(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

paracetamol and brufen can give together bcos they belong to 2 diff families. the concentration of paracetamol given by KKH is def lower than dr ong's. KKH 120mg/5ml. Dr Ong 250mg/5ml. All restructured hospitals and polyclinics give lower conc, i think bcos they worry abt over-dosage?
Ariel's so cute in all the photos! ur cousin's gd!
Ariel's only 3 wks n she can lift her head!! do u put her on tummy vv often? does she complain?
Pink: She changes her looks quite fast. In the pics here she doesn't look like Anna. But she does in person. She was only 6 days old then leh.. 3mths?? Wah!

Belle: I think The photographer caught a few pics of her smiling.. But in her CD, this is the only one.. Ariel must be dreaming of plentiful milk.. Hahhaha...

Pax: No leh. This is #3 liao. We're really switched off. This is like the 2nd or 3rd time I placed her on her tummy. I was surprised she lifted her head too. She didn't complain when placed on her tummy leh. Was trying to kick herself forward even.. I think she likes it, cos shortly after, she fell asleep.

Star: Babies are very flexible one.. She can place them in whatever position she wants. Kekekek... There were a couple of shots where Kelly placed her into a laundry basket. Was really cute..
We waited a long time for her to fall asleep before the shoot began. Then when she fell asleep, she was ok throughout.
newborns love to sleep on their tummies, can't rmbr the reason why. my sil's son hates being on the tummy, always complain. bcos of that, vv little tummy time. tummy time vv impt i feel, helps to develop the back muscles
re-read ur post. most daddies r nt sure of their children's medical history or the type of drugs. this one hor, u cannot fault miser leh. i can tell mr pax everythg, he can still get it wrong. it's nt only miser lah. u can ask the other mommies. BUT i know u r feeling down n fed up that miser can't help much. it's ok, we u/s.

otrivin can get fr the shelves. i think Ventolin is controlled drug, dun think u can get fr pharmacist. go down n get fr Dr Ong tmr. no choice, jus use promethazine on its own for the time being.

as for Teng falling sick all the time, other than the air purifier, is there anythg else u can do? r u giving him supplements? childlife colostrum? probiotics? multi-vits? does Teng pick on his food? a child, eating well, but lacking in the full spectrum of minerals / vits, may fall sick more often. Vit C alone is nt gd enf, i feel. he's also attending CCC, so imo suggest u start him on some sort of supplements to build up his immunity.

2nd, u may wan to do wat AAA is doing. let Teng use the inhaler. ask Dr Ong. it's nt gd for him to fall sick all the time.

the last thing i wan to suggest, go pray. whichever faith u believe in, i think u shld do it.

jus my 2 cents. we all know n u/s it's nt ez to deal w sick kids, moreover u hv a young baby. u take care n pump up on ur vit c, miser n ellie too. i know u r feeling vv down. jus vent ur frustrations here.
Re: air

Try to close windows and sleep in aircon room tonight. Alot of people bai tian gong, later sure will burn joss paper after midnight ...
All pics of Ariel r very sweet n cute leh.. I love all of them.. And yes, i agree with other mummies tat she's really fast, can lift her head up at this age..
Hiaz... Dunno how to put it.. Just tat my Fil seems quite serious now.. Might be gg to Perth somewhere this week.. Actully, i hv booked my flight on 12 Mar le.. But then, Sun got a vacine in beg Mar, i will be calling the clinic to check if his vacine can be delayed..
yvonne, Astro
Teng stil suck thumb? beta to quit. germs always on there on the hands. i use the hand sanitizer all the time.
It's not easy when kids are sick. Take care, at least you still have a helper.

Ariel very sweet, like the smiling pic.

Oh, take care. Hope your fil illness not so bad.
last jab? it's ok to delay a few wks, but u may wan to consider askg if it's ok to bring fwd the jab to next wk or 1st wk of Mar. the fever, if any, usually come w/in 2 days of the jab. give a little bit of pao sheng day before the jab (that was wat Linda taught us last time...).
Thanks.. Well, we r prepared for the worst le.. A few days ago, he suddenly can't walk at all.. Now, he's in hospital.. When ppl wanna help him up, he feel the pain when just gently touch him.
Happy CNY!

Wow! SQ, AA have both given birth! I missed out so much. =) What else have I missed.

