(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi Trica,
what is nerogain? shes very insensitive for not giving u the printout, i would be very upset because the printout is an assurance tat bb is healthy and active in my tummy....
Hi Stileto,
its done thru obdomen.

bellpepper & giolyn:

just thought at least tell hubby wat happen in my dream at least got someone to share lor...just hope wont get nitemares..

Congrats on ur little boy. Right now i just hope saturday will come fast cos i might also know bb's gender n also 1 mth never see him or her oredi kinda look forward to the scan.
HI Tricia and all,
One thing to take away from me is that very often is what we ask the gynae to give. If we want the printout, we must tell the gynae in advance that we want the printout. If we want the measurement of the size of the bb, we have to tell them that as well. Sometimes is what we demand from them. That's wat my hubby do. Our purpose of the last visit was to know the gender, then the ultrascanist only take the pic of the kkj (ku ku jiao). Then my hubby say he wants the pic of the baby as well. So the ultrascanist give us the pic of the whole baby foc. Ultimately we have to tell them wat to do. Dun paisay, dun forget we pay money one ok.
hello all, well well, been away for just the weekend and this forum has really grew. lots of catching up to do.

bellepepper, thanks for diligently updating the table.

yes, nightmares, i have them too. dreamt that my tooth falls off one by one......so scary, always wakes up in cols sweat. mayb we were too nervous in the day??

my colleagues told me about the waking up night to pee thinggy, she said those were nature's way of training the mothers to wake up for night feeding, so sweet isn't it. initially i got a little annoyed cos i didnt sleep well due to the frequent wakes in the night, im better with it now after hearing what my colleague told me.

Hey QQ, thanks for the link to the motherhood workshop. im planning to attend as it has pretty interesting topics, like how not to put on excessive weight on arms & thighs during pregnancy...

can anyone tell me how accurate the online gender prediction is? cos when i typed in my details, i always gets a girl, but im really really hoping badly for a boy....
Nerogain are omega 3 and DHA supplements. Some mummies have started on this in first trimester. My gynae told me only from 20 weeks onwards. Dunno why oso..

thanks for the advice. For all past visits, she would automatically give us every single time we visit her. Only this time she refused to give.
Hi Mommies..

I went for checkup last nite. My 16th week. At first baby was in a sitting position, looks like he is meditating..
I wanted to confirm the gender cause at my previous scan at week 12, we already saw the birdie, but because too early, doc say about 80%.

Then last nite, because baby was sitting, there was no way to see. My doc very nice. He asked me go take a walk or come back later. So my hubby and I went for dinner, then went back to the clinic. Meanwhile, I talk to my baby and tell him to be guai guai and let doc see. When we went back, doc immediately can see the backside and confirm boy boy. My hubby and I are quite happy, and I also saw baby waving.

re: Tricia
Hmm, sounds like your gynae is not nice. If i were you, i wouldn't go back to her. To me, the most impt thing about a gynae is she must make you feel comfortable and happy. I mean, most of the doctors in Singapore are skilful and qualified, so we don't really have to worry about that. Thus, to me, a good gynae will be some one who can advise you, or make you feel assured. Of course, they can't guarantee you anything.. but they shouldn't make insentive and stupid remarks. As for ultrascan pics.. there is really no excuse for not printing.. If I were you, I would have scolded her or insisted that she scan again to have a fresh set of print out. When I went for my scans last nite, I got 2 sets of prints, one at the normal time, and one after my dinner.. and doc gave me total of 5 prints.. of face, of back, of body etc.. So, don't let the gyane be mean to you ok.

Re: Blurbelle (nightmares)
Hi, I also always have strange dreams, but not nightmares. I remember one when a very big giant fish was chasing me! My hubby said it's because i don't like to eat fish.
I really hope your nightmares will go away soon. It must be tough for you. Do think of beautiful thoughts and try to talk to your baby. You never know, it might help. My friends, who have babies before, say that preg women always have dreams cause our babies are dreaming. Dunno how true is it... but do think of happy and beautiful thoughts. If you can't sleep, then read a book.. dun force yourself to sleep or you may feel more miserable.

