(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

forgot to answer ur question
nope, marisa didnt come over to help. she ended up doing da4 shao3 chu2 for aunt's place most of the time. she requested for leia to be sent over for 2 weekends, which is pretty helpful already. mr tan and i managed to catch 2 shows.

forum down?

rent, there's hassle of upkeep n maintenance. problems w tenant etc. already w my dad's tenant at his apt, he's hvg lots of problems.. dun look fwd to that. :p

i hv no more red eye. swollen eyelid though, only left eye. both eyes nw vv sensitive to eye drops n glaring lights, dunno why. seeing GP tmr morn. left eye now 2 wks, right eye 1.5wk. abt 2 wks fr what i read on internet.
is leia complaining of her eye?
how come marissa end up doing housework at ur aunt's place? i thot she was supposed to help w ur "confinement"?
wat will be the estimated valuation of your place? btw is there going to be a cinema at the upcoming shopping mall next to clementi mrt?

my bro is looking for a 4rm flat, hope they wont shift too far away from my place. resale very ex, new ones too far. headache.

btw, dr gave leia gentapro and hypotears eye drop. teacher grace called me and told me there are a few students who also kena the same infection. she recommended me to get Prefin from watson. leia is better today, she was throwing out panadol all these while, finally managed to get her drink it willingly.
the haze veri veri bad! Coughing badly.

Don noe wad to post. Feeling lousy.

My kitchen not going to be red anymore, carpenter don have the red i wan, choose a copper colour with flora print. Overall matching with my lights in the kitchen and dining. I have also choose a fuchia colour for bel and sam room wardrobe. Keke!
good to hear leia is getting better.
hey, have u sent out the bill? Let mi know ok, incase i miss out.
i dun think there's gg to be a cinema at clementi. the nearest cinema to ur place is west mall. jurong entertainment centre is already torn down for redevelopment.
near ur place, blk 500+ area, 3rm, 4rm nt vv exp. latest selling place ard my area 460-490k for 5rm.
i told Tr Grace abt Leia's eye infection. i didn't know a few other students got it too.
she mentioned that tr ann's kids also got it.
oh i also dun know wat happened to the initial plan, they came to my place and maybe realised there's no space for her to sleep. anyway i was ok with her not coming over since leia is in cc for the whole day. rina and i could manage enya while my mum comes over in the evening to help out.

dun think my bro can afford 4rm
and its better for 1st timer to buy new flat rite, can get more profit when they sell next time?

u feel lousy bcos of the cough or carpenter refused to use red :p

here's leia's tiny room..err..its more like enya's room now.
I ordered from ISS too!! I went for a CNY gathering at my ex-boss' place and they catered food from ISS, very nice. I like the pink guava pudding.

By the way, the disney stuffs at your office, right? I can pick them tomorrow morning? Had been rushing these 2 mornings so didnt go by.
Tr Ann's eldest son Abel got it abt 2 wks ago! quite bad. it's vv contagious, nt surprised that the twins got it. spreading ard.
for my kids, i make sure they clean their hands when they come home, before they eat, after they eat. they know the routine liao. i carry my hand sanitizer ard these days. can't take chances.

re: caterer
ISS is nt bad. much improved compared to last time.

had exchange of sms w astro last nite. she say tt teng is okay now but she never mention abt chest infection leh, fever stablised and miser finally bought the air purifier after kena astro's "scolding".

long time didn come in... really busy leh... no time to read archives too... sigh!!

Am fine. little X turns 2 mths on 5 March. tired, cos take care of little X at nite.... and hv to go marketing for cooking, and bring elder X home everyday from CC... walk up and down... but hvn't lose all weight!! hahaha

Wow, congrats leh!!!


dun like that leh, i hv 2 boys leh... it's enough for me liao...


Lucky, just in time to wish u Happy birthday... btw, i tried YSL catering before.. Nice.....
the box is in my office - err its a box bcos quite a few sets, cant fit into plastic bags. hope u dun mind.

think i jinx myself...leia's temp went up to 39+, brought her to 24hr clinic, giving her antibiotics. my mum went to pray for leia last week, cos pigs fan4 tai4 sui4...hope she will be fine soon.
up at this hr.. cant sleep, this pregnancy not as smooth as first. anyway i slept early abt 10pm, now wide awake, doing laundry!!

your mkt near your place? can trust maid to go buy? u give her fix amt la n ask her to give u back change? think next time will ask maid to get those little stuff.. cos got receipt to show at super mkt :p if really cant, u take ur time la.. my lifestyle is also hectic one.. always rushing :p so i guess though 4 mths ML wont get rest at least i can go at a slower pace hee.

damm sian, the spree for chloe's mini bday celebration at hm oredi ruined. ordered n only 1 mth later was told items OOS!! now duno to stick to my minnie theme or just chin chye celebrate

hope teng has a speedy recovery.. he got sensitive lungs like me? i m still on my dasedyl.. damm sian, every mth cough one.
too busy yesterday, din get to come in. will read archive oni later, or tonight.