Astro, only read this page and saw that you need ventolin? I have it in tablet form from Dr Ong. Can pass to you if you need it. Let me know? But text or call me cuz I may not be able to check the forum tomorrow.
yo, din come in past two days, cause busy ma..
busy watching how jay entertained his mum. she started commenting my plan in getting a maid.
she asked where is the maid going to sleep?
haha!!! we said study room, but mil is occupying our study room now. maybe she is worried. many other little things, so i din have time to come in. kekeke!!

Astro, i saw teng on saturday, though he is taking medicine, smaller appetite, but he looks chirpy, good le. and they way he wanna sit in stroller, also v good mah. happie.
so u just stay happie bah.
frankly speaking, i also forgot what medicine i gave to tian last time. i have to try record down, revise and then able to remember only when i open my notebook. dun worry bah. we are all human.
u wanna try this honeywell? then i get jay to send over tonight when we on the way to gynae. the filter is the old filter la, but i think can still be used. i never turn on after yvonne returned that to me. it is quite powerful de. but do u think the fever is caused by the haze?
i think the haze is back, quite serious.
I was watching Lost Room last night. Wha.. Quite scary leh. How come JJ Abrams can always come up with such stories??

Belle: Usually pics are taken before 2 weeks. Ariel had hers when she's 6 days old. According to Kelly, the younger the baby, the sleepier they are so easier for her to take the pics.

Dreamgal: Ok to delay or bring forward the jab Up to you.

Moogen: Long time no see. What have you been up to?

QQ: Must update..
PInk: i brought rae to speech and drama class at Act3. i didn;t like it. think she was too young then too. I wait till about 5 or 6 years old before i send her to speech and drama again. Let us how how is the trial class.
ash, hee. dunno why la, i am a bit excited. the more we all discuss about the bb gender, the excitement level is up one level. how??
shall i report oni when it is a boy?
then if i dun report tonight, means gal? huh?
or wat? haha!!!
straight away give answer dun sound exciting enough.

dreamgal, u going perth for short while? or long long term?
helo mummies!

am bored.. MIL doing bypass today.. i think at this time.. she is being operated on.. hope she goes well..

those who saw my facebook.. am ok.. thanks for ur concerns..
baby is kicking well.. most likely its infection bah.. when my gynae did a swap culture.. she got a shocked also. becos there is so much erm.. brownness..
nana, wah.. take care of yourself leh.

Astro, SQ,
about breast pump.
my sis tried my PIS, she got a shock. she pumped out so much (only day 6-8 after delivery),she said must stop using cause 5 min can clear her breast, and each pump 3-4 oz. her bb drinking only 2-2.5 oz now. i ask her to latch, pump oni midnight so that she can sleep well (she complain dun have enough sleep cause frequent latching).
so her feedback is the medela pump is too steady, until she is scared.
i hope her supply can stay, everyone around her dun seem to support bf, except her CL, & her hb.
AAA: nice pics leh!! she smile very sweetly!!

yesterday brought tiff to see skin doctor.. the one that irin went.. wah! the doc say everything until so scary leh!!!! make me feel so bad.. like i poison my ger leh!! but am stopping milk intake now.. but hor.. morning she still wan le.. and i thinking is it the school's milk.. becos i let her take 1 time school's milk.. have to monitor and see how lor.. and den so expensive also! hahaha.. faintz! abt 150 ..
ash, no need to be so kuazhang ba. haha!! we should have a secret polling.. haha!!!

haha!! let me think how to do it. u all go poll.

free one.
nana, my monday is too bored, so got to think of some excitement to cheer myself up.

i started taking vit last night. at night puke liao, wah today puke again before lunch. sian. but not as serious as few weeks back.
i was bo liao last night, din login, but i kept observing my hair on my hands and legs, see if got increase or reduce. guesing gnder by myself. then hb din want to join me, cause he said i got him confused.
Oh, you take care too. Glad that baby is ok.
Hope your mil will be ok soon.

You seems excited over baby's gender.
huingee, my colig complained that cannot submit poll. u wanna help me try? cause there is oni one vote allowed. alamak.

initially not v exctied la, but the more ppl ask, the more i feel excited. haha!
my coligs already wanna setup a gamble table for it. jialat they all.
weird, all my coligs are unable to poll now. u all can. i see...
ok ok. thanks for testing.
i wanna vote girl instead. so inbalance. how come u all vote boys ah?
my fren is so confident boy.. haha1

i go meeting. brb
