(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Edde, so how is anthea today? normally teething won't cause fever but the discomfort can cause her quality of rest(sleep) and appetite, thus body might be a little bit weaker then easily get sick. (thats my logic).
oh i went to check tian's teeth, another 3 new teeth just popped out.. and now she has evenly 8 teeth liao. all along 5 teeth oni for so long. haha!!!

am I alone here?? oops..
i go rest liao. go prepare for tomorrow's bags and food..
michelle.. ya lor.. everybody busy with the small one..

I very curious leh.. tot our class only got SMH ppl.. den how come got at least another 4-5 other ppl?

Michelle.. not leh.. but i can't say here til i confirm.. hahahaa..
michelle.. how come they like that one??

after we left.. while having dinner with my hubby.. JWT called me and ask if i am interested in their class.. hahahahaha..
penang laksa no good har

JWT too short only 45mins nia.

they also called, but my hubby driving and my phone was next to my hubby(i sitting behind with notti fussing gal)
hubby said will call back but too bz on the way home, by the time we settle K already 9pm
yea.. the laksa not nice. or maybe my expectation is too high? hey, u said JWT too short, but fun or not?
autum, QQ,
me same same leh, only 3 milk feed, morning, afternoon, and one last night feed.... today, he dun want afternoon, for night feed, he drinks abit only.... weird baby!! of cos, since he dun hv afternoon milk, he scream for dinner at 6pm loh.... i also dun know why he's like that leh... today i think he only drinks 200ml
mejo: no need to edxperiment, the train can move in 1 straight line, no tracks required.. just like the dora explorer jeep...hehe. u just draw a line and put the train on it, it will move.
I had fun with it last night too.

BTW: i love love love the airplants, showed to my MIL, she also very fascinated by them. i am now quite determine to not let them die on me, and if possible, for them to flower too..hehe.
Hey i got a few questions for u..hope u can help me, just now too rush liao and too many ppl, didn;t know what to ask, now that i am back and had the chance to study the plants, thought i better recheck with u again. ok here goes.
1) hey can i know the names of the plants again, i am so sorry, i did not pay attention the last time u mentioned. I know one of the them, the long one has a tag on it that says " Paleacea" is that the name?
2) Fertiliser - U say 1 dip stick to 1L of water, so can i do like half a dip stick to 500ml? does it work this way?
3) i think i will spray instead of dunk, cos this way, i dun waste the fetilised water. Cos by using spray can, the fetilizer water is not contaminated, so i can spray again the next day. very wasteful to throw away 1L or 500ml of water after just dunking the 2 plants each day leh. Is this possible? Can i keep the fertilized water in the can and cont spraying the next day? how long/how many days can i keep the fertilized water in a spray can before i have to discard and change.
4) When spraying? u mentioned that i must really wet the plant, must i make sure that the hidden grooves are all wet?

sorry for my many questions. Will wait for ur answer, if not, will bug you at kinder tomorrow...heheh
think K loves the swing they installed. also the slide too. crawling she not too keen at those.

laksa u try the one at blk 130 geylang central ?
autum: i dun like the JWT, class too big already, out of control! i am not impress, so will not sign up. the only thing i like is the Swing lah.. how come gymbo no swing har? i feel that place is better for older kids leh.
u os excited abt the airplant, hope they survive under your care ! kekekeke
juz joking, i only u will keep a gd care of them since u doing so well with Rae
michelle: aiyo, i also hope they survive under my care man!!>..hahahah.. if half dying,l will pass back to Mejo, hope she can resuscitate for me.. heheh
kekeke.... hubby saw the wings liao. he so dissappointed, he wants ANGEL wings. he wants her darling to be an angel! waahahahahah
astro, haaa...teng's very kuai already! you saw that very naughty ang mo boy going around to tear the posters down? he's very naughty! he'll go round to snatch other children's toys and hit them too! i m always so "amazed" at the granny who just left him there to commit these crimes!

re: Seafood during preggy days
hehe...i m not a good preggy lady. i wld drink the sharksfin soup at every wedding dinner when i was pregnant. can't help it leh... so hungry by the time they served the 1st dish. to add on to the list astro had given, tuna also has high content of mercury.
where is blk 130 geylang central? the geylang i know is always that stretch that sells durians and the stretch with all the food.

oh, so JWT not good huh. ok nvm.. think it's too far for most of us anyway.. we all cheapo just go to socialise! hehehehehe..
no prob. You decide & let me know. I'm not in a rush to sell of anyway. "bu she de". hehe.

Guess what? My friend knowing that I wanted to get a kitchen set, she passed me a set which her daughter don't play with. And they both love it!!! Didn't even want to go to sleep just now.

Reyden going to the market
Reyden showing Reyes the baked duck in the oven.
don't be like that leh, I like that Penang laksa. Can say you having high expectation? Or maybe cos I have not eaten the authentic Penang laksa. :p
okie i go try someday n let u know.. but do u find this aljunied one nice?

heh heh.. my hubby says u must take plane to Penang and eat it there! :p
re: swing
Saw that Fairprice Xtra's selling a swing for $39.90. Seems quite nice & sturdy for kids but don't think got space for it at home liao.
michelle: i think u can go check out the shop.. i tot i saw some feather wings.. the angel kind. i tot ws saw Rae's pic liao, can see its not angel type of wing lah. tell him so cheap, dun hiam lah.. hehehe :p
nope, I got them at Metro. They have alot of animals but biggest size is 9mths. I like it so die die also want buy & squeeze them in. :p
Irin: confirm lah, i think rae scared of the cat.. she cried again this morning when she accidentally flipped to the page of the cat.. so funny.. i could not stop luffing, hubby say wanna take some paper and cover and tape up the cat so she won;t see it, i told him no need.. cos i want her to CONFRONT her fears.. hahahah
hi mummies..back from wedding dinner liao..chloe only KO at 10.30 in the cab. aiyo she super tired oredi but stubborn dun wanna sleep. I hv to carry her n eat my dinner !

ok ok i let u know hor :p i hvnt measure cos just now left place she didnt wanna zz no chance to measure her little feet. now got chance but WHERE IS MY MEASURING TAPE!

tom's class anyone goin with hubby? my hubby stubborn la..decided not to go acupuncture with mil..ask him to tag along to class he macham not keen. If lidat hv to take cab to kallang alone liao..
the kitchen set is really fun. Partly cos it was my sister & my dream toy when we were young.
But I forgot to take a pix of my living room after they went to sleep. It was 'flooded' with plates, vegetables, forks, knives & cans!! Madness ...
irin: so fun, seeing the two of them play the kitchen set.. i think its good cos for twins they have each other to play with. Since Rae no play mate, most of the time, i will have to be her play mate..hahah.. but looks like R&R having more fun then me and rae when we play our kitchen set!
but how come she afraid of cats? She got scare by cats or bad experience with cats? But you are right to let her 'confront' her fears.

the funny thing is it seems like Reyden's enjoying the set more than Reyes. Got a feeling he's gonna be a house-husband in future. He went to a friend's house & started playing with the toy vacuum cleaner when Reyes picked up the swords & walked around. Funny, right?
