(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hi ladies,
been very busy visiting over the weekend. i really feel that time flies!

recently I see that EV is such a big girl already. No longer babyish. Dunno why i suddenly feel that she is so grown up. She is talking a lot now.. I feel she is so ji-zha! Think this is really a girl thing. haha.. well, good thing is she can communicate better with us now and it's a joy to talk to her and EJ. EJ is also very talkative now.. so I guess the sister learnt from him bah.

One good thing that came out of the CNY period is, EJ can now poo in the toilet bowl! haha.. he no longer needs to poo in diaper and can sit down to poo! Yeah!! Now i still let him wear diaper to sleep at night.. but recently he kept telling me he doesn't want to wear diaper. But i still have no confidence for him to go diaperless at night. Will wait for some more weeks.

pls take care. U sound tired and a bit sad during this pregnancy. Try to be happie happie.

u too excited le. I won't vote, but u already know what my vote is. hahah.

last night i watch the Lost Room too. very nice le. is that the first episode? oh, and i like Ariel's pic's. Nice! Oh, and if u have another boy, u can name him Adriel. :p
QQ: Hahaha.. I voted.. But my vote is very boh liao lah.

Autum: Last night was the third last episode liao. Where have you been all this time?? Hahaha..
I never like to name my children with names that sound too close. Next time I'll have a hard time trying to summon a particular one to come to me. :p
If I have another boy, I'll name him... Erm... Axxx... Dunno yet.. Well.. No need to think abt it now I guess..
Today is Anna's lunar birthday! She's 3 now.
I cfm leaving this fri nite le.. Will delay the vancine for Sun..

u preggy.. Congrats.. I also voted le.. When is your edd?

I may return from 2 weeks to 3 mths this round, not sure yet.. I bought flexible tix, ie i can change the date of flight. My hubby will return 2 weeks later. I still not sure yet, cos gotta depends on the kids n my fil.. Anyway, my max stay is only 3 mths. So maybe will fly to n fro this yr.. My hubby has the intention of moving back, but my IL side prefers him not to resign.. So see how he decides lor..
alamak.. i tot the poll is for those u have seen me, heard me about my symptoms then make a guess.
not for everyone to wish me to have a boy one le. haha!! i find it so funny.
ok la ok la.. looks like the boy power is high today.

dreamgal, u have to bring your sun and moon along to perth, steady. yes my edd in aug, but then u also voted boy for me leh. haha!
QQ: actually if u ask me, i also can;t tell if u will be expecting boy or girl. i am just curious about tian's response to bb.. i am sure she will come back with very interesting remarks.

Autum: good leh, rae still requesting for diaper to poo. we tell her after CNY, sh ebig girl liao, so must poo poo in the loo. hope she buys it. i have also started to let her go diaperless at the school.. today is the 2nd day she went without diaper to school!
QQ: I voted for both boy and girl.. I voted twice! That's why I say my vote is boh liao lah. Wah, your sis is another good cow like you leh. It runs in your family. Meimei is drinking more than 1 litre in a day (24-hr window), I think it's a bit too much for a 3-week old. But she's hungry leh.

Dreamgal: Thanks..
i also feel tat EV has grown up so fast! are u itching for #3? keke

ask you. do u open your windows wide when bb is sleeping beside them?

i buay tahan my mil bcos she complained to mr tan tat we (me and my mil or maid) like to close the windows till she cannot breath. we open the windows but not wide open, shes like that since my old house, everytime she steps into the house, she asked us why we dun feel suffocated and storm to the windows to open them further. im usually bochap.

this time, she likes to go into my gals' room and push the window even wider (they are already opened). she keeps saying enya is feeling hot...and she needs more air. rina who is the caretaker, told me bcos of that, enya tend to have more gas in her tummy and keeps giving out gas at nite.
i feel irritated lah, over such small things, also want to complain, shes the one who perspire easily and anyway she can jolly well open her own room's windows and anyway she sleeps in aircon mah. siao one.
she told mr tan my mum purposely closed the windows after she opened them, so she doesnt want to come back early in case conflict with my mum...

i called kidsperforming, they said they can open up a weekday trial class for us as long as there are more than 3 pax. u keen? im keen in the twinklestars class and balletini class.


enya was drinking more than 1 litre at around 2 weeks plus. she just kept crying, so we gave and i asked rina to note that the amt she gave...1.1 to 1.2 litre a day, i was so afraid tat i overfeed, was expressing and giving FM, so i could measure.

now my mil purposely brought enya into her room, open her windows VERY wide and everytime i step in, she tells me that enya is sleeping very soundly bcos there's more air...very irritating.
u said u action a few days after you saw positive ovulation kit rite? hmm...maybe it took a long time for your egg to come out after the LH surge, or maybe u really had a 2nd ovulation? whichever the case, that means for those who want boy MUST not anyhow action till u really see 2 positive lines on the O kit?

star, wana try :p
kaexin, we din wait long la. i just pester him to go up cause he good mood today, he wont say no. he had a long day today, so he said v tired.

