(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

oh? really? However, i was waiting for the magical moments but unavailable yesterday. haha! how anxious.

I also not taking and DHA, AHA, fish oil pills now. Should I?

Edde, i am not very sure about all teas, but those teas with the most caffeins are usually those low quality chinese tea. Not too worry, one cup is not a lot, and lipton was not our choice in lab testing (during my time).

My package of 1.5K include delivery fees for bb (500 for normal delivery), then 1K for visits from 20 weeks onwards. Should be around 7-10 visits. Compared to other expenses, this is still a small sum. I'm more worried about childcare arrangement after birth. Sigh! Lets see.

I visited Dr Wong yesterday. She was so patient and reassuring, a far cry from my gynae from KKH. I immediately sign up the package. She advised me to take my time to choose which hospital I would like to go to later. But she was very nice and even gave me 3 printouts of my bb yesterday.
She tried very patiently to check out the sex of my bb, but bb uncooperative for quite sometime, then finally can see a little birdie, but position is not best so Dr Wong says she is about 70% sure only...gotta wait for 20th week detailed scan then.
Yep, I am totally giving up on Dr KT Tan after disappointing visit to her on Monday. I found out the diff between KKH Private Suite and other private hospital. The doctors at KKH are paid a fixed amount plus a certain % of the delivery fees, so even if they lose a patient, they are not affected at all.In fact, since they are paid fixed, it is actually better for them to have less patients. Also, KT Tan is now the head of obs department, she is really very busy attending meetings and have tonnes of admin work, that is why she rushed thru many times. I supposed your colleagues who recommended her got her when she was a senior consultant, hence, her work is patients focus then and perhaps they got better services from her..just a thot...
Hi QQ, the movements you felt should be the baby's movement. Quite nice right, to feel the little kicks.
At 15wks to 16 wks, can feel the baby's movement liao. I am now at 16wk, and towards the end of my 15wk, i already can feel the movements. Now getting more pronounced. So I always try to talk to my bb and ask him to be guai guai.

Ladies, do you all talk to you baby? Last evening as I was driving home from work, I started to talk to baby when I was stopping at a traffic light. Then I felt a little silly because I was thinking if people see this woman talking to herself in the car, they may think I am siao one.. hehehe..

re: Packages pricing
There are many various package prices around and it's very hard to compare what is more expensive or cheap. The packages all start at different weeks and cover different stuff. I know most of the gynaes in Thomson will only start their package at week 20. Especially docs in TMC and the other clinic with Dr. Caroline. Their price of $1.5k from wk20 covers visits and delivery (normal), no medication. But u have to pay hospital bed charge separately (abt $1.5k)

Then I know at Raffles Hospital, they have a package abt $2k, starts from wk12 (i think).. covers visits and delivery, no medication.

I think my package is the most strange one. I am seeing Dr Woo at Tiong Bahru which is under Thomson women's clinic. The package is $550, can start any week (even week 6), covers all visits till delivery, and even vitamins and calcium pills. Sounds very cheap.. but I must take their delivery package later, at either Thomson or Mt. A, and the price is around $3k. Therefore, everything actually adds up to about the same price.

The very good thing about my package is, the number of visits I can have is unlimited. Most of us go scan every 4 weeks. However, if you need special attention, or if you are just the kancheong type and wants to go every 2 weeks.. also can. No extra charge. I also asked my doc, if I am sick (normal flu etc.) I can also go and see him at no extra charge. In a sense, there is value for money lor.

But having said all that, at the end of the day, what's most impt is still that the doc must make you comfortable and assured.
Hi Tricia, I am glad you found a doc you are comfortable with. Happy for you.

Hi QQ, just to add that Paul Tseng is not the type of doc who will prescribe you with anything extra, other than Obimin. So if you want calcium pills you have to ask him. As for Neurogain, you may want to buy them from pharmacy.

Re: Neurogain
Hmm, I started taking neurogain last nite and didn't find any fishy smell. Maybe I am lucky.
Dear Autumn,
really glad that I have finally settled on a gynae that I am confortable with. It's a real big relief....I oso dun find any fishy smell in neurogain. I read that it is recommended for preggies to start nerogain during 3rd trimester but my current gynae says that it is good to start 1st trimester coz bb's brain oredi developing.

I think it is really sweet of you to start talking to your bb...I tried but dunno wat to say plus paiseh coz hb oways laugh at me. So I tried to do that when he is not around and make him talk on my behalf when he is around..hahaha..

can i check what is your package like?

