(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

nanabear,pinkpink-I can't confirm which day, coz must see when FIL not working hopefully can borrow car from him or my PIL might wanna go together. ok so u all cfm fri har, I cfm with u all 2night or tml k.

pinkpink-I also wanna go holiday but I bu she de leave my bb in sg while I go away, I don't think I can do it, my heart can't let go ler. So I think must wait for my boy to grow up then bring him go. But if 2nd one comes along, then nth to say... hehe.

re:hai nan dao
my PIL gog hai nan dao in mid-april for a week plus, I need to take a week leave to be SAHM.

enne.. no hurry.. becos its next week.. for now.. its tomolo's trial class 1st ..
bbmarch-I got ex-colleague she frm july thread too, I also wanna see the handsome bb pic u talking abt.

nanabear-!!!! Yeah hor, thanks for reminding, I almost forgotten.
hello mummies...
i m new here

Thanks for your info. I will try to find it tonight.

Happy belated bithday to elisha, jaylen and zee yee

Happy bday to clyde and astro
garfield0407-I staying near compassvale pri school, near anot har? I don't know where nan chiau pri.

if u wanna wish belated hor, must wish all the bbs from 1st march to 13march liao wor.
BBMar: SusuIbu's boy is very good looking. Michellin baby and extremely cute.. Still got the baby look.
Jewel: girl is very pretty.. Round eyes.
bbmouse-july thread bbs still got babylook but I think march thread bbs more of toddlerlook liao hor, bbs can grow up so much within couple of mths.
wah, luckily its friday and i am now worked until so siong.. tired..and ready to go at 5.30pm.

garfield. good luck in your shoo shoo. i no time to catch up archive.

wah, got crawling contest ah. i think my ah tian crawl super fast leh. haha!
bbmouse-Ariel was one of my choices if I ever had a girl but I was thinking to modify to Arielyn coz I like the something girl names ending with lyn. Hopefully my 2nd one can be girl lo.

Ariel is a beautiful name and Aaron, needless to say a handsome name!
QQ-can let my ah boy have a crawling battle with ur ah tian liao. hahaha.

garfield-I know la, juz teasing u. hehehe I also don't know lo. keke. me 2walking distance from CP only.
Nana, cannot la. next firday ah. i need to go eye check up after lasik. bobian.. nevermind la.
we have our own contest.. Lego vs tian (enne, hee)... your tiff also wannt join?

garfield, its like that one lor.. no marketing team.. a bit difficult cause not everyone wants shoo shoo. i find that its good leh. soft and bb can wear and walk. no marks for tian. so far so good. but jj's j has marks on her feet, so jj dun like.
garfield0407-I interested but don't know allowed to buy anot, u left how many pcs to reach 25?? I ask ard for u.

QQ-haha Yeah lo, we can have ours one day hor.

nanabear-toddler telematch means walking right?? so we joining the baby crawl contest right? coz my bb can't walk that well yet.
toddler telematch? bb must be walking steadily already? i think we choose bb crawl better?

there're a few eurasian bbs in july thread?

where is evelyn? Im sure Kira will have high chance of winning
Mejo, for maid, with your big household, maybe better to get a married woman with kids. My indo maid very slow, and she does not want to play with my girl.
michelle, me. SAP user.
i am end user, not very advanced user,, only know a bit.. dunno those very chim one cause i seldom use.
i am stillin office coz i dun know how to run my billing report. my 1st time doesnt look very promising. SHIT should have ask my collg before she went on leave !!!! ARGH!!!!

keep asking for parameter, i check on the box and put in a date but NO RECORDS !!!
hi mummies..i just woke up. came back from office at 2pm..cannot tahan oredi..super bad sore throat n headache. Went see doc, throat inflamed.

Chloe is tearing the hse down now..everything in her path she will take n play!

ZU NI SHEN RE QUAI LE! enjoy your day!

finally i understand the O joke..i m reading the archives bit by bit no wonder i dun understand..its pretty funny how angel O while brushing teeth keke.

welcome..hope more ppl will join ur BP la..

Wat size is ur shoes..i dun mind to get but actually tot of getting a pink pair lor..
guys, now i know why anthea rejectd lunch today liao. she is seriously teething. running ~38C fever now. sigh.. yi4 bo1 gang1 ping2 yi4 bo1 jiu4 qi4..
Edde: Poor Anthea. Hey, according to my PD, teething is not supposed to cause fever leh. Do take care of her and of yourself too.

Belle: Weather is bad these days. Take care of yourself. Remember don't kiss Chloe too much, don't share food/spoon with her, in case you pass the cough/sore throat over to her.
Rest well..

hi bbmouse how are u today?

yeah..i oredi sense sthing wrong..throat super pain when i woke this morning. Then today is super bz at office, the day when i can do the most sales..but no choice by 12 noon i oredi shivering..so came back lor.

Ya i tend to smell n kiss Chloe , i better try to get away from her haha.

I m here..just surfing for home reno ideas..

Take care, hope Anthea recovers soon!