Re: Neurogain
My gynae also recommends Neurogain. But it's a supplement, not a necessity. My last checkup at 12weeks, i was asked by the nurse to buy, but I didn't. Then last nite, i asked my doc whether it's necessary to take. He said it's of course up to me, but he said studies have proven that the DHA and dunno what else in Neurogain, can help to improve baby's brain and intelligence. I asked him is it too late to start taking, he said no.. he said can take through out preg, and even after that when we breastfeed baby. After hearing that, I decided to buy (cause I dun like fish). Neurogain has fish oil in it. For those interested, I bought mine at $30 for 30pills.. so $1 per pill per day.
kaoz..... i just threw up milo that i drank mere 5 minutes ago. and know wat, milo i threw up actually tasted bitter! terrible!

anyone here who used to have ms but has recovered completely? at which wk did u rccover? did you recover suddenly or gradually? i desperate need some light of hope here...
hi edde, in my case, i actually felt worse now that i m in 2nd trimester for MS. Although I havn't puked at all, my nauseuos feeling is worse now and more frequent. Doc says it could be because as baby get bigger, my stomach is squashed, and if i eat too fast, i will feel nauseous. well.. not good news.

Hmm, but I have one colleague whose MS really stopped in 2nd trimester. She told me it's sudden. Just the day before 13weeks, she was still throwing up. Then the next day, everything just stopped. No nauseousnous and no vommitting.

So, it's really different for every woman. You hang tough ok! Have courage!
wow... autum, if my ms continues throughout the 2nd trimester due to the reason yr doc gave u, i think i can kill myself liao.... i really cant wait for it to end!! seems like every trimester gives us a reason for ms. i read on the net that 3rd trimester might also induce ms coz of hormones again.....

i really envy yr fren. i was so hopeful when reaching 2nd trimester thinking that everything will be gone. who knows, it still lingers...
everyday i wake up hoping ms will leave me forever, but it still stays.. sigh..
Hi Autum, so envy that you are able to see your bb and know the gender, i still have to wait 2 more weeks and the waiting is killing me. I keep thinking whether my bb is alright and growing well. "Grrr" why can't gynae ask us to go back to them every forthnight, can't they sense our insecureness??

And edde, my ms is getting better, dun feel so nauseous in the morning but appetite still the same, sometimes have no appetie to eat dinner but got to force myself to eat coz' know that will be hungery later on.
Giolyn... its ok. Next time jia you again and try for a girl ;) As for the prenatal classes... I suggest that you check directly with the hospital that you wish to attend with. Hmmmm.. personally I think starting around the 30th week seems a bit late by the time you finish the lessons... your tummy will be so big and you will be tired physically. Anyway you get handouts at the lessons so you can revise using the notes before your due date is near.

Tricia... sounds like your gynae is one busy woman. Understand what you mean esp when we wait for so long to just catch a glimpse of our baby. I think she is probably too overwhelmed by the queue waiting to see her. Actually for those who have seen both male and female gynae... the verdict is that male gynaes tend to be more sensitive towards their patient as compared to female gynae. Quite surprisingly. Yes I recall that towards the end of the 2nd tri... you won't get any more printouts because the baby is too big by then and you can't really see the whole baby. So it is quite pointless to give you a printout. For both pregnancies... my gynae started me on neurogain even in the 1st tri. I think it is good esp since the baby's brain is developing tremendously even from the beginning. Why don't you try and get the Neurogain on your own from pharmacies? No harm trying out another gynae. You really need to be very comfortable with the person because this person will be the one who will help you through the crucial moment.

Cheryl... My boy is now 14.5 months. FTWM. You?

Pinkypink... Neurogain is a type of fish oil that is specially formulated for preggies. It helps in the baby's brain development.

Dolly... I read that in a book before too. Hmmm... but I think peeing is easier than pacifying a baby in the middle of the night. Cos pee already can just drop back into the bed. But it takes longer to get the baby back to sleep... muwahahahaha =p Any reason why you prefer a boy?

Autum... according to a friend who has 2 girls... she highly recommended me to take (actually I already was). She said for her first child her gynae never recommended it to her... but her second baby with a different gynae... she took it religiously because her 2nd gynae said its good. She told me she can see the vast difference between the 2 child. The 2nd one seems more advanced and smarter. So I think it is wise to take. At least it doesn't harm the baby even if the results might have been exaggerated.

Edde... hope you are better now. My nauseouness stopped quite suddenly at the 11th week for my last pregnancy. For the current one... I think it is tapering off gradually now.