Would anyone know if inducing birth is a common practice in Singapore generally? I know in UK and USA, induction is usually seldom for a social reason but more for medical reasons. I am asking this coz I read Dr Miriam Stoppard's pregnancy book and she stated a lot of negative facts about induced birth. However, my prev. gynae encourages that, just wondering if she says it to suit her schedule or it's really common in Sin?
hi doggy,

me trying to cope loh, work relatively busy plus staffing issues... yah, still need to manage my ms.... i still hv it though has passed the 1st trimester.

hi pinky,

hmmm, for me, can see a tummy lah, but pple may mistake as being plump with a sagging tummy loh. Some experience ladies can tell i'm pregnant loh, like one of my staff, she kaypo and ask me when am i delivering!?!?!! and somemore i didn broadcast the news to them, except my boss and some close colleagues. So before i knew it, my entire teams know abt my pregnancy on monday liao, and i received well wishes from them loh.

actually i prefer the tummy to be not so showing leh, cos now i can't fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes liao leh.....


good for you loh, actually i ate for 3 days, no effect on the 1st 2 days... me felt okay too... scarly who knows on the 3rd day, i puked alot after taking the pills.
yah Tricia, it is always good to work with a gynae you are comfortable with.

Yah Ladies, what medication are you all taking now huh? I was telling Prof Tay that my folic acid is running low and wish that he can prescribe somemore. But he say I no need any supplement now. SO just complete the course. I felt so loss... *sob*sob*

Yesterday my mil made bird nest for the family. hehehe... yum yum...
Updated with Tricia's gynae info

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Current Pregnancy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD>90% boy</TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starfruit</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Chris Chong</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>moogen</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Brenda Low</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Just a woman</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr. Phyills</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mejo</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Christopher Chong</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peace lover</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>12-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueberries</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>W K Tan</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn_Angel</TD><TD>22-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olene</TD><TD>27-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K T Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Freda</TD><TD>28-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Wen Lim</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinoopy</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dolly</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Karolyn Goh</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>m00n</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K C Yeo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Koh Gim Hwee</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Odie</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Tricia, I always say the same few things to my baby lah. Like, "Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, Baby loves mommy and daddy too..." heehee.. then sometimes i say things like, "Baby is a smart baby, baby is a guai baby, baby is a good baby".. hahaha... then yesterday when i was driving, i saw a big double-decker bus, so I went like "baby, that's a big big bus!"...

And amazingly, about 2 weeks back, i still wasn't really showing yet. So my hubby actually look at my tummy and talk to baby "Baby grow and grow lah".. wow, after one week, my stomach grew so much! Then I went to scold my hubby and he laughs and so he told the baby "Ok, baby, just grow normally now..."

Hmm, sometimes when I think about it, it's so silly.. but so sweet also..

Hi Mist,
I hope I don't throw up the neurogain 3 days later! yeeks!
HI ALL .....IS BEEN A long time since i last post .. hope eveyone is getting smoothly .....can i just chk is it normal if we have a bit of white discharge ??
Hi Paulyn,
For me, me having such white discharge everyday..per Giolyn's gynae advise, things to take note is 1. smelly discharge 2. blood in discharge 3. itchiness....so, do take note.
Hi Paulyn, you can check with your gynae...my gyane told me if the discharge is heavy, might get infection. If not, should be fine..
Thanks for taking the trouble to update the chart. How's your appetite? Is your ms completely gone?

You and your hb are so funny and real sweet. I think I will start with telling bb I luv him too. Dun charge me royalties for that, please..hahaha..
Usually, when I "force" hb to say something, he would end up talking rubbish. In fact he was telling his 2 year old niece the story of little red ridding hood the other day...can you imagine he told her that little red ridding hood was visiting his grandma and along the way she stopped for McDonald's french fries and cheese burger?! Hope he teaches my bb rite...

I am having quite a bit of discharge too.
Tricia, no problem.
my ms is getting better but i feel stomach very congested now. Like no space, the uterus is expanding and because of constipation, everything is fighting for space.

Anyone feels the same way ?

Anyone has constipation and how do u treat it? especially that now still not being able to drink a lot fo fluid because still dislike taste of water and cannot eat much fruits because stomach feels congested.

