups and sch which is good. i know u said pat's school house and eton.. now JG.. anything else?
maybe i should just go over and peep at the jan's side and see what other trial classes they arranging :p

i got this JWT info from there also :p
belle: the way u make ur skin sound like.. excema leh. think need see skin doc.. u went to the national skin centre before? sometimes they anyhow test test one.. not very good i feel

viv: ehh. actually teng also looks a lot like miser.. if he closes his eyes :p
bbmouse: alamak. the dora doodle is sooo cute!.. the motorised vehicle and the stand up 'obstacles' as cute as those in the video? wah. this is endless play leh! :p

WE have experimented. The thomas train only need the water to move. Dun even need the mat cuz we draw tracks on YT's pants, the train also follow the path. No path it will anyhow move and turn all over the place. Autumn can buy the train as an accessory. Think they got two other types of train on sale. Wonder if it will follow a line like the dora car though. Will be next experiment to do.

WARNING: Dun use mat at night cuz high humidity, I think my mat got a bit of mould!!!
duno ley its MY FACE now.. i feel so damm irritated by it.. i didnt really use the cream given by the doc..in fact my eyes felt ok these days..it's my face that erupted ..past few days ok but now lidat again. i just applied aloe..haiz i really dun feel like goin out of the hse!!! MEI YOU LIAN JIAN REN ..
all mummies,
wanna ask you mummies something, recently my boy dun want his night feed, abt 10pm feed... is it normal huh??? he wakes up 5.30am leh, if he didn take the 10pm feed. then today more funny, he dun want his afternoon feed (3pm), is it 1 yr old liao? no need these 2 feed???

btw, hv you mummies given outside food to your babies huh, eg. chicken rice??
hey, everyone out ah?

re: Penang Laksa
Irin, i went to eat at the Hougang Festival Market.. not nice leh. i was quite disappointed. Hiaz, at first i thot it will be very good cos that place is relatively near me.. but too bad, not nice.

i just went to Unity Pharmacy and bot a bottle of Neurogain.. wau.. so exp now at $34.65. Last year it was only $30 or $31 i think. I dunno when I will have the chance to go and buy in Malaysia.. that's why hubby asked me to buy from pharmacy here first. Last year, we got it at around S$22 per bot (after discounts, conversion from Ringgit etc). But i think the price now should have increased. So sad.

how many feeds do u give him in a day? I give EJ 3 milk feeds only. Morning, afternoon and night.. in between is breakfast, lunch, dinner n teabreak. If u give him 4 milk feeds, then it's ok to drop one milk feed bah.

not sure if SG can find the train toy for Aquadoodle.. but i m lazy to find also la.

no worries.. i won't feel slighted by your comment on the normal AD. Cos if i am the one buying for EJ, i also won't choose to buy the normal one! Hee, but since it's a gift, then ok lor.. cannot complaint and must be thankful for the gift!
Wah wat happened? No one around huh?

Heng huh today class is free else lugi. My rascal did not warm up and keep koala me. *faint* hahaha tis mummy is cheapo. Wah very messy in class. Each baby and parents are busy with their own things. hahaha..

BB_March, ur ang looks familiar. Is he from JJC?
hello hello

did three batches of muffins today and in law said nice nice, sil also said nice. so, passed liao. scored points sia. just kidding.
star, the recipe is not meant for pong pong muffins, so muffins not as pong. mil also mentioned if we put more flour, then will PONG but too much flour not nice.
SQ, so i did not really change anything from the recipe, except the raisins (put more) and cheese (also put more).

very tired sia. just finished my facial today, and bought a new phone (house phone-12 yrs old liao)cause 1,4,and 7 cannot press leh.

and no time to catch up. haha!!!
anything big to share? everybody busy for JWT etc etc.
cham, I am driving tian to kallang alone tomorrow. can I do it? dunno leh. if it is raining then i will take a cab liao.

crab talk last night? i am out leh. i did not eat crab since preggie till breastfeeding time, till now! can o u believe it? wow...

mist, so how many milk feeds ah?

today tian damn high cause mil fil brought her to play at playground (nice weather cause raining in the past few days). haha! i also high, i napped napped napped and went facial.. no time to go shopping yet. sigh!