Lyn... thanks! How's life?
Hi edde and those mummies who encountered MS,
how about drinking ginger tea? i dared not drink but i actually take ginger titbit...those whereby you can get from the shop name "Mei2 Wu1"! try it...pls hang on there....pressed on!

Will be going for my detailed scan on this month end, hopefully can confirm my bb gender tho gynae said its 90% boy...
pinkdaisy, you r so lucky, we are almost in the same stage and yr ms is already better.... mine is opp from yrs. my appetite is ok, but nausea feeling is terrible and still vomiting.. i vomit mostly gastric juice and liquid. food not so...

odie, you mentioned neurogain from pharmacy, is it only one brand? if there are diff brands, are there any diff? tried buying B6 off the counter and realised that it is of diff brand from that the gynae gave me. luckily gynae said its all the same. so gd to have 2nd time mums here... really gotta learn from u gals!

doggy, i tried drinking ginger tea, but i just hate the taste of ginger, makes me wanna puke.. haha... but funny thing is i can eat ginger slice when fried with stuff.. hee hee... i realise i cant take dairy products like milk, milo with milk, soy bean milk.... guess they curdle easily and cause me to vomit. like this morn. really hate this trial and error game, one wrong step and i have to suffer for the rest of the day....
Hi DOlly
I have the tooth dropping dreams once in a while before I become pregnant, think there's some interpretation to it, maybe we are vain and not confident with our looks? the chinese calendar also says mine is a girl, but i have a feeling is boy..aiya nevermind lah, die die must know next Fri. in fact, i already have a name for either gender.
Hi Tricia
oh omega3 & DHA, i got it too, proven good for BB's brain development - you can eat more fish.
Hey Autum
CONGRATS! so cute leh your bb, i miss my bb so much..my ms has gotten much better, appetite improving a bit, so now the only thing to assure myself is too see bb's scan.
Hey edde
mine sort of gotten better at week 15, it's gradual, can't believe that i went thru it. I've put on a little, from 43 to 43.5kg now hehe.

Has anyone sign up for the package - inclusive of consultation and scan?
hi pinky... wah i am now at my 14 wk. hopefully like u, next wk i will be well!!! thx for giving me hope!! haha....

i dun have nightmares, but i have lotsa dream.. so much so that sometimes i feel that i hvnt slept at all!!! and worse thing is sometimes i have insomnia.. like last nite i lied on the bed from 1am to 4am, and have to wake up at 630am. in the end i overslept and was nearly late for school !!!!

i got my package in wk 12. paid $1k (50% deposit), from then on, i only pay for med ard $30 coz i took med for ms too. gynae took scan pic everytime, at least 2 pcs, and will explain everything to me. he is very patient to entertain my stupid qns haha.....and can still joke with us despite his busy schedue.. always long Q of at least half hr... but at wk 13, my baby is still upside down with her head at the bottom leh.... very funny, i kept asking gynae wldnt she feel uncomfy and hurt her neck but gynae said its ok. wondering if this is the case for the rest of u...
oh yes, for raffles hospital, they offer 10% discount for DBS platinum or women's card for ala carte stuff like med and test that are not inclusive in the package. perhaps you gals can check with your hospitals or clinics for such savings!
Hi Odie,
I am good
Thank you... My boy 3.5 months already... Really enjoying the times with him with his giggles, smiles and coo-ing... Sometimes, I just let him cry to hear him cry.. hahaha...
*PinkyPink - So you have mother's instinct just like me. Hee. Yup, the chinese calendar also interpret my bb to be a girl and hubby also had the same dream. But somehow, I just know that it is different. The feeling is strange....do you feel that too?

*Edde - "Jia you!!" I happened to dream yesterday too. Scary dreams. I read that you also had different kinds of dream...must be disturbed and didnt get good rest. You take care and try to rest whenever possible ya.
Hi, I found some info on Neurogain from a website. You can click to read the info and see a picture of the bottle.

I have also read the pamphlet that the clinic gave me and saw that this Neurogain is manufactured in Malaysia. So i was thinking the next time if I happen to go Malaysia, I will try to check out their pharmacy there to see how much. I suspect it may be cheaper since it's made there.

Not sure if there are other brands of Neurogain in our pharmacies here.