Is it ok to take laxative like senokot now?
Hi Bellepepper,
my fren took Senokot during her pregnancy...her hb is a doc and claim that its safe to consume...BUT i would advise you to check with your gynae on this. I always have constipation but after drinking a glass of milk before i sleep, i dun have such problem at all.
Pinkypink it is normal for 1st-time mummies to start showing later. Actually not such a bad thing. When the tummy gets too big you will feel more tired having to carry that extra weight. Me started showing since 10th week no choice. Muscle already stretched due to the first pregnancy.

Qwer thanks! Of course I remember you lah. I still remember you had to change your nick to the current one because you didnt want your SIL to know who you are =p You got everything ready for the arrival of your baby?

QQ dont worry. Next time when the baby gets bigger and starts doing stretching exercise or keeps you awake at night due to all the movement you will be asking your baby to keep still and stop making you feel uncomfy muwahahahaa. Last time I was so anxious and keep telling my baby baby kick kick kick. When he does it non-stop and keeps me awake the whole night my hubby said I brought it upon myself -.- As for fish oil I personally dont see why not as long as you dont find the smell adversed like what Mist said. To begin with preggies have always been advised to take more fish during pregnancy.

Tricia glad that you had a good experience with the other gynae. Unfortunately even govt doctors will have the civil servant mentality at times. And when you work for a govt agency you tend to find yourself churning out a lot of meaningless paperwork. Teachers are a good example they should be concentrating on teaching but end up majority of their time they have to do all the mindless admin work. Tricia if you dont know what to say to the baby try singing. If you sing the same song repeatedly the baby will know the song and next time you can sing it to the baby to calm him or her down. It works for me and most pple I know. As for inducing birth. It should be quite common here. But of course you really need to clear it with the gynae if the baby is fit to be delivered. If you induce too early and the babys lung is not fully matured the baby will have problems after delivery. I have heard of people opting to be induced after the 37th week and generally it is quite safe. But better if it is nearer to the due date. The downside of it is that you have a higher chance of needing an emergency c-section. Unless for a very good reason it is better for the birthing process to start naturally.

Autum yes I talk to my baby. But I do it at home in case pple start giving me weird looks =p Agree totally with you that actually most of the packages will add up to be about the same. This is base on research done by my hubby. Actually even for KKH if you are seeing a senior consultant in the private suite it is not too great a difference in price as compared to a pte. In my case my gynae charges 2k for unlimited number of consultation and normal delivery. Medication is a separate charge. For my 1st baby the package starts at 12th week. But this time round they just give it to me from the 6th week. Guess that I have been with him for a while so the clinic is quite chin chye. But of course I havent paid for the package. They normally only collect the payment from me around my 20th week.

Giolyn currently I am taking Obimin, Neurogain and Folic Acid. Some gynaes feel that it is not necessary to continue with folic acid after the 1st tri but some gynaes see no harm in continuing. Anyway it is actually a lot cheaper if you buy folic acid from pharmacy. 100 tablets for only 2 dollar plus. I always get my supply from Guardian.

Belle try and stop the multi-vit for one to two days and see if the situation improves. It usually works for me cos the iron content can cause constipation.
hey doggy mar &amp; edde
i still look very petite cos i lost weight, can only see tiny tummy if i wear my usual tight fitting tops which i dun feel comfortable wearing now cos pple may think its tummy not preggie, very paiseh.
hey Tricia
great to hear tat you like Dr Wong, my fren also recommended KT Tan from KK and some pple commented that KK has a wider range of facilities for bb, but i feel too comfy with Dr Wong. Her package includes consulation and scan, excludes medication. It ends up about $50-$60 per visit with the package as compared to paying $48consulation + $38scan w/o package.

Autum, you very cute leh, i talk to bb only when hubby or nobody is around. so envious tat you can feel the kick. I woke up last nite and felt so hungry, so drag myself to prepare 1/2 bread with peanut butter plus choc milk. Then i felt stretching at my tummy, i realised that i felt tat a few times when im about to eat or after eating...greedy bb leh!
Thanks odie, I think i will go down to guardian for neurogain.