By the way, got something happened last night le. i had lesson, so i reached home after 830pm. Then bil also came visit and had dinner about 9pm. i was about to make tian to sleep then, so we went bedroom. prior to that, i saw mil shen2 shen2 mi4 mi4 and asked bil to go into her room. i tot, something was not right la. bil asked mil to bring out to living room instead. then mil said cannot let tian see.
ok, i just din kpo and being suspicious.
this am, i asked hb what happen (starting to kpo), he said mil collected tian's old toys, washed and packed in a bag, showed bil and ask bil to bring home for his son.
jay said he asked mil if they ASKED me for permission or not. mil replied that just showing bil only, not bringing home one la.
jay said mil wanna give cause say tian is already not playing, but jay knows my pattern, i will want to keep for my boy (pls la, i will give away those if I wanted to but tian also still playing with them, though not frequently). everything was inside her toy basket leh.
i felt a bit angry this am, told hb mil should not be doing that. at least ask me.
anyway, if she ask me i will definitely say NO de.
i was happy cause jay knew me inside out, he said he gave them the face and they all dare not proceed la.
if mil were to ask me again, i will say NO again.

So, only a few days here nia, already hanky panky liao. no eye see.
jay said small case. i also think small case. if the boy come my house, really like a particular toy i will give de. but if we give them one whole pack, whole pack will b sitting in storeroom, for wat leh? must as well let tian play masak masak and make believe games right?

enough of complaints. i get back to work.
Aiyo, your mil should ask you or Tian mah.
Seems like more things will happen. For my mum she will ask my sis the dress my niece outgrow liao can pass to Esther or not. Also normally will ask my niece too as or else my niece will not be happy.
For toys my mum dun do that, my sil will auto pass to me.
i tot my mum's trip is over and should be back last night. just called her but cannot get through her phone.
my bro told me that my mum, aunties and uncles extended another 2 days in europe cause bu4 she3 de1 come back. so good life they all. haha!!
glad that they are enjoying.
i wanna break the good news to her also need to wait for her to finish her holidays first.
huingee, i also will auto pass toys to them if they really treasure toys. but i did give them a few new toys last time, toys are still sitting in the storeroomn cause sil cannot stand messiness mah. so hb said no point giving.
i told hb, i am preg now, then of course not giving liao cause my ah boy also can play mah. right? i can tahan tonnes of messiness de.
mil also never ask tian le, i will also ask tian in general. she had a few toy phones, then a meimei came my house play and like the phone. so we gave her liao. tian is ok.
her crocs also given to meimei cause outgrown liao, and that meimei likes it. everyday we see meimei also wearing her old crocs, very nice feeling also.
tian knew that the crocs were from tian, given to meimei de.
sigh! mil sot liao, she has nothing to do at home.
huinge, oh yes.
mil still take out some old flash cards (remember we bot in BULK last time, chinese words de) and showed bil. some of them smaller size (i dunno buy from where one)... my god, dun tell me she is giving away those. tian is still using those cards once in a while .. though once in a while, i still dun want to give le.sometimes i put in car and she will play and read herself.
tonight must go back inspect inspect liao.
Then you should get Jay to tell your mil that please dun give things to bil without asking. Cos now you preg, need to save the things for your baby.
Last time how many toys i bring to my il house also no use. My il dun like messy, always pack the toys in cupboard. So my kids dun get chance to play. For my nanny she is good, the toys out at a box where Dylan can take easy.
She even kept many of her 16 year old son toys till now. Hence Dylan got many cars to play there.
Huingee, same here. tian's mimi also has many toys for her, blocks la, books la, pizzles la, dolls, etc. that's y she is happie there.

jay already said dun give, cannot give even before i knew it. but his mama dun need to listen to him right? mil said old toys she take out and wash and keep for baby? alamak. that is still a long way to go and she will have to wash a few cycles before bb arrives woh. so she has another agenda, let another grandson play first, then see how. we dun really wash all toys every day or week. we wash once in a while when we see they are dirty or when tian wans to play. we v lazy one but on and off got clean la.
actually hor, mil is v heartpain cause she said the grandson has no toys to play, only 1-2 rattles nia. tian has a lot.
mama bought, frens give, etc etc.. flooded. pass a few also nobody will realise. sigh!
i should have ask her to check out their storeroom, i bet that there are many new toys inside. i already bought 2-3 toys to them last time. still unopen.
but your nephew too young to play with toys now. give now also cant play with them right ? anyway, i think your SIL would prefer to get her own toys for her son.
WS's bro until now only give 1 toy to K. anyway, in Dec my MIL told me K's clothes at her plc already outgrown, she passing to my niece. so i said ok sinc ealready at their place.
We are the youngest, so normally my sis and sil will pass down clothes and toys to us. They like it as they are clearing stuff to put new things.
gd morning!!