Odie, is this the same brand that you are eating as well? The full name is NeurogainPB Plus.
Taysetsuri, the chinese calendar prediction came true for me.

thx autum, will try to get it from pharmacy! hvnt been eating fish coz of its fishy taste, so i believe my baby is very deprived of the nutrients!

my ms is also getting better. Yesterday whole day was ok. But this morning still vomit a little gastric juice. But can eat more now and digest better. Still appetite is no good maybe because i don like HK food. The improvement in ms is gradual but this slight improvement already gave me my life back. So there is hope for u! Hope u get better soon.
updated with Mar-Bride's baby's gender

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Current Pregnancy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD>90% boy</TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starfruit</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Chris Chong</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>moogen</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Brenda Low</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Just a woman</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr. Phyills</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mejo</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Christopher Chong</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peace lover</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>12-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueberries</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>W K Tan</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn_Angel</TD><TD>22-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olene</TD><TD>27-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K T Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Freda</TD><TD>28-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Wen Lim</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinoopy</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dolly</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Karolyn Goh</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>m00n</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K C Yeo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Koh Gim Hwee</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Odie</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
belle, gd to hear that! u are also almost in the same stage as me huh.... gd gd.... hk food tends to be a bit too salty and oily for sporeans rite? is that why you dun like? but at least they have gd porridge! take gd care of yrself too!
What do you think of Dr Chia of Mount E?
She is also my gynae but I think she's kinda quiet and every session with her is super short like only 5 minutes...She only asks about my condition and then do a scan and that's it... Is it the same for you? Pls advise.
Dear PinkyPinky and Blurbelle,

I am going to see Dr Joycelyn Wong later today. Heard she is not bad rite? Would you know if her needle work is good? My sis in law gave birth 2 years ago via c section. Her gynae's needle work was not so good so now her scar is not only unsightly but also thick. The same gynae told her that if she wants to have the next bb via c section, she would have to remove some of the thick scar tissue first.
Any comments you have heard from her patients?
Thanks in advance.
Hi peace-lover,
Finally I am able to find someone who is having the same gynae as me and be able to discuss the feelings I have of her.

My session with her always start with her asking me how I am doing, and if u reply u r OK, she will then start to do the scanning and let u hear the baby's hearbeat and then tell u everything is fine and then that's it, out you go, so my session with her is also very short. The longest one I had with her so far is while doing the OSCAR scanning, but she also gets a bit impatient after cannot scan the bb's neck for about 8 mins, she actually said that if she still can't scan it, she wants me to go for a walk and then come back. And her impatient also shows when she was drawing the blood from me, she tried once, there was no blood flowing, she gave up and asked me to go to the lab downstairs to do, so sickening but then luckily, those at the lab are really more experience and having them to draw your blood have no pain at all.

So did you experience the same thing as me? How long have you been with her already? I started seeing her about 3 years ago when I had my miscarriage and then I stopped for a while (went to seek other treatments), recently I went back to see her again for fertility problems and the medicine she gave me makes me have this BB, so in some way, I am quite grateful to her.
hi bellepepper, thanks for the update!

hi heavengift, which calender are you referring to? u send 1 more time and i will try it....

actually i feel better these few days..not sure is it the ginger titbits that helps me or the MS just gradually subside! But, i m experiencing backache and frequent urination at night that actually affecting my mood now! come to think abt it, being a mum is definitely not easy...ms, backache, going thru labour pain, feeding, etc etc...

hi pinkdaisy,
did your consultation with your gyane on fertility expensive? Did you ake medicine for a long time? My sis is longing for a baby for more than 10 yrs and till now, no news at all. Let me know...thanks. As for consultation, mine is also always very short...just barely 5 mins too...anyone with long consultation?

my consultation with Dr Caroline Khi is always around 30 mins. quite paisei actually take so long. Also the wait is long so she apologise to me for the wait. But i am ok lah she is so patient with me never like make me feel rush. my whole experien ce with her made me feel much better about pregnancy. like u said being a mum is so tough already got to suffer all the symptoms and so we don want to add another problem by engaging a nasty gynae right?
Hi Pink Daisy,
I am actually seeking her consultation at the clinia in CCK. In another 4 weeks' time, I will be going down to Mount E to do the thorough scanning - which I believe is the OSCAR scanning. So far, I have not encountered any of her impatience but I just don't feel very comfortable as she seldom talks and I thought that's kinda weird.. So she will be the one who helps you deliver oso huh?
When did you do the OSCAR scanning? How long does it take? How much is it?
Btw, did you sign up for any package at Mount E cos when I asked her when met her last Wed, she told me that the details will be funished during the OSCAR scanning...
Hi mummies,

Sorrie to butt in. :p
My bb EDD is Mar '07 too, so tot I join in for a chat.
I can see many excited MTB here and hope that the excitement will rub off on me as well.