I am also having constipation problem and its rather serious. I don't know what to do, just let it be at the moment besides drinking more fluid, taking more fruits and vege. Hope that it will get better.
Hi QQ, Bellepepper,
You may want to take prunes or prune juice to relief constipation. You can also take wholemeal bread and reduce intake of those white bread.
Heard pple mentioned that yakult also helps to relief constipation but it doesn't work for me leh.. Wholemeal bread, cereal and prune juice works well for me

Hi Autum,
My package is as strange as yours cos I'm with Thomson Woman Clinic too but at Sembawang sun plaza. But add up it's abt 2K only since the delivery fee by my gynae is abt 1K+. Somemore no extra charge for post-delivery visits and checkup.
Hi mummies, been checking this site for quite some time. I'm now 15wks preggie. Glad that there is such forum for all mtbs to share info and encourage one another.
Hi all,

I have been having this question in my mind as it is happening to me and giving me some heart-ache i.e. hb scared to have intimate session with me ever since I am preggie. In fact, we haven't been making love after we found out abt the pregnancy. I'm afraid that if this continues to go on, he will lose interest in me after the bb has come. Is there someone who is experiencing the same thing as me?
Hi Cakey, i also dunno why leh. I think my package for the delivery ($3k+) is for single room maybe. I think will be cheaper if take double or 4-bedder. I can't remember as I didn't really bother about the details. Will look at it more closely when the time comes. Hmm, your inital package is also $550?

Hi BB_march07, welcome! There's quite alot of info here and just grunts and grouses from mommies here! Come and share yours too.
Hey pinkdaisy, its safe to have sex during pregnancy. In fact my hubby was worried in the 1st place but it was after we read thru bks dat its safe then we started having sex again. I do admit dat its not as frequent as before as we are newly weds. But both of us havent lose interest in love making.

Have a gd tok wif ur hubby and ask wads the reason...is he afraid that he hurts u? mayb can show him some info from the bks or from the web.
hi pinkdaisy,
my hb is equally paranoid too as i have miscarriage previously. After 1st trimestar have passed, we did have intimate session but of course not as frequent as we used to be! Guess your hb is worried of hurting the bb but i read a book whereby it wont. If you want, must do it now coz most gynae will discourage by the time you reach the 3rd trimestar! But i do have frens who is doing it very frequently and they are still fine so i feel is up to individual and the condition of the mummies.
Hi Pinkdaisy, maybe u talk to your hubby about it? Maybe he is just worried that he may hurt the bb, or hurt you. He could be trying to be considerate for u? Hmm, if he scared, then maybe dun go all the way. Just foreplay and masturbation... don't penetrate, then maybe not so vigourous.

I also seldom make love after preg, cause I feel so tired all the time! But the strange thing is, I feel alot more sexual desires now that I am preg. I read somewhere that this is due to our hormones and blood circulating more because of baby. Hmm, but my hubby and I ok with our number of sexual intimacies.

I think the key is to have a good talk with your hubby. Understand how both of you feels. Maybe he thought that you too tired and don't want to tire you.
Hi BB, doggy and Autum, thanks for the kind words! I think my hb is most afraid of me having miscarriage again, that's why he dare not be intimate with me. Actually I also dun mind having at all since always feel tired all the time but just worried that hb may feel kind of loss.

And Autum, during my 1st pregnancy, I also have such huge sexual desires but cannot execute it as was warned by the gyane then to avoid having sex. You dun know at that time, how hard to resist...But this round, I dun have the same advice from the gynae but hb is afraid to touch me (sigh!). Guess I may have to ask my gynae this question and then ask her to assure my hb that having sex is safe...haha

wah u can drink one glass of milk before you sleep. I cannot drink anything else i will feel water swimming inside and uncomfortable to sleep.

odie, cakey , thanks for ur advice. i tried prune juice before, whole meal bread also, cereal also...sigh....think my system has gone hay wire. Maybe because i don't take vegetables also and minimal fruits and water. i think no choice i got to rely on senokot.

ever since i got preg, i have no mood to be intimate, first it was ms, then now feeling congested. but sometimes when sleeping suddenly got desire but so sleepy so never act on it and hubby also sleeping. anyway to me i feel not important :p
Bellepepper, you may want to try excercising to relieve constipation. Last time i used to have this problem, and i was advised by a doctor to excercise more. Apparently, when we move our bodies, everything internally will move and not stay so stagnant. So, it supposedly helps to move our bowels too.

And eat proper meals. I know it's very tough for those who have MS, as you keep throwing up. But it took me about 2 years of proper eating - proper meals at proper times - that I got rid of my constipation problems. Every now and then, I still constipate a little. But surprisingly, eversince I preg, I can actually go toilet everyday!