QQ : Congrats!!! so happy for u!!! but am so jealous!! hahahahaha!

but am not going to try #3 boy liaoz.. becos my MIL told me.. got 1 time.. during 1st day of CNY.. my FIL give away some "light" dunno lantern or wat la.. den he wont have grandson one.. so... i wont try liaoz.. hahahaha!

but they were saying can "qing" come back.. dunno.. not interested liaoz.. even if they "qing" come back.. I ask my SIL to try first..
Kaexin, good thing is jay really knows me. he did the right thing haha!! so everything was safe. still at home. just hope that mil dun try to act funny again.

Nana, your case sounds scary le. what light? so chim one? gals also ok de la. as long as healthy. now please take care of yourself cause u approaching to delivery v soon... few months nia. wah! prepared everything yet?
QQ: erm.. seems like nothing to prepare.. hahahaa.. i din even bother to pack my bag.. for just in case.. hahaha!

maybe becos its a princess.. i tot just let her use tiffany's stuff.. den just buy new stuff for Tiffany can liaoz.. dunno if #2 will hate me a not.. hahaha!
QQ : the light = "deng" actually i think if my MIL told me earlier.. i wont try #2 .. becos 1 day i ask MIL.. "is it u keep hoping for girl? den ur grandchild all girls?" at first she said.. ya.. she was hoping that my hubby is a girl.. and den later.. den she told us abt the light thing.
nana, go borrow some light from other ppl?? this kind of thing, u go temple pray pray can remove? (paiseh, i sot sot liao, i v attached to sinseh and temple now, pardon me)

nothing to prepare also need to pack one la. slolwy pack. u think u chiong to hospital bare handed? anything also buy from hospital?
QQ : hahahahaa.. cannot borrow the light.. must like ask for the light back.. ya.. think dunno go temple pray or wat? but i think.. must be some big or some troublesome project.. nvm.. i WILL be happy with 2 girls.. thats all.. dun wan liaoz..
Maybe prepare a new clothes for your baby to wear during full month celebration. Then bring out Tiff's baby clothes to check still can wear or not and wash it 2 weeks before bah. Better sun it too.
SQ : now u mention it hor.. i think i need to get another drawer / cabinet for #2.. kekekee..

pink : i need ur brains on names with "T" .. hahahaa!

I tot of Timberly, Trixibelle or maybe i would just stick to Victoria.. hahahaha! BUT my cousin in law suggested that i should ask tiffany after all..

your MIL very buay zi dong... sigh!! y all MIL are like that huh? is it becos DIL are not their daughters?


hv to walk abt 10 mins to the mkt.. aiyah, it's okay lah, me control freak, dun know what the maid will do and also scare she buy all the wrong things... may as well i go buy myself.. anyway, the little X likes to sleep in the carrier cos got the rocking effect... me jus more tired only lah.

anyway, if my MIL comes over to help earlier, i will go back to work earlier lah. cannot hv so many women in the same household one, sure conflict.

can consider Trixie?? hehehe...


i think many toddlers fall sick leh.. elder X also. he has running nose and cough coming. sigh!! Me thinking of letting him take flu vaccination... he just recovered fr flu early this mth.. now kena again!!! i think many kids also sick when we go house visiting, probably got it from them lah...

the borrow thingy i heard before, cos my fren's mum told my mum, wanna borrow "light" fr us, cos we have 2 boys.. my fren wanna hv a boy for her hubby. but i dun know how it works... ay, sometimes i think as long as the kid is healthy and well, the gender is not impt lah. But maybe my fren wanna please her inlaws, cos only hv 1 boy grandchild in the fmy.
mist : ya lor.. think dunno wat "light" thing also.. hahaha.. aiya! if my MIL told me.. maybe i ask my hubby go do it first den i try #2 mah.. stupid MIL.. hahahaha!

seriously.. my hubby only wanna please his parents also.. becos his father is the only one left.. and den if the brothers all no boys.. so surname gone.. hahaha!