Saw quite a few MTB suffering from MS. Do take care. Ginger is a good way to curb nausea. Or can try lemon in hot water. Juz 1 or 2 slice. It can help too.

I saw Neurogain mentioned. My gynea at KK issued me dat. But its available at guardian too. At a couple $ more though.
hi doggy, my consultation on fertility is the normal consultation charge lor, about $50 excluding the medicine. I didn't eat the medicine for long, only for 2 cycles and I strike liao, btw the medicine she gave me was tamoxifen to simulate my ovulation.

hi peace_lover, i also went to see Dr Chia at her CCK's clinic first. Her Mount E clinic is definitely more spacious and equipment more advance, so that's why she is asking you to go down there for the OSCAR scanning. I took my OSCAR test on the 4 Sep, the cost is abt $320 and it won't take long if your baby co-operates with her. Her pre-natal package will only starts from the 20th week, that's what I heard from the nurse.

Now I know why you feel that she dun talk much, she must be tired after a whole day at Mount E, that's why dun talk much at CCK. Probably you may find her more chatty at Mount E, have you made your appointment yet?
Hi peace lover, i did my OSCAR scan 2.5 weeks ago and 3 days later my gynae called me personally to explain the results in detail.

She also gave me her hp and email so that i can contact her anytime. It is especially helpful since i work in HK and her replies have been very efficient.


yup i think we are all almost at the stage when we should see our ms going away soon. That is what gynae has been saying, 14-15 weeks should be recovery time.
hey edde,
im sure you will get better..i tot i would be better at week 10, didnt happen...week 12 since its 3rd mth but nope...ended up week 15 - 3 1/2 mths..
i have all sorts of dreams too and i sleep a lot, really love sleeping nowadays. wow your package $1k is quite expensive, my gynae's package is $598 from week 16 or $498 from week 20.
hey Teysetsuri,
i kept saying 'he...' when I talk about bb..i dun know why..i tot could be mummy's instinct..hehe.
hey doggymar,
im also feeling a bit of backache and going to toilet more frequent at nite. likely bcos my ms is better and im drinking more water, still i get ulcer on my lips.
i drink a cup of tea everyday, sometimes ice tea, hope its alrite. my favourite food is mee siam, korean saba fish with kimchi, MUG non-caffein root beer, fried bee hoon. i know im lacking calcium cos my gum bleed a little, trying to take soyamilk from mr bean - but i cant drink without the pearls :p
hey tricia
so far i love Dr Wong's service, as for her needle work im not so sure, but quite a no: of ladies are happy with her delivery...
hi peace lover, my gynae prescribed me folic, B6, obimin and one more which i cant remember now... will go home and check k!

doggy, i dunno if mine is considered long coz i nvr seriously took note of the time before.. mine goes like this.
1. nurse will take weight and blood pressure.
2. scan. gynae will explain baby's length, hear heartbeat, check EDD, check growth.
2. consultation. gynae will summarize baby's growth with the help of the scan pics. ask abt my well being.

generally i am very comfy with him and he gives me lotsa assurance. he is such a fatherly figure and is always full of smiles and small jokes no matter how busy he is.. so at least that gives me some comfort when seeing him...

hi pinky, $1k expensive eh?? i dunno leh coz i din really compare the rest of the hospitals. my friend rec this gynae to me and i just took it.. so in fact i din do any research. haha.... maybe our packages comprise of different things??

anyway, my fav drink now is also tea. may it be lipton tea or lemon tea. thou it has caffein too but i assume its lesser than that found in coffee??? coz i used to be a coffeeholic, but now even when i drink decaf, i get palpitation. so scared liao.... well, as of this morn's experience, i know i cant take milo with milk liao... so one more option down for me... oh yes! now i also enjoy ribena!! i drink the lite one so that its not so sweet... and have it more diluted too... just cant resist cold drinks !!!! though i know its not gd for baby... :p

guys, my husband's prob with his boss is cleared liao... thanks for listening
at least now its a big load off my mind... and at least i sound more cheerful now!
hi edde, glad that you are feeling more happy now and your husband's problem solved, hopefully everything will go well for you from now on.