Hmm, but now that we are preg, cannot do heavy excercise. I think walking should be fine. I am the lazy kind, and i don't excercise... but i do walk quite a bit in my work, as I have to walk from building to building... So perhaps you all can try walking.
hi belle, guess most preg women tends to be more emotional thus wil alys have negative thinking dat our hubbies dun find us impt anymore. Guess we need to share and tok to our hubbies more so that they can understand better...u noe, some men are just SLOWER in reacting their feelings, not they bo chap..just dat it nvr cross their minds that we need their attention.
hi BB, i saw this CD in sembawang music store at compass point sengkang specially for preg women and newborns... but i cant remember the title. maybe u wanna check bigger record stores?? or why not just listen to 92.4 or 95?? save the money! hee hee..

peace lover, the othe supplements that i am taking now is oscal.
Thanks for your advice on constipation. I will need to start my prune juice cycle soon.

Talking about music.
Hm, I have quite a few CDs, it said its meant for BB IQ and EQ development. I bought them early this year, from China (cheap!). There are 4 cds in total. I've converted them into mp3, though some pieces are really big files like 3-18MB each. I don't know how to share. Anyone interested then we discuss how to get this done. The music is okay, though i dunno how to appreciate. I just turn on every night.
Pinkdaisy... you are not alone. Alot of to-be-mummies will face such issues. Same in my case. Hubby is worried cos we lost our 1st baby (actually should say babies cos it was twins). I can fully understand his concern. Don't think too much and let your imagination run wild ok? Anyway there are many other ways to stay intimate without pentration... if you know what I mean ;)

BB &amp; QQ... most experts believe that classical music will help boost brain development. Especially pieces from Mozart. They term it the "Mozart Effect". Apparently it is because Mozart's classical pieces have a certain pattern to it... making it somewhat "systematic" and therefore helping the baby think systematically.
big CONGRATS to u Odie, so happy to hear that you r having twins. I would like to have a boy cos I was the eldest in the family and was tasked to clean up my siblings everytime they poo poo. So i would certainly not hope the same predicament for my 1st child, that's y i hope for a boy. Sounds a little silly i know.

Pinkypink and Odie, i will try to get my tooth-dropping dreams interpreted and come back to share my findings.

Actually, when do you think we should start talking or playing music to our bb? From 10th weeks onwards?

Edde, we r actually seeing gynae from the same hospital. May i know how much you paid for your OSCAR scan? My friend told me I have overpaid by paying $455 for mine.

Anyone keen to attend the motherhood workshop on 30th Sep?
tks edde,QQ &amp; Odie. i wil go chk out those classical music during the weekends.

Just to share i'm drinkin cranberry juice as it helps to prevent urinary tract infection. I had it before i got preggie. Guess i shld say relapsed every 6mths. It happened twice last yr. Was a very painful experience. Now i wished it wont happen during my pregnancy.
Hey belle, think the bb shld b able to hear the music. It will oso help mummies to b more relaxed during bedtime.

Baby should be able to hear the music. Pls do not use earphone as the sound might cause damage to the bb's hearing ability. Imagine the sound waves penetrating through a liquid medium instead of air (if you know some science). So, as long as mummy can hear, bb should be able to hear it. Yes, mozart pieces are good, i heard.
hi pinkydaisy
hubby and i also have not been having sex since im preggie. same case as some of you, i think he's afraid due to previous miscarriage, this bb is really precious so i also dun mind putting on hold until bb is born.
Belle... there is no need to put the earphones next to the tummy.

Dolly... think you made a mistake lah. I had twins for my first pregnancy. But ended in miscarriage. This one is a singleton.

Mummies... if you are interested to know what's the development with your baby right now.... check out this week-by-week calendar http://www.pregnancyguideonline.com/
hi pinkypink, me also feel the same way as you, this bb is too precious than anything, so even sacrifice on that is ok for me, but dun know wat hb be thinking, will ask him tonight.
hey pinkdaisy
my hubby said he's also like that before he met me, so thats not a problem. im sure he'll understand, we are carrying the bb which is already not easy.
Hi Dolly,
I think you have the same condition as my colleague. She also had pimple all over her face when she was pregnant. I think is due to hormones changes and I dun think she got apply any cream as those are not tested on pregnant lady, so she just let it be until she gave birth. Perhaps you can check with your gynae whether got any cream to apply or not.
thanks pinkdaisy, will check with my gynae during my next visit. Do you know if your colleague uses any special facial wash?

Dolly u had yr oscar test at wk 12??? i hvnt had mine leh!!!! its the blood test etc etc rite??? i am supposed to have it during my next appt at wk 16.... hm.... i din ask how much tho... so how much did u pay?? can share with me wats included in the test and how long it took? sorry... end up me asking u qns... :p