astro, this jay still told me, maybe the machine not very zhun le. cause we saw the gynae like not v zai look, then his machine like cmi. so blur. then i purposely ask gynae, boy? how much %. he said, usually quite confirm one la, i will say 80% to play safe.
i think jay was smiling in his heart, i was overjoy cause i might stop factory after this. no need to hink of #3 liao. scare.
i came back vomit again.
then jay always says, vomit, pimples, sleepless nights all worth it la, just ren3 and it will pass. alamak!

thank thanks. but 80% oni le. i scare the other 20% turn out to be true, if the sky plays a joke with me.

pink, i action only 5 days after i saw the line. supposally the egg should be gone by then. maybe caught it at the last second? or i produce many eggs there to wait for the sperms? i dunno.
so the calendar is not as accurate as the scientific method?
or the diet plays a part? cause jay started his meat diet in september then kept forcing me to eat vege. i got eat vege, but sometimes i steal meat to eat de. he saw me eating meat, then he will eat double portion of meat instead. he said must eat more meat than me. (dunno how true ba). i think it is a gift from the sky.
AAA, u voted both? haha!! really boliao le. but hor, looks like the voting method works?
i sot liao.

i was waiting for jay to scream just now, he is still so cool.

AAA, eh your A can really drink. wah, i think big babies all like to drink a lot. Enya also like that.

pink, i think there is an improvement with your mil now. she carried enya to her room. maybe that is her way of communicating with ppl all along,maybe she is those face saving type (ai4 mian4 zi) but i can feel that there is already an improvement.
wha QQ our chants work hor.. hahaha

Pink: aiyo.. then i must be careful when to action leh. my menses so late this mth.. think too stress at work. i wanted to test my ovulation this mth.. but i think too stress at work liao.
Star, yes the group chants really steady, working well.

by the way, jay supposed to sleep liao. he came out of the room, told me his heartbeat v fast, cannot sleep.
see la, act cool, then now cannot sleep. still acting cool.

mil asked us about bb gender. she kept saying boy or gal nevermind la. nevermindla, healthy can liao. next time can try another one again. wah. she thinks i really wanna give birth to so many. not enough $$$ le.
see us so up.
pax, i wanna wacth the show u watching with mr pax. next time i get from u. burn in CD or wat?
thanks thanks.

i am going to sleep soon, but stomach empty empty, thinking of eating something. sigh. no appetite.
it's always exciting to get the gender you want. no wonder jay cant zzz

i tot you want gal for #2?

how's the valuation for your house?

how's teng now?
leia not going to cc these 2 days, throat infection plus eye infection.

she refused to take med, panadol and eye drop. we must force feed, very cham and shiong. just now suddenly start to nose bleed when we tried to feed her panadol while she was struggling and she refused to lie down to stop the bleed.

today mil first time brought enya to her room, to prove her theory that bb must sleep with windows wide open.
other than that, she tried to feed enya once for less than 10mins and threw to us liao, she was perspiring too much.
noted. will burn DVD for u, but nt these 2 wks. bz w work n kids' bdays, plus more gathering, on course nxt wk. last wk nt in ofc, vv cham tdy. drowning liao...

my sil already got her wetwipes delivered! so damn FAST!

valuation report shld be out these 2 wks... anybody interested in buying 5rm Bt Batok!?
eye infection? conjunctivitis? i heard a lot of kids kena leh. my gf's dotter also, high fever plus conjunctivitis.
didn't do till sui sui lah.. jus touch up the paint in some areas. clean up the whole house. make sure everything is packed / stacked nicely. :p
I've got a friend looking for Bukit Batok flats to be near her MIL.

Aiyah, I just sms her and she she said she got her flat liao.
she got around Bukit Batok too, near to her MIL but I don't know the exact blk. She got to hand over her current flat in Jul so I thought she still has lots of time to look around. Didn't expect her to get something so soon.
actually they give 3 days but still got to be careful not to hit or knock the eyes. And need to put on shades if under the sun.
ladies, i have a rather curious (but boliao) question. i have often seen those indian men, who will wash cars, in HDB carparks..

my qn is, how come it's always indian men? they have a monopoly over such car-wash business?? just a very curios question. I never see other malay men or chinese men do such things leh. anybody has any idea??
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY BIRTHDAY</font> to ASH, wish you 青春常驻

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS</font> to QQ, good can close shop liao

hope teng will get well soon...ya #2 so cute and chubby!!! seeing his pics makes me miss J's chubby days too..haha...

Ariel so cute!!

SQ, pax
i saw a little bit of hardened eyeshit on her right eye on fri morning, tot it was ok. fri evening sent her to aunt place - requested by previous nanny marisa since she is leaving on monday. Leia stayed over for 2 nites. on sun morning, they called and told me shes having fever. since then she cant open her eye whenever she wakes up from her sleep due to hardened yellow/green eyeshit.
pd didnt tell me the term for the eye infection. rina has to hold her body, grab her hands, i have to force open her eyes to instill the eye drop.
i asked if its caused by the fever, he said possible or she probably picked up the virus - on her hands and spread to her eyes while rubbing.
throat infection - must be cny goodies, i tried to control at home, suspect maybe she ate too much over at aunt place, found 1 big ulcer.