Your package really starts early hor at week 12, my gynae only starts her package from week 20 after the detailed scan, so I still have no idea how much her package will be, but I guess all package exclude medication hor? Do you think there will be any other charge besides this? And do you think we need to do any more test after the week 20?
Edde, good to hear that. You ought to be more cheerful so that your bb will be happy too. Try to drink less tea if possible (one cup a day should be okay). I used to study chemistry in U, then caffein was easily extracted from teas (cheap type) instead of coffee leh. Also, colgate has higher fluorine level than Darlie (many years back). I don't take coffee and tea since young.

It was quite amazing last night but I felt that it could be real, while i was bathing. I felt a few (3 times) kicks (dunno how to explain), the interval is like every 2-3 seconds. It might not due to kicks, but just some movements inside. I was stunt after the first 2 kicks, then i waited for another one. Then, the show ended with one more kick and closed shop.

Is this real bb movement? I dunno leh. but it seemed too early to feel any movement. bb is now 15.5 week, going to 16wk soon.

my package is 1.5K, more expensive? I also dunno. I will sign up in my next visit when I'm 20 wk.
Anyone has any massage palour to reccommend?

Have been bad sleep for past few nights.. Just can't find the right position to lie-down. Hsband seems to be "eating" into my space and I get veri fustrated when he can sleep soundly and I keep tossing! Anyone got any solutions to get a better nights sleep? Experiencing backache now..
hi cherylasu,

i've been thinking of getting massages too but my gynae said to avoid massages. but forgot to ask her for now (cuz i asked her during the first tri) or throughout the 9 months.
Edde Neurogain is the brand itself. Full name is Neurogain PD. Oh dear seems like you really have it worse than most of us here. I think it has got to do with your work stress. Take care!

Dolly and Pinkypink hmmm came to think of it I recall having dreams of my teeth falling out one by one for my previous pregnancy. If any one of you ever find out the interpretation of this dream let me know =)

Lyn wah congrats you survive the first 3 months. Should be getting a hang of this whole parenthood thingy quite well by now.

Autum yup. Same brand!

QQ wah should be the babys movement. Actually you can start feeling movement around this time. Just that most 1st time mummies not too sure about it until around the 20th week.
hi all,

have been reading the post, and great to hear everyone is well.

btw, just wanna give my inputs for the neurogain fish oil pills. my gynae gave me 6 pills to try out first, she pre-empted me that the fish oil can be abit "fishy" smell at times and some ladies cannot take it. well, and i'm the some ladies who can't take it, i will start running to the toilet to puke shortly after i swallow the pills. so i stopped taking it, instead i eat fish loh. so if you all can take the "fishy", i guess it's good to continue taking them.

anyway, my friend who works in guardian, she recommends me another brand, which she says dun hv fishy smell. Have yet to try that out though. if you also dun like the smell of nerogain pills, let me know and i can share with you the name of other brands. but the price is more ex than neurogain.
hey ladies
are most of you showing already..so sad when i tell pple im pregnant, nobody believes me cos my tummy still very small
Hi mist,
how have you been too? hopefully you are recovering well

hi pinkypink,
me is not showing too....my mum's frens thot i put on weight and when my mum told them i'm almost 18 weeks pregnant, they cant believe it either. Think mine is not very obvious as I can see pple are still "snatching" seats with me in MRT
How abt the rest? Tummy protruding already?
Hi pinkdaisy, actually i dun really know what is included in my package leh haha.... but so far for the 2 visits covered under my package, i only paid for the med ...

QQ, your U course is so fun!! yeah.. i also limit myself to 1 cup of tea a day... ask u eh.. all kinds of tea has caffein eh?? chinese tea included? hey! so amazing that you can feel yr baby!!! i still feel nothing.. my bro said i got a thick layer of fats thats why even got movement also hard to feel
but last nite i feel aching under my left rib.... yr package that starts in wk 20 is 1.5k?? dats more ex than mine coz mine starts at 12 wk for 2k! lets say ever visit is $200, than starting 8 wks later means 1.6k already! actually come to think of it, the later you start the more you pay rite??

hi odie, thanks for the info!!

hi pinky, my colleague also said i looked "zhong" more than preg

<font color="0000ff">Hi Odie,</font>
Remember me? Congratulations to U!!!! How's everything &amp; your baby? I'm going to due in early Dec...
Take care!
